Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Surrey Trouble ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still no change.
Chapter 6
He tightened his grip on the knife as the door suddenly opened and a figure staggered in, only to collapse.
Harry stared in shock, frozen at the sight of Wufei lying on the floor, bloody and beaten.
“Fei!” Harry was on his knees beside him in an instant, fingers searching for a pulse, it was there but far weaker than it should be. He gently turned the other teen over, trying to ignore the groans of pain his actions caused. Dark eyes fluttered open to stare up at him.
“Fei, can you hear me?” His eyes gradually focused on Harry's face.
“Heero.” The name was a pained whisper.
“No, it's me. Harry. You're going to be alright, you made it home.” He squeezed Wufei's hand and smiled slightly as the pressure was returned. He was thinking fast, he had to get Wufei to their room, strip and clean him and tend his wounds. He knew no way to do all that the muggle way without hurting his roommate further. With everything he was about to do it was a good thing he was seventeen and that Moony had checked for and removed any extra charms placed on his wand.
It didn't take long to get Fei into their room, onto his bed and strip him. Harry had to fight the urge to be sick; he'd seen friends injured before but nothing like this. A simple charm kept the other teen levitating slightly above the mattress. Harry ran to the bathroom where he knew the medical kit was kept. He grabbed it and plenty of warm water and towels. Back in the room he quickly unshrunk his trunk and summoned all of his healing supplies, sending a silent thank you once again to Remus for making sure Harry was very well stocked in every potion and salve he could possibly need. He quickly poured a blood replenisher down Wufei's throat to buy himself more time before the open wounds became life threatening. Using the water and towels he set to work cleaning his now unconscious friend up. He didn't care that at the moment if anyone else walked in he'd have a lot to explain considering his trunks contents were on full display, not to mention the medical supplies floating in easy reach.
Once he was clean as Harry could get him the green-eyed teen moved to inspect his injuries. Now he really wanted to be sick, Wufei looked like he'd been attacked by at least ten bludgers before plummeting several hundred feet to the ground and then having a stampede of wild hippogriffs run over him. His left leg was badly mangled and Harry could see the bone in places, he had several deep slashes across his torso that looked like they were caused by some sort of debris, his left wrist hung limply and at the wrong angle and he had several nasty cuts on his face. Probing gently Harry found a good-sized lump hidden by the long dark hair. On top of that he was nearly black and blue from bruises. A few potions took care of the bruises and smaller cuts easily enough. Not wanting to mix too many potions he gave Wufei a shot of the strongest antibiotics supplied in the kit and a painkiller, he could give him the potion versions tomorrow if needed. A few charms took care of most of the broken bones but Harry simply didn't have the advance knowledge needed to completely heal his leg. Several more charms and potions later he'd done all he could magically so he switched to muggle methods. He bound Fei's leg as tightly as he could, the surface wounds having been healed he only had to worry about keeping the bone in place. He also strapped his wrist just to keep it still until it set fully, he really didn't want to have to re-heal it just because Wufei decided to roll over or something. The lump on the back of his head had gone down a bit but was still very sore looking so he put an icepack against it. He was extremely grateful that Wufei was still unconscious as he carefully stitched the largest of the gashes closed and then bandaged it and the only other one that remained before forcing another blood replenisher plus a nutrient and light sleeping potion down Fei's throat. A quick charm had him comfortably dressed in his pyjamas and tucked into bed. Wanting nothing more than to sleep himself Harry forced himself to clean everything up and re-shrink his trunk before collapsing in the chair beside his friends bed were he drifted off into an exhausted sleep.
Duo opened the door and froze, causing Heero to bump into him. The perfect soldier looked down to see what had caused that reaction and swiftly drew his gun. There was no good reason for there to be days old blood pooled on the floor in front of the door. The pilots split up to silently search the house. Heero broke into a run as he heard a scream. Rounding the corner he found a very shocked Harry Potter flat on the floor with Duo standing sheepishly over him.
“Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” Duo gave Harry a hand up.
“Sorry. We saw the blood and were worried.”
“In the doorway.”
“Oops, thought I'd gotten it all.”
“Harry, is the blood yours?” Duo pulled the teen closer, running his hands over him, searching for an injury.
“I'm fine guys, just tired. The blood's Fei's. He showed up two days ago on deaths door. He's sleeping in our room.” Harry led them back to the room he shared with the injured teen. Sure enough, Wufei was lying in bed looking a little paler than usual as he slept.
“Who treated his injuries?”
“I did. I've never seen anything that bad. He's woken up a few times since but he's been a bit out of it. I think he might have a concussion, he had a really nasty lump on his head although it's almost gone now.” Heero had moved over to the bed and was inspecting Harry's work.
