Fan Fiction / SD Gundam Fan Fiction ❯ SD Gundam: The Soap! II ❯ Why?, Friends2Lovers, & Is He Dead? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Gundam: The Soap! II:
New from Gillette! It’s so advanced…It’s STUPID!
By: May-VeggieGirl1 and NeoYami

RW: w00tness, on a roll huh? :D Enjoy~!

Chapter 3:
Part1: Why?
Part2: Friends2Lovers
Part3: Is He Dead?

Part1: Why?
My reasons behind… well, stuff in general about characterization.
Pairings: None really

RW: ^^; ello ducky (HA! I took it :p).
Kai: (I eat you! *chomp*)
RW: ^^; I've actually been rethinking over basic emphsis for characterization of Kaiba, Yba, Baku, Taishi, etc. v.v Especially since everyone one of them has a little piece of me ^^ *huggles everyone*
Everyone: *is terrified* O_o;;;;;
Kai: (LOL)
Ybaso's soul: *poofs out of nowhere* Who got your insanity then? T.T
Amaebisu: Muahaha... hahahahahaHHAHAHAHAHAHAA XD
Y.S: ...Oo Forget I asked.
RW: v.v; And Tokeiko a little.
Tokeiko: ++ HEY!! ><+
Makii: Hey Ziv, you're boyfriend lost his mind! O.o
Taishi: v_v;;; Sweetie, that's Amaebisu. Ama is Amazora...
Makii: How am I supposed to know the difference? I go by the first three to four letters in you crazy musha's names! x.x
RW: Auk! x.x thanks Tai, now I"m going to pronounce his name as Ama-ebisu!!
Taishi: ^^; Eheh. Different color and his name is written out everytime dear.
Makii: Well...I'm unobservant!!! x.x
RW: ...Anyway, Baku (even though he's not mine) is innocence because he's simple minded and naive v.v Also why he and Ziv would make a perfect pair... or best friends. 9.9
Baku: *huggles Ziv* Yay ^^ Best friend!
Taishi: *sniffle* v.v I'm hurt.
Baku: + You're my brother not my best friend!!!
Taishi: -.-+ Gosh! Your MOM went to college!
Baku: *tilts his head to the side and blinks* O.o She did?
Taishi: *falls over* _-_;;;
Makii: ...*thinks Tai quoting Napoleon is disturbing* O.o
RW: My mom went to college... with me ^-^;;
Taishi: *looks at Makii* x.x Nanniiiii???
Makii: ...Just...whatever you do...DO NOT do the dance x.x;
Taishi: x.x; I won't.
RW: Our new principle's name is Napoleon... ^^ it's hilarious and half of the girls in my grade thinks he's hot Oo;;;;
Kai: (.........that's just as creepy as my friend thinking my dad is hot x.x)
RW: (Oo Ew)
Kai: (Yeah v.v)
RW: (...reminds me of when my friends were in my basement and said "wow, your dad sure looks weird in this picture."
RW: (Oo;;; )
Kai: (*dies laughing*)
RW: (we laughed so hard x.x; it's dark down here, I guess I don't blame them... I think x.x;; )
Kai: (lol ^^;;; )
Y.S: ....7.7 So why didn't you just use Baku's original character from the show?
RW: Well, there is that, but Baku more stripped down would make more sense like this I think. ^^;
Baku: Oo;; *curls up in a ball and hugs his armor*
RW: x.x Not like THAT!
Baku: *sighs in relief* x.x;
Zero: Stripping you is MY job anyway v.v
RW: And I'm leaving it as your job. Oo
RW: Baku is the color red for a reason: hot headedness, anger, fire, lively...stuff like that. But do take note on how his little crystal thing is light blue. v.v It wouldn't be that way for the hell of it.
ALMIGHTY CREATOR DUDE: ...Um, yeah, sure. <.< *scoots away*
Kai: (lol!)
Y.S: T.T; Hot headedness isn't a word.
RW: T.T;; My point is, that's the structure the gunsoul is based on: innocence, naivety (already been shown through the anime :p)... and like the sky. ^^
Baku: Aww, I am still loved! ^^;
Taishi: T.T; So what am I?
RW: ^-^;; You're hunger! Because... I couldn't think of anything else for your orange gunsoul. v_v;;;;
Taishi: x.x I'M hunger?!?! What about him!? *points at Baku*
Aisu: *whispers to Kane* Does this make any sense to you?
Kane: *whispers back* I'mmm kinda tuning it all out...^^;
Oni: ;-; She won't explain me... *sniffle*
RW: *completely ignoring Oni* ^^
RW: His hunger is because he's a radical fire spirit. O.o; And don't give me the 'I don't even eat!' excuse before you know my logic. v.v
Taishi: I'm almost afraid of your logic. T.T;
Kai: *pets oni*
RW: Listteeennnnn! x.x You see, you're hunger because orange is the color that actually makes people hungry at first impulse and first glance. O.o;;; I don't know how, but it's true dammit! x.x I've seen studies! Also, it works with you because you hunger things you'll never have completely or full understanding of. ^^;
Taishi: *glares* Like what? T.T
RW: (sorry if I'm rambling v.v I think the hungerthing makes good blackmail.. if Kane were listening 9.9 lol)
Kai: (its fine ^; )
Kane: *writes down notes for blackmail emergencies* v.v
RW: (lolol ^^; )
