Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Morpan ❯ Ascension ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Michael and Yuna return to the lounge after they had locked up the back of the house. Yuna changes back into her pseudo-kimono and sits close to Michael on the settee. Already there is a sense of chemistry going on between the two. Michael feels warm and tingly with Yuna by his side and Yuna feels happy that Michael is now at peace with himself. Michael always kept looking at her, thinking how beautiful and (as this is the first time he has met an oriental woman) exotic she is. As a result, they were once again struggling to speak.
It was Yuna who finally got around to speaking in the end. Remembering that she was going to teach him how to meditate.
Yuna: I was going to teach you meditation, if you remember…
Michael stops his little “daydream” as he listens to her
Michael: Sorry, I was just distracted.
Yuna: I know why, handsome
She flirty giggles at Michael as he blushes. They both realise where this is going and so pack it in.
Yuna: Let's begin then… just sit on the floor.
Michael stands up and then sits on the floor. Yuna sits closely behind him.
Yuna: Let's just do the basics today Michael. All you need to do is to just let yourself go.
Michael: OK
Yuna: I am here Michael so don't be afraid.
Michael: But what if I mess up.
Yuna: Don't worry about not succeeding; just keep trying to reach your goal.
Michael: I won't worry.
Yuna: Good, now just take a deep breath and just relax. Keep your eyes closed and just think about letting yourself go.
Michael takes a deep breath and then closes his eyes.
Yuna: Just let yourself go… relax….relax…relax. Think that you are leaving your body and are floating… floating.
Michael tries to think about what Yuna said but he is scared that he is going to sleep. He struggles to control himself. Yuna grabs hold of him and speaks in his ear. She was worried what was happening to him.
Yuna: Michael…Michael, open your eyes.
Michael opens his eyes. He realizes he was still in his house. She breathes a sigh of relief.
Yuna: Oh Michael… I am so sorry.
Michael: No, I should be sorry.
Yuna: Why?
Michael: It's just… every time I think I am going to sleep, I feel like I am leaving reality and I am just… so scared. I don't know why, it is just …a sudden shift, like you can't see where you are going it just drags you in to where it wants you to go.
Yuna: I see… you can't see your dreams properly. Which means…
Yuna realises that his mind might be too damaged to be able to focus properly. Which is partly the reason why he is not an effective fighter. She knows that the only way to fix this is to you her physic powers to repair his mind.
Yuna: Your mind must be damaged… from the times you kept hitting yourself…when you thought there was something separate inside you, controlling you.
Michael: Is there?
Yuna: No.
Michael: Then I must be insane, I am just destroying myself.
Yuna: Don't say that Michael! (Flirting) You're brave, and fearless.
Michael: No, I am just mad, stupid, they were right, they were all right!
Yuna: No they are not; I won't let them hurt you.
With that Yuna turns Michael to her and kisses him
Yuna (Thinks): Why did my hypnotherapy fail, unless he thought about what I said was true, that he is mad. But no… he is not mad; I am like a fairy, sent by the sprits to cure this wounded tiger and I will succeed!
With that she closes her eyes; she was in deep concentration while she was still kissing him. Michael was feeling enchanted from Yuna's kiss. Like anything he thought was silly, wasn't silly to her. His eyes were closed as her warm magic was comforting him, making him feel loved. They open their eyes with Michael realizing they were in a beautiful Japanese garden. There was a row of trees behind them with cherry blossom on its branches. A small waterfall sprouted out from the rock formation in front of them and various oriental flowers were around them, with a beautiful hibiscus flower beside them. Oriental walls surrounded the entire garden. The sheer beauty of the garden amazed Michael
Michael: This is…amazing. I feel… so free…so cared…so happy.
Yuna: I am so glad that you are happy again Mikey.
She hugs him
Michael: So, is this what reward you get for meditation, an eternal calm?
Yuna: This isn't meditation Michael
Michael: No, it isn't, what was I thinking, I was kissed by the most beautiful woman known. Not concentrating to reach a certain spiritual plane. So, what is this?
She stands up facing him. Her voice was more joyful than before.
Yuna: I am using my illusion powers to create our garden. Which will only exist in our minds. We are now together, no matter what.
Michael: What do you mean?
Yuna: We can communicate via our minds. All you need to do is to reach out for me and I will be there.
Michael seems to have got the gist of what Yuna was saying. She had formed a mind link with Michael to allow them to communicate to each other without anyone knowing. All that they needed to do was to focus their minds so they can communicate telepathically, even though Michael is not telepathic. The garden was designed to be a background for their communications if needed.
Yuna changed all of a sudden; she was now sad and was speaking with concern.
Yuna: Mike, I… don't know what happened. I thought you were cured.
Michael: What do you mean?
Yuna: I thought when I used my hypnotherapy on you to prevent you from remembering bad thoughts that I cured you. But now it seems that it was my fault for bringing it up. Now I feel I am bad as all that had hurt you.
Michael: No your not, you're the best thing that has happened to me.
Yuna: Why?
Michael: If it weren't for you, I would still be a depressed man, and even worse I may have committed suicide. I know you brought it up because you never thought it would hurt me now I have had my bad moments blocked from me. But it was a mistake (Holds her hands), and we all make mistakes, it is part of us. How we fix our problems is what cures the wounds.
Yuna: Your right, I can make this up to you. There is something I can give to you.
She lets go of Michael's hands and then places her right hand on his heart. She closes her eyes and chants some magical words. Michael felt a strange force go over him for a moment. She finishes her chant and then opens her eyes. She removes her hand from his heart and started to smile sweetly.
Yuna: There, now you can be less afraid.
Michael: What do you mean?
Yuna: You were once afraid that you will be poisoned or have a disease or are paralysed. Well, I have put a blessing on you that will make you immune to all three of your problems. However, there is one drawback.
Michael: What is that?
Yuna: When you do contract poison, disease or paralysis you will suffer from common colds, sickness or other non-lethal illnesses instead. I am sorry but this is the only way I can cure this.
Michael: That's OK; at least I can't be hurt by such virals now. Mind you, it does offer a sort of cover if enemies do try to do such a thing. Thanks Yuna.
Yuna smiles. She then removes the illusion, which sees them back in Michael's house. Yuna senses that his family is coming.
Yuna: Your family's coming, I must hide.
Michael: OK
Yuna gives Michael a kiss on the cheek. He blushes.
Michael: You are going to keep on doing that.
Yuna: Whatever makes you happy Michael, Whatever makes you happy.
As she disappears
Yuna: Until we meet again.