Fake Fan Fiction ❯ When the Night Falls on You ❯ When the Night Falls on You ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimers: Dee, Diana, Ryo, and the other law enforcement officers belong to Sanami Matoh. The various characters from Harry Potter belong to J. K. Rowling.
Timeline: a while after Like, Like, Love.
Warnings: major spoilers for the whole HP series; some references to FAKE: Second Season; a bit of sex and more than a bit of swearing. ;-)
Originally posted at InsaneJournal, October 2008, as a birthday gift for my friend Lore.
Rodman's Neck Firing Range, early October 2008
"Fuck," Dee growled. "I was so friggin' close."
"You were," Diana Spacey cheerfully agreed. "But I was closer."
"You're a good match for each other," Ryo observed. "You should do this more often."
Diana grinned. Dee scowled at his partner. "Why aren't you more upset? Now you're stuck with Diana's party as well as the benefit for the orphanage."
"Had them both on my schedule already."
Dee looked outraged. "What, you figured on me losing?"
Ryo shrugged. "I figured the bet was irrelevant. They're both good causes... and you both love showing off how good you look in anything."
As Ryo ambled away toward the armory, Dee and Diana stared after him. They then glanced sidewise at each other... and simultaneously burst into laughter.
Dee finally managed, "So, Godzillarina, who do you want us to be for your Hogwarts Ball?"
Cady Stanton Hall, 18 October 2008
Diana stood on one of the balconies overlooking the ballroom, enjoying the sight of assorted New York City movers and shakers cavorting about as various Harry Potter characters. The proceeds from the event would fund scholarships for women interested in law enforcement, and Diana was very pleased with the turnout. She was also well aware that she looked fantastic as Fleur Delacour, and she could see her Berkeley flirting with a matron who resembled Madame Maxime. He was an impressive Dumbledore, Diana mused, although his eyes remained far more calculating than twinkly. It was a blond-wigged Rikka Kaito who periodically flung lemon- and raspberry-colored sweets into the crowd; he was ensconced in another one of the balconies, playing Lucius to Louise's Narcissa.
"Ah, there you are, my beloved!" Ted appeared next to her, a clip-on fang dangling from his ear. Diana giggled, ruffling his red hair as he cheekily wrapped an arm around her waist. "Now that I've got you," he whispered, "spill. How in the world didja get JJ to show up as Tonks?"
"Ryo challenged him to a match. Same as I did to Dee."
"And JJ lost? Ryo's good, but JJ's usually better."
"No, JJ won. If Ryo had beaten him, JJ would have had to show up as Dobby."
Ted guffawed. "What did JJ demand?"
Diana nodded toward a couple dancing on the floor. "You're seeing it now."
Ted gaped at the sight of JJ contentedly snuggling against Ryo's chest. "That... what the... how?" he finally sputtered. "That's not natural!"
"Of course it isn't," Diana smirked. "The Lupin in the books had <i>no</i> idea how to handle Tonks."
"That can't really be Ryo," Ted declared. "Otherwise, I'd be able to see Dee somewhere nearby, glaring his head off."
"Dee's doing his glaring right behind you, fool." Ted croaked out an "oof!" as Dee greeted him with a friendly thump to the head. Releasing Diana, Ted spun around to return the favor -- and then froze, transfixed at the sight of his colleague's incarnation of Severus Snape.
"Black contact lenses, huh?" Diana looked impressed. "Ryo wasn't lying -- you don't do things halfway when you actually get around to them."
"All for a good cause." Dee's gaze returned to the dance floor. "Isn't this song over yet?"
"Charlie's thinking the same thing." Ted pointed toward the table where Drake Parker was sitting, impatiently drumming his fingers. He was clad in leather, his hair had been Manic Panic'd red, and he wore a scowl identical to Dee's.
"It's brilliant," Diana breathed.
"You got a thing for dragon boys, Grendel-mama?"
