Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Wings ❯ The Wings ( One-Shot )
A/N: This is really your choice of who are the people in the poem… I was thinking though some REALLY strange pairing of say… Duo being the main guy with the wings and someone say… Sepheroth (I love that pic… I'm not sure it would work though) being the lover and say… I don't know… yourself maybe (if you agree with me) being the narrator… it can be whoever though. Oh and this is just what I think… you don't have to think this way, so don't flame me.
The Wings
The wings are gone,
Ripped away,
The bright red blood,
Stains the pure white feathers,
As the wings are ripped,
Torn from his back,
The white feathers float away,
I grab one,
Not a souvenir of this horrible sight,
Like some of the others do,
But a token,
To show the world what happened to him,
For the feather is bloodied,
Slowly being died red,
Who ripped his wings,
Should be sent to hell,
For shedding his blood,
More though,
For their prejudice,
Their hate,
For physical wounds will heal easily,
But emotional ones,
You must work hard to heal,
He is strong,
And his lover will help him to heal,
But he will bear the scars,
And emotional,
Of their hate,
I will keep the feather,
And tell the world,
And find others like me,
Who think that,
An angel,
Shouldn't be sent to hell,
For loving,
Even if that love,
From a male,
Is for a boy.