Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ New Family ❯ And So It Begins ( Chapter 17 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: Still not mine.
Chapter 17 - And So It Begins
Harry laughed as he watched Padfoot and Jason wrestling. He dropped his school bag and slipped outside to join them just as the dog pinned his friend.
“You know the fact that a mere dog can bring you down Jason…” Harry trailed off teasingly and the shifter looked up at him with a wide grin.
“I let him win. It wouldn't be good for his ego if I always beat him.” Jason insisted as he rolled smoothly to his feet.
“How's school?” He asked as they headed back inside.
“I can't wait till summer! At least it will only be training then.” Harry admitted and Jason frowned, seeing the exhaustion in Harry's eyes. He wrapped an arm around the teen and steered him to the couch. He sat beside Harry and kept his arms around him. Harry sat stiffly for a minute before relaxing and resting against Jason.
“I'm so tired.” Harry admitted quietly. Jason wrapped him in a tight hug, offering him what comfort and support he could. He knew what Harry was saying; he wasn't just physically tired but also emotionally drained. He wanted to go to England and tear Voldemort apart to spare Harry but he knew he couldn't. All any of them could do was try to be there for the teen wether Harry felt he needed them or not. Jason knew that seeing Harry like this was tearing Richard up, not to mention the others who knew the whole truth about Harry. Well the whole truth that Harry had told them, because Jason suspected there were still a few secrets Harry had yet to share but he didn't care. He was content merely to sit here now, holding Harry quietly while they both tried to find the inner strength to carry on. For now, it was enough.
Remus sighed as he put Harry's latest letter down. He could read between the lines well enough to pick up on some of what his cub was leaving out, like the physical and emotional toll everything was taking on him. It was great that Harry finally had the friends he had always deserved and was receiving the training he needed but the stress and his continuing visions as well as the press were all adding up.
“How's Harry?” Draco's question made him look up and smile slightly. The teen had changed a lot since they'd met during that disastrous year at Hogwarts. He was more at peace with himself and a whole lot less arrogant than he had been. Although Remus had to admit that much of his former attitude had been his parents influence and not the Draco who was living with him now.
“About to have a mental breakdown?” Remus tried to joke but it fell flat. Draco held out his hand and Remus handed him the letter. The two were silent as he read it.
“Brilliant. All of this causes Harry to have a mental and emotional breakdown and in the meantime Voldemort takes over the world. Think the press is working for him?” Draco drawled sarcastically.
“I'd say at least some of them are, as I doubt any place in Britain is Death Eater free these days.” Remus admitted tiredly.
“Except maybe Gringotts. I heard Lucius talking once, and he said it's pretty much impossible to get anyone loyal to either the Ministry or Voldemort in there.” Draco commented as he turned to leave the room.
“I'll be back later tonight.” Draco said as casually as he could. The slight blush on the blonds cheeks as he said that made Remus smile slightly.
“Have fun.” The werewolf teased gently, causing the blush to deepen as Draco left as quickly as he could without running, leaving a chuckling Remus behind.
Harry bolted upright, gasping for breath and covered in sweat. He stayed completely still hoping he hadn't woken Richard before he remembered it was the full moon and so his cousin wasn't home. He scrambled from the bed and threw on some clothes even as he tapped the chain around his wrist, feeling it warm against his skin. Nic had come up with the idea for the bracelets after hearing about the DA Galleons although they didn't work exactly the same way. All of the Outcasts and Amanda wore one and they were spelled so that they could not be removed unless the entire group agreed to it. To anyone else they appeared to be a simple titanium chain, thick for the guys and delicate for the girls. They could be used to call the group together, as a danger alert and even a portkey, depending on your thoughts when you touched it. Harry had been thinking of calling everyone to his place and sure enough he smelt and heard Josh walking pass the wards a few minutes later. Over the next fifteen minutes the others arrived and settled into the living room.
“Voldemort is pushing his plans forward. I had a vision and before you ask he wasn't aware of my presence, I'm sure of it.” Harry addressed the last to Amanda and the teacher nodded.
“He will attack Hogwarts in three days, along with the new Ministry building, Gringotts and Diagon Alley.” Harry explained and everyone paled. They knew that there was no way the British Ministry or the Order could repel such a large attack. Lan was staring at him as the others stared at various parts of the room trying to sort out their reactions. With this one attack Wizarding Britain could and most likely would fall.
