Fan Fiction / Medabots Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Big Mix-Up ❯ Hostage Situation ( Chapter 2 )
Legal Stuff:
I don't own any of the characters or references to companies in this story. They are the properties of their respective owners.
Author's Notes:
Here comes chapter 2!
Chapter 2: Hostage Situation
Once again, the evil plan of an evil mastermind has been foiled. I have decided to give our heroes free reign of a Holiday Inn, because it was late and I don't like to work with sleepy people. So while they're snoozing away, we find that Robotnik has decided to demonstrate his own brand of genius by using a cliché evil trick: Take hostages. Yeah, real original. Oh well. Here we go!
Robotnik: And then I put you here <places small animal in large container of other small animals, just like in the old sonic the hedgehog games for the genesis.> and...voila! perfect hero delay device! Well, I sure haven't used one of these in a while. <looks at animal container> Doesn't matter. It still makes good bate. to inform that blasted hedgehog and his little friends about it...
Zim: I'm telling you, all we need are some really good falling toasters!
Robotnik and Dr. MedaEvil: SHUTUP!!
Dr. MedaEvil: You're stupid toaster plan will never work!
Zim: This being said by a pathetic filth-weasel who had his big robot blown up on its first day!
Dr. MedaEvil: Like I said before, how was I supposed to know that--
Robotnik and Zim: <interrupting, annoyedly> That they'd have a goofy-looking giant robot! Yes, we know, you've only said that a million times already!
Zim: Wait! For some reason, I am inspired with an idea!
Me: <thinking> Your welcome.
Zim: We will have our slave drones tell those horrible stink-urchins about your trapped mammal-noids!
Robotnik: Actually, they're just mammals.
Zim: Silence! embryo storage device!
Robotnik: I am not an egg! I just have a ridiculous obsession with them, that's all. Even if I'm shaped like one that doesn't mean... <starts mumbling indescriptively>
Dr. MedaEvil: What did you mean by 'slave drones'?
Zim: You, of all people should know, oh wilted one.
Dr. MedaEvil: What did you call me?
Zim: <ignoring him> We shall make my GIR, your mechanical shrub beast, and your nylon worm-baby do it!
Robotnik: You mean...Metal Sonic?
Dr. MedaEvil: And Shrimplips?
Zim: Yes, yes whatever...
Meanwhile, at the Holiday Inn...
6:00 AM
I figured that everyone had enough sleep, and I doubt anyone wanted to read about a bunch of snoring people, so I decided to wake everyone up with a Pikachu-esque electrical alarm.
All: Hey! What was that for?!
Me: Quiet or I'll do it again!
Koji: Well, I guess we should start our day...Hey! where's my expensive breakfast?
Ikki: Koji, this isn't the Ritz or anything. You'll have the continental breakfast like the rest of us.
Koji: Grrr...
Metabee: Metabee is ready to start his day!
Stitch: <YAWN!>...Stitch hungry!
Sonic: Are chilidogs on the menu?
Tails: Probably not.
Bomberman: How am I supposed to eat? I don't think I have a mouth!
Megaman: Ha-ha! <KABOOM!>...ouch.
Fast forward to 9:00 AM, on the road, in Stitch's car...
Music: Live and learn! You may ne..
Amy: Sonic, how many times are you gonna play that one?
Sonic: Hush! It's the guitar solo! <starts playing air guitar>
Amy: <rolls eyes> ugh.
Metabee: <to Tails> Hey, this music's pretty cool. Where'd the blue guy get it?
Tails: <holding up CD case> Sonic adventure 2 sound track.
Metabee: ohh.
Megaman: <stuffed in trunk, thinking> I wish he'd play something with a little less bass. <looks at bass speakers in trunk>
Bomberman: <standing on trunk> Now, this is music to blow stuff up to! <starts throwing bombs at road behind them>
Stitch: <driving, slightly head banging to music> Stitch must have this music!
Knuckles: Good luck. I don't think we'll be able to get Sonic far enough away from it to ask him where he got the thing!
Just then, Bomberman noticed something behind them. Upon closer examination, he saw two robots flying just off the ground, and what looked like a little kid riding a cross between a motorcycle and a scooter. They were gaining on the car. He turned around and alerted everybody. Stitch decided to stop the car.
Sonic: <still jamming to music> Huh? What's going on?
Erika: Looks like we've got company!
