Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ Metal gear solid: WildHorse ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Metal Gear Solid: Wild horse.
I don't own anything so don't sue me or kill me.
Snake was having a bad day his search for new recruits for Foxhound was coming to a dead end.
All the good ones were all heading over to Vietnam.
He shakes his head and head over to a bar located near the base.
It was almost midnight as he made his way to the bar.
As he walks towards the bar a loud crash in the ally caught his attention.
Snake drew out his pistol and slowly creeps toward the location of the loud crash.
As he made his way into the ally he made sure that he was in the shadows as he did not want who ever it was to be spooked by him or suddenly attack him.
In the dim light he could make out a small body lying on the ground.
He slowly creeps over readying his pistol. Suddenly he hears a mew coming from the body.
“What the hell??” He kneels down and turns the body over to his shock it was a little boy his face covered in scratches and cuts all over his face and body bleeding badly.
His clothing was all ripped up and thorn to shreds.
“…..” He feels for a pulse finding one it was very weak.
`This kid is strong.' Snake thought to himself as he lifts him up and starts running toward the base.
In a deserted farmhouse with a pit in the ground a figure dressed in a dirty gi sits up his face covered in scratches and dried blood.
He looks around “Where is that boy?” he gets up wincing in pain.
He looks in the pit there was no one then he turns to see a large hole in the wall.
“Oh Shit Nadoka is going to kill me I lost the boy!” He scrambles out calling out the boy's name desperately.
When Ranma woke up pain shot through his body.
He winces in pain but stop afraid that his father would berate him.
But none came he cautiously opens his eyes to take a peek.
He was in a room and he was on a bed there were several people in green clothing walking around.
“??” Ranma sits up to get out of bed but stops as pain shot through his body again.
“Hey kid take it easy there or you'll open your wounds again.” a gruff voice said.
Ranma looks up to see a gaijin man with a patch over one eye and beard standing at the edge of the bed looking at him.
“How you doing kid.” Snake asks Ranma.
Ranma looks at him confused as he looks around.
“What's the matter kid?” Snake asks again this time patting him on the head.
“Where am I??” Ranma asks.
“You are in an army hospital.” Snake said as he motions a doctor over.
The doctor examines Ranma and asks some questions.
“What you name kid.” Snake asks as the doctor did his work.
“Ranma. I'm a martial artist going to be the best.” Ranma answers as he squirms.
“Where is your parent?” Snake asks.
“Ummmm…………” Ranma frowns then suddenly clutching his head as if in pain.
“I don't know ….. The pain make it stop please make it stop!” Ranma cries in pain holding on to his head. The doctor call out for some nurses to help him as he held Ranma down finally they manage to pin him and sedate him.
Soon Ranma was sound asleep.
“Well doc how is he?” Snake asks eyes the doctor.
“Well physically he's fine I'm amazed at his healing rate. He has many old wounds and broken bones I'm amazed that he's still alive.” The doctor said as he flips through the chart he was holding.
“What about just now.” Snake asks.
“Well it seems that he suffered from a knock to his head a concussion. He'll live. I'm not so sure about his memories they might or might not come back.” The doctor said looking at Snake.
“If you know his parent I think they should be arrested.” The doctor said as he puts away the chart.
“Well I don't know his parents. Found him in an alley way while I was out for R&R.” Snake said as he turns to look at Ranma rubbing his chin in deep thought.
“Well he can't stay here forever want me to get the local authorities on this?” The doctor asks.
“No. I'll take care of it all.” Snake said as he starts to smile.
15 years later 3 years after the Shadow Moses incident.
A figure appears at the door he looks at the piece of paper.
“Well this is the address. Might as well go in.” The figure in a black trench coat said to himself as he knocks on the door.
“Coming!” a voice calls out a shuffle of feet and the door opens to reveal a 20 something lady.
“Oh my can I help you.” She asks taken by surprise at how the man was dressed.
He had a scar running across his right eye.
He was dressed in a uniform and wearing a black trench coat.
“I'm looking for a Genma Satome is he here?” he asks smiling at her.
“Oh you are a friend of uncle Satome?” She said smiling as she opens the door further.
“He's inside playing shoji with my father.” She said as she invites him in.
She brings him to the living room.
He sees two man playing shoji one dressed in a dark brown gi while the other was in a white gi.
The two were so immerse in their game that they didn't notice the two come in.
Ranma looks at the man in the white gi he was thin his eyes were lifeless and he was missing an arm. “Check mate my old friend.” The one arm man said as he placed a piece down.
“You are good Genma another game.” The man in brown said as he arranges the pieces.
“Why not.” Genma said.
“Hello Uncle Satome there is some one here to see you.” Kasumi said.
“Who is it?” Genma asks as he looks up.
His eyes went wide as he look at the man next to her.
“Ran…… Ranma is that you??” he struggles to stand.
“Hello father.” Ranma said coldly.
“My son…” Genma wrap his good arm around him tears falling from his face.
Ranma was taken aback at the display of emotions as he was not expecting it.