RW: Wait, there's more! >< Normally, hunger is associated with madness and craving on a brink of desire.
Taishi: T.T Thaaannnkksss.
RW: But what hunger really is natural desire. ^^ Hunger doesn't involve the desperation most people think of because no one actually thinks deeply into these things. It's starvation that pushes hunger over this brink. In reality, hunger is a normal average thing to let the brain know that there is a crave that must be met in some shape or form for survival reasons. ^^; See, it ain't that bad! And it works well as depicting the Evil side of you as starvation.
RW: (ack, too much @.@ nii lol)
Kai: (o.o *dies*)
Kane: ....*shoves the notepad and pencil into Aisu's hands* Take blackmail notes for me x.x
Taishi: ...-.- I don't know how you managed it, but it's somewhat acceptable. >.>
RW: ^^;;;; Yay, I'm not going to die!
Taishi: T_T For now.
Aisu: *was toying with his gun* Nani?
Kane: Just do it x.x
Aisu: O.o;
Aisu: Do whaaattt?? x.x
RW: 9.9 Then there's Ybaso. Who is strength.
Y.S: ...That's it? T.T;; Wow, how indepth.
RW: Hey, it was either anti-socialness, which has kinda gone down now, wisdom or strength. v.v
The wisdom, well.... 9.9
Y.S: + Yes???
RW: v.v; Nah. Your wisdom comes from your strength. You have some, just not enough to aknowledge your entire entity as that. Besides, someone else has more of that than anything.
Y.S: ...T.T Who?
RW: ...Actually I just changed it to reason. Tokeiko is reason more than wisdom, teehee. ^^;;;
Tokeiko: ..v.v It's justified.
RW: :p So, wisdom would beee.... v.v; Ah, Kosho. Yes, he'll fit.
Y.S: *eye twitch* ...You gave THAT asshole wisdom!!?!? *storms off* ><+++
Kane: ...I think anti-social suits him v.v;
RW: Nah, that's mostly to strangers now I think. He used to be a lot worse. ^^;;;
Kaibaso, Aisu, Oni, Tokeiko: v.v Yup.
RW: ..v.v; He agrees deep down.
Y.S: *from far away* DO NOT!! ><
Y.S: You know nothing! x.x
RW: v.v;;;; Soooo yeah, Kaibaso is next as unrest.
Kaibaso: ..T.T Thanks also. x.x Wow, you really aimed this to piss everyone off, huh?
RW: ^^;;; Eheheh... Well, Kiba's evilness caused unrest...and your life in GENERAL is unrest... v.v A wish to obtain tranquility also conflicts with Chimi so, I thought this works great. ^^; You just don't like it because it's ttrrrruuuuueee and you know the truth huuurrrttsss. ^^;;;;
Kaibaso: T.T ..........Waitaminute, if me and Ybaso are nearly complete opposites...
RW: Only similarity if you're both stubborn. *sweatdrops*
Kaibaso: ...Does that mean you're calling me weak!?!
RW: Oo;;; Oh...shit.... ^^
RW: ^^;;;; Eheheheh-yoink!! *makes a mad dash*
Kaibaso: T_T++ Get back here, damn you!!!
Kane: .....interesting v.v
Kaibaso: -.-++ She's dead now.
Taishi: v.v;;; Yup.
RW: (so, what to do now.. v.v)
Kane: ....I wanna be an airborn ranger, livin' the life of sex and danger ^^;
Aisu: O.o Wow that was random x.x///
Kane: v.v;;; I know
Taishi: *is disturbed because it sounds like something more of what Makii would say* Oo;;;; .... I'm... going off to question moral belief I have.... *starts walking off dazed*
Makii: ...What's with Tai? *starts humming the rest of the song* ^^
Kane: I dunno. 9_9 Anyway I'm bored. Aisu, entertain me v.v
RW: (sorry bout that my dad took away my comp for a moment to read what I was saying O.o made no sense to him LOL ^^)
Kai: (LOL)
RW: (and he wrote this:
ALMIGHTY SON OF A HERPESSORE'S ITCHHHHH:It only bothers me when I think of you.Lousy Motherf****r )
RW: (then said "let this be a lesson to you".....)
RW: (What?? O.o;; I missed something x.x)
Kai:( I...don't know...O.o And who did he write this to? x.x)
RW: (no one O.o)
RW: (lol ^^; )
Aisu: *blushes and scampers off before he can be involved with some twisted plot to make him have sex with Kane* ///x_x
Taishi: ._.
Kane: ...*grabs a pickle and bites it in half* v.v
Oni: O.o Yuck.
Kane: ...what?
Oni: x.x I don't like pickles.
Kane: Why not?
Oni: x.x Gross.
Kane: ...Why are they gross? *eats the rest*
Oni: x.x Sour.
Kane: They're not sour. O.o
Kane: They're nummy ^^
Oni: x.x Bleck.
Kane: No, green v.v
Oni: I said bleck not black! x.x
Kane: Sound the same to me v.v
Oni: x.x; I give up, it's just gross.
Kane: ...monkey v.v
Oni: *sniffle* ;-;
Kane: are. ^^;
Oni: .......;_;
Kane: Well at least Kai likes monkeys c.c
Kane: Don't gimmie that loook x.x;;
Oni: *sob* ;-;
Oni: ;~; *hiffle* Waaahhhh ><
Kane: ...x.x *pats oni on the head* t-ther ther...I'm...sorry.
Oni: *sniffle* *hic* *smiles a little*
Kane: ^^;;;
Kane: Why am I subjected to cute? x.x
Oni: *tilts his head to the side and sniffles* Hm?
Kane: *pets* nothing. v.v
Oni: ^^