Karin: I hope they're friendly.
Metal Sonic: <flying up beside car> So, hedgehog, we meet again!
Sonic: <eyes closed, singing to self> Theeere's a face searching faaaar so far and wide...
Amy: <tugs at Sonic's shoulder> Uh...Sonic...
Sonic: <waves her off> Not now, Amy. <continues singing to self>...Hold on to one end, hold on to ooonnne end!
Amy: <takes out hammer> Ah-hem! Sonic!
Sonic: <rolls eyes> What?!
Amy: <swings hammer>
Sonic: OUCH!! HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FO--<notices Metal Sonic>--Huh? Hey, what're you doing here?!
Metal Sonic: I come here bringing a message to you pathetic creatures <notices medabots> oh, and uh...them too!
Shrimplips: <drives up next to car, pulls video screen from container on moto-scooter> This will tell you what you're going to do next!
Koji: What do you mean?
An image appeared on the screen. It was Robotnik's face.
Robotnik: <slightly different voice due to the radio he was using to transmit audio> Well, Hedgehog, it seems we meet again. <sarcastically> What's this? It seems you've brought some friends along. hmhmhm...Wonderful...
GIR: <flies up beside other side of car> Weee're gonna teach yoouuu a lesson for...uh...wait...What'd ya do?...Oh wellll...<pulls out some sort of milkshake labeled 'SUCK!', starts sucking on straw> <SUUUCKKKK!!!> Mmmm....Poop cola flavored...
Metal and Shrimplips: <face vault>
Shrimplips: Hey, GIR!
GIR: yeeesss?
Shrimplips: Remember the plan?
GIR: I reeeally don't!
Shrimplips: Well, stick to it anyway!
GIR: IIIII DON"T WANNA!! <flies away for no apparent reason>
Robotnik: <confused> <angry, again> Sonic! You and your little friends will follow Metal Sonic to my battlefield!
Sonic: Why should we?!
Megaman: <still in trunk> Hey! What's going on? Who are you talking to? <starts hitting inside cover of trunk>
Robotnik: <ignoring Megaman> Because I have a bunch of your little animal friends! <screen pans over behind him, showing container of animals>
Sonic: Oh, don't tell me your gonna start doing that again!...Next thing he's gonna say his that he's gonna--
Robotnik: <interrupting> Roboticize them! Exactly! Hahahaha!
Stitch: <leans over to Sonic, whispers something in his ear>
Sonic: <listening> mmhm...yeah...ahh...okay! Hey, Whisker boy!
Stitch: <cracks up, laughing in his psychotic way>
Robotnik: What is it, you rodent?!
Sonic: What if I don't care about those little animals?
All (except Stitch and Sonic): WHAT?!!?!
Sonic: You heard me. Go ahead and roboticize them! See if I care!
Robotnik: <totally disarmed, and very confused> Well, uh...Fine then! Oh and Metal, give them another reason to follow you!
Metal Sonic: Yes sir! <grabs Amy, flies away. Shrimplips follows>
All: AMY!!
Stitch: <floors it, and the car rockets forward, in hot pursuit of Metal Sonic>
Metal Sonic: <looks behind him, then at Amy> Hmm...Perfect. <to Amy> Your friends are going to drive straight into a trap!
Ikki: Hey guys, do ya get the feeling that we're about to drive straight into a trap?
Metabee: Yeah, probably, but I'm here, so we don't have anything to worry about!
Ten minutes later...
The car came to a stop behind Metal Sonic. They had pulled off the road a few minutes ago, and followed Metal Sonic out into the desert. In front of them was a large building with Robotnik's face plastered on it with neon lights.
Sonic: Yup, this is Robotnik's place all right.
Metal Sonic: Haha! Fools! You have driven straight into a trap!
Ikki: Yeah, we kinda figured that'd happen.
Knuckles: <sarcastically, and annoyed; talking slower than normal> Oh no, whataya gonna do?
Robotnik: <voice from loudspeakers on building> HAHAHAHA! Now I've got you!
Bomberman: <annoyed> <yawn>...oh please...
Karin: What are you gonna do to all those cute little animals?!
Robotnik: Why, I'm going to turn them into fierce robots!
Karin: Oh no!!
Sonic: Oh, come on Robotnik! Just give us Amy and it'll save time for all of us!
Robotnik: Never!
Tails: You do realize that were going to beat you.