“You're going back.” Their Healer stated quietly and firmly. Heads snapped back to Harry and he nodded.
“Harry…” Amanda trailed off after a glance at the fierce look in his emerald eyes and then slowly nodded.
“How soon do you want to leave and how are we travelling?” Josh asked seriously. It was weird seeing the prankster looking so serious but it was something they'd been seeing more and more of as their training escalated.
“As soon as possible, hopefully tonight. As for travel, we need to remain under the radar.” Harry answered as he stood and moved to stand beside a window.
“You want to be gone before Richard gets home.” Shelley pointed out quietly and Harry nodded slowly.
“How can you do that to him?” She asked in shock.
“Because I have to.” Harry answered quietly.
“I'm not asking any of you to come with me.” Harry began and Rita snorted indelicately, getting everyone's attention.
“You think we've been training for fun? We're a team Harry, to the bitter end.” She stated calmly, earning agreeing nods and murmurs of agreement all around.
“Be ready to go in two hours, say your goodbyes and pack what you need. Heavy on weapons and potions. We'll meet in the woods behind the house.” Harry stated, easily slipping into command. Josh may be the groups' unofficial leader and founder but when it came to war Harry was in charge.
“I'll head back to the school and get a few going away gifts.” Said their teacher. Something about Amanda's grin as she said that had them all a little worried about what the `gifts' were.
Harry looked around his room sadly. It felt strange how quickly it had become his and now he was leaving, perhaps forever. He smiled sadly as he packed the last of what he needed and let Kek coil comfortably around his wrist. The notes and the fact that most of his personal belongings were still here would hopefully convince Richard that he did plan to come back, if he survived what was coming. It always amazed him how much he had accumulated in under two years and most of it would be unnecessary in the war zone he was willingly walking into. Harry left his room and closed the door behind him before slipping into Richards' room and leaving a note on his dresser along with the envelope containing letters for everyone else.
He aimlessly wandered the house, storing up memories and fighting the part of him that wanted to wait until morning, to wait until he could hug Richard goodbye, even if the man didn't realise why he was being hugged so fiercely but he knew he couldn't. Time was of the essence if they were going to save lives. He smiled slightly as Kek hissed comfortingly and Hedwig hooted, swooping down to perch on his shoulder. Taking a deep breath Harry took one last look around the place he had called home for the best two years of his life and then turned and left, locking the door behind him and hiding his key on the porch.
Harry looked around at his friends as they gathered at the same place where Harry had used the family tree ritual and smiled slightly. Gone were the casual clothes they all preferred and their relaxed attitudes. They were all dressed in clothing supplied by their muggle military trainers with battle robes thrown over the top. Various weapons could be made out secreted on their bodies in various places if you knew where to look. All of them carried no less than half a dozen knives and at least one gun as well as their wands and belts of potions and poisons. They were only waiting for Amanda to return now.
Harry stepped away from the others and opened his link with Requiem. He felt the vampire's concern since it wasn't often he opened it this wide. He managed to send the vision along with what they were planning and felt Requiem's concern and then acceptance. The vampire sent him feelings of hope before they both slowly withdrew from the link.
They all tensed as another figure joined them but it was Amanda. She smiled grimly at their reactions but this was what they had been training for and she knew it since she had been the one to suggest it, she simply acknowledged her feelings about what she thought of what these young people had already been through and let them go. She tossed Harry a packet and he caught it easily, a Seeker's reflexes augmented by his bond with Kek. The teen cocked his head, staring at her in puzzlement.
“It took a lot of work to get those so don't lose them.” She said and watched as Harry opened the packet only to stare at her in utter shock. The rest of the group huddled around him to look and then joined him in staring at her. Harry silently handed out the badges, identifying them all as Unspeakables in the employ of the American Ministry.
“This way you should avoid any nasty messes with the British Ministry so keep your badge with you at all times. They'll keep you from having to turn over all your weapons as well.” Amanda explained, enjoying their reactions.
“Apparently you all impressed your trainers and there are jobs waiting for you when you get back if you want them. If not then you'll simply return the badges when you return. Good luck and show them just what a diverse education can do.” She grinned as they vanished, the badges having been quickly turned into temporary portkeys to get them to London quickly.