Kai: (then aisu comes in and gets jealous and challenges Oni to a bitch slap contest lol)
RW: (O.o LOL)

Kane: ...Now I know why Kai has you for a pet. x.x;;;
Oni: *blink* Why?
Kane: You're adorable. -.-;;;; *pet pet* I can't stand it x.x
Oni: Heeheehee ^.^
Kane: * gives oni a malt ball* v.v
Oni: *nibbles it* ^^
Kane: x.x damn the cuteness.
Oni: ^^;
Kane: ^^;;;;;
Y.S: ...v.v *sigh*

RW: (LOL "combination of cell phone- ipod.... egg flipper...)
Kai: (o.o;;;)
Kai: (gah! x.x)
RW: (HAH ^^)

Kaibaso: ...-.- Arrgg the cuteness buuurrrnnnsss! X__x
Kane: *pet pet*
Oni: x.x
Kane: ^^;;;
Ziv: *tackles oni* my turn to pet!! ^^
Kane: ...did you just refer to yourself in the first person? o.o
Ziv: What did Kane say to Zivilyn?
Kane: ...nevermind x.x
Oni: O.o He did.... x.x; Niii
Kaibaso: O.o Hmm...
Ziv: *pets oni* ^^
Kane: There's hope for his grammer yet! x.x
Kaibaso: ^^;;; Yeah. If you call that hope.
Kane: ok you're gonna get a crash course in talking normally even if it...kills you. ^^;
Ziv: ....O.o ...AMMMAAAAAA!!!!!
Ama; O.o Aww, don't be afraid, it'll be good for you! ^^

RW: (g2g)

Part2: Friends2Lovers
And how long has this been going on? Poor Captain. Poor Manny.
Pairings: BZ, CM

