Fake Fan Fiction ❯ Watcher ❯ Chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Title: Watcher: Chapter 7
Fandom: Fake
Author: Ladymynx
Word Count: 2040
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own FAKE -- that's Ms. Matoh - although if I did I'd make it into an anime series.
Spoilers: After Like, Like, Love
Warnings: Violence, profanity
Characters/Pairings: JJ x Drake, Dee x Ryo, Berkeley Rose, Chief Smith, Ted, Frank and Bonnie Parker.
Notes: It's amazing what a bowl of freshly made brownies with a scoop of Extreme Cookies and Crème Ice Cream can do for the MUSE.
Drake and JJ, tanned and relaxed walked into the 27th Precinct. JJ didn't regret their vacation one bit and was glad they'd spent the time together. Both men checked in and then went straight for Dee and Ryo's office. Ryo was on the phone and acknowledged them with a nod. Dee turned in his chair.
“I take by those satisfied looks and Hollywood tans that the vacation was a rousing success?” Dee asked.
JJ blushed and Drake grunted in a non-committed way.
“So did you talk to Kellerman?” Drake asked without preamble.
“Yes,” Dee rose from his chair and went and closed the office door. “Look, I'm going to be honest. So far we've got nil. It doesn't look like he's the guy.”
“What?” JJ's heart dropped to his stomach. Drake noticing his discomfort moved beside him.
“Why not?” Drake demanded.
It was Ryo who answered, his call finished. “Well when we first asked him he didn't remember JJ.”
“He just gave us this look and said, `who?'” Dee said, “Of course he could just be jerking our chains.”
“Eventually he remembered, or so he said,” Ryo said. “He said he hadn't even thought about you since they moved away and that all the other people who filed complaints were lying.”
“I know you don't believe that,” Drake said.
“Hell no,” Dee said. “The thing is he was at work in PA around the time you received that letter at the orphanage and when the calls were made during the day. We checked with his boss and confirmed it. They have one of those badge systems that logs you in and out at the factory. The employees have to use a pay phone outside on their lunch breaks. It's not located in a place where you can make a call like that. His wife vouched for him at the times the calls were made at night.”
“Of course he could be making the calls from somewhere else and we're checking into that too,” Ryo continued. “We're due to get the phone records from both ends soon. The commissioner pulled a few strings for us.”
“Well what do you know, the rat bastard really does watch out for his own,” Drake said.
“So this means either he's not guilty or he has an accomplice,” JJ drew his arms around his chest and sighed. “I was hoping--,”
“We're not ruling him out yet,” Ryo rose from his seat and approached JJ laying a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “But we'll get this guy, we promise.”
The sudden silence was broken by an insistent knocking then the door came open. Ted poked his head in, “Hey Adams, the chief's looking for you. Looks like there's an emergency.”
“Just me?”
“Get your ass moving Adams, before the chief goes ballistic.”
JJ gave Drake a quick peck on the cheek, “I'll see you later.”
“Be careful out there,” Drake said.
JJ learned a short time later, he should have given Drake the same advice.
JJ rubbed his eyes and focused his attention on the building across the street. Damn this was too much like his nightmare, although he knew Drake was nowhere near the scene. He hated this situation especially. It wasn't a vicious criminal holding people hostage but a working man who felt at the end of his rope. He'd walked in his office building and had taken a conference room full of suits hostage. JJ sincerely hoped his services wouldn't be needed.
Although he knew he shouldn't his mind wandered to the situation with Matt Kellerman. JJ realized how much he'd wanted it to be Matt. It would have solved all of his problems and lifted the weight off his shoulders. He knew it wasn't right or useful to pin his hopes on something like that. JJ could only remember all of the fear and stress he'd gone through the last time.
“And the son of a bitch didn't even remember me,” JJ muttered aloud. “After all that horror he put me through.”
He was ridiculously upset by that. Maybe he needed another vacation.
The call came moments later. The suspect was going to surrender. They didn't need JJ after all. The silver-blonde man was relieved as he went about disassembling his rifle.
His cell phone rang.
JJ drew a deep breath before he flipped it open and was relieved to see it was Dee.
“JJ, where are you?”
“On my way back. The suspect surrendered--,”
“JJ listen to me, I don't want you to panic--,”
“What? Dee what happened?”
“JJ, it's Drake. He's in the hospital. It was a hit and run.”
It was the worst half hour of JJ's life. That trip to the hospital. JJ didn't remember much about it. The commanding officer on the scene had driven him over refusing to let JJ go by himself. His heart was in his throat the whole way. He kept wanting to scream, “Hurry damn it, my Drake needs me!”
Dee and Ryo were there waiting for him as JJ rushed in. “What happened? Where is he? Can I see him?”
“Whoa, hold it,” Dee said. “Not yet--,”
“Why not?” JJ was surprised at how shrill his own voice sounded in his ears. “Oh God, how bad is he? Who did this to him?”
“JJ,” Ryo took him by the shoulders. “We don't know anything yet. You have to stay calm.”
JJ's eyes burned as tears pooled, “It was him, wasn't it? My stalker.” He began to truly react as a trembling claimed his body.
“We don't know that yet,” Ryo said, “Drake was barely coherent when he was brought in.”
“H-he was conscious?” JJ's couldn't seem to put any strength behind his voice.