The group of teens instantly turned, protecting their backs as they landed in an abandoned alley somewhere in London. They checked their surroundings before wands and guns were lowered and then holstered. Harry moved to the head of the alley since he was the only one with any chance of knowing where they had landed. He looked around and gave a relieved sigh as he spotted the Leaky Cauldron.
“Come on.” He slipped out of the alley but kept to the shadows and the others followed, still on alert. He'd have preferred to just call the Knight Bus but wasn't sure if it was still running or how safe it would be so instead they would use the Floo in the pub. He pushed open the door and stepped inside, holding the door for the others. The pub fell silent as they moved further inside. Harry smiled slightly as he saw Tom behind the bar; the old man had always been kind to him.
“Hello Tom, it's been a while.” He made sure to move his head enough to flash his scar and watched Tom's eyes go wide in shock.
“We need to contact the Ministry or whoever's in charge these days. Know how?” Harry asked, keeping his voice down even though the others were keeping the natives away. Tom simply nodded and led them over to the fireplace. Rita and Lan went first and the Harry followed by Josh, Shelley, Star, Tim and Nic.
“Dumbledore! Let me through! Headmaster sir!” The group parted to let Arthur Weasley through.
“What is it Arthur?” The leader of the Order of the Phoenix asked patiently.
“He's back. Harry's back. Showed up at the Ministry an hour ago with a group of people. The whole place is in an uproar.” Arthur explained.
“What does that coward want?” Ron snarled from his seat.
“Obviously he has finally realised his duty and has returned. We need to get to the Ministry and bring him back here for safety.” Dumbledore stated as he began to stand.
“Um, I don't think that's going to work.” A voice said mildly. Everyone looked at Arthur Weasley.
“I saw him sir, even if just for a second. He's not the Harry that left here; he'd different, older, harder. He won't jus do what you say and I doubt the people with him will just stand by and let you take him.” Arthur said quietly.
“I'm sure we can make the boy see sense Arthur.” With that comment Dumbledore swept from the room and Arthur sighed. No, he didn't think Harry would see sense, at least Dumbledore's version of sense. Where ever he'd been and what ever he had been doing had made the boy grow up. It was a process that had been started when Harry had shown up for Sirius' will and was now a lot closer to completion. He had the feeling Albus was in for quite the shock.
Harry wanted to scream, to rant, and to rave but he held the urge in tightly and instead gave Minister Scrimgeour a pleasantly blank look. He'd seen the vampires back home use it a lot and had worked hard to imitate it for situations just like this one. He could feel Rita and Nicole's utter disgust with the man, Lan's confusion as to his attitude and Tim's utter disbelief of how big an idiot the Minister was being. The others were spread further around the room but he could tell they felt the same. He gave a near silent sigh as the man began ranting, again, on how there would be no attack and that as children they should leave the war to the adults. He was especially vicious in his attack on Harry.
“Minister.” Harry finally cut in coldly, gaining everyone's attention even though he hadn't raised his voice.
“We didn't come here for this. Where I have been and what I have been doing for the past eighteen months is not up for discussion nor is it any of your business seeing as I am not a citizen under your jurisdiction. I am here for one reason, to stop Voldemort, and after that I plan to leave and never return. We also have the backing of the American Ministry in this as we have already shown you.” Harry paused for breath, remembering the reactions their badges had caused.
“Frankly as far as I'm concerned you have brought this upon yourself with your backwards ideas of blood purity and your childish prejudices. The only reason I am getting involved is to protect my family and friends since once done here he will move on to the rest of the world and because of that stupid prophecy. If it wasn't for that I'd leave you all to rot.” Harry finished, having never once raised his voice.
“So you are a coward!” Someone yelled.
“Who's the coward, the society that buries its collective heads in the sand while placing the weight of the world on a child's shoulders or the child who leaves to receive the proper training to deal with said problems? If you lot hadn't been so scared the first time around you could have stopped him then but instead you hid and let it be someone else's problem. After this I'm through with your world.” Harry stated calmly letting what he had said soak in. His group tensed as the doors opened and then Harry growled softly, because he was so not in the mood for this. He felt Josh and Rita move to flank him as a familiar figure moved towards them even as the other Outcasts subtly drew weapons and even the Minister frowned slightly.
Albus Dumbledore had arrived.