His cold exterior softens as his father cried.
He wraps his arms around him and held his father whom he thought abandoned his 15 yeas ago.
Genma lets go and looks at his son.
“You have grown my son. Nadoka would be proud.” He said as he wipes the tears from his face.
“What the hell happen to you…” Ranma asks as he lets his father out of the hug.
“Well got this in China. Trespassed in a remote part of China. I don't want to talk about it having you back is all that matters…” Genma said as he looks over his son.
“So what have you been doing?” Genma asks as he motions him to sit down.
“Oh been in the US army for a few years.” Ranma said.
“Soldier eh… That's good. Are you the best?” Genma asks as he drinks his tea.
“I'm the best dad trained by the best.” Ranma said as he took off his coat.
Revealing his uniform and many medals and badges on his on his chest and arms.
“What's that son?” Genma asks pointing at a medal on his chest.
“This purple heart. Just got this.” Ranma said as he points to the scar on his eye.
“You make your father proud son but how did you get in the gaijin army?” Genma asks.
“Ummmm…. I don't know where to start…. I only remember the day I got lost when we were practicing the nekoken then after that everything's hazy.” Ranma said scratching the back of his head a bit embarrassed.
“Then I woke up in a hospital. According to my superiors I was listed as missing for 7 years. They found me under some rubble in Africa. As for what I was doing there I don't know and I can't tell you.” Ranma said as he bows to thank Kasumi for the tea.
“I am given time off to clear off all my leaves.” Ranma said as he looks at his dad.
“I see you are still in their army?” Genma asks worriedly.
“I'm technically on leave until they recall me back for active duty.” Ranma said as he gulps down the rest of his tea and stands up.
“Where are you going boy?” Genma asks as he tried to get up too.
“I want to go see mom.” Ranma said as he puts on his coat.
“Wait son I have something to tell you.” Genma starts to say.
“What is it dad?” Ranma looks at Genma his eyes narrowing something tells him that what his father was going to say is not very good for him.
“Ummmm….. Soun you tell him…” Genma calls his friend over as he starts to sweat.
“Ummmm…. You sure of this Genma…” Soun said as he walks over.
“What did my dad do now?” Ranma asks as he stood there.
“Well ummm….. You see…” Suon starts to say.
“Get to the point!” Ranma said as he starts to get angry.
“You see your father and me made a pact to join the schools one day.” Soun starts to say.
“Go on.” Ranma said looks at his father.
“You and one of my daughters are suppose to get married to bring the schools together.” Soun said quickly, as he did not want to anger the boy any further.
“I WHAT!!??” Ranma shouts angrily.
Later that evening Ranma was sitting at the table with his father and his friend.
The two manages to calm him down and persuade him to wait for all the girls to be together before he made any decisions.
`How can they do this to me!!' Ranma fumes.
`When this is all over I'm going to kick his ass.' His thoughts were broken when two voices called out.
“We are home!”
“In here girls!” Suon calls for them to come.
“Call your sister too!” He adds. “Right dad.” One of the sisters came into the livingroom.
She was dressed in a power suit and carrying a briefcase.
“Sit down Nabiki I'll introduce him later when all the others are here.” Suon explains.
She nods her head and sits down.
As she sat down she was appraising Ranma.
Ranma sweats a bit this was worst then being tortured.
Soon two other girls came in Kasumi and another girl dressed in a JSDF uniform came in.
The two were talking but the one in the uniform stops as she see Ranma sitting there with his uniform and his medals on his chest.
She snaps into an instinctive salute as she made out the badges and the bars on his shoulders.
“Evening sir.” She snaps her salute.
“At ease Sargent.” Ranma said and motions her to sit.
She takes off her beret and sits down. Kasumi joins her at her side.
“Now girls this is Ranma. Uncle Genma's lost son.” Soun began.
“As you know me and him are good friends when we were younger we made an agreement to join the family together.” Suon said as he uneasily shifted in his seat.
“Dad, are you tell us that one of us is suppose to marry him….” Nabiki said breaking the silence. “Ummmmmm yes if you put it that way.” Soun said sweating.
That's when everything went out the door. Ranma slams his hand into the table making everyone jump. “Now that I have your attention. Let me tell you that this is not my idea and I have no intention of getting married so soon.” Ranma said in a firm voice his gaze travelling to everyone there.
“But son…” Genma starts to protest.
“Are you saying that none of my girls are good enough for you.” Soun asks angrily.
“No that's not what I meant!” Ranma starts to say.
“Then choose one of them to be your fiancée then. I don't expect you to get married to her immediately.” Soun said.
“Son give it a chance. Your mum would be surprise, for her please.” Genma said.
“All right all right. I'll give it a try if it doesn't work out we'll call it off.” Ranma said finally.
“You'll won't regret this son.” Genam said happily.
“I already am….” Rnma mutters under his breath.
“All right then. This is Kasumi the eldest she is 24. Nabiki the middle she is 22 and is working for the government and last but no least Akane she is 21 and in the military.” Soun introduces his daughters.