Kai: pick
RW: err....
RW: (x.x? Baku/Zero??)
Kai: ....hmmmmmm.....ok lets get Ziv and Ama to do something at Tai’s? or double dates or something? x.x
Kai: (ok!)
RW: (O.o yay ^^; )
Zero: *nibbles on a rasberry filled powdered doughnut* ^^
Baku: ...Oo;;; *smacks it out of Zero's hand out the window*
Zero: O_o the heck was that for???
Baku: the last time we had a raspberry filled doughnut Captain went crazy and we were attacked by hams Oo
Zero: Relax, Captain's with manny and the hams got eaten v.v
Baku: ...x.x; Sorry, it just scared me.
Zero: Want one? ^^;
Baku: Okay! ^^
Captain: Hey guys. ^^
Baku: O.O *gags on his doughnut*
Captain: Is that…a raspberry doughtnut??? O.o Can I have one? ^^
Baku: x.x *cough*
Zero: Oo;;;;; s-sure....*slowly pushes them towards Captain*
Manny: I'll just go with some juice. v.v *helps herself to the fridge*
Captain: *munches on one* ^^
Zero: Oo; Soooo...what have you two been up to?
Baku: *can't breathe* x.x *wheeze cough*
Zero: O.o *pats Baku on the back*
Baku: x.x *gag*
Captain: *finishes his doughtnut* O.o You okay?
Manny: Baku ok? *blinks while sipping on some orange juice*
Zero: Oh you know how he is...he eats to fast. ^^;;;
Baku: Kack x.x Yeah *cough*
Manny: You should chew more Baku. *sip*
Baku: *swallows loudly* Ah, neee x.x
Zero: *rubs Baku's back* v.v;;;
Baku: x.x Thank ku, Zewo *kisses him on the cheek*
Captain: *just stares at them because he's not used to them... together* ....Yeah....
Manny: *thinks its cute* ^^ Awww.
Zero: *nuzzles Baku* ^^
Baku: ^.^; Hehehe...
Zero: *nips at Baku's neck playfully*
Baku: Mmmm... giggles at Captain's face*
Zero: *looks up then grins while nibbling Baku's neck again to annoy Captain* ^^
Captain: ...x.x; Yyyeaahhh...
Manny: *blushes slightly*
Captain: I... think I'll get some juice too. x.x *goes into the kitchen*
Baku: Aww, Zero's baaaadd ^^
Manny: Um...I'll help...///x.x/// *follows*
Zero: .....yay they're gone. *pushes Baku onto the table and kisses him hard*
Baku: oO Heheheheee ^^ *kisses back*
Zero: How about strp teasing for me? ^^
Baku: ^^ *pulls off helmet and nuzzles Zero*
Zero: *nuzzles back* <3
Baku: *strips off the rest of his armor and pushes Zero up against a wall* *kisses him deeply* Mmmm...
Zero: Rawrr. Looks like someone's ready to play.
Baku: ^^ Of course, silly.... *kisses Zeros neck some*
Manny: *comes in* Z------O______O ........*goes back in the kitchen* ////////////////////////// C-captain...
Captain: *drinking his juice* ...O.o; Hm??
captain: Oo;;; Don't...say anything else... x.x;;; Let's just go out the back door...
Manny: ////////// *swallows* can't...move x.x
Captain: O.o;;; Hm?? What's wrong?
Manny: *hugs Captain* too..//// much x.x
Captain: ...O.o?????
Manny: x.x;;

Part3: Is He Dead?
Yet more Dante torture.
Pairings: DK, KA

Kaibaso: *is sitting in the middle of the room deadly still and eyes closed* ....
Dante: ...*can't tell if he's dead or meditating* o.o Um..Kaibaso?
Kaibaso: ...

RW: (especially since he dun breathe ^^; LOL)

Moshi: *todders over to Kaibaso and sits in his lap* ^^
Kaibaso: *still not moving* ...
Dante: ...Hey Moshi, poke him or something O.o I can't tell if he's alive!
Moshi: *nuzzles Kaibaso* ^^
Kaibaso: ...
Dante: ..Try something else. x.x
Moshi: *doesn't really care* *yawns and goes to sleep*
Dante: Hey you! x.x Don't make me put you on a diet! ...god knows ya need one -.-
Moshi: (Hey! >( Yeah, like mommy would let you!)

