Fan Fiction / Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction ❯ Change in Tides ❯ The others ( Chapter 13 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
As Cye and Moonstriker watched the stars above the other Ronins found comfort in the other Sun Warriors. Rowan found Sun resting in the library reading a book with writing he couldn't understand. He approached the young fire warrior and coughed to get her attention. Sun raised her eyes to Rowan standing in front of her. “Can I help you Strata?”
“Was bored and Swanalow said you'd be in here so I thought I'd join you since I love to spend my free time reading.” Rowan grimaced inside. Real smooth Rowan.
“I see.” Sun set her book in her lap. “Anything else?”
“Well Orange Hawk was telling me how you're the youngest and smartest of the group and I was wondering…” Rowan wasn't sure how to approach Sun with his question.
“Rowan sit down.” Sun motioned to the seat across from her. Rowan sat down without much comfort. “Now just spill what you have to say.”
“Well how do you do it?” Sun gave Rowan a confused look. “You seem to find your place yet I can't find mine. I'm just like you the youngest and smartest of the group and I don't seem to fit in.” Sun sat back in shock.
Is he asking ME for advice? Sun tilted he head to the side as she watched Rowan. “I don't completely understand what you're asking of me Rowan.”
“I just want to fit in with the others like you do with your family. You're the leader and you seem to fit in like you're their age how?”
“I just do I guess and the other Ronins probably don't treat you as differently as you think they do.” Sun stood and replaced the book she had on a nearby shelf and grabbed another from the table.
“How can you be sure?” Rowan wasn't sure why he was worried about what the others thought about him but he couldn't help it.
“Do you want me to prove it?” Rowan nodded before he could really register the question. “Okay, give me your hands.” Rowan stared at Sun then offered his hands to her.
“Sun what are you doing?” Suddenly Rowan felt a surge of energy consume him and he panicked. Sun closed her eyes as she concentrated on the visions in front of her. She saw everything from Rowan's father and mother's divorce to the last battle they encountered with Blackcat. Rowan tried to pull away from Sun but found that it was impossible. “Sun. Sun!” Sun opened her eyes and smiled at Rowan.
“I didn't see anything.” Rowan was now more confused then ever.
“Rowan I am a past seer. I see everything that has happened. Nothing from your past points to what you're worried about.”
“I don't understand.” Sun giggled.
“Obliviously Orange Hawk forgot to tell you about our special abilities.” Sun shifted so her right left was tucked under her. “We were given gifts by the gods of this world. My gift is the sight of the past. You know learn from the past so it doesn't repeat itself. I see what has happened if I concentrate enough. Just by holding your hands I saw your past. I promise your past is safe with me and I'm telling you that everything you're worried about is nothing to worry about.” Opened her book and peered down at the pages. Rowan just stared at the girl with confusion written all over his face. He just stared at her before he decided to grab a nearby book and try to read it.
Starfire entered the room panting. “Sun. Uranus figured it out.”
“Figured what out?” Sun shook her head slightly.
“A spell to stop them from taking our power. We tested it on Saturn and Halo and it worked!” Starfire seemed to be gleaming. “I have to tell Moon and the others. This is great!” Before Sun could reply Starfire was gone. Rowan looked at where Starfire stood and wondered what the others abilities were.
“So what are the others' gifts?” Sun looked up and sighed.
“Saturn can see the future and she has to know what's real about the visions and what's not because the future is like rolling dice you never know what you'll get. Uranus is a werewolf because Werewolf bit her and a sorceress as you can tell she can do wondrous things. Starfire is incredibly fast which is amazing and comes in handy. Pluto is immune to venom, Neptune can heal herself, and the two have an amazing bond that can never be broken. Sorry I can't really explain it.” Sun tried to explain everything but found she was confusing herself more then anything. Soon she decided to tell him Moonstriker's abilities. “Moonstriker…”
“Can breath underwater.” Sun looked over at the door to see Moonstriker leaning against the doorframe. Her hair wet and Cye hiding behind her.
“Yeah that be it. Go for a swim Moon? Hello Cye.” Cye sheepishly stepped out from behind Moonstriker revealing that his clothes were soaked completely through.