Diana rolled her eyes at Dee. "JJ demanding a dance from Ryo -- that's what's brilliant. Our little Hufflepuff's got some Slytherin in him after all." She grinned. "He gets Drake hot and bothered -- and I've dated Drake's type. He's probably phenomenal in the sack when he's feeling that possessive." Her smile widened at the "TMI!" faces that both Dee and Ted automatically made. She leaned in closer to Dee as she said, "We all know you are a jealous bitch, so JJ gets to taunt you at the same time. Pushing Ryo out of his comfort zone is just icing on the cake."
Ted argued, "Ryo doesn't look distressed."
Dee snorted. "Shows what you know. He's wearing his Professor Lupin face. I guarantee you he's thought of ten different ways to dump JJ's body into an alley since --" He broke off, his face suddenly turning a choleric red. "JJ Adams, you are a dead man. Get your tongue out of my boyfriend's mouth! I'm gonna -- let go of me, damn it!"
Diana and Ted had seized Dee's arms the instant they'd seen JJ yank Ryo's head down into an extended liplock. The trio on the balcony stared in horror as JJ happily savored Ryo's mouth for three, four, five measures. Then, as the song finally ended, he patted Ryo on the head and merrily skipped back to his glowering partner. The trio remained paralyzed at the sight of Charlie Weasley pinning Tonks to the table in a single swift motion, the better to bestow a kiss ten times more torrid than the one Tonks and Lupin had just exchanged.
"Holy fuck," Ted breathed.
"Nothing holy about it, but they definitely need to get a room," Diana said.
"Not until you simmer down, sunshine." Instead of releasing him, Diana tightened her grip. "This is my party and I don't want any punches thrown."
"JJ's damn lucky I don't hit women," Ryo stated, appearing in the entrance to the balcony. As Diana narrowed her eyes, he hastily added, "Unless they hit me first. I can't help it, Diana, that's how I was raised!"
"Really?" Diana's expression changed from "insulted" into one of pure evil. "I can't wait to tell Berkie. Maybe I can get him to show up to the orphanage benefit as McGonagall."
Ryo visibly cringed. Dee hissed, "Hit on, Ryo. Remember that -- if a 'woman' hits on you, you can hit back."
Diana gave Dee a clout on the head. "You are such an ass. And McGonagall totally kicked your butt in Book 7."
"Snape was pulling his punches," Dee scoffed. "Ow! Stop beating up on me, you crone! I've been so good tonight! I haven't done anything to Dumblerose!"
Behind Dee's head, Diana raised her eyebrows at Ted, who grinned back. They suddenly, simultaneously released Dee with a mighty shove, propelling him straight into Ryo. The two men crashed to the floor, unable to halt the momentum of Dee's body.
But even as they fell, Ryo had stretched his arms around Dee, intent on catching his partner instead of saving himself. Their collision with the carpet knocked the wind out of him; when he recovered his breath, he saw Dee gazing down at him with a mixture of worry and wonder.
"A--are you all right?" Ryo asked.
Dee pressed his forehead against Ryo's. "You. Are. A. Moron. Do you ever actually think of yourself?"
Ryo's laugh was shaky. "Of course I do. Took me long enough to say yes to you, didn't it?" He tightened his embrace. "I wasted so much time being a coward."
"You were worth the wait," Dee insisted, lowering his mouth to Ryo's. They were dimly aware of Diana and Ted stepping over them to exit the balcony, but neither of them broke the kiss until the need to breathe overrode the need to devour each other.
Ryo lifted a hand to Dee's head, pushing away greasy black strands to caress his lover's face: Brow. Nose. Cheek. Jaw. Dee's lips captured his roaming fingers before they could glide back up; Ryo helplessly shivered as Dee sucked on his digits, shocked anew at how much it turned him on to feel Dee's teeth gently trapping him while Dee's tongue teased every nerve awake with wet and hot.
