Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Surrey Trouble ❯ Chapter 20 ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Still don't own them. Wouldn't mind it if I did though.
See, not abandoning this just because of `My Brother's a Wizard?'. Glad people like the addition of Fawkes.
#Phoenix talk#
Chapter 20
Wufei ran his fingers through Harry's hair, watching the teen sleeping peacefully. He couldn't believe how much he'd improved since he'd last seen him. It had been a big shock to walk in and see him working with Juri like that. He didn't like the idea that Harry's voice might be gone for good, didn't he need to say the incantation for his magic?
“Fei.” He jerked out of his thoughts to stare down at a now awake Harry in shock. It had been no more than a hoarse croak but it had been his name. A smile slowly spread across his face as he watched the dawning comprehension in Harry's eyes. He nodded at the others questioning look and then grabbed the glass from the night before, raising Harry enough so that he could drink. The phoenix tears still present in the liquid went to work again, healing his throat further.
“Try again love.” Harry swallowed for a few seconds before nodding.
“Missed you Fei.” Still hoarse but his voice had gained a little strength. Harry found himself wrapped in a strong embrace and managed to partially return it, albeit very weakly.
“I missed you too Harry. I should call Juri, get him to check you out.”
“Not yet. Want you.” Harry relaxed further into Wufei's embrace, content to lay in his arms forever if allowed.
“Is your throat sore?”
“Bit, not bad.” Harry coughed slightly and gratefully swallowed as the glass was once again pressed to his lips.
“Don't try to talk too much, your voice is out of practice.” He managed a nod and a shaky but still visible smile.
“I was starting to think I'd never see you smile again. I tried to be happy with just knowing you were still here and then communicating through blinking but it was so hard. I'm so happy now.”
“You'll get them back and even if you don't we'll manage. I missed the sound of your voice, the ability to just hold hands.” Fei raised their clasped hands and Harry squeezed weakly, earning a grin. They lay together in the bed; Harry wrapped securely in Wufei's arms and held against his chest. He used his newfound mobility to occasionally run his hand across whatever bit of skin was in easy reach. It wasn't until their stomachs began to complain that Wufei moved.
“We need breakfast and Juri should be told. I'll be back in a bit.” Wufei helped Harry sit up amongst the pillows before leaning down and kissing him. Harry managed to return it slightly and Fei smiled tenderly at him before leaving the room.
“Thank you.” Harry looked at where Fawkes was perched and the phoenix bowed in acknowledgment.
“Hey Harry, I'm back!” Duo bounded into the room, Heero following at a more sedate pace.
“Hey you two.” Watching them freeze in shock, however briefly Heero did so, was amusing and Harry smiled softly.
“You heard that too, right Hee-chan? Tell me I'm not hearing things!” Duo turned pleading eyes on his lover who simply moved further into the room.
“Hn.” Heero nodded at Harry and gave him a small smile.
“You can talk! That's great! How long?” Duo bounced over to the bed ad lounged next to Harry, making himself comfortable as Heero leaned against the wall.
“A week. Woke up and I could. Still hard.”
“Understandable, you haven't used your voice in a long time.” Heero commented.
“Juri said same thing.” Harry reached out and Duo clasped his hand, grinning at the extra strength in his grip.
“You've gotten stronger, those exercises must be helping.”
“Still no legs.” Harry frowned, in the week since his voice had come back he'd regained full facial movement so he could now smile and frown as much as he wanted but he still had no feeling below the waist.
“Give it time, you'll get it. Fei could always spend forever carrying you around.” Duo grinned and Harry managed to swat him.
“Back for long?” Harry pushed himself further upright, Duo helping by rearranging the pillows.
“A few days, maybe a week. Know where the others are?”
“Mission.” Harry shrugged.
“You allowed downstairs?” Harry nodded.
“Great, we'll grab a shower, clean off the dirt, then how about we have a movie night?” Harry grinned at the suggestion and nodded.
“Sure. I pick?”
“Of course you can pick. Figure you want to get out of this room for a while. Be back soon!” Duo dragged his lover off to their room so they could shower while Harry relaxed against his pillows, still smiling. He couldn't help but be happy with Duo around; he was a never-ending bundle of energy and cheerfulness.
Duo sighed contentedly as he snuggled into Heero. The other pilot wrapped his arms around him reflexively as they drifted just between sleep and wakefulness. The movie night had been a brilliant idea and they hadn't gone to bed until after midnight when Juri had come in and ordered Harry back to bed, he was still no where near full strength after all. Duo smiled as he felt a soft kiss pressed to his hair.
“He's improving well.” Heero's soft comment earnt a happy nod.
“M'glad. Wufei was getting too depressed and I missed Harry, him blinking just wasn't the same. It was great to hear him laugh again, even if it did cause a coughing fit.” Duo stretched and snuggled deeper into Heero's embrace. They lay in silence for a while, happy to enjoy a few moments of peace.
“Do you think he will fully recover?” Duo asked softly after a time.
“He is strong willed enough, he won't give up easily.”
“Yeah, and even if he wants to we wont let him. He has to get better. He's too vulnerable like this. What happens if someone finds him?”
“We do what we can to protect him.” Heero kissed him again.
