Fan Fiction / Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Change in Tides ❯ Living Angel ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kento stood as he glared at Saturn. “You'll regret fighting me.” Saturn rolled her eyes making Kento become more enraged. Kento lunged at her determined to make this girl eat dirt. Saturn raised her hand in front of her face and Kento hit a type of force field. Kento couldn't believe it he couldn't near her. “That's it I'm done playing games with you. Armor of Hardrock!” Kento transformed into his armor and turned to see the look on Saturn's face but noticed she wasn't surprised. If anything she was disappointed.
“Nice armor but mine is better.” Saturn placed her hand palm up causing a bright light to appear and vanish leaving a silver crown with a white gem embedded in the middle. Saturn raised her eyebrows to Kento as she placed the crown on her head. Suddenly the bright light consumed Saturn and hid her from view. Like Kento the light faded as revealed a young armored warrior. The white armor that Saturn wore didn't look anything like the Ronin's armor. She had a breastplate that cut off just above her stomach and shoulders. A long skirt hid her legs leaving her enemy to wonder what armor lay beneath it. Two sets of three silver rings rested on the sides of both her legs. She had a strange type of sleeve that started at her shoulders and ended at rings on her middle fingers. The sleeves didn't cover her arms in fact they looked like angel wings.
Kento couldn't believe his eyes she appeared more beautiful then before. Shaking his head of the thoughts of the beautiful woman in front of him Kento jumped at her. Saturn smirked at Kento before dodging his attack and returning it with one of her own. After what seemed like forever Kento finally had enough of this cat and mouse game. “You gonna feel what its like to be crush.”
“I doubt that.” Saturn raised her arm out in front of her and suddenly Kento realized he wasn't standing on the ground anymore. He looked at Saturn to see the smirk that appeared on her face. She tossed her arm to the side and Kento went flying in that direction. He ended up breaking three trees with his body. Kento found it incredibly hard to move.
How did she do that? Before Kento could react he felt himself being lifted again. “Who exactly are you Saturn?”
Cale watched the beautiful warrior fight Kento with ease and yet he felt like he knew who she was. It can't be her she would have died thousands of years ago.
“That is none of your concern young fool.” Saturn began to move her arms when a glimmer caught her eye. She turned her head to see Sage holding his sword ready to attack her. “Do you think you can fight me fool?”
“Will see how you like my power. Thunderbolt Cut!” Sage forced his power towards the girl only to be deflected. “What?”
“Nice try but not good enough. Strike of the heavens!” Lights surround Sage and exploded around him. Sage screamed in pain as the light penetrated his armor burning at his flesh.
“Sage!” Kento rose from the ground where Saturn dropped him to attack Sage. He dove at her only to be stopped in his tracks by a large black tiger. The tiger turned to the white one growling deep in its throat and the white tiger quickly vanished into the shadows of the woods. The black tiger took a protective stance in front of Saturn as if to protect her from Kento. “Hiding behind a tiger huh?” Kento noticed she giggled slightly at him. “What's so funny bitch?”
“Her name is Blackblaze. She was chosen by my ancestors to protect me and bear the armor of my kingdom.” Saturn placed her hand on the tiger's head revealing a white armor that appeared on the tiger.
Blackblaze? How is it possible that her tiger bears the same name of Saberstryke's tiger? Plus its armor even looks same. Ryo didn't understand what exactly what was going on but he knew that for some odd reason Saturn wasn't a Dark Warrior. Maybe she's a young one.
As if reading Ryo's mind Rowan stepped towards the young woman and her protector. “Look we're not here to fight. We're trying to find the sworn enemies of the Dark Warriors. The ones they call young ones. We're sorry that we have entered your friend's home but we need these warriors help.” Rowan wasn't sure how the woman would react but he thought it was worth a shot. The tiger turned to look at Saturn who returned her gaze. It growled low and looked back at the Ronins. Saturn returned the tiger's growl and looked at Kento.
“Why do you seek the young ones? They are the protectors of this realm and the mortal realm.”
“We're hoping the will help us because the Dark Warriors are after our armor. Something about being able to defeat five of the seven.” Saturn looked up at Rowan with fear in her eyes.
“Is it possible? Could they be?” She wasn't really talking to anyone but the tiger seemed to know she needed answers and stepped towards Sage. Sage looked into the tiger's eyes as it placed its forehead with his. Suddenly the armor of Blackblaze began to glow and the symbol of wisdom appeared on both their foreheads. “By the gods. You're the Ronin Warriors.” Saturn stepped back as if she had been smacked across the face. That's when it dawned on Mia.
“You're a young one aren't you Saturn?” Saturn looked at Mia as if she had seen a ghost. “You are a young one.”
“If I would have known I would have never attacked you.” Mia stepped towards her but Saturn stepped back.
“It's all right.”
“No it's not.” Saturn turned away from the group. Blackblaze stepped towards Saturn and growled forcing her blue eyes to focus on the tiger. The tiger looked at Mia then back at Saturn growling again. Saturn nodded understanding what the tiger wanted. “I am Princess Saturn the Sun Warrior of light and wisdom. I am one of the five that your armors will defeat.” Sage gasped when he heard that this young woman had his power and virtue. “I had a vision a while back showing Blackcat attacking five young boys. I couldn't make them out but she called them Ronin Warriors. We have been waiting for you to arrive since then.” Saturn turned back towards Mia. “I'm sorry.”
She's one of the royalties then where are her protectors? Kayura searched the trees looking for the protectors of the royalties.
“All you have to say is sorry?” Kento couldn't believe that she just figured that saying sorry was enough.
“Nothing I say will change what has been done.” Saturn opened her mouth to continue but was quickly interrupted. Blackblaze began to speak but in a language that none of the group seemed to understand. Saturn seemed to understand and nodded when the tiger finished speaking. She walked up to Kento and removed the crown from her head causing her armor along with Blackblaze's to disappear. She handed Kento the crown and turned from him. “That crown holds my armor and weapons, but not my power.” She then began to leave.
“Wait.” Kento couldn't believe he just asked her to stop. “We need your help along with the other six. Please help us.” Ryo stepped towards Saturn taking her crown from Kento's hands and stuck out his hand.
“I'm Ryo. I wear the armor of Wildfire and Inferno.” Saturn shook Ryo's hand knowing that what she had done had been forgotten. Ryo handed Saturn back her crown. “So are you the leader of the Sun Warriors?”
“No my younger sister is.” She looked at Mia and smiled. “First we need to find the others then we can talk about the Dark Warriors. I can find Moonstriker first. Many call her the human sea dragon. She is the Water Warrior.”
“Lead the way living angel.” Sage teased her as she turned away from him.
“Called me Saturn my friends do.” She winked at Sage causing him to blush. She walked into the woods followed by Blackblaze and then the group. After what seemed like hours the sound of water hitting a beach greeted their ears. Cye took a deep breath of the saltwater air. As the beach came into view a young woman wearing red armor stood upon a nearby cliff. Cye couldn't help but gasp when he saw her.
She's beautiful.