And oh, oh, oh, damn him, Dee knew exactly what he was doing. By the time Dee was done with Ryo's fingers, all it took was a single lick to Ryo's palm: Ryo bucked his hips upwards, choking back a low moan as Dee kept him pinned to the ground. Dee swirled his tongue across the "sex line" just underneath Ryo's middle and ring fingers: Ryo arched again against Dee, his other hand sinking into Dee's arm as he battled to regain control of himself.
"Dee! Not here! What if someone--"
"Yes, here," Dee said, rolling them both fully into the interior of the balcony. He yanked the curtain of the entrance closed behind them. "Can't let you back into circulation in that state."
"I'll survive," Ryo panted. "Better that than dying of m--ohhhhh." His voice slid into another moan as Dee resumed his attentions to Ryo's palm.
"Life line," Dee said, his tongue tracing the crease in question. "You aren't ever going to die. You don't ever get to abandon me." Ryo trembled, hearing the terror Dee couldn't quite hide underneath the joking declaration. "Head line," Dee chanted, and Ryo thrust up as Dee gently nipped the flesh at the edge of his hand. "Heart line," Dee continued; they were grinding together now, Ryo so, so close in spite of the clothes they hadn't shed. "Health line." Lick. "Luck line." Nibble. "Travel." Glide. "Fate." Ryo shook uncontrollably as he climaxed, his mouth silently working as he succumbed to the pleasure racing through his veins.
When he'd regained his ability to speak, he frowned at Dee. "You didn't come."
Dee dropped a quick kiss onto Ryo's forehead. "Not yet. I'm going to take my time later," he said, and Ryo could feel his cheeks heat up: Dee had stressed the word take in a way that left no doubt about the night Ryo was in for. Ryo reflexively squeezed his buttocks together as his mind raced ahead to being taken... which reminded him of the mess now soaking his pubic region.
"Urggh," he grumbled, sitting up. "Cleanup time."
"You seem to have kept it inside your pants," Dee pointed out, smirking.
"Yerrrgh." Cooling cum was not one of Ryo's favorite sensations. He grimaced as he considered his options. He was inclined to ditch the now-damp briefs once he got to the restroom; while the ratty jeans he was wearing as Lupin felt awfully thin for going commando, he could knot the cardigan around his waist if he started feeling too exposed--
"Such a romantic," Dee sighed, rising to his feet. He extended his hand to Ryo.
Ryo accepted the help up, but instead of immediately turning to leave, he hauled Dee into an urgent, passionate kiss -- one that left Dee looking as if a Bludger had just cannoned into him. As his lover sagged against him, Ryo whispered, "You know I don't believe in any of that, right? Ghosts, palm-lines, magic spells -- it's all nonsense to me."
Dee mutely nodded, uncertain of Ryo's point.
Ryo repeated, "Total nonsense... but, even so... all those stories about love stronger that death? Lily saving Harry, that sort of thing? That game Carol's into, where Sirius didn't throw his life away?"
Dee chuckled at the last. That had been a fun discovery -- they'd teased Carol a bit, mostly for neglecting to clear the browser on the laptop she'd borrowed, but they themselves had found some of the game's NC-17 scenes rather... inspiring.
Ryo continued, "You know how Sirius -- the one in that game -- you know how he'll stick with Snape and Lupin through thick and thin -- no matter how much he'll never understand either of them?"
Dee nodded again.
"I do believe in that, and I love you that much. Try not to forget it, okay?"
Dee gulped: Ryo had once told him about feeling as if Dee could see straight to the core of his soul, and how that had terrified him until he'd let himself fall. Gazing into Ryo's pitch black eyes, Dee now felt as though he himself was falling -- he hadn't thought it was possible to be even more in love with Ryo --
And he hadn't realized that he'd spoken aloud until Ryo quietly said, "I feel the same about you. C'mon, let's go."
They let the curtain drop back into place behind them.