“Yes we went for a swim and also Cye got a nickname from Moonlite.” Sun raised her eyebrows.
“Really? And what is your nickname Cye?” Cye began to blush slightly.
“It's Seadrya.” Cye wanted to run.
“Seadrya. Well at least its better then mine.” Cye stared at Sun in shock.
“He gave you a nickname?” Sun nodded.
“Moonlite gave all seven of us nicknames. I'm sure you heard him call Moon, Lady Sea dragon.” Cye nodded. “He calls me Fire demon. Fire for my element and demon because Pluto always calls me an evil little demon. So I got the name Fire demon.” Rowan began to chuckle. “Oh you think its funny wait till he formally meets you.”
“So the others have nicknames?” Cye was beginning to feel less and less embarrassed.
“Pluto is known as the Young prince who I'm sure you have heard Moon and Saturn call him. Uranus is known as the Werewolf because she is a werewolf. Starfire is Pegasus because of her kingdom's crest. Saturn is known as the Living Angel because of her beauty and what he hears teenage unicorns say about Saturn. Neptune gets the title of Chosen One because of her blood lines.” Cye stepped forward in interest of what Sun had to say about the wind warrior. “Her mother's sided is human while her father's side is unicorn. So she's a “half-breed”. A human with unicorn abilities.”
“So she is human but not human.” Rowan was getting confused.
“Basically yes.” Sun looked at Rowan and saw he was beyond confused. “It's okay I didn't really understand it at first but I eventually got it.” Sun returned her gaze to her older cousin. “So Moon anything interesting happening like what you and Neptune were arguing about the other day?”
“Shut it Sun. I'm going to find Uranus.” Moonstriker left quickly forcing Sun to smile. Cye stood there for a moment before he followed her.
“I knew they would eventually hook up.” Rowan looked at Sun.
“What do you mean?” Sun looked at Rowan like he was an idiot.
“You mean you haven't noticed?”
“Well I knew Cye liked Moonstriker but I didn't think she felt the same way.” Sun nodded. “So she does like him?” Sun nodded again feeling that there was going to be need for explanation. “So do you think they know?”
“According to Star they know but who knows if they are acting on it.” Sun looked back down at her book.
“From what I heard dear sister they did.” Sun looked up to see Saturn walking in to the room with Sage in tow.
“Are you sure Saturn?” Sage sat next to Rowan and watch the two sisters.
“Neptune and Pluto were talking outside and I over heard them.” Sun rolled her eyes. “What?”
“Sometimes I really wonder if you're the oldest Saturn.” Saturn stepped towards her sister.
“By three years and don't forget it.” Saturn flicked Sun's nose and walked away. “See you later Ronins.” Sun glared after her sister.
“So Saturn is three years older then you?” Sun turned to see Sage relaxing next Rowan.
“Yeah and Pluto is two years. No big though they just like to wave it in front of my face every now and then.” Sage nodded and glanced at the book in Sun's lap.
“Orange Hawk said you spend a lot of time in here.” Sun nodded. “So what book are you reading?”
“It's about dragon customs. The basics every diplomat needs to know.” Sun handed Sage the book. The words looked like a weird type of hieroglyphics.
“How do you read this stuff?” Rowan looked over Sage's shoulder causing Sage to tense up slightly. Sun noticed Sage's reaction and sat back.
That's weird they're friends so why would…Oh Sun you idiot! Sun sat forward and grabbed the book from Sage's hands. “I could teach you how to read this but only if you both agree to learn.” Rowan eyed Sun in curiosity.
“All right when can we start?” Sage seemed shocked that Rowan answered for him. Sun just smiled and rose from her seat.
“How about now? Come on learning the letters is the easy part it's the whole grammar thing that kills.” Rowan smiled and grabbed Sage's arm to follow the young girl to a near by table full of papers. Pluto peeked into the room watching his sister teach the two young Ronins the language of dragons.
If only they knew what they were getting into. Pluto shook his head and continued towards the war room. Walking closer to the war room Pluto heard the familiar clang of metal. Looking into the large window he saw his “twin” and Kento dueling it out. Neptune obviously had the upper hand, but Pluto couldn't help but notice the way Kento looked at his younger cousin. Neptune please beat this guy down. Sure enough Neptune knocked Kento off his feet forcing him to land on his butt.
