Fan Fiction / Ah My Goddess Fan Fiction ❯ Episode 1: The Past Is Present Directors Cut ❯ Chapter 14

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
he reached out and turned on a light and saw that the den was a mess, there was chairs and shit everywhere, there was even some blood on the walls.......

he felt the energy surge through him as his four black wings arose from his back. his vision changed to allow him to see any non-human life-forms. he saw in Urds room, seven people, three divine and one mortal and something else, which Josh assumed meant the Dahaka and what appeared to be two steel angels. "you ready Hild?" she grabbed about five of her bracelets and broke them, saying "yep, anytime you are" "lets go" he said as they ran down the hallway. Josh burst through the wall rolling through and saying "well i'll be goddamned, so you're mikhails asassins" two women wearing maids outfits turned and said "is it him, the shadowman, do we proceed?" "yes we do" then they lunged at him. one impailed themselves on a sword that Josh brought out. he withdrew the sword and flew out of the window, with the steel angel following him. he flew up into the sky and said "what do you want from me?" "for you to die so my mistress can be free to do as she pleases" he shook his head and said sadly "don't do this, please" she flew up and hit him, sending him flying into the night sky. he regained his senses in time to avoid being hit "PLEASE, STOP THIS!!! I DON'T WANT TO FIGHT YOU!!!" "NO I WON'T" she shouted as she grabbed a tree and threw it at him "YOU FOOL!!!" he shouted out as he blasted the tree into kindling with an energy attack "ENOUGH, I DONT WANT TO FIGHT YOU, but if you really believe that to be the only way, then kill me, GO ON!!" he said as he shut off his aura and dissolved his sword.

by then, back at the temple, Urd and the others were freed. as soon as Urd was freed, she turned to her mother and asked "who was that man?" "that, my daughter is none other than your boyfriend" "Josh?" "yep" "what happened?" "the coccon you saw was cut open by rind, spilling him onto the floor. he died" she gasped and Hild continued "but he melted away, leaving that new version of him there" "like the time-lords regeneration right?" "you got it" "let me guess, he lost most of his memories as well?" "yeah, but he got them back, so he still loves you, just That's a new him" she flew up and Hild stopped her "what are you doing?" "i'm going to him, he needs me" "alright, be careful urd-chan" "i will" she said as she flew away to him.

back at the battle, the steel angel charged at him with a sword in their hand. she brought the sword down and, inches away from his head, he held the sword with his bare hands and using as much strength as he could muster, threw the steel angel off him. she flew back into a mountain behind them, creating a massive pile of rocks in the side of the mountain. that part of the mountain exploded as they flew out of it and then flew towards him. he had a sword in his hand as he flew towards her. they brought their swords to bear on each other. they hit, and Josh could faintly hear a familiar voice cry out "Josh!!"

Urd arrived at the scene in time to see that Josh and the steel angel were charging at each other. as they connected, Urd screamed out "Josh!!" they stood frozen in place for a minute, before the steel angel dropped to the ground, dead. "why?" he said softly, before he turned and yelled out "WHY, Mikhail?!!!" he charged a massive energy blast and fired it towards the mountain, completly vaporising it. as the smoke dissipated he swore under his breath before he inhaled and turned to see Urd standing under the cover of the trees "Urd" she walked towards him, slowly. she ran her hand softly across his face as a Kaleidoscope of images ran through her mind. he stood grim-faced, sensing her sadness as a tear fell down his cheek, before he held her hand softly as she stroked his cheek "i'm sorry Urd, i'm sorry i couldn't be standing her the way you remember me, but this is the way it has to be, so i hope you can love the new me as much as you loved the previous me. please Urd, i don't want to lose you. i love you" she leant up and kissed him on the lips, saying "i love you too, no matter what you look like, so you won't lose me, no matter what. now lets get a good look at ya, just so can see what i have to deal with now" he nodded and said "sure" as he turned around, modeling himself.

in the deepest part of niflheim, a viewing screen was on, showing Josh modelling for Urd. a figure sat in front of it and if you look closer, you'd know that it was a woman, she looked about 7" 2" had silver hair, green eyes, light coloured skin and a weird looking dress. one of her soft beautiful hands stroked the screen, saying "soon Joshua, soon we will be complete"