Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Rose Red Chronicles ❯ Bad Place ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

KB- Ok I have no clue where I got this idea but since I started righting this during algebra the characters maybe a bit ooc….forgive me plz.

Soffia- I thought you were suppose to be at the parade.

KB- walking in it actually. It finished early, and since the parade got me in a good mood I'm gonna give my voices and my characters a break. I Kuroi Bara no Twilight do not own the movie Rose Red that aired on ABC last fall or the series `New Mobile Report Gundam Wing.' Ok just to let you know I put in an oc who is going to be Heero's little sister. I will explain her in another fic I will put up after I finish Time Stream Mixup and a couple other things okky??

Saceria- for those of you who have never seen the movie Rose Red just follow along we will explain later. Enjoy.


"Bad… Bad…" "That's right Annie." Those were the words heard by Rose Red right before the boulders fell from the sky. Annie, the young telekinetic girl who lived in her own world clearly spoke her mind about the living mansion. Out of the eleven people who had gone into Rose Red ion those few short days, only five had returned.

Those five later placed roses in front of the manor, in memory of their friends and loved ones. "Annie, do you know what roses mean." "Roses mean……remember." "Good." They called for the house to be destroyed, left, and never looked back. They left their memories of the awful place with the roses the had put before it. No one knew that the crew hired to stop Rose Red forever, disappeared into its list of many victims. The house healed itself, and finding it to dangerous in this world, with Annie, has left to find another one. It will wait beside that Tokyo graveyard, waiting for someone else to moving into, Rose Red.


KB- I'll put up the GW chapter as soon as I can, plz R+R and tell me what you think so far.

Soffia- oh, and gomen ne for it being so short.