“Ouch! You could go a little easier on me.” Neptune rolled her eyes at Kento's sudden puppy dogface. “Or not.” Kento was trying everything to impress this girl but it wasn't working. What does it take? A laugh broke Kento's thoughts. Pluto walked into the room to pat Neptune on the shoulder.
“Nice Guardian. Next time hit him harder though.” Pluto glared at Kento who happily returned it. “You want to spare Nep.”
“Sure why not.” Neptune stepped back and placed her spear slightly in front of her. Pluto drew his sword and lunged towards Neptune. Neptune blocked his attack without raising both her arms. Kento watched in amazement as Neptune used mainly her left arm to maneuver her spear. The two warriors seemed to be one person as Kento watched in amazement.
“They're pretty good aren't they Kento.” Kento looked over his shoulder to find Cye soaked to the bone.
“What happen to you?”
“He went for a swim.” Pluto smirked at Neptune's comment. Neptune nodded her head and Cye's clothes quickly changed. “So Torrent wish to joy us?” Cye smiled and nodded grabbing a nearby lance. “Well Hardrock? You and Torrent against Pluto and I.” Kento nodded and stepped next to his friend.
“We don't stand a chance Cye.”
“At least they're being nice.” Cye and Kento lost match after match against the two friends. As the matches continued Cye noticed that Neptune seemed to be watching Kento more and more. Cye decided to use this to his advantage. Taking his lance Cye knocked Neptune's feet out from under her, but to Cye's shock he never heard the young warrior hit the ground. Cye turned to see his best friend holding the young wind warrior around the waist their faces just inches from each other.
“Um… thanks.” Neptune looked away feeling her face become hot. Pluto quickly grabbed his younger cousin's hand and pulled her towards him.
“I think that's enough for now. We'll see you guys later.” Pluto led Neptune out the door and down the hall. “What was that about Nep?”
“I don't know! I just got distracted.”
“The mighty Guardian got distracted. Are you fucking kidding me Nep?” Neptune turned in front of her cousin to face him.
“It's not like that. It's just…”
“You like him.” Pluto pushed past Neptune.
“Excuse me?” Pluto glanced over his shoulder and smiled.
“I said you like him.” Pluto opened a door to lead into a large bedroom. Neptune followed him and plopped down on the large bed with blue bedding. “Nep you're my best friend and I know you better then anyone. And you. Like. Him.” Pluto sat on the edge of an unmade bed with black bedding that helped plunge it deeper into the darkness of the room.
“I do not. He's a stupid mortal boy that has the power of earth. He is nothing compared to us.” Neptune laid back on the bedding and sighed. She knew she was lying and that Pluto knew it too. Why do I even think about that pathetic excuse of a warrior?
Because you like him. Neptune looked over at Pluto. It's okay Nep. I won't tell anyone, now get some sleep okay. Neptune nodded at the young warrior and closed her eyes.
Back in the war room Cye glared at his best friend. “What were you doing?” Kento just stared at the door. “Kento we had them beat and you helped her. What's wrong with you?”
“She's amazing Cye.”
“What?” Cye couldn't understand his best friend. As Cye stepped closer to his friend as he heard Ryo, Sage, and Rowan enter the room.
“It's easy Sage.” Sage was staring at a scroll as if it was life or death.
“Easy for you to say Rowan; you're ten times smarter then me so this stuff is easy for you.” Ryo just shook his head.
“Why do you want to learn this anyway?” Sage and Rowan both shrugged. “Hey guys what you've been up to?”
“Kento here saved Neptune from an incredible defeat by me and now he's in a trance.” Cye continued to glare at Kento as the other three just glanced between the two friends.
“You young warriors are more blind then myself.” The four boys looked up to see Green Hawk walking towards them. “Kento here.” Green Hawk reached out and touched Kento's shoulder. “Is in love with the Guardian. But she doesn't feel the same or at least I don't think she does.” Kento finally looked up at Green Hawk.
“Green Hawk how can you see everything that is so easy to see when the rest of us can't?” Green Hawk smiled down at Kento.