“Good job. Where did you learn this?”
“With how often I land in the school hospital wing I took an interest, school nurse has been teaching me for a year now.” Harry shrugged, uncomfortable under Heero's gaze.
“Looks like we've got ourselves a medic, hey Hee-chan?” Duo grinned at Harry.
“Great work Harry, I hate to think what would have happened if you weren't here.” He threw an arm around the now blushing teen.
“Uh, thanks Duo.” Harry swayed on his feet slightly, making Duo tighten his grip.
“When was the last time you slept or ate?”
“I grabbed some toast this morning and I've been sleeping in the chair.” Harry yawned; now that the others were back his body was demanding sleep.
“Put him in the others room.”
“Sure thing, come on Harry. Lets get you to bed.”
“You'll stay with him?”
“We'll take turns, promise.” Duo led him down the hall to the other bedroom and smiled, as Harry was asleep as soon as he hit the mattress. Duo took his shoes off and slipped him under the covers.
“Sleep well kid, you've earned it.” Duo headed back to the only other occupied room. Heero had taken Harry's post in the bedside chair.
“Fast asleep. I'll make sure he eats when he wakes up.” Heero nodded and Duo moved closer to study Wufei's injuries.
“He really did a good job, didn't he?”
“Maybe we should send him to Sally, she could train him further.”
“Into a war zone?”
“Okay, good point. You've got to admit, he did a better job than we usually manage. Looks like he was studying for you when Fei got home.” Duo indicated the discarded manual.
“He is an eager student.”
“With a weird set of skills. He can do this but had no clue of even the basics when it comes to computers. And have you seen him move when with Fei? His reflexes might even beat yours. Weird kid. You want first shift?”
“Get some sleep, I'll wake you.” Duo curled up on Harry's bed and fell asleep quickly. Heero took the chance to look around the room. Harry's influence was obvious, he was neat but not to the obsessive state that Wufei was. There were a few books on his bedside table and a framed picture of the people who were obviously his parents on the dresser. Heero got up to take a closer look. He looked at the young couple, obviously happy and very much in love. Harry looked a lot like his father. He wondered vaguely how they'd died, Harry had never said. A low groan had him turning back to the bed. Onyx eyes were staring in his direction.
“He's asleep.”
“Water.” Heero helped him to drink from the cup.
“Successful. Sleep, the others will be back soon.” Wufei drifted off again so Heero settled in for a long wait.
“Is he okay?” Heero looked up, startled, to see Harry in the doorway. He berated himself for being caught unawares; he hadn't heard the other teen enter.
“Fine. He woke up and had some water.”
“Good. Did he think you were me?” Harry smiled as he sat on the floor.
“He thought I was you when he got here. Want something to eat?” Heero nodded.
“Back soon.”
“Thought you were going to wake me?” Heero looked over to see Duo was now awake.
“In another hour.”
“Harry looks better already. It's amazing what sleep can do.” Harry walked back in carrying a tray with three bowls of soup and enough toast for them to share.
“Thanks Harry, I'm starving!” The three quickly ate, all were very hungry.
“Did Fei say anything about how he was hurt?”
“No, he hasn't really stayed awake for very long.”
“So what do you think happened?”
“Don't know and unless he wants me to know than it's not my business. I'm just glad he managed to get back here before he collapsed.” Duo relaxed, Harry wasn't going to pry.
“I'll go clean up that blood so the others don't freak when they get back.” He gathered the empty bowls and left the room.
“At least we don't have to shoot him as a security risk.” Duo made it light but he knew that Heero would have been thinking about it.
“You're back! You both okay?”
“We're fine Harry. Are the others back?”
“Yeah, Duo's taking his turn watching Fei and Heero's asleep I think.”
“What's wrong with Wufei?”
“He showed up pretty badly hurt five days ago. At least I cleaned up the blood, I didn't realise it was there and Heero and Duo panicked when they got back. Ran into Duo and got knocked down to find a gun in my face before he realised it was me.”
“Is Wufei alright?”
“He's mending. Won't be able to walk on his leg for a while though. Need me for anything? I was heading for the shops.”
“Go ahead, I think we're going to crash.”
“See you later.” They watched as Harry left before heading for the back bedroom.
“Hey Quat, Tro. I'm guessing you ran into Harry.”
“On his way out. What happened?”
“Apparently Fei gave Harry quite the scare by collapsing half dead in the front room. Harry fixed him up and then spent two days in this chair, caring for him. When we got back he was dead on his feet and hadn't eaten anything but toast. He did a better job with Wufei's injuries than any of us could. Apparently the school nurse had been training him for about a year so he knows what he's doing. He even stitched one of Fei's wounds shut.” Duo shuddered.
