Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ The Mystery Baby ❯ The birth ( Chapter 3 )
Here ish the next chappy! Now I seriously want some frickin' reviews! Now! Review it after you read this chapter.
Alex was nearing her 5th month, and she was oddly extremely large. "This is weird, Alex," Clover said blinking, "I mean… you're only 5 months pregnant.. And you're as large as someone 9 months." "I don't know what it means.. But I don't think I'll have anything worry about." Alex said with a small smile on her face. "Since you've been pregnant, you've been so carefree, not worrying about anything," Clover said cocking her head. "Well that's because my doctor said that stress is bad for the baby," Alex said resting her hands on the back of her head. "Well ok… Oh yea! Alex, Jerry told me to tell you that, you shouldn't be doing any missions for a while." "Why?" Alex said getting angry. Clover moved back, away from her moody friend. "Well because you're pregnant, and you said so yourself that when you're pregnant, you shouldn't put stress on yourself. Especially physical stuff." "The doctor said that physical stuff is good," Alex said glaring at Clover. "Well he doesn't know about that spy stuff we do, he meant like doing some exercising," Clover said. Alex's evil glare disappeared from her face, and was replaced by a creepy smile. Clover then looked up and jumped when she saw the smile on Alex's face. "I hate how you're so moody…. It reminds me when my aunt was pregnant with my cousin, Normy. One minute she would be all nice to me, and then she would be yelling at me." Clover said shuddering. "And then her terror was replaced by Norman." Clover sighed, and looked at the floor. Alex then blinked, "Hey Clover have you seen Sam anywhere." Clover looked up and thought for a second. "I think she said something on getting some books on babies." "She seems to be more into this than me." Alex said laughing.
Is has been a week already and Alex's is in her 5th month. There were told be Jerry that they're going on a dangerous mission. Though they had to find away to convince Alex not to go. "I'm going!" Alex yelled at them. "Alex you can't go. Do you really want to risk your baby getting hurt?!" Sam almost yelled, but trying to stay calm. Jerry walked up and straightened his tie. "Alex I say you can't go. Like Sam said, it's risky for the baby." Jerry said coolly. This just made Alex even madder. "Listen here! I know that it's risky, but I'm only 5 months along, so I have 4 more months," Alex said lowering her voice. Clover sighed, "Alex look you're only 5 months pregnant, but you look like a 9 month pregnant woman!" "This arguing is just wasting time." Sam said getting a little panicky. Jerry sighed and looked at the angry Alex. "Ok Alex! You can go. But if something happens to your baby, don't blame us." Alex's frown once again quickly disappeared, and on her face came a huge smile. "Oh yay!" Alex clapped.
They got onto the jet. And within an hour, they were in Norway. A/N: Woot! Norway! ::ish Norwegian:: That was only place I could come up with, since I'm half Norwegian.) "I can't believe I'm actually on a mission." Alex cheered bounding around. Sam and Clover exchanged looks at each other. "Jeeze Alex you act like you've been in a mission," Sam muttered under her breathe. They started to search around, and around, and around. They sat down for a minute to rest. "Sam are you sure this is where we're supposed to be?" Clover said taking a deep breath." "Yea this is where Jerry said it's thought to be." Sam said looking at a map. They looked around when they heard a yell. They looked over and saw Alex clutching her stomach, and breathing hard. "Alex what is it?!" Sam asked urgently. "I.. think.. I'm.. having.. the BABY!" Alex yelled. Clover and Sam looked at each other and picked up Alex. Clover took out her compowder and called Jerry. "Jerry! Alex is having the baby!" Clover said quickly. "Oh my! I'll send a jet right away." Jerry said without delay. Clover nodded and place Alex on the ground. "Don't worry Alex, Jerry will be here soon." Clover said nervously looking around. Just then they heard a loud motor, and they looked up and saw Jerry's jet. They climbed on A/N: Ok from here to the birth, there isn't going to be much talking, because I'm running out of things for them to say.) and placed Alex on a table. Alex screamed loudly, and grabbed the sides of the tables. She was holding onto the table so hard it looked like she was going to rip the sides off. "Alex I want you to relax, but you have to push, the baby is coming fast." Urged the doctor that sort of came out of no where. "How can I relax and push at the same time?" Alex asked between clenched teeth. Alex pushed and screamed and pushed and screamed. Since they didn't know who the father was, Clover reluctantly held Alex's hand. Alex screamed some more, and Clover winced. Sam looked up, "Clover what is it?" "Well for one thing Alex has a very strong grip, and for some reason I felt this strong jolt from her.." Clover replied sort of shaken up. "A jolt?" Sam asked bamboozled A/N: Woot! Bamboozled.. I had to use that word, I never really used it before.) So it continued and soon the baby, was just about out. "It's almost here…..Anddd it's here!" Announced the doctor. "And it's a boy!" Alex took her her new son, and smiled, "I will always looovv-aaaahh!" Alex tensed up and yelled again. "It must be twins," concluded the doctor. Alex glared at the doctor and continued to push. Then she heard a cry, and it wasn't her own. "It's a girl!" Announced the doctor. Alex took her new daughter and held both of her children. "They're both beautiful," Alex said proudly. Then she looked down and saw something that almost made her faint. "Omg! Is that a tail?!" Alex pointed at two furry brown tails, on her children. The doctor peered down, "It appears so." Alex shuddered and shook it off. "Besides the tails they are perfectly normal." A few hours later Alex named them, the daughter is Allison Clover (Something) and the boy is Alexander Samuel (Something.. I know the names aren't very clever.) Then Alex's mom came when Alex was switched to a hospital A/N: Alex was at WOOHP when she gave birth.) "Oh Alex they're beautiful, they look a lot like you when you were born," Carmen said smiling. Alex smiled as well and then her smiled dropped. "Uh… mom.. Ally and Alec (Alexander is going to be called Alec instead of Alex, because that's going to get confusing.) were born with tails and I don't know why." " Carmen stopped smiling, "Did you say tails…?" "Yes I did.. Do you know why..?" Alex looked up at her mom, and saw that Carmen looked like she was about to cry. "Alex… Your father isn't your real father." Alex gaped, "But if he's not my real dad, why do I call him dad?" Alex was now getting really confused. "Well your real father died a few weeks after you were born." Alex just sat there still gaping, so Carmen continued. "There's something you should know about your real father, he was a race called a.. Saiyan.. He was not human. That makes you half Saiyan, and you kids are quarter Saiyan… Saiyans are born with a tail." Alex then snapped back. "So -I- was born with a tail?" Alex asked and her mother nodded. "I cut it off when I heard your father died."
Alex blinked and fainted. Clover and Sam then walked in. "Oh she's asleep.." Sam whispered. "Well not exactly.. sleeping.. More like fainted," Carmen said weakly. "Fainted?" Clover asked. "Yes she fainted… I told her something that might change her life." "Did you know why her kids were born with tails?" Sam asked. "Yes I did.. But I won't tell you why.. If Alex wants to tell you she will." Carmen walked out of the room, and Sam and Clover just stood there looking at Alex. They sat in some chairs and waited.
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