Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ The Daughters of Selene ❯ Chapter 4 - The Truth Reveled part 2 ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

ok sorry it took me so long 2 update I'm trying 2 figure out new ideas for all of my fan fiction. So sorry once again.
Anywayz here'z chapter 4 The Truth Reveled part 2.
I might bring someone back to life so vote who:
The Starlights & Chibi Chibi:
Once the votes are complete then I'll be able 2 decide who Serenity can be paired with. Maybe Darien or Seiya. You decide please!!
Alright enough already here'z chapter 4. Enjoy!!!!!
Chapter 4: The Truth Reveled part 2
Everyone gasped in shock as Serenity glowed silver with pink ribbons flowing around her. When the light died down Serenity stood clad in a strange outfit that looked almost like a sailor outfit, the whole outfit was white but the collar & skirt were silver. The skirt also had colors of light blue, blood red, forest green, golden yellow, navy blue, aquamarine, dark green, dark violet, & pink. She also had silver high heels with tiny wings on the heels, & a silver cape with a red color on the inside. Her hair was in the same wacky hairstyle except instead of the color gold it was pure silver & the balls became heart shaped buns, on her forehead was a mark of an eight-pointed star with a golden upturned crescent moon in the center. She also held a staff with a golden eight-pointed star on the top.
Her eyes opened slowly as the transformation became complete to revel silver blue orbs filled with wisdom.
Everyone stood their positions awing at her before the silence was interrupted, “You're even more beautiful than ever Serenity or is it still Sailor Moon?” Prince Diamond asked, he still had that lust in his eyes except it grew much stronger.
“I'll take that as a complement Diamond, but to answer your question, I am no longer Sailor Moon, just call me Sailor Cosmos. Now enough of this, let's get back to business.” Sailor Cosmos then pointed her staff at Diamond, “Silver Starlight Blast!!” (I made that up).
Diamond ducked just in time before the attack hit him. “So you want to play that way huh? Welcome to my nightmare!!” Diamond threw his arms up & the shadows from the allies came towards him as different types of yomas formed snarling & laughing evilly at the solider.
“Attack!!” Diamond shouted as the yomas sped towards Sailor Cosmos & the girls. “Run!” Jimena tried to get the others to safety but the yomas gained on them. “Saturn Silence Wall!!” Sailor Cosmos shouted creating a force field over the girls, the yomas then were blasted as they hit the wall. Sailor Cosmos changed her staff into what looked like a key with an orb on the top, “Pluto Deadly Scream!” Half of the yomas were blasted but a lot more came upon her, her staff changed into other types of forms as she destroyed the yomas.
One looked like a harp made of crystal. “Mercury Aqua Rhapsody!”
Another was a bunch of oak leafs that formed on her head. “Jupiter Oak Evolution!”
She then wiped them all out with one final attack with a sword made of jewels & gold. “Space Sword Blaster!”
Sailor Cosmos looked at the battlefield. All of the yomas were destroyed except now Diamond was missing; Sailor Cosmos looked around frantically searching.
“Look out!!” Vanessa shouted as Diamond came up right behind Sailor Cosmos ready to knock her out, but Cosmos ducked about 2 seconds before he struck. She then pointed her staff at him again & shouted “Starlight Honey Moon Therapy Kiss!!” Diamond was hit in the chest and flew back into one of the buildings.
“Damn it your gonna really regret that one Serenity!!” Diamond was obviously pissed off. He then teleported right behind Sailor Cosmos again & grabbed her arms tightly knocking the staff out of her hands. “This is it Serenity” Diamond whispered in her ear, “I'll make you a deal, in exchange for your friends safety give yourself to me & be my queen”. Sailor Cosmos then used flame power to burn his hands off of her & he let go with a yelp.
“Don't you dare touch me like that!!” Serenity shouted. She then concentrated on her energy & her staff flew into her hands & transformed into a flaming bow & arrow. “Mars Flame Sniper!” she shouted aiming the arrow at Diamond's heart, he barely dodged it in time as the arrow went through his shoulder instead.
Diamond screamed in agony from both the flames & the pain in his shoulder, but he looked up & saw Sailor Cosmos standing before him forming her staff once more into it's true form & pointed it at him in his face. “Now Diamond answer this, where is Chaos right now & what is he planning?” she glared awaiting the answer. Now at this Diamond smirked & replied “Now Serenity, that would ruin the whole fun now would it? But I will tell you this, Chaos has grown stronger within each passing moment as well as the Atrox, your soon to be greatest enemies ever!” He then laughed mentally crazy as Sailor Cosmos then ended his life “Moonlight Rush!” (I made that one up 2!!) and that was the end of Diamond.
Sailor Cosmos then watched as his body disappeared completely then she turn towards the others releasing the shield. They then came up to her even though they still weren't sure about her. “It's ok guys” Sailor Cosmos then de-transformed & Serenity stood in her place. “Serenity…how…how?” Vanessa tried to ask but Jimena stood up “We need you to come with us” “What for?” Serenity asked. “We need you to meet somebody” Serena said.
Serenity was unsure about all of this but she then decided to go with them. But unknown to them a pair of blue eyes watched the whole entire fight observing the techniques & moves Serenity used. He smirked & then dissolved into the shadows returning to his master.
Whew I thought that would take forever but yep. Sorry about the late update once more so once again here are the pairings.
The polls to bring someone back are
Starlights & Chibi Chibi:
Future pairings will be put to the voting's so here are the Serenity possible pairings.
Please vote & review!!
Moon Angel out!!!!