Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Hachi Hooseki (Eight gems) ❯ Kagome?! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha demo I do own everything else in this story that isn't Inuyasha

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"We have to pass Kaede's hut to get to Mermaid Lagoon. We should restock on supplies," Sango said.

"How long before we get there?" Miroku asked.

"About an hour," Sango said.

Inuyasha had finally stopped to let them rest after two days of walking without stopping.

He sat in the tree with a scowl on his face and constantly looking back at the direction they came from.

"Are you done yet?" he asked.

"Hai," Miroku said standing up with Sango.

They walked down to the village and into Kaede's hut.

"Inuyasha?" a soft voice asked.

They looked and saw Kagome sitting on the ground with her backpack.

"Kagome!" Shippou shouted happily and hugged her.

"Hey there Shippou," Kagome said. "Where have you been?"

"Get what you need and come on or stay here," Inuyasha said and left.

"What's wrong with him?" Kagome asked.

"I don't know," Sango said.

Inuyasha went to the highest tree and sat there alone. He pulled out a piece of cloth and inhaled it deeply.

It was covered with Pai's scent and comforted him.

"Pai," he said barely above a whisper.


Pai was still in chains; every time Toki came within three feet of her she made a vine whack him.

"You'll tire yourself dear if you keep that up," he said. "They're not coming back for you. You're nothing but a worthless piece of." He began.

A vine came and wrapped around his ankles and hung him on a branch. Pai glared at him and she struggled to get free from the chains.

She called the winds and they couldn't break the chains.

"Only water can help you break free of those chains or me," Toki said.

A branch hit him in the back hard and he smirked.

Back with Inuyasha…

Inuyasha came down from his tree and went to see if the others were ready.

Sango and Kagome were talking to each other happily while Miroku and Shippou ate.

Myouga was nowhere in sight so Inuyasha grabbed the map and bag and headed to Mermaid lagoon alone.

He reached it by next morning and Myouga was already there.

"Where are the others master?" he asked.

"At Kaede's hut," Inuyasha said putting down the things.

"To get the gem you must travel deep in the waters. There is a potion you'll need to make to breath under water," Myouga said.

"What is it?" Inuyasha asked.

"A mermaid scale, six grains of sand, a conch and a feather from a seagull then boil them together in a pot of water," Myouga said.

"Inuyasha!" someone shouted.

He turned around to see Miroku, Sango, Kagome and Shippou coming from behind.

"Why did you leave us?" Kagome asked.

Inuyasha saw she still had the ring on and went to go find the items Myouga told him about.

He picked up a conch he saw in the water then grabbed a seagull and killed it.

He carried the whole thing.

The last thing he needed was a mermaid scale.

He went back to Myouga and dropped off the stuff.

"What is this stuff for?" Kagome asked.

"How the hell am I suppose to get a mermaid scale?!" Inuyasha yelled squeezing the flea. "Mermaids don't shed."

"You have to ask one for it," Myouga said.

"Great," Inuyasha said and began down the beach when he saw a bunch of black hair in the water.

He crept over to it and right about when he was about to grab it moved away from him.

"A hanyou," it said. "What do you want?"

"I want one of your scales," Inuyasha said.

"What for?" it asked. "To breath underwater?"

"What else would I want one of your nasty scales for?" Inuyasha asked.

"Okami youkais love necklaces made of mermaid scales, especially the females. They like them because of the colors," it said. "Maybe to impress a okami female you want my scales."

"I only want one," he said.

He saw a familiar piece of cloth being waved in the air. "This smells like an okami youkai," it said. "A pretty female at that."

"Give that back!" Inuyasha shouted.

"Not until you tell me why you have it?" it said.

Inuyasha growled angrily and clenched his fist.

"Freezing ice!" Inuyasha shouted and shot an ice beam at the thing.

He heard it cry in pain then saw it on a rock.

It had long black hair till its back and a purple tail.

"Why did you hit me?" it asked angrily.

"Give it back," Inuyasha growled.

It glared at Inuyasha. "Tsunami crash!" it shouted and a wave of water came over him and swept him to her.

"Why do you carry this?" she asked then sniffs him. "Her scent isn't on you so you're not her mate or related to her. Are you trying to get my scales to impress her?"

Inuyasha growled.

"Mermaids love romance and meddling and others," Myouga said.

"Hai," Inuyasha said sourly.

"Have as many as you like," it said holding out its tail to Inuyasha.

He grabbed six scales then after thinking about it grabbed a handful.

He put them in a pouch at his waist then got an evil smirk. He jumped in the air and kicked the mermaid out of sight.

A faint voice was heard and he was swept to shore by a huge wave.

"Why did you get so many?" Sango asked.

Inuyasha ignored her and kept making potions.

He made six bottles and gave them to each person leaving a scale in the bottle.

He drank a little of his and jumped in the water. The others followed his suit and followed him.


Toki had managed to escape Pai's vine attacks and was now pissed off.

"You'll be mine whether you like it or not!" he shouted stomping towards her.

A hand came right through him and he fell.

Pai looked up to see a youkai with long sliver hair and something that resembled a tail and a toad youkai.

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Don't worry, it won't be a Sesshoumaru/Pai romance or will it?

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