Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ Yamato Gun IV ❯ Re10ad ( Chapter 11 )
Output.Text ("Reload.txt", 18)
Output:"Reload (A Digimon Yamato Gun-set Darkfic)
By the Reanimated Raynor
(ReanimatedRaynorinteractive. You know my style in these fics. Short, bitter,
angsty. No plan. Hope you like it. Listening to the
Matrix: Reloaded Soundtrack. Still on the
pseudoephedrine. Set after YG:Epilogue, before Umi Mori
(both coming soon).
Proceed? y
End Init.Open
End Init.LineBreak
Site.10ad ("Beachpoint")
Char.10ad ("Ami", human (fema1e:Senshi:DD))
1ast.Kn0wnF0rm : Human. Pr0ceed? y
Char.10ad ("Mako", human (fema1e:Senshi:DD))
1ast.Kn0wnF0rm : Human. Pr0ceed? y
Char.10ad ("Mina", human (fema1e:Senshi:DD))
1ast.Kn0wnF0rm : Human. Pr0ceed? y
Char.10ad ("Usagi", human (fema1e:Senshi:DD))
1ast.Kn0wnF0rm : Human. Pr0ceed? y
Char.10ad ("Rei", human (fema1e:Senshi:DD))
1ast.Kn0wnF0rm : Human. Pr0ceed? y
Char.F0rm (Last.KnownForm)
End Init.Digiw0r1d
End Init.LineBreak
Output.Text ("Reload.txt", 19-29)
"I'm never going to quite get used to that feeling." Minako commented as her and the rest of the senshi DigiPorted in."
"Yeah. It's almost like we're transforming, only...not." Makoto agreed.
"Yeah. Anyways, we're here, like Tai asked." Ami said. "Only thing is, where's Tai?"
End Init.LineBreak
Where.Char ("Tai")
Char ("Tai") 0
"Tai" is n0t in Digiw0r1d.
End Init.Scan
Char.DecoyLoad ("Tai", human (male:Normal:DD))
Load.Location (SE10mil (Ami))
End Init.DigiWorld
End Init.LineBreak
Output.Text ("Reload.txt", 30-39)
"I don't see him." Usagi said. "He said the beach, right?"
"For all we know, the whole coast could be a beach." Rei said. "This is an island, after all."
"True." Ami said, getting out her minicomputer. "Let me see if I can pull up a map of this place or something."
Unauth0rized fi1e d0wn10ad in pr0gress by "Ami". Terminate? n
N0 termination.
Fi1e.D0wn1oad ("Digiworld.Map") in Pr0gress: 102.21 Kb/Sec--30 sec0nds remaining.
End Init.LineBreak
Output.Text ("Reload.txt", 40-259)
"There." Ami announced after some quick commands. "We've got a map on its way."
"Excellent. I really do want to know what the heck was so urgent." Rei said.
"Yeah. I mean, what could it be? Another enemy?" Minako said.
"I hope not." Usagi said. "That big robot Duran guy was bad enough, now we've still got the Hybrid in the StarCraft universe to help deal with and--"
Usagi was interrupted by a series of beeps. "Ah. The map finished downloading." Ami said.
"Thanks. I was going to go on for five minutes the way things were going."
"Ami, I don't suppose you could give us a tape of that beeping?" Rei suggested innocently.
"Oh, be quiet." Usagi said before sticking out her tongue at Rei.
"Practice what you preach." Rei shot back before sticking out her tongue.
"Ahem." Ami interrupted. "Says we've got a bit of a walk ahead of us."
"How much is 'a bit'?" Minako asked.
"Don't shoot the messenger, but it says Tai and the DigiDestined are 10 miles southeast of here," Ami replied, pointing out what direction Southeast is. "and the easiest route has us cutting through a small forest, unless one of us has a boat nearby we could use."
"You mean like that one?" Makoto said, pointing to a boat that was floating in the water about fifty metres from the group, apparently abandoned.
"Yeah, that works." Ami said. "Who's going to go get it?"
"Well, I can swim the fastest, so I'd be the natural choice." Minako said.
"You think you're faster than me?" Makoto said. "Yeah, right."
"Ya wanna bet?"
"Sure. What's your bet?"
Minako walked up and whispered something in Makoto's ear. Makoto blushed for a bit, then regained her composure. "Deal." She said, an evil smirk on her face.
"Should we ask?" Ami said.
"No," came the reply from both Minako and Makoto.
"I see."
"Alright then." Makoto said, stripping off her top to reveal the top half of a forest green bikini.
"May the better girl win." Minako said, taking off her clothes.
"Man, Minako, you had to wear the Chevy Nova Orange, didn't you?" Rei said, exaggeratedly shielding her eyes. "I'm blind! I'm blind!"
"Oh, just use your ESP to guide you or something." Minako replied.
"Who said that?" Rei said, squinting and putting her arms out in front of her, walking around unsteadily.
At this point both Ami and Usagi were almost dying from laughter. "Please, stop," Usagi got out in between giggles. "or I'm gonna kill myself laughing!"
"Alright, if it'll prevent our fearless leader from collapsing." Minako said dramatically.
"Ready, Minako?" Makoto said.
"Oh, I'm ready. Question is, are you ready?"
"I'm ready."
"In that case, on your marks..." Ami started. "GO!"
Both girls ran out into the water, then dove down. They broke the surface neck and neck as they both swam furiously for the boat.
Makoto pulled out ahead at first, but Minako quickly caught up with Minako. They were almost at the boat--
Makoto got a burst of speed from nowhere and swam ahead of Minako, getting to the boat first.
