Fake Fan Fiction ❯ why? ❯ what? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I don’t own fake

ryo looked up at the shadow of the person who had held him captive for almost a year now.
ryo was scared to say anything. He didn’t no what he would say . He hated this person. They had taken him. He never got to say sorry for the argument he had had with Dee. Dee. He wondered what Dee would be doing now.
“excuse me” ryo whispered “ why have you done this to me”. the shadow turned round to face ryo it was dark but ryo could make out the shape of the mans glasses and he could see that the man had blonde hair. As the man stepped close ryo could smell apples and soap. The man put his face up close to ryo’s. ryo suddenly gasped as he recognise the face staring at him.” BERKLEY!”. ryo shouted feeling a flash of anger run through him.
“ I kept you here because I love you, I didn’t want to see you end up with that waste of space Dee.” Berkley smirked “ he’s heart broken he thinks you left him, idiot.” if ryo hadn’t been tied up he would have smacked Berkley’s lights out.
“I hate you” ryo screamed “ just the thought of you makes my skin craw!”
“have it your way ryo, I didn’t want to have to damage that pretty face of yours, but you want it this way” Berkley stood up and moved to the door, when he opened it to men walked in. Berkley shut the door behind him. And stood and looked at the wall. What had he done. As he stood there, ryo was getting the beating of his life. The two men walked out of the room. One of them had blood on his knuckles. Berkley saw the blood. He hadn’t expected them to make ryo bleed.
“you made him bleed”
“yer, boss, sorry bout that got a lil carried way” the man said with a wicked glint in his eye.
“oh well we will have to make sure that never happens age” Berkley said pulling a gun from his coat pocket and shooting the man in the head twice.
“ what the fuck” the other man shouted “ you killed my brother, you bastard” but before the other man had time to attack, Berkley shot him too. Berkley stood and looked at the blood run from the bodies on the floor. He then stepped over them and walked down the hall way, trying to ignore the sounds of ryos whimpering coming from the room.

Ryo sat on the floor of the cold room. He looked at the floor dark walls. Questions kept running thought his head. Why had Berkley done this to him. He had never been anything but nice to Berkley. He started to cry as he thought of Dee. Dee thought he had left him. Blood ran down ryos left temple. Ryo sat on the floor and cried to himself not knowing that there was somebody listing. At the window of Berkley house was somebody that could help ryo. This person had just witness the whole thing. He had been doing some independent investigations. He had heard that there had been people reporting gun shot noise coming from Berkley house. So jj had decided to check it out. What he had seen shocked him. He knew what he had to do. First of all he had to get ryo out of there and to a hospital. Jj looked at the window and saw that the framing was a bit warn down. He got out his pen knife and tried to remover the window. 10 minuets later he gave up. It was a stupid idea in the first place. He looked around and notice that the window was open in th room next door. He climbed over the draining and grabbed the window only to jump back when he saw Berkley sat reading a book. He clambered down the draining and looked at the front door. He had learnt how to pick locks ages ago. He picked the lock as quietly as he could. He then crept up the stairs. Trying to think of which rooms where which. If he walked in to the room Berkley was in then he was in great danger. He would be thrown in with ryo or shot on the spot . Jj wasn’t willing to take the risk of ending up dead so he thought about the rooms extremely carefully. He open the handle of the door he chose very slowly, in the hops that if he had chosen the room with Berkley in it he would have time to close the door again. He look in to the dark room and saw ryo crying on the floor. He close the door behind him and hugged ryo. Even if he didn’t like ryo much he still thought he need a hug, and some medical attention. Ryo looked up at jj .jj signalled to ryo to be silent. Jj then cut thought the ropes tying ryos hands together. Ryos wrists where swollen and saw. Jj got ryo on to his back now was the difficult part, jj thought to himself. How was he going to get ryo and himself out of the house with out Berkley hearing. Jjs car was parked just a bit up the country path. Jj stepped carefully over the to dead bodies trying not to scream. He got down the stairs an close the door behind him.

Jj made sure ryo was aright. In the back of his car. He had a first aid kit. He clean ryos cuts and bandaged the broken arm. Ryo lay on the back seat quietly looking up at jj.
“why, how, …..” ryo was cut of mid sentence but jj hand.
“shush.” jj smiled “just relax I’m going to get you to hospital”. ryo fell asleep on the comfy seat. Jj then got in the front of the car and stared the engine. Jj thought he must have a flat battery or something until he saw the shadow on the bonnet of his car. Jj froze as Berkley open the car door and grabbed jj.
“well, well, well, jj what do you think your doing”. before jj could answer Berkley smacked him across the face and jj went flying. As he hit jj Berkley’s glassed fell of his face. Berkeley didn’t stop to pick them up . As Berkley started to approach for another attack, jj grabbed the pepper spry he has confiscated of youths. The pulled it out of his pocket and sprayed it in to Berkley’s eyes. Berkeley screamed in pain. As Berkeley was rocking around jj grabbed his cell and rang Dee and told him where he was and to come quick with back up. Just as jj finished the call Berkeley stood up straight and looked at jj. Jj rummaged around in his pocket . He found his stun gun. As Berkley grabbed jj and attempted to hit him again. Jj stuck the stun gun in to Berkley’s hip. Berkley dropped to the floor. Jj looked at him. He kicked Berkley.

Dee grabbed ryo and ryo held Dee. They both cried. Just seeing each other again brought tears to there eyes. Dee stood up and hugged jj.
“thank you so much” Dee said trying to control his tears.
“its ok. I’m just glad I found him” jj looked up as the put ryo in to the back of an ambulance and put Berkley, who was now awake, in to the back of a police car. Dee turned from jj and got in to the ambulance with ryo. Jj got in to the front of the car. The car which had Berkley handcuffed in.

Ryo got the precinct to find Dee and the rest of the men talking to the chief. Ryo listen in.
“last night the car carrying former commissioner rose was found crashed in to the side of the doby bridge this morning. Two of the offices where found dead at the scene. One is still missing. Jemmy Adams is still unknown. Dee turned to see ryo. Dee hugged ryo and said that they where going to find Berkley and jj alive. Ryo looked at Dee. Dee gave ryo a reassuring look.

Berkley looked down at the whimpering jj.
“I’m sorry Berkley, please don’t kill me” jj begged. Berkley laughed. An evil laugh.
“ why would I kill you. Your much more use to me alive.”

Till next time, good bye!

A.N = sorry to any jj fans but I has to save ryo. don’t worry I don’t think I’m gunner kill him. Well I don’t think I will just yet. Mwah ha ha ha