Fan Fiction / Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto, goin' to camp ❯ Short fever and a little weirdness ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
Naruto: Why not?
Cedric: Because I didn't create you, you doofus! You are such a Loser!
Naruto: Hey! Your beginning to be like Sasuke! I bet you that pretty soon you'll flirt and make out with Sakura!
Cedric: Why don't you come here a little closer then say that! *cracks knuckles*
Naruto: Never mind! ^^ *sweat dropped*
Cedric: Tch. That's what I thought. Anyways on with the story.
------------------Ninja Academy 4:45 in the morning-----------------
In the bedroom the ninjas were asleep, well, not all……
Sakura: *wakes up*
Sasuke: *also wakes up* Sakura, what's wrong?
Sakura: It's too hot… I think I have a fever. *gets out of bed*
Sasuke: Are you sure? *gets out of bed also* Let me check. *puts the back of his hand on Sakura's forehead* Oh, crap, you really are hot.
Sakura: Umm…… *blushes*
Sasuke: I can tell your blushing. What's wrong?
Sakura: What did you mean by “hot”?
Sasuke: Umm… *blushes also* Both meanings? C'mon we need to check your temperature. *gets a thermometer*
Sakura: Okay. *opens mouth*
Sasuke: *puts thermometer in Sakura's mouth* Now we wait five minutes.
Sakura: Hey, the thermometer tastes like strawberries. Wanna' taste Sasuke?
Sasuke: Sure.
Sakura: Okay, here *kisses Sasuke on the lips and share the thermometer*
Sasuke: * breaks the kiss but with the thermometer in his mouth* Tastes good. Oops sorry. * puts thermometer back on Sakura's mouth*
5 minutes later
Sasuke: Alright lets check. *takes thermometer and reads temp. level* Whoa, 123 degrees!
Sakura: So, what should we do?
Sasuke: Go to sleep, I'll take care of you. I'll try to cure your fever.
Sakura: *blushes* Okay. You know Sasuke, no ones been this kind to me. *goes to sleep on the bed*
Sasuke: Good night. Now then, how should I cure her fever, how'd she even get it? Who cares about how she got it, I need to cure her. But 123 degrees Fahrenheit I'm gonna need some assistance.
Sasuke tried to postpone Sakura's fever by putting a small, damp towel on her forehead.
Sasuke: That should do for now. Now for a little help, who has had a lot of bad experiences in his life?
After a while Sasuke knew who can help him.
Sasuke: *waking up Naruto* Naruto, wake up, wake up weirdo!
Naruto: *half asleep* Just five more minutes, Kakashi-Sensei.
Sasuke: Heh, you want to do this the hard way huh? *gets a glass of water half-filled and pours it on Naruto*
Naruto: Okay! Okay! I'm awake!
Sasuke: Shut up! Don't wake up Sakura!
Naruto: Why? What happened to your girlfriend?
Sasuke: She's not my girlfriend! Sakura's got a fever!
Naruto: A fever? From who, you?
Sasuke: No! Enough questions, I need you to help me cure her.
Naruto: Okay. Why me?
Sasuke: Because you're the one who's had more hardships than all of us.
Naruto: So, what should I do?
Sasuke: Give me information to cure her, you can help yourself, what do you do when your sick?
Naruto: I cook ramen then eat it, that always makes me feel better again.
Sasuke: Alright, make some of that ramen for Sakura. So tell me who else knows how to cure sickness?
Naruto: Cedric can.
Sasuke: How?
Naruto: I dunno, go ask him, I'm going to make that ramen. *walks out the room*
Sasuke: Okay, *walks over to Cedric and wakes him up* hey Cedric wake up, wake up.
Cedric: *wakes up* Yeah? What is it Sasuke?
Sasuke: Naruto said that you can cure people in a way?
Cedric: Why? Who died?
Sasuke: No! Nobody died! Sakura's got a fever.
Cedirc: Sakura? Your girlfriend?
Sasuke: Yes, do you know how to?
Cedric: Of course! So what do you need to know? How to cool her down or how to break the fever?
Sasuke: Cool her down for a while.
Cedric: Alright, but this could be a little kooky. First get a small bucket and fill it up with ice, water, and a little Efficascent, then take a small towel and wet it in the bucket.