Robotnik: Not this time! Put Amy in the roboticizer with the rest of them!
Metal Sonic: Yes sir. <takes Amy inside of building>
Sonic: <serious> Oh no you don't! <jumps out of car, runs toward Metal Sonic>
The doors closed and locked just as Sonic hit them.
Sonic: OW!
Robotnik: Now, face my SWATbots!
With that, hundreds of robots marched out of the sides of the building, and attacked the heroes.
Shrimplips: I think this should make things interesting! <presses button on medawatch> Transport Gokudo!!
Gokudo was transported. Shrimplips put the medal in him and Gokudo activated. Meanwhile, everyone else had their hands full with the SWATbots.
Metabee: <firing from left arm> Man, I've been itching for a fight!
Sumilidon: <cutting a robot into pieces> I know what you mean!
Brass: <shooting a robot's head off> Me too!
Neutranurse: <healing a SWATbot> Get back up so I can watch you die again!
Karin: O.o
Stitch: <swinging robot around by its legs, knocking down other SWATbots> Bring it on!
Bomberman: <chucking a large bomb at a group of robots> Ha! Take this!
Megaman: <climbing out of trunk...almost there...ok, he's out...raises gun-arm, fires> Say goodbye!
Knuckles: <to a robot> Hello, have you met my fist?
SWATbot: Negative.
Knuckles: Really? Well, then LET ME INTRODUCE YOU!! <slugs robot, destroying it>
Sonic: <repeatedly attacking door> Come on, break already!
Gokudo: <jumping up from behind the crowd of SWATbots> Hey, Metabee! Bring it on!
Metabee: <jumping over to Gokudo> Alright! Let's do this!
Mr. Referee: <exploding out of a SWATbot> Then it's agreed! I officially declare a submission robattle between Metabee and Gokudo!
Ikki: <face vault> What are you doing?!
Mr. Referee: Medafighters ready?
Shrimplips: Yeah!
Ikki: No!
Mr. Referee: Too bad! Medabots! ROBATTLE!!!
Metabee and Gokudo robattle each other while everyone else is still dealing with the SWATbots.
Tails: <grabs a SWATbot, flies into the air> Bombs away! <drops SWATbot onto several others>
[I doubt that Tails could actually do that, but I'm the author and I say he can. So there.]
Stitch walks over to the door, and stands next to Sonic.
Stitch: Hedgehog want help?
Sonic: Well, yeah, but, what can you do?
Stitch: Stand back. <walks over to door, and effortlessly tears it from the building. He then throws it into a few other SWATbots> There.
Sonic: ...O.o...whoa.
Sonic and Stitch walk in, and the building seemed very peaceful when compared to the utter chaos outside. They then saw Amy and a bunch of little animals strapped to the side of a huge machine in the middle of the room. It was all inside of an enormous glass tube. Sonic pressed his hands and face against the foot-thick glass.
Sonic: AMY!!
Amy did not move; nor did any of the animals. All too soon, they saw Robotnik himself standing on a platform on the other side of the room. He pointed a gun directly at Sonic.
Robotnik: It all ends here for you, hedgehog! Too bad you won't live long enough to see the roboticized version of your girlfriend! <he then looked toward Metal Sonic, who was standing next to him> Start the machine!
Metal Sonic: Yes sir.
The machine started to make whirring and electrical noises as it started up.
Robotnik: Goodbye, you FREAK of nature!!
Robotnik fired at Sonic, who cringed, holding his hands in front of his face as he waited for the pain. But it didn't come. As it turns out, Stitch had jumped in front of Sonic, and the bullet hit him in the chest. Stitch landed next to Sonic.
Stitch: <scratches at spot where bullet impacted> Go ahead! Tickle me again!
Fortunately, Stitch's fur and skeleton have special metal alloys in them, rendering him, amongst other things, bulletproof and fireproof.
Robotnik fired several more shots at Sonic, and Stitch took every one of them.
Robotnik: Aargh! I'm out of ammo! <sigh>...<to Metal Sonic>...How is the machine doing?
Metal Sonic: Power is at 63 percent. Roboticization will occur in approximately two minutes.
Robotnik: Good enough. I'll handle things up here. You get down there and deal with that hedgehog!
Metal Sonic: My pleasure...<jumps down, lands in front of Sonic>...Time to die, you obsolete organism!