“He wants Akane she'll be good for him.” Nabiki said pushing her youngest sister over.
“Yes I agree after all they are in the military.” Kasumi said with a smile on her face.
“Wait a minute don't I get a say in this.” Ranma asks.
“Look I love to chat some more but I work to do.” Nabiki gets up and walks away.
“Oh my dinner!” Kasumi scampers into the kitchen to look on her dinner she is preparing.
Ranma looks at Akane who was sitting there silently the two fathers were celebrating in a corner.
After a while she gets up and leaves the room.
“What the heck??” Ranma was left alone to contemplate.
In Akane's room she slowly took off her uniform.
She was still in a daze.
She had seen all the medals and the badges before in manuals and participated in some of the ceremonies. `How the hell did he get all those medals and the rank too he's what almost the same age as me??' Akane thought to herself.
She was already 21 and it took her 3 years just to get to the rank she was in through a lot of hard work.
She had volunteered for every training possible in the JSDF and also participated in some of the SAT training and still she was only that rank.
She frowns as she puts on her house clothes.
`Maybe he kissed a lot of asses to get the rank.' She though darkly
`But all those medals can't be fake.' She scolds herself.
`Might as well go down and get to know him….' she leaves the room and head down stairs.
Ranma was in the dojo going through some katas when Akane came in to call him for dinner.
She was taken aback by his swift and precise attacks he threw.
Soon he wound down and stops.
“Oh Akane sorry I didn't see you.” Ranma said as he wipes away the sweat on his face.
“Oh errrrr….. I came to tell you dinner is ready.” Akane said looking at him.
“Thanks. Want to spar later.” Ranma said as he walks over to Akane.
“Oh sure.” Akane replies in surprise.
The two leaves the dojo and to the living room for dinner.
After dinner Ranma went to the dojo and waited.
A few minutes later Akane comes in wearing a yellow gi and looks at him.
“Ready?” She asks as she ties her belt. “Always ready.” Ranma said as the two went to the center of the dojo.
Ranma went into a defensive stance while Akane went into a standard kempo stance.
The two circle each other feeling and looking out for holes in each other's defense.
Ranma was quiet impressed by Akane's attacks but she lack finesse and used too much power in her attacks making her overextend and letting her guard and defense degrade.
`Well time to finish it.' Ranma thought to himself and grabs Akane's arm and brings her down in one swift motion.
Akane was surprise at the move Ranma make.
It knocks the wind out of her but she was not about to give up she rolls away and get up and went at Ranma again with all her might.
“What the??!!” Akane felt herself lose her balance and falls to the mat hard hitting her head.
She was knock daze and stayed down. Ranma got worried and lets go and kneels down to check on Akane. “Are you all right?” He asks worriedly.
“Ouch….” Akane rubs the back of her head.
“Don't move let me check it out.” Ranma said as he ran his hand on the back of her head.
“Sorry about that…. Hmmmmmmm ….. Just a large bump no open wounds.” Ranma said as he pulls away. `Oh god he has such nice hands…..' Akane thought as Ranma pulls away, she turns her head not wanting him to see her blush.
“Better go see a doctor just in case.” Ranma said as he helps her up.
She stood up wobbling. Holding on to Ranma's arm for support as she stood.
“That was a neat move you took me down with.” Akane said finally standing on her own.
“Oh that a trick I was taught. I can teach you if you want.” Ranma said looking at her.
“Sure but maybe not now …” Akane said as she stifle a yawn.
“Tomorrow then.” Ranma said smiling.
“Sure thanks a lot.” Akane said as she turns to leave.
“Oh yeah I need to go see a doctor you know a good one around?” Ranma asks scratching the back of his head.
“Yes I do our family doctor I can bring you to his clinic tomorrow if you want.” Akane said as she stops at the door.
“Yes thanks a lot Akane.” Ranma thank and went back to do some more katas before he turns in.
Akane smiles and leaves the dojo.
It was already past midnight and Ranma was still in the dojo doing his katas.
He was tired but the nightmares and the constant headache when he woke up from was so intense he might as well not sleep at all.
But it was taking its toll on him.
The doctors did give him some medication for the nightmares but he had used up all of them and he had to get more the only problem was that it was suppose to be prescribe by a doctor.
He slumps to the mat sweating profusely he was very tried, as he had not slept for almost 4 days already. His training had help a bit but he was too tired soon he fell asleep.
Pictures of him talking to someone with a patch on his eye, flashes of him killing people explosions and him being trap under rubble.
He jerks awake sweating his head throbbing.
He held his head.
“What the hell happen to me, who is that man???!!” he asks himself over and over again.
He gets up and walks to the kitchen.
He looks at the clock.
It was almost dawn.
“Hmmmm…..” His stomach starts to rumble.
“Might as well make some breakfast.” Ranma rummages through the fridge and the cupboard and found the ingredients he wanted soon he was cooking.
Well a new inspiration to this while I played Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. Hope you guys enjoy it well gotta sign off and work on my other projects.
Well see ya!!