Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Beam me up Goku? ❯ Hairspray is the Future ( Chapter 5 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5: Hairspray is the Future
“Don't…make…any…sudden…moves… ”
“Let's just hope he doesn't make any…”
Susan and Lara slowly started to back away, their eyes fixed on the strange creature that was still perched on the roof of the deserted hotel, watching their every move. The winged, almost insect like being was green with black spots and pink cat-like eyes. It's tail was menacingly swishing back and forth, but it was especially the sharp stinger at the tip, that made their blood run cold.
beep! beep! beep!
Lara and Susan suddenly snapped out of their shock. Lara grabbed their tricorder that was going berserk and was absolutely dumbfound by its readings
“Turn that thing off!” Susan hissed at Lara, afraid that the noise would agitate the creature, who was emitting some very negative energy. Uranians weren't able to sense things like ki, but they could sense emotions and they were able to “feel” when a person was lying or was up to no good. And this creature was emitting some of he worst “vibes” she had ever sensed in her whole life.
“O my god…”
Susan's thoughts were interrupted by the almost silent whispering from her sister who's face had turned completely white.
“These readings… I think…that this… 'thing' is what hatched out of that shell we found…”
“But you said it had human DNA” Susan whispered back “I've never seen any humans on Voyager with tails and…wait a minute, where did he go?”
The two sisters looked at the spot the monster had been standing. It was almost like he had just vanished into thin air while they were talking. This was getting stranger by the minute!
“I think my hart just dropped out of warp…” Lara let out a sigh of relieve.
“What was that thing?”
“Well.. whatever it was, I'm just glad it's…”
Susan suddenly pushed Lara down, forcing her to hit the ground and making her miss the small ki-blast that had been fired at her from the sky.
“HEY! What was that all abou…EEEEEEEEEEEEEK!”
Lara saw the creature landing on the other side of the street. It was laughing hysterically at her face when she noticed him, and the scorched tree that would have been her, if it wasn't for Susan. Unfortunately, the ki-blast had not missed it's target entirely and the tips of Lara's hair were slightly burned.
“Alright buddy,” she growled threatening, “who are you and HOW DID YOU DO THAT?”
While Lara was franticly jumping up and down, getting in a fighting stance and yelling all sorts of things that would even make a Klingon warrior cry for his mommy, Susan had grabbed their tricorder out of her pocket and was amazed at the creature, that appeared to be able to fire energy beams without a phaser. She had heard of cybernetic life forms that had weapons build into their systems, but their tricorder hadn't detected anything like that. This guy appeared to be almost completely organic except for some small traces of technology and something that looked like a bomb of some sort. He also knew how to fly, something Susan thought only her species could do. And his speed! He was almost as fast as an Uranian! But that didn't matter. This thing had written “evil” all over it, and she wasn't planning on finding out what other surprises he had in store for them.
“Excuse us for a moment, will you?”
Susan smiled sheepishly at the monster and grabbed her sister, covering her mouth and pulling her behind the tree (or rather, what was left of it)
“What are you doing?” Lara hissed.
“What are YOU doing!” Susan hissed back. “While you were busy making a complete idiot out of yourself, I ran a few additional tricorder scans and I also managed to run a few `scans' of my own”
“What do you mean?”
“Haven't you noticed anything unusual about that guy?”
“Besides that tail and the fact that he's a green-flying-laser-shooting-hair-ruining-FREAK!”
“Focus! Look at him and try to sense what he's up to…”
“This had better be good…”
Lara carefully took a quick peek from behind the tree trying her best to sense the creature who was just standing there, waiting for them. She always had been bad at sensing people, so she usually left that part up to her sister. Maybe it was because Susan was older, even though they were only a few….
The creature had turned its head towards her, giving her an evil glare. Lara rushed back behind the tree, her face completely white. It had only been for less that a second but she had felt it. Evil! Pure evil of the worst kind. Uh oh…
“Uh oh...”
“Maybe this will teach you to think before you…”
“Hey! It's you're fault we're here, Captain Stupid!”
“Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuusssseee me for being curious! Besides that, you're the one who found that shell and…”
“Is there a problem, ladies?” the creature smirked evilly.
Susan and Lara grabbed each other and screamed, when the monster suddenly jumped into the air and landed right in front of the two squabbling sisters, scaring the living daylights out of them. Needless to say, they were more and more starting to regret ever leaving the safety of their quarters…
In the mean time…
“This technology is amazing!”
Bulma (with the help a helicopter and a lot of steel cables) had managed to move the damaged Delta Flyer to Capsule Corp were she just finished repairing the replicator. It looked like somebody already made an attempt to fix it, but he or she was obviously no engineering genius like herself.
“This thing could come in very handy when Goku and his friends stay for dinner again…” she mused.
The aqua-haired scientist looked behind her. There, in the doorway stood Yajirobe holding baby Trunks, looking like he was about to kill himself
“Please pleas pleeeaaaaase! Make that kid stop crying, I beg you!”
“Do I have to do absolutely EVERYTHING around here? ssssshhh…. There, there Trunks…” She cooed while replicating a bottle of milk. “Why don't you go play with your grandpa in the living room, while uncle Yajirobe and I stay here and take a look at this `transporter' thingy…”
“What do you mean `uncle Yajirobe and..'”
“if you don't want to help, you can always take Trunks and…”
“Okay! Okay! I'll Help! Sjeez….”
Back in Gingertown
Before anyone knew what had happened, Susan had grabbed a small can of “Strong And Shiny” out of her pocket and kept spraying into the monsters eyes until the can was empty. Caught by surprise, the creature howled in frustration as his eyes started to water and his vision blurred. The two alien sisters took their chance and darted away at breakneck speed, knowing that it probably was going to take a lot more than styling products to defeat this freak of nature, but convinced that their legendary speed would save them like always.
How little did they know…
A/N: My, my… how will our heroines get out of this one? Will they escape the mysterious monster (I you haven't figured out who it is yet, please stop reading and get help. Seriously) that has been terrorizing the city of Gingertown? Will Lara ever learn how to keep her big mouth shut? (Lara yells something Uranian the translator is unable to process), will Yajirobe survive as Bulma's guinea pig? Find out in the next chapter and don't forget to leave a review!