“Sleep now.” Duo nodded sleepily as Heero tightened his grip protectively, both drifting off to sleep, not seeing or hearing the phoenix that helped them.
Fawkes smiled as the two fell into a deep, easy sleep with the help of his song. All of these boys had such pain in their pasts, just like the young Gryffindor he had sworn to protect. They protected his charge so he would help and protect them as much as he was able.
Harry was sweating as he gripped the bars, fighting to keep himself upright and trying to will his legs to obey him. They stubbornly refused to obey him.
“That's enough for now Harry.” He nodded gratefully and let Juri take his weight, helping him to a chair.
“Do you really think I'll walk again?” He asked quietly as he paused in drinking his water.
“I honestly don't know Harry. We still don't know what caused this in the first place. Harry felt a twinge of guilt, he hadn't told Juri what he was and because of that the young doctor was left completely in the dark. He hadn't even told Wufei what happened that night bar what they'd learnt from him that first day. He had trouble thinking about it, even though he'd known it was coming he missed Moony fiercely and talking about his death was too much.
“Your throats nearly fully healed and your upper body strength has increased greatly in the last month. Frankly I've given up trying to guess what will happen next with you.” The exchanged smiles as Harry finished his water.
“Hey love.” Harry looked towards the door, smiling as he saw Wufei leaning against the frame.
“You're back!”
“Mission finished early.” Wufei walked over to them, wrapping an arm around Harry's shoulders.
“How are you?”
“Harry's doing well, he can hold his weight on his arms for several minutes now and his throat is almost completely healed.” Juri informed the pilot.
“That's great news.” Wufei smiled at Harry proudly.
“You finished so I can steal him?”
“Go ahead, we're done for now. Just have him back by four.” Harry groaned at that.
“Slave driver.”
“Hey, not my fault Asad wants his student back as quickly as possible. Get going you two.” Wufei scooped Harry up in his arms and headed for the door, Harry waving over his shoulder at Juri.
“So, where do you want to go? Outside, your room, where?”
“Our room.” Harry said firmly.
“You said it was our room our first day here but now you have your own room down the hall. I want you with me every night you're here, not just sometimes Fei.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. Don't you want…” Harry trailed off, unwilling to voice his fears, that Wufei didn't really want him anymore, they rarely kissed anymore and they were fairly chaste when they did. Harry had to initiate most of them.
“I want you Harry, never doubt that.” They'd reached the room and Wufei gently settled Harry amongst the pillows before sitting in front of him and taking his hand.
“I love you, no mater what.”
“Then why? You rarely touch me anymore, except to carry me somewhere. If we kiss it's chaste and I have to initiate most of them. Please Fei, tell me what's going on?”
“I didn't want to push you or make you feel pressured in any way. I didn't want to do anything to slow your recovery love. I… I was so scared that I'd lost you for so long, I tried to pull away so it wouldn't hurt as much but I couldn't and then you woke up but you just stared vacantly and I thought you were gone and it hurt so much. When Quatre said he could feel you it was a relief but I still felt hesitant, I didn't want to hurt you in any way. But you started to get better and I felt hope for the first time in what felt like forever but it still didn't feel totally real. I guess I'm afraid that I'll wake up and you'll be gone again, that I'll find you being back is a dream.” Wufei looked down at their entwined fingers in shame. He sounded so stupid and weak. He gave a little gasp of surprise as Harry used his grip on his hand to pull him forward. He felt soft lips brush his lightly.
“I'm not going anywhere. This is real, I'm real.” Then Harry was kissing him as forcefully as he could manage with the angle he had. He wrapped his arms around Fei, refusing to let go and was relieved when he felt him relax into the embrace and then Fei was kissing him back, pushing him down into the pillows. Warm hands roamed under his shirt and he moaned, allowing Fei's tongue access to his mouth. They rolled slightly onto their sides, Wufei wrapping his legs around Harry's so that they would move as they rolled. Harry tried to roll them further but couldn't without the use of his legs. They slowly broke the fevered kiss, both gasping for air. Harry smiled and stroked Fei's face gently, moving his hand to remove the other teen's hair tie.
“Believe me now?” He questioned quietly, more than slightly out of breath.
“Yes.” Wufei whispered before leaning in for another passionate kiss. Their hands roamed freely over the others body as they continued kissing, only breaking when air became a desperate necessity. Harry pushed Fei's shirt off and he returned the gesture as they continued to touch.
They eventually parted again, both flushed and panting for air. Harry smiled and tucked himself under Wufei's chin, content to lie quietly for a while. Wufei frowned slightly as he noticed the angle Harry's legs were at and gently reached down to move them into a more natural position, missing Harry's grimace. They both noticed that when Harry had said he had no feeling below the waist he really meant no feeling, their kissing had caused Wufei's body to react but not his and Harry shut his eyes in shame. Seeing Harry's reaction Wufei kissed him softly.
“It doesn't matter. We can still enjoy other things.” He murmured softly, hugging Harry tightly. He got a terse nod in reply and they stayed silent after that, Wufei holding him tightly until Harry gradually began to relax again. Wufei kissed him gently and then froze.
“Um, Harry?”
“How's your magic lately?” That got his attention and his eyes shot open. Harry turned to look where Wufei was staring and his mouth fell open in shock.