Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Surrey Trouble ❯ Chapter 15 ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: No change.
Thanks for the reviews!! Glad I haven't lost you guys because of the long wait.
Poor Harry, I seem to like bashing him up a bit. I finally killed Remus off, only took me 14 chapters. It made me really sad to do it though. This is a really depressing chapter but is a good way to show how everyone feels about our favourite wizard, nearly cried as I wrote it.
Chapter 15
Heero frowned, something was definitely wrong. The hanger where they hid their Gundams and the surrounding buildings were nearly deserted and the people in them seemed distracted. He quickened his pace; needing to get to the house to reassure himself that Duo was okay. The other pilot had assured him he'd been unhurt during their last mission together but that had been three weeks ago. Had something happened since then?
“Master Heero!” He stopped in the doorway as Rashid came down the stairs.
“I am so glad you're here.”
“Master Harry's room.” Heero took off up the stairs.
“Wait! You need to know…” He ignored the older man, running for his friends' room. What had happened that Duo was in Harry's room? He opened the door but stopped just inside, waiting for his eyes to adjust. It was instinct alone that allowed him to catch his lover as Duo hurled himself into his arms. He instantly wrapped his arms around him; trying to offer what comfort he could even as his gaze focused on the bed. A bed whose occupant was lying far too still.
“What happened?” He led Duo over to the chair he'd obviously been using to keep watch over Harry. He sat and pulled his exhausted lover into his lap.
“Nobody knows, he was like this when we found him. I was sure he was dead until Juri started yelling at us to move. He went missing my first night here but no one noticed till he didn't show up for his morning spar with Asad. We searched the grounds and then headed off into the desert. We found him about half an hours walk into the desert. He was a mess Heero, Juri wasn't sure if he'd live or not at first but now he just won't wake up. They're saying…. Juri told me they think he may have…” Duo trailed off, unable to complete the sentence so Heero pulled him closer. His eyes went back to the bed. He barely recognised the other teen, surrounded by equipment and lying so still and pale. He smiled slightly at the now long hair, braided and tied off with one of Fei's ties. Duo had obviously done it for him to keep his hair neat while bed bound. Even lying down he could tell Harry had gained a few inches and put on both weight and muscle. Heero frowned, other than being a bit pale where he could see a fading tan, Harry looked like he was simply asleep. He did not look like someone who had been comatose for three weeks.
“How are you feeding him?”
“We aren't… You noticed too huh? The doctors can't explain it, he should be losing weight but he's not. If anything he's grown slightly and has gained a little more definition but that's impossible. Do you think it's his magic?” Duo had joined him in studying Harry.
“Maybe. Why do they think he's still unconscious?” Duo refused to meet his eyes.
“Brain damage, they're worried about brain damage. We won't know unless… until he wakes up.”
“He may not. Do the others know?”
“No, I didn't want to distract them when there's nothing they can do. This'll break Fei's heart Hee-chan.” Duo snuggled closer to his lover and drifted off to sleep, knowing Heero would protect Harry and him while they slept.
He revelled in the warmth and light, knowing he was safe as long as he stayed here. For the first time in his life there was no pain, only comfort. Nothing mattered but staying in the light. Occasional vague sounds reached him but they didn't matter, anything outside this place was unimportant. At least that's what the voice said, he wasn't sure he liked the voice but he liked this place and so he willingly stayed.
Voldemort smiled as he left the link. Had they really thought he wouldn't be able to reach the boy's mind after the explosion of magic that had woken him weeks ago? It had been so easy to influence him while his natural defences were down. As long as he could keep Potter unconscious it didn't matter that he couldn't find his body, he couldn't interfere with his plans so he was happy. Besides, the body would eventually wither and die, not even magic could sustain him indefinitely. Death Eaters shuddered in fear as Voldemort's laughter reached them, especially a certain potions master who hurried to report to his true master.
Wufei sat silently beside the bed, keeping silent vigil. He'd nearly killed Duo for keeping this from him but Heero had managed to talk him down at the last second. The braided pilot was still keeping his distance though. He reached over and gently picked up a limp hand, squeezing it softly in an effort to let Harry know he was here for him.
“Please wake up love, don't leave me here alone.” Being careful of the various machines he gently climbed onto the bed and wrapped himself around his love, hoping his presence would comfort Harry and encourage him to wake up.
“I swear I will kill whoever did this to you but you have to wake up and tell me. They're saying it's been too long, that you won't wake but I know you will. You're stronger than this. I know that you might be…injured but that doesn't matter to me. Just let me know you're still in there, that there is hope.” Here, in the quite safety of Harry's room Wufei could voice his need and fears so that only Harry could hear. But not even the small drops of moisture falling on his skin caused him to stir.
Nasih stood in the doorway of his student's room, watching the Chinese youth as he climbed onto the bed and murmured to the comatose teen. Minkah had touched his old heart in a way he'd thought impossible since he'd lost his wife and son but somehow the boy had. He knew there was a lot more to the teen than any of them had been told, he could see it in those emerald eyes. It was his eyes that had led him to renaming the boy Minkah, eyes that cried out for and promised to deliver justice. The boy was important; Nasih knew he would change the world somehow if given the chance. A chance it was looking more and more likely he'd never get. He would miss Minkah's quick mind and infectious laughter, even more so if he woke and they were still lost. Better he die than for that to happen, it was the way of the desert, only the strong survive. Minkah was strong but would he retain that strength if he woke?