RW: (yes.... panda calls Kaibaso mommy... O.o;; good thing Dante can only hear it ^^;;; eheheheh....)
Dante: Oh now you decide to talk x.x ...Mommy? ...*snickers* Hehe..that's so cute...god Kaibaso would go ballistic if he heard that ^^ *laughs*
Kaibaso: ...
Dante: ....AISU!!
Aisu: *is making stir fry* x.x Naniii??
Dante: C'mere! I can't tell if Kaibaso's dead or not and its freaking me out! x.x
Aisu: I'm busy! x.x;
Dante: I don't care! Get in here!
Aisu: x.x Well I don't care either! Make me! ><
Aisu: He's YOUR boyfriend! x.x
Dante: But if he is alive he'll kill me! Besides I don't know if Mushas are dead or not! You're a musha! You check! x.x
Aisu: x.x Ask Taishi, he's the doctor! Sheesh!
Dante: Well he's....probably...busy with Makii....x.x;;;;
Aisu: Then you check! x.x
Dante: Damnit get in here or I'll castrate you so you can't fuck my sister!
Aisu: x.x Like you can!
Dante: I can. And I will. -.-
Aisu: Phsst! *goes back to cooking * *music note* v.v
Dante: ...fine...=_= I wouldn't sleep tonight if I were you..
Aisu: *not listening, can only hear himself whistling*
Dante: ...*grabs a pair of scizors and goes into the kitchen*
Aisu: *whistling* ^^
Dante: *snaps scizors together* -.- Castration time.
Aisu: *reaches back with a knife and stabs the scissor's screw, making it fall in two pieces and keeps whistling* v.v
Dante: ...Fucker! ><
Aisu: Hmm hm hm... v.v Do you want dinner or not?
Dante: =_= I hate you...*goes back to where Kaibaso is*
Kaibaso: ...
Dante: ....*cautiously goes and sits next to Kaibaso and touches his shoulder*
Kaibaso: *a knife lands next to Dante *erm* croch as Kaibaso is still not moving* ...
Dante: O______________________O;;; ...m-meep....
Kaibaso: ...
Moshi: zzz.... v.v
Dante: ...x.x *falls over*
Kaibaso: *suddenly pounces on top of Dante and stares at him while pinning him to the ground*
Dante: Gah! o.o
Dante: H-hi hunny...^^;
Kaibaso: ...
Dante: ...*blinks*
Kaibaso: ...
Dante: ...hunny...? You ok??
Kaibaso: ...
Kaibaso: *sits back down and closes his eyes* ...
Dante: ...........Moshi.......what the hell was that about...? Oo
Kaibaso: v.v I'm just fucking with you dear.
Dante: Don't do that!!! -.- You had me worried!
Kaibaso: ^^; Heheh.
Kaibaso: *takes back his knife and twirls it* v.v
Dante: =_=+ *is not amused* v.v *gets up and goes outside*
Kaibaso: *blinks* Oh great, he's sulking again. -.-;
Kaibaso: Lemme guess, coz he thought I was dead or serious. 9.9 Sheesh. He's slow ain't he, Aisu?
Aisu: v.v;; Yuuuuppp.
Dante: *grumbles outside while walking*...-.-;;;
Kaibaso: 9.9 Pushover.
Kane: *comes in sucking on a pickle* (where does she get these things? x.x) 'llo duckies Kaibaso: Yo. v.v *pets Moshi*
Kane: Torturing Dante again I presume? *goes into the kitchen* ^^
Kaibaso: ^^; Yup.
Aisu: Here ya go. ^^; *givs Kane a plate*
Kane: ^.^ <3 I wuv you.
*blushes a little and scratches his cheek* Heehee... ////
Kane: *munches on some of the food* ^^ <3
Kaibaso: v.v; Kane, when will Dante realize I just enjoy fucking with him?
Kane: Never. ^^;;;
Kane: I wouldn't use that word to describe it x.x;
Kaibaso: What would you say then? v.v
Kane: ...anything but fucking? ^^;
Kaibaso: God, well maybe he should get off that. -.-
Kane: get off what?
Kaibaso: His obsession with sex. x_x
Kane: That's not why I don't think you should say that word but ok x.x
Kaibaso: *if officially confused* O.o;
Kane: Don't ask -.-
Kaibaso: x.x Okay?
Kane: *finishes her plate off* Mmm ^^
Kaibaso: v.v;;;
Kane: Ecstasy in the form of food... Why don't you go find Dante and drag him back home Kaibaso?
Aisu: ///^^;; Thanks.
Kaibaso: He'll come home himself. v.v *pets Moshi*

RW: (bi bi v.v)