“Apparently he managed to get out of the way in time but he still got banged up,” Ryo said. “He was in the parking lot of that restaurant that was held up last week. There were witnesses who described a late model black Mustang that seemed to be waiting for him.”
Somewhere in his brain, that part that made him a good cop, clicked on and he finally comprehended what Ryo said. “We have information on the car.”
Ryo nodded. “We're already on it.”
“Ryo,” JJ fell against him. His head resting on his shoulder. “I'm sorry.”
“Don't be sorry,” Ryo said. He rubbed his hand up and down JJ's back. “Come on, let's go sit. Dee could you get us some coffee?”
In all his time at the 27th JJ never expected he'd be going to Ryo for comfort. But here he was now and JJ realized he was glad for Ryo's friendship.
His fellow detectives were sitting on either side of him when the doctor finally said he could see Drake.
JJ entered the room then bit hard on his lower lip when he saw his partner and lover. Drake seemed to be asleep. His arm was in a sling and his forehead had been bandaged. There were bruises on his face. JJ pressed his fist against his mouth to keep from crying out. His whimpered and Drake's eyes opened. He smiled at JJ, groggily. “Hey lover.”
“Oh Drake,” JJ groaned. He crossed the room, “I was so worried.” JJ draped himself over Drake's chest. “I'm so sorry this happened to you!” JJ couldn't stop the tears.
Drake gently caressed the back of his head, “Hey, it's okay babe. Sshh.”
JJ sniffed and wiped the tears away with the heel of his hand. “It was my stalker.”
Drake's brow creased in puzzlement, “How do you know?”
“It had to be,” JJ's throat caught. He suddenly couldn't swallow.
“JJ, I didn't see who it was,” Drake said. “The windows were tinted.”
“Who else would do this to you?” JJ suddenly felt ill.
“JJ,” Drake drew him into his arms.
JJ drew in three sharp breaths and began to cry in earnest; all the while Drake stroked his hair and muttered soothing words. When he was spent he lifted his head and managed a watery smile. “I'm sorry.” He wiped his eyes almost viciously. “I just--,”
“Drake?” Frank and Bonnie strode into the room or rather Frank did.
“Hey, big brother.”
Frank's eyes fell on JJ, “What the hell happened?”
“Frank--,” Bonnie admonished.
“Shouldn't you be asking me that, Frank?” Drake said.
“I'm asking your little - partner, because of this,” Frank literally shoved a piece of folded paper at JJ.
JJ opened it, “No.”
Printed on paper was: “If you want me to leave him alone, tell JJ I did it for him.
“Let me see,” Drake snatched the paper from his hand. “Shit.”
“What the hell is this all about?” Frank demanded.
“Frank, please,” Bonnie stepped towards the bed and brushed back a stray strand of Drake's head. “We're both worried about you Drake.”
“This note was in my mailbox this morning,” Frank said.
“He knows where you're brother lives,” JJ's words were a fearful whisper.
“If somebody doesn't tell me what the fuck this is--,”
“I have a stalker.”
Frank glared at him, “You have what?”
“A man has been calling me - sending me notes. A stalker.”
The room was silent for a moment, tension filling the air thick as fog in the harbor.
Finally Frank spoke, “So this is your fault.”
“Damn it, Frank!”
JJ felt his face flush, his lowered his eyes, “Yes.”
“It is my fault,” JJ said. “I'm sorry.”
“JJ, stop it!”
“You see!” Frank's voice was heavy with accusation. “I knew being with that fag boy--,”
“Fuck off, asshole!” Drake cringed with pain.
JJ couldn't stand any more. He fled from the room, brushing against the doctor who looked as mad as hell at the disturbance in his hospital.
Dee was just coming from the opposite direction. “JJ?”
“Dee--,” his voice was a croak. He was going to fall apart. Shatter right in front of Dee and everyone else. Totally lose it and he couldn't stop himself.
And Dee seemed to know.
He crossed the space between them, grabbed JJ by the shoulders much like Ryo had done earlier, and shoved him into the nearest room which turned out to be a linen closet.
“I heard all that yelling. What happened?”
“Frank--,” JJ hiccupped, “he said - and then I--,”
“Aw hell - that homophobic bastard,” Dee said. “JJ you should know that guy has his head up his ass.”
“He was right,” JJ buried his head in Dee's shoulder and was mildly surprised when Dee embraced him. “This whole thing is my fault.”
“Bullshit,” Dee said. “You should know better than to think that.”
“What else can I do? Drake is hurt because of me,” JJ told him about the note.
“Dammit to hell,” Dee muttered, “We have to find this asshole. And we will, I promise.”
JJ believed him. Dee had never lied to him before. He knew how good he and Ryo were.
They stood like that for a time, in the darkness and silence until something occurred to JJ. He couldn't stop the chuckle from escaping despite the situation they were facing.
“What?” Dee asked.
JJ drew back. “You do realize that a few years ago I would have given anything to be in your arms in a dark linen closet.”
Dee laughed. “Weird how things turned out, hmm?”
“Not so much,” JJ said.
“Drake needs you now more than ever,” Dee said. “You're not going to let Frank stop you are you?”
“Hell no,” JJ wiped away the last of his tears and strengthened his resolve. JJ realized he'd left Drake alone to face his brother's anger. He promised he would never let Drake face anything or anyone alone again.