Trowa stared at the email. He was glad Quatre was in class; he didn't want the sensitive blond reading it. He frowned; his lover was not going to take the news well. They'd all become attached to Harry, even him. He'd tried hard not to but it had happened almost without him noticing, the same way his angel had crept into his heart and past all his barriers. He tried to imagine Quatre in Harry's condition and felt a sharp pain, what was Wufei going through? He knew Quatre would want to go to them but they had to complete their mission. They'd kept Harry's existence from the Doctors, not knowing how they'd react to the teen. J would probably order Heero to kill him as a risk, usually that wasn't a worry; they'd all seen Harry stop a bullet. But in his current condition? He was vulnerable. And if they left now the Doctors would learn of Harry.
Albus Dumbledore stared at his spy's retreating back. His news had been disturbing. Something had happened to make Tom extremely happy and he could think of only one thing that would do that.
“Where are you Harry? What has happened to you?” He'd felt the explosion of magic five weeks ago and he knew it could have been only one of two people, Tom or Harry, that was at its centre. The fact that Lupin had died at almost the exact same moment had him leaning towards Harry. Just what had they done?
Juri carefully checked the monitors surrounding his patient, trying not to wake his guardian but was unsuccessful as blue eyes opened to watch him carefully. He gulped slightly, this pilot unnerved more than anyone else. But he wouldn't let that distract him from his work. He carefully checked the amount of oxygen that was being passed through the tubes and into Harry who had difficulty breathing without assistance. There had been no change in the teens condition in the last seven weeks, a fact that was puzzling. He should be losing, if not weight, then muscle tone but he wasn't. Sure, the pilots had been shown how to exercise his limbs but that did not account for this. He visually checked his patient; he looked a hundred times better than he had when Juri had found him, lying in the sand. He hadn't told anyone but he'd been so sure then that the boy was dead. He'd nearly jumped when he'd found a pulse.
Juri leant against the wall just outside the sickroom, glad to be away from Heero Yuy's eyes. For seven weeks he and the other doctors among the Maganacs had been able to do little for the boy but monitor his condition. All the tests they'd done had come back negative but they had been putting off head scans for some reason. Perhaps they simply didn't want to face the obvious facts, Harry was permanently damaged by whatever had happened to him in the desert. He wished he knew what the teen had been doing out there alone at night; a feeling he knew was shared by all. Harry was an easy kid to like, he didn't look down on anyone and was always eager to help and learn. He barely even knew him but he liked him; he always had a smile for him when they saw each other in passing. He sighed and started the walk back to his room; he knew it would be soon that the suggestion to turn off the machines would be voiced, however reluctantly it was suggested. He knew he would be the one who had to turn them off, Harry was his patient and he hated even considering it but he had to do what was best for the boy, not himself or others.
Quatre didn't even try to fight the tears that made their way down his face as he stood beside the bed. He felt the welcomed heat of Trowa's body just behind him, ready to move if he was needed. He absently rubbed at his chest, trying to ignore the swirl of emotions and focus on Harry. Harry's emotions always had a distinct `feel' to them, a feel he'd gotten used to in the weeks they'd spent together. But now that feeling was gone. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't find Harry.
“I can't find him.” He sobbed, turning to bury his face in his lover's chest, not wanting to see Wufei's reaction to his announcement. He knew they'd been hoping he'd be able to give them hope and instead he'd destroyed it, Harry was too far-gone for him to feel.
“No.” He barely heard Wufei's defiant denial as Trowa lifted in him in his arms and carried him from the room. He was being suffocated by the emotions filling the mansion, all of them focused on the unconscious Wizard.
“It's not fair.” He gasped as Trowa laid him on their bed, clutching at his neck as he continued to sob.
“Shhh. I'm here. Sleep little one.” Quatre sobbed out all the pain he felt, his and others, before gradually drifting into sleep, held securely in the arms of his lover.
Fawkes sang sadly as he flew laps around around the Great Hall to the amazement of the students and great concern of the staff. Neville looked to Luna and frowned. She nodded slightly. Something was seriously wrong for the phoenix to be acting like this. They quietly made their way from the hall and headed for the kitchens. Perhaps it was time to act.
The pilots stood around the bed where Harry lay, Wufei holding him tightly against his chest, uncaring of the tears that streamed down his face. Juri stood ready beside the machines as the room and hall filled with silent people, all wanting to give their support to the boy, praying it would be enough for him to fight his way back to them. One by one those closest to him took their turn to whisper something to the unresponsive teen even as his boyfriend slowly rocked him and kissed the top of his head. Heero eventually nodded to Juri and the medic turned to the equipment, reaching for the off switches.
Will Harry die? It is a possibility, I have two possible ways to continue this so don't assume there's a miracle and he wakes up fine. You have been warned!