Sasuke: *takes note* Okay, next?
Cedric: The weird part, you have to rub the damp towel on her body.
Sasuke: `crap Sakura' ll kill me if she realizes I did THAT to her, or maybe she won't' Alright that is weird, are you sure you aren't makin' this stuff up?
Cedric: Of course I'm sure. But of course she'll have to wear something.
Sasuke: *relieved of the fact she does*
Meanwhile outside the room, in the kitchen was Naruto makin' ramen.
Naruto: Awesome! They've got every ingredient to make almost any kind of ramen! Alright let's get cookin'!
In the bedroom
Sasuke: God has forsaken me! And I really am going to regret what I'm about to do! *takes a deep breath* Alright here goes.
Cedric: Oh, this should be good. *smirks and watches them*
Sasuke: Sakura, wakeup. *gently shaking Sakura*
Sakura: *wakes up* Yeah, Sasuke?
Sasuke: Sakura, I know how to treat your fever, but you have to do something first.
Sakura: What is it?
Sasuke: *blushes* I need you to umm, take your clothes off.
Sakura: *blushes also* Okay. *takes off clothes leaving only brand panties*
Sasuke: Alright hold still and just lay down.
Sakura: *lays down on her belly*
In the kitchen
Naruto: Almost finished. *adds seasoning to his ramen* Done! *turns off stove and takes ramen bowl and pours it in another*
In the bedroom
Sasuke: *rubbing towel on her back*
Sakura: *closes her eyes and smiles*
Sasuke: *notices this* You like that don't you?
Sakura: Yes.
Sasuke: *reaches to her legs and was blushing uncontrollably*
Sakura: *blushes also* Is it alright if I sleep with you tonight like this?
Sasuke: Okay.
Cedric: *laughing really hard on a corner and woke Kevin up*
Kevin: Dude, Cedric shut up, I'm trying to get some sleep here.* stands up and sees Sasuke and Sakura* Aww, ain't that cute?
Cedric: Cute? That's crazy! *laughs harder* I can't believe Sasuke is doing that to Sakura!
Naruto: *goes through the door* Coming through! *sees Sasuke and Sakura and almost drops the bowl he's holding* Ewww, sick, Sasuke trying to rape Sakura!
Sakura: Ignore them. Do you need me to switch sides?
Sasuke: *ignores them* Yes.
Sakura: *switches sides*
Sasuke: *continues to rub the towel and accidentally puts his hand on Sakura's private area* Oh, sorry. *blushes*
Sakura: *smiled at the touch*
Inner Sakura (Sakura's other side) : C'mon Sakura, tell him that it felt good.
Naruto: Oh you guys keep making me sick. X(
Sasuke: *stops rubbing* That's it, *grabs some sleeping spores from his pocket and throws it to the laughing people* Uh oh. *quickly grabs Naruto's ramen.* Here, Naruto made this to help me cure you sickness. *gives ramen to Sakura*
Sakura: *takes a sip* Wow it tastes good.*gets chopsticks and starts to eat slowly*
Sasuke: *gets a new thermometer* Umm Sakura could you hold still first?
Sakura: *swallows, the holds still*
Sasuke: Open mouth please.
Sakura: *gladly opens mouth*
Sasuke: *gently puts thermometer in her mouth*
5 minutes later
Sasuke: *take thermometer and reads temperature level* 98.6 your back to normal.
Sakura: Alright! That was a fast fever. *looks at ramen* There's still a lot, can you help me finish it?
Sasuke: Sure. *gets another pair of chopsticks and eats with Sakura*
10 minutes later
Sakura and Sasuke: *finished eating the ramen*
Sakura: *puts bowl aside and looks at the time* 5:29 we better get some sleep. *still in her inner clothes she took off Sasuke's shirt and went to sleep*
Sasuke: *goes to sleep with his arms wrapped up around her and covered each other with the blanket*
To be continued………
So what did you guys think? I know that some of you may have been drooling when Sasuke was still rubbing Sakura. To point out I am a Sasuke and Sakura worshipper. They look so cute together. Don't worry Kevin buddy I'll do what I can to keep Sakura away from you, since after all if you try to kiss her, she'll pulverize you, I f you try to rape her, Sasuke'll kill you and your funeral should begin about 3 hours after that, and no one' ll care about you.