Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction / Pokemon Fan Fiction ❯ Super Mario Smash Party Melee Uncensored ❯ That was a bust. ( Chapter 8 )
Part eight: That was a bust!
Disclaimer: Hell no I don't own any of these characters only Nintendo does! Stan Lee and Marvel comics (or whatnot) owns Green goblin and Spidey!!!
Wario finally got the guts after going to Bowser for backup to tell him everything that Kirby had told him. Bowser was just as Shock. He was green too and it really was true the green ones didn't stick together and none really liked each other much. It really did explain a lot about him and the others.
Bowser: so now what it's on you ya know. I did my part Yoshi is with the girl.
Wario: yeah but what about Luigi he is the only one that can get Mari out of the closet and talk some sense into him.
Bowser: True but that was your job and you have to go get him. For I have figure out a plan to get them all together.
Wario: really.
Bowser: yes but we need Luigi without Luigi the whole plan is a bust.
Wario: (groans) Who said being evil is easy.
Bowser: (laughs) we are who we are.
Wario: you have been watch Spider-man again.
Bowser: yeah. This place has a shitload of DVDS!
Wario: I wonder if you would get along with the Green Goblin?
Bowser: No I think not.
Wario: Why not.
Bowser: The last ten or so minutes if I had the power to blow up the bridge I would have. Especially when those stupid humans started throwing bricks and pipes at me. Weak ending!
Wario: Hmm yes it was. Besides that wasn't ever in the comics Spider-man and the green goblin with on to fight many times.
Bowser: Exactly!
Wario: what was we suppose to be planning again?
Bowser: Fuck it no way am I going near Samus and I know you won't so forget the whole thing.
Wario: yeah. So, they have XXX on DVD?
Bowser: That weak ass movie.
Wario: It wasn't that bad.
Bowser: yeah it was. Let's watch Goldmember!
Wario: Now that's the movie!
So, Bowser and Wario went into the entertainment room to watch Goldmember with Austin Powers as there plan was a bust. Where was Luigi? Only in the poolroom with Ness, Ganondorf, Roy, Capt. Falcon and Donkey Kong. They where all talking about what had happen and how they could possible get out of here.
Ness: well unlike the place before, this zone is much more stable thus being said we could tried to warp out in our own the only problem with that is how.
Roy: can we set this place on fire?
Ness: No because there nothing but empty space surrounding this place. If we blew it up or set fire to each the empty space which by the way has no oxygen will pull us a part and steal all the water and carbon from our bodies. Thus we would never be able to regenerate thus we will be lost and dead forever.
Capt. Falcon: So we are trapped here without any food or water?
Ganondorf: so we are going to die anyway so we might as well blow this place up.
Donkey Kong: ah worst comes to worst we could start eating each other.
Luigi: Ew, I'm sorry but I rather die than eat any of you.
Ness: yeah I know. The thing that gets me is where are the master hands?
Donkey Kong: Yeah I do. I sure as hell hope they didn't get to go home.
Roy: I wonder did they even have time to go through the warp pipe cause I don't remember then coming down with us.
Capt. Falcon: I know they weren't around when I push Young Link and myself down the warp pipe. I didn't see any of you guys.
Ness: Oh?
Capt. Falcon: Nope didn't see nothin' didn't hear nothin' either.
Luigi: well that's that. We won't be getting out of here anytime soon.
Ness: Nope. We just have to live life to the fullest till our energy gives away and we are driven mad.
Donkey Kong: then shouldn't we conserve our energy then?
Ness: No cause no matter what soon our bodies will give out and we won't be able to enjoy anything. Hungry pains will consume us all and thus that the only emotion we will be able to feel.
Luigi: man we are so screwed!
Capt. Falcon: haven't we are ready been driven mad? Look at Mario and Peach for example longest relationship ever and look broken up like that.
Luigi: Peach had it coming all she did was whine and cry.
Ness: What about you and Princess Daisy then. You two had a fallen out as well.
Donkey Kong: Yes what was up with that. We all should get back together again. We can't be spilt up.
Ness: That's true because we are going to need each other body warmth to stay alive soon.
Luigi: that's true let's go get everyone back together again.
Roy: great idea. I go round up Marth and the rest of the swordsmen.
Ness: I'll get Kirby and the Ice climbers.
Ganondorf: I'll get Wario and Bowser.
Luigi: I'll get Mario, Daisy, and Peach.
Donkey Kong: I'll guess I have to get Yoshi and Kirby.
Capt. Falcon: I get the other girls.
Luigi: Great lets go.
Ness: Whoa hold on where are we going to meet?
Luigi: hmm lets go into the entertainment room.
Roy: Fine.
So, everyone left to go find who they said they would find. Luckily for Ganondorf Wario and Bowser were already in the entertainment room. Samus and Zelda wasn't so bitchy anymore and so they went with Capt Falcon. Perhaps Donkey Kong was right maybe they were all mad now. Yet, most likely they all came into the entertainment room. till the only missing parties where Luigi, Mario, Peach, Daisy, and Yoshi. Donkey Kong had given up on his search and just came to the room. where everyone was watching Scary movie 2 and cracking up. yup they were insane.
Kirby: Man I can't believe Mario and them are missing this. Yo, this is my favorite part.
Zelda: I don't think you younger fighters should see this movie.
Samus: After this lets watch the South park movie!
Everyone in the room: YEAH!
Author notes: And that's it for this chapter. Will everyone get back together. Where is Mario and the rest. Will Mario and Peach get back together or will all hell break loose again. Will the smashers be force to eat each other? Find out in the grand finale!