“Because I had to learn to see without my eyes.” Kento stood next to the young warrior noticing that she wasn't that much shorter then him. “Can you five help me back to the throne room I need to speak with Swanalow.” Before the Ronins could answer Orange Hawk appeared out of thin air.
“I think I can help you my lady.” Green Hawk giggled slightly but took Orange Hawk's arm and allowed him to lead her away from the five young boys.
“So now what?” Rowan looked around the large war room.
“Maybe we should find the Sun Warriors.” Sage looked up at Ryo and nodded.
“Maybe Sun can re-teach me how to read these letters.” Rowan shook his head. “What?” Sage was beyond frustration it wasn't fair to him that Rowan had learned the Dragon alphabet fast then him. Before the arguing got out of hand the five boys wandered the castle in search of the seven immortal warriors.
After what seemed like hours the five noticed that the only places they hadn't checked for the warriors were their rooms. Walking down the familiar hallway Sage got pointers from Rowan on the foreign language and Cye and Ryo picked on Kento about his new crush. Coming to a door with the emblems that belong to the night twins. Ryo slowly pushed the door open to reveal the room was dark. The hallway light crept over the floor onto the bed from across the room.
“Found Starfire.” Starfire laid in bed half under the covers. Cye recognized the yellow sweatshirt from the previous night. Starfire turned slightly away from the light revealing her birthmark that was hidden by her hair. “Is Moon in here too?” Ryo opened the door more to shed more light into the room.
“She's over there.” Rowan pointed over to the bed next to the door. Moonstriker was hidden beneath the red blanket. Her arms and shoulders came above the covers leaving the mind to wonder if the young water warrior had clothes on underneath the covers. Cye stood in awe as he watched the blanket rise and fall to the young warrior's rhythm of breathing. “We should leave. I don't think they get sleep often.” Cye didn't seem to hear his friend as he reached out to move a loose strand of hair from Moonstriker's face. “Cye don't do that.”
But it was too late Moonstriker grabbed Cye's arm and tossed him onto the bed. She was quickly over him pressing her dagger to his throat revealing the black spaghetti strap shirt and red shorts. The Ronins gasped and Starfire quickly sat up grabbing her staff. Moonstriker stared in disbelief at Cye below her. “Torrent?”
“Hi to you too Moonstriker.” Moonstriker lowered herself next to Cye as Starfire just glared at the four boys standing in the doorway.
“What are you doing here?” Starfire stood up a looked like she was ready to kill.
“We were bored and wondered if you were up.” Kento backed into the wall trying to get away from the angry night warrior.
“We were trying to sleep and you thought you could wake us up!” Starfire raised her staff to hit Kento but was stopped by Moonstriker.
“Star we're light sleepers anyway so got back to bed.” Starfire shot the deadliest looks at the five Ronins before she returned to her bed. Moonstriker lead the five out into the hall. “Sorry about Star she doesn't sleep well at night. Look this is one of the few times we can actually rest. Everyone will be asleep so why don't you try getting some sleep.”
“Sure Moon. Sorry about waking you.” Sage bowed to Moonstriker and led the way towards their room. Cye remained behind to talk to Moonstriker. Moonstriker waited patiently till the others were out of sight to look at Cye.
“Sorry about tossing you onto the bed like that. It's instinct.”
“No I should have known better. I just wanted to say sorry. See you later Moon.” Cye began to walk away but Moonstriker grabbed his arm stopping him.
“Thanks for everything tonight Cye.” Cye smiled but noticed that Moonstriker didn't let go of his arm. Instead she took his hand and led him back into her room. Moonstriker crawled back into her bed and motioned for Cye to join her.
“Moon, I…” Moonstriker smiled.
“Just sleep in the same bed as me Cye nothing more then that.” Cye nodded and crawled under the covers with Moonstriker. Moonstriker turned away from Cye and closed her eyes welcoming the darkness. Cye turned towards Moonstriker and pulled her towards him. Resting his arms around her waist he quickly felt sleep come to him. As the two water warriors fell into a light sleep they never noticed the dark figure sitting up in the bed across from them.
“About time.” Starfire smiled and laid back down on her bed happily welcoming sleep back.