Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Beam me up Goku? ❯ How do you like your eggs? ( Chapter 3 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 3: How do you like your eggs?
Startled, Susan grabbed her combadge, thinking it also began to malfunction like her tricorder did. But when she was about to smash it, she suddenly realized it was her sister freaking out (again)
“Lara!? Lara!? What's wrong? LARA!”
“Calm down! Now… take a deep breath and tell me what happened”
Lara sighed and began talking in a strange, almost monotone voice. Susan could hear that her sister had trouble keeping herself from losing it, but that wasn't exactly something new. She still remembered almost begging the Hirogen to kill her when they had boarded voyager a few weeks ago and one of their hunters had managed to accidentally “surprise” her sister in their quarters while she was taking a sonic shower. Susan could still hear a very high “beeping” sound in her ears when she thought of that day. Oww….
“HELLO? Are you even listening to me?”
“Huh? O, uhm… sorry I was distracted. What were you saying again?”
The younger Uranian let out an annoyed sigh.
“I tried to fix the replicator, but I didn't succeed so I hid the delta flyer under some branches and went out into the forest to find something to eat. Then I found some sort of open spot were a really weird machine was standing”
“A machine? Well, at least that means that the people here have some kind of technology, lets just hope it's advanced enough to…”
“I wasn't finished”
“Anyway, I had no idea what is was, but inside where some strange `eggshells' and there was some kind of…slime trail… leading away from the machine. I followed it and…”
“And what…”
“Well..” her voice began to tremble a bit, “you better come here and see it yourself.. I just …have to sit down for a moment..”
“Okay.. just stay there, I'll track your combadge with my tricorder to find you”
“I thought it was defected?”
“Well it seems to be working again, even though it still can't seem to pick up all those people it detected earlier”
“Just…get over here, alright? I-I don't want to be alone”
“Me neither..” Susan shivered. “`splitting up'… who's brilliant idea was that again?”
“Not mine!”
“Well, I know it wasn't MY idea!”
“It was too!”
“It was not!”
“I hate my life…”
A/N: A very short chapter AND a cliffy! Ooooh… I'm SO evil! Don't worry, I'll post the next chapter very soon. And it will be a lot bigger with actually some Z-fighters in it! Lets just hope they find Lara and Susan before “something” finds them, even though we shouldn't worry about that. Susan and Lara are mature, calm and intellectual girls that know what they are doing. They wouldn't do something stupid like actually going to Gingertown, would they? No, of course they wou…*looks around* Lara? Susan? Were are you guys? GET BACK HERE! *slaps herself on the forehead*