Metal Sonic and Sonic lunged at each other, and forgot all about Stitch, who had a plan of his own. He ran over to the wall, and climbed up it. He then ran across the ceiling, and dropped down on Robotnik's head.
Stitch: <covering Robotnik's eyes> Guess who! <starts laughing psychotically again as he pulls Robotnik's head back and forth>
Robotnik: Aargh!! Get off me you mutant koala!
Stitch: Mutant fluffy koala!
Robotnik struggled with Stitch, trying to pull him off as the roboticizer came to full power.
Roboticizer console: Roboticizer at 100 percent power. Beginning roboticization process...
The roboticizer began to emit a bunch of lights, distracting Sonic and his metal counterpart from each other. Electricity could be seen surrounding Amy and the animals as Sonic and Metal Sonic looked on; one in horror, the other in happiness (sort of).
Sonic: AMY!! NOO!!
Metal Sonic: <to Sonic> Looks like we win! <to self> for once...
Stitch didn't realize what was happening, and quite frankly, he didn't care. He was too busy having fun at Robotnik's expense. And just as it seemed that all hope was lost...
Voice: I cannot allow this to happen! <a mysterious cloaked figure lunged at the controls of the roboticizer from somewhere in the darkness. A golden-colored sword sliced cleanly through the middle of the console, causing the machine to overload and eject its contents onto the ground.
Robotnik: That's my cue to go! Come on Metal Sonic! <jumps into his egg-ship thingy and flies out through the door, with Metal Sonic following close behind.>
Stitch had since jumped down from Robotnik's head, and dashed out the door, dragging a bruised and battered Sonic with him. Amy was unconscious, but the animals weren't, so they ran away.
Sonic: What...about...Amy?
Stitch: No...Time! <tosses Sonic into car, gets in himself, tells everyone what was happening, they all get into car, and drive away.>
The cloaked figure picked Amy up as he, too, ran from the building. The figure then jumped very high into the air, and very quickly, at that, which made it seem as if they'd disappeared.
Back in the car...
Sonic: Amy...
They all looked behind them, and saw the building go up in a huge explosion with a nice, big boom to go with it. They could see fragments of SWATbots fly everywhere.
They all hung their heads down, sad over the loss of their friend. Then, as if on cue, the cloaked figure landed next to the car; which had stopped by then.
Voice: Looks like you forgot someone...
All: Huh? They looked up at the stranger, then at Amy, who was still unconscious in his arms.
Sonic: Amy!
Karin: I'm so glad the little animal's okay!
Tails: Who are you?
Metabee: I'd know that cloak anywhere...
Bomberman: What do you mean?
Metabee: Rokusho...
The cloaked stranger pulled back the hood of his cloak to reveal the head of a white medabot with bright red eyes, purple horn-like antennae, and a purple streak in the middle of the head. It was Rokusho, all right.
[I know Rokusho's cloak isn't supposed to have a hood, but in this story, it does.]
Rokusho: Yeah, it's me. <indicating Amy> She belong with you guys?
Tails: That's debatable...
Sonic: Yeah, she's with us.
Knuckles: So, --Rokusho is it?--, Just what are you, anyway?
Rokusho: I am many things. To some, I'm a medabot. To others, I'm a friend. To Amy, I'm a hero.
Knuckles: <sarcastically> Great...a philosopher...
Tails: A hero? What makes you say that?
Rokusho: Well, I did just save her life.
Sonic: So, you're her hero, huh? In that case, you can have her.
They all laughed, even Rokusho, who didn't quite get what was so funny.
Stitch: Hey, Rokusho! Hop in, have a ride.
Rokusho: Well...I could use a break...Okay, fine. <gets in car>
The gang somehow manages to all fit in the car as it drives off into the sunset.
Back at Zim's Lab...
Zim: So, Egg-human, it looks like you failed.
Robotnik: Shut up.
Dr. MedaEvil: I told you it wouldn't work!
Robotnik: When?
Dr MedaEvil: I don't know, sometime this morning; when the author wasn't writing about us.
Robotnik: Oh.
Zim: It looks like it will be my turn to destroy them next time.
________________________________________________________________ __________________
Rokusho = Awesome
Stitch = Just as cool
What does Zim have planned for our heroes?
Why did I wait so long to put Rokusho in?
Will I add in any more characters? Probably!
Where is GIR?
Find out (hopefully) next chapter!