Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Morpan ❯ Train for freedom ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Train for freedom
They have just rested after their meal. Yuna stands up and then closed her eyes. A series of purple and white energies start to flow around her as her costume changes. Her pseudo-kimono starts to disappear as the energy spheres start to conceal her in a stasis like crystal. Seconds after the crystal melts away revealing Yuna in her new costume. She wears a revealing ivory top linked to a light pink hood with ivory threads. She wears short navy blue\black shorts and a demi gypsy skirt with a Navy to light blue gradient, finished with a blue and white trim on every third. She still wears her necklace and wood earring. She also wears two yellow armbands, a black strip round her left wrist. A satchel tied to her beige belt and she wore small-heeled black boots with white laces.
Yuna opened her eyes and smiled sweetly to Michael.
Yuna: Shall we begin?
Michael: OK
Michael and Yuna walk into the sun lounge, Michael gets the keys and unlocks the door and they both head outside. The garden was divided into two areas, a set of paving stones covered the left, while a grass patch covered the right, in the middle of the grass lies a wooden well ornament. Flowers were on the fringes of the garden.
Michael: Are you sure we can train here? What if something gets broken?
Yuna: Don't worry; I will clear the grass for us to practice on.
Yuna walks up to the ornament, she shows her right hand at the ornament and starts to concentrate on it. The well starts to move and slightly hovers off the ground. She moves her hand up and the well hovers up in the direction, she continues to move the well with her telekinesis until it was away from the grass. Michael was amazed at her.
Michael: Yuna that was amazing
Yuna turns to him and smiles
Yuna: This is what the power of dreams can give.
Michael was slightly puzzled by what she said but then again it added to her elegance and mystique.
Yuna: Lets begin
Yuna takes Michael to the grass and begins training him in Tai chi, she starts by showing him the basics, when he made a mistake she came up to him and readjusted his position. She was never harsh at him, always encouraging him never to give up.
Half an hour passed and Michael has already learnt the basics of Tai chi. His approach to it was rough and uncoordinated, but Yuna thought he would get better as she continues to train him. Michael then approaches Yuna…
Michael: Yuna, I know you want me to learn Tai chi but I still think I could defeat my foes with brute force.
Yuna: But how would be able to focus and defend from their blows?
Michael: I would just make sure my opponent is down, I wouldn't think about defence.
Yuna: Maybe you should prove that.
Michael: How?
Yuna: Why not spar with me, your brute force against my Tai chi and ninjutsu.
Michael: OK, and the loser are declared when the winner puts a foot on the loser's nose. Obviously not breaking it.
Yuna: You wouldn't think I would do that Mikey?
Michael: Of course not.
With that Yuna and Michael take up a fighting stance.
Yuna: Begin
Michael runs up to Yuna and starts to lightly punch her yet each punch seems to be blocked by her arms or hands. She then grabs Michael's right hand and then thrown him on the floor. She was just about to put foot to nose when Michael trips her over. She rolls over and stands up. Michael also stands up.
Michael: Impressive, but I still think I can beat you.
Yuna: Want to try?
Michael gives a nod and grabs her hands. Looking eye to eye…
Michael: You see… I can.
Yuna: Problem is… you gave away the move.
Michael: You mean…
Yuna: You played right into my hands.
With that she summersaults over Michael forcing him to let go. She then turns him around and pushes him onto the floor. She then puts her right foot on his nose, signalling his defeat. Michael was exhausted.
Michael: I…I…
Yuna: Was overconfident?
Removing her foot from his nose. He stands up.
Michael: I just thought, it was fancy footwork.
Yuna: Tai chi is designed not only for fighting but also for spiritual focus. You lost because you weren't focused on the task at hand.
Michael: But I managed to get you on the floor…
Yuna: That was because you were lucky, which helps… but when you were fighting you seemed more concerned on putting as many hits on me than focusing each blow.
Michael: You mean I wasn't concentrating and where I laid each punch?
Yuna: Yes, my moves on you were designed for full effect, plus I was able to recover or counter your moves quickly.
Michael: The problem is, when I fight the environment becomes a blur. I just unleash myself like a tiger on my enemies.
Yuna: You may be a tiger, but the real battle is in the mind, where you have to focus and outwit your foes. Maybe you need to focus on channelling the energy inside you first.
Michael: How by?
Yuna: First, lets clean up and then I will teach you how to meditate so you can be the tiger you have always been.
Michael: OK
With that they put the well back in its place and head inside. Michael wondered what she meant by being a tiger or if it was just flattery on her half. He hopes he will be able to find that out soon.