“Has he asked any questions?” Trowa asked from where he was inspecting Harry's work for himself.
“Nope, said unless Wu-man wants him to know than it's not his business.” The other two pilots relaxed at that. They really liked Harry but they couldn't risk telling him. Staying ignorant was the best way to keep him safe if something happened and they were caught. OZ wouldn't be interested in a teen who knew nothing, hopefully.
Harry stopped to watch as a truck full of OZ soldiers pulled up in front of the shops. What was OZ doing in Little Whinging? He adjusted the bags and started walking.
“Hey kid!” He paused and turned to face the two soldiers.
“Yes sir?”
“You seen any of these guys around?” He showed Harry some pictures.
“No sir, my family only just got back form a holiday in Nice.”
“Okay, keep an eye out for them and of you see them stay away. They're wanted terrorists. Call this number if you do see them.”
“Terrorists? In Surrey? We should have stayed on vacation.” Harry muttered the last and the soldiers laughed.
“Yeah, warn your family and friends.”
“Okay. Can I go?”
“Sure thing.” Harry headed home, the poster in his hand. Terrorists? He stopped by the park and sat in a little clearing he'd found years ago, no one else had ever used it in all that time so it was a good place to think. What was he going to do? He couldn't turn them in, they were his friends. Should he warn them or pretend like nothing had happened? Sighing, Harry stood; he didn't really have much of a choice. Using the back ways he set of for home.
Harry gasped as hands grabbed him as soon as he stepped foot in the door. He lashed out wildly, trying to get lose. Had Oz beaten him?
“Harry relax.” He stopped fighting as he recognised Quatre's voice.
“What was that for?” He hissed as he felt whoever was behind him let go. Turning he noticed it was Trowa.
“Sorry. Why are you so late?”
“This.” He tossed the poster at Quatre and watched the blond pale.
“Thew shops are crawling with soldiers, they're stopping everyone.”
“Are you alright?”
“Fine, they asked if I'd seen you and then let me pass.” Harry shrugged.
“What did you tell them?” Heero had entered the room, gun held out of Harry's line of site.
“That my family just got back from a holiday so I hadn't seen anyone.”
“Why didn't you tell them the truth?”
“Because you're my friends and I don't think you would do anything like that without a good reason.”
“He's telling the truth.”
“So where have you been?”
“The park, just in case they worked out I was lying. I took the back ways home too.”
“Good. We need to get out of here.”
“How? Wufei can't even walk.” Heero frowned at Quatre's statement and then turned back to Harry.
“Go pack your things, one bag that you can carry easily. Tell Duo.” Harry nodded and headed down the hall, Heero watching him.
“He trusts us Heero. He'll do what we tell him without questions.” Duo came out to join them.
“Harry said there are soldiers looking for us?”
“They questioned him at the shops, he lied to protect us. It's only a matter of time until they ask someone who won't cover for us.”
“Harry's packing for him and Fei. What are we going to do? Wufei still isn't up to moving much.”
“If they didn't have pictures we could leave him and Harry here but with those posters they'd arrest them both. Harry would be seen as aiding and abetting.”
Harry quickly packed all of his things into a duffle bag, shrinking a lot of it to fit more in. A featherlight charm took care of the weight. He moved onto Wufei's things, doing the same. He stopped by the bed to watch him sleep. He had a feeling he knew what they were discussing, what to do with him and Wufei. At least he could run if needed.
“Harry? What's wrong?”
“How are you feeling?”
“Better. Answer the question.”
“Soldiers in town. They have a poster with your photos on it.” Wufei looked away.
“So you're leaving.”
“We all are. Heero told me to pack so I did your bag as well.”
“I'm injured Harry, I won't be able to keep up.”
“So you want to be left here? You'll get caught.”
“Heero won't let me.” It took a few minutes for Harry to work that one out and then he paled.
“No, you are not going to die Fei.”
“Harry, I can't be interrogated.” They both looked to the door as the others entered, looking subdued. Without thinking about it Harry placed himself between them and the bed, earning a small sad smile from Duo.
“Step aside Harry.” Heero brought his gun up to aim at Harry, hoping to scare him into moving.
“Not until you swear you won't kill Wufei.”
“I can't.”
“Then I can't move.”
“Do you think any of us wants this Harry? We all know the risks.” Duo's voice was pained.
“Harry move, it'll be okay.”
“How will your dieing be okay?” Harry snapped at the bedridden teen.
“Move Harry.”
“So be it.”
“NO!” Three voices screamed. Heero pulled the trigger.