Where Ami was sitting, typing casually on her minicomputer.
"Ami!" Makoto said breathlessly. "How'd you get here?"
"Damn, you beat me and--Ami? What the--"
"Created an ice sheet." Ami explained, not looking up from her typing. "I don't suppose I could win that bet you had."
Both Minako and Makoto blushed. "Uh, Ami? I really don't think this specific bet's your style." Makoto said slowly.
"Try me." Ami said.
" was whoever won got the other for their own, er, amusement, for an hour or so."
"If you word it like that, actually, I'm doing an experiment on body mass and endurance. So you two are perfect for that experiment."
"I knew I was gonna lose." Minako said.
"Then how come you made the bet?" Makoto said. "Actually, never mind that one. I think I already know that answer."
"Yeah. Need a hand up?" Ami asked.
"Yes. Just out of curiosity, is that minicomputer waterproof?" Minako said with an evil grin on her face.
"It is. Otherwise I wouldn't have tried to beat the two of you here. Why iaAAAHH!" Ami said as she was pulled into the water by Minako.
Minako and Makoto both laughed as Ami broke the surface, spluttering and coughing. "You alright?" Minako asked.
"Before that, yes." Ami said. "And how, exactly, am I going to explain my being drenched?"
"A bunch of evil kids with Super Soakers?" Makoto suggested as Ami climbed back into the boat.
"I don't think so."
"Hey, you could always pray for rain." Minako said, following Ami into the boat and helping Makoto up.
"It was forcasting some light showers, so that may just work out. All I have to do is conviently 'forget' my umbrella, and all will be set."
"Or maybe it's like on Star Trek." Minako said. "It's like holo-water or something. Doesn't carry over into the real world."
End Init.LineBreak
query.t0pic ("DigiPorting")
query.ask ("Does material from the DigiWorld carry over into
the real world, ie if one gets wet do they stay wet
after DigiPorting out?")
query.resp0nse (Affirmative)
end Init.query
End Init.LineBreak
Output.Text ("Reload.txt", 260-294)
"I've never seen you competitive in anything other than academics." Usagi said.
"Well, I'm not all brains." Ami said.
"You certainly must be close." Minako said, rowing at a leisurely pace on the left side of the boat.
"No, I've got about as much grey matter up here as you do, Minako." Ami said, rapping her head a couple of times to emphasize the point. "It's not the amount that counts, it's how you use it."
"Isn't that a common motto for guys?" Makoto said, rowing on the right side of the boat.
"It is for Mamo-chan." Usagi said, bringing a round of laughter from the group.
"Ah, Mamorou. Where would we be without our faithful cannon fodder?" Rei said.
"With a lot less laughs, I'll tell you that much." Makoto replied.
"And probably dead fifty times over." Ami said. "You gotta hand it to him, the guy's got a knack for occupying a Youma's attention."
"Oh yeah, like that's hard." Usagi said. "Those things have the equivalent of a goldfish brain. 'Hey look! A castle! ...Hey look! A castle! ...Hey--'"
"We get the picture." Minako said.
End Init.LineBreak
change.0bject (rowb0at)
rem0ve (circ1e:w00d:b0tt0m (rowb0at):12cm(d))
end digiw0r1dChange
End Init.LineBreak
Output.Text ("Reload.txt", 295-)
"...I don't think I'd keep a straight face!"
"Yeah, it's like an injoke now, the whole rose thing." Makoto added.
"...That's odd." Ami said.
"What's odd?" Rei asked.
"My minicomputer." Ami said. "I'm writing this little finding program, to keep track of my files and whatnot, and it just flashed the exact same set of data twice."
"Maybe you put it in a counted loop or something?" Minako suggested.
Everyone turned and looked at Minako. "What? It's a hobby." She said defensively.
"Ooh, look out Ami, we've got another elite Haxor on our hands." Makoto said.
"Nah. I'm not that good."
"No, it's not in a loop by accident." Ami said. "I wonder what caused it?"
"Uh-oh." Usagi said dramatically. "It's like in The Matrix. The world skipped...what changed?"
"That changed." Rei said, pointing down.
A large hole was in the bottom of the boat, and didn't actually allow water to go through until Rei pointed it out. Within seconds, the boat had sunk and the girls were swimming for shore.
They all got there safely and walked out, all dripping wet. "First The Matrix, then the ACME law of physics: 'any aforementioned law stated does not go into effect unless the character notices it should go into effect.'" Minako said.
"It's the Digiworld. I guess that's all we can say." Makoto said.
"Yeah. I mean, that gaping hole was not there when we started." Ami said. "So why did it just appear?"
"Somehow I don't think we're going to find out the answer to that." Rei said.
"Well, that's good." Ami said, typing on her minicomputer again. "We're on the beach Tai was on."
"Then where is he?" Rei said.
"I guess he went to look for us." Minako said. "So I guess we're going to have to wait here."
End Init.LineBreak
Init.Shutd0wn ("Digiw0r1d")
DigiDestined ("Ami", "Mina", "Mako", "Rei", "Usagi") are sti11
in the Digiw0r1d. If y0u shutd0wn, DigiDestined wi11 be
de1eted. Pr0ceed?
Shutting D0wn...
Init.Shutd0wn fai1ed.
Err0r.1ast (900334525.e345, "File.Notcreated (UmiMori.fic)")
Re10ad? Settings and DigiDestined wi11 be re10aded.
End init.Shutd0wn
End Init.LineBreak
Print.Text (Chr (8), Chr (45), Chr (216), "ComputerScreen")
Output:" -Ø"
Proceed? y
end Init.Signature