Fan Fiction / Fullmetal Alchemist Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ InuYasha: A Painful Past ❯ The Mysterious Girl ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The Mysterious Girl
Nngh…where am I? What the…?
“Oh! So you're awake!”
“Where am I?”
“Just in a near by forest. I found you in the river. My name is Risika. It's nice to meet you.” The girl said smiling.
“Oh…uh…my name is InuYasha. It's nice to meet you too.” InuYasha said, just staring at the girl.
InuYasha sat upright, but then cringed from pain. Rasika leaned over to help him and helped him lay back down. InuYasha just lay there, staring at the smiling girl.
“You seem pretty beat up. Them Vida knives can be a problem sometimes.” said Rasika, going over the bandages to make sure they were all on tight.
InuYasha then thought about what all happened at the village. Now I remember, InuYasha thought, I went to the village to see Kikyo, but then they got the wrong impression. And…wait, KIKYO!
“KIKYO!” InuYasha yelled.
InuYasha stood up, ignoring the pain in his gut, and started walking out of the forest towards the village. The only thing on his mind was finding Kikyo. She needs me, so does the baby. I have to find her.
“Umm…wait!” yelled Rasika, running after InuYasha, “come back here! STOP!!!”
Rasika was now in front of InuYasha, her hands out to stop him from passing.
“Let me pass.” Said InuYasha, glaring at Rasika.
“No. I won't.” she answered back.
“I said..let me pass.”
“Get out of my way!” InuYasha yelled as he pushed Rasika out of the way.
InuYasha started running for the village.
“Will you just SIT and ….listen to …me?” Rasika said as she stared at InuYasha who is now laying face first on the ground.
“What the hell! What's going on?” InuYasha yelled at Rasika, who is now laughing hysterically.
All of a sudden, Rasika stopped laughing and InuYasha stopped yelling at Rasika, they both turned around and saw someone with bone-white hair, a red and white kimono, and a large boa around his shoulder.
“Sesshomaru.” InuYasha whispered, “Big Brother?”
“Ah, Rasika, I see you have met my younger brother.”
InuYasha looked very confused, he stared at Sesshomaru for a while longer, then turned to Rasika to find her glaring at Sesshomaru. A few minutes went by where no one said anything, but then Rasika started to walk towards Sesshomaru, not taking her eyes off him. When she got up to him, she leaned close to his ear and whispered, “Don't you dare come near me again, and quit using your brother as a tool for your own selfish needs.”
Then she took a few steps back as Sesshomaru left without another word. Rasika turned toward InuYasha, “I hope you find Kikyo.” Rasika was gone before he could say anything.
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