Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Hero High School Life ❯ Not Just One Sister,But Two Sisters and a Bully Brother! ( Chapter 2 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Knuckles was slowly opening the door to his sister,he gulped and pulled the door open,everyone was patiently watching.He looked and saw a golden yellow fox with a light blue skirt and tank top,she had three tails that were white on the bottom,she had very long golden hair that reached to her feet,and brown eyes. The girl smiled. "Knuckles,it's so good to finally see you!" The girl hugged him tightly,making him choke,Knuckles was gasping for air.The girl let go of him and smiled. Knuckles smiled. "I'm Christina,I don't think we ever met,I was adopted and claimed to be your sister." Knuckles grinned and let her inside. Behind her was a yellow hedgehog,she had a white tanktop that had a blue jean vest over it,she wore blue jeans,she had very long quills,reaching down to her feet,she had deep blue eyes. She smiled nervously and walked in. Behind her was another yellow hedgehog,but it was a male hedgehog,he had black on the ends of his very long quills,he wore all black clothes,black sleevless top with a pair of black pants that had a red stripe running down them,he also had a spiked bracelet on his arms and had one on his neck,he had blood red eyes and a mean attitude. He growled and walked in. As Christina walked in,she walked by the others,she smiled and waved to them,they all smiled and waved back,especially Tails. He was shivering ever since he saw her,he gulped and stood stiff as a board.Christina saw this and giggled as she walked past him.Everyone was staring at the girls,completely shocked,neither of them were echidnas. Sonic broke the silence. "Wow,what a complete surprise! We thought you were going to be echidnas like the knucklehead here!" The two girls giggled when they heard Knuckles's nickname. The yellow hedgehog walked up to Knuckles,still giggling. "My name is Sabrina,I'm Christina's best friend,because we are very alike in everything! Looks,emeralds,likes and dislikes!" Knuckles smiled and shook her hand,Sabrina pointed to the other yellow hedgehog. "That's my twin brother,Sabre. I think you should keep away from him,he's one bad hedgehog! My foster parents told me to bring him with me." Knuckles looked at Sabre,he was leaning on a wall,his eyes closed. He opened his eyes and gave a death glare at Knuckles. "You have a problem,echidna?" Knuckles looked away. Christina walked by and to Sonic. "I'm Christina,and you are?" Sonic grinned. "Sonic the hedgehog at your service! Nice to see ya!" Sonic showed his trademark smile. Christina smiled and walked to Amy,the pink hedgehog smiled. "Hello,Christina. I think we're gonna be really good friends!" Christina smiled. "Yes,I'm sure we will." Christina walked to Tails,he was shivering and sweating. Christina giggled. "Hello,what is your name?" Tails gulped and nervously smiled. "M-My n-name is T-T-Tails." Christina giggled and walked to Shadow. Shadow smiled. "The name's Shadow,nice to meet you." Christina smiled and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you,too,Shadow." Christina smiled and walked to Rouge,she held her hand out. "So,you are Knuckles's sister,huh?" Christina nodded and shook Rouge's hand. "I'm Rouge the bat,I used to be Knuckles's girl,but I changed that last year." Christina laughed a little. "He seems so gullible,that's why!" Christina smiled.
Sabrina walked to Sonic and smiled. "I'm Sabrina,very nice to meet you!" Sonic was a little nervous,he shook her hand and smiled. "I'm Sonic! It's cool to see ya!" Sabrina giggled. "I like your attitude!" Sonic grinned. Sabrina walked to Tails,he had a simple smile. "Hi,I'm Miles,but you can just call me Tails!" Sabrina smiled. "That's a cute name for someone with two tails!" Tails smiled. Sabrina walked to Shadow,he held his hand out. "My name is Shadow." Sabrina smiled and shook his hand. "A good name for a shadowy character." Sabrina smiled. Shadow suddenly caught on,but she was already gone.Sabrina walked to Amy. "Hi! I'm Amy Rose,I think we'll have a great time at school!" Sabrina smiled. "Thanks." Sabrina walked to Rouge. "I'm Rouge the bat.Very nice to meet you." Sabrina smiled. "Nice to meet you too,Rouge!" Rouge smiled. Sabrina walked back to Christina. Everyone started clapping and cheering for their arrival. The two girls smiled. Knuckles walked up to them. "We're all glad to see you,want to get some cake?" Both girls smiled. "Sure! We were running all night trying to get here!" Everyone gasped. "You ran here? How?" Sabrina walked up to them. "We can both run at supersonic speed,it's pretty neat!" Sonic and Shadow grinned. "Hm,you know what? We have that speed,too! I never expected two girls that can be a challenge to us in a race!" Sabrina smiled and pointed to Sabre. "Sabre also has it,he uses it to bully other people." Sabre,who was still leaning on the wall,grinned. "And I'm proud of it!" Sabrina growled and walked up to him. "Sabre,will you please SHUT UP!?" Sabre kept grinning. "Make me!" Sonic and the others watched. "Uh oh,I think he's looking for trouble!" Sabrina growled and picked him up by the shirt,she held her fist up,threatening him. Sabre smirked. "Like that's going to hurt me!" Sabrina growled and clenched her fist,it started glowing black. Sonic and the others gasped and backed away. Sabre got scared and tried to get out of his sister's grip. "Hey,put me down,I'll be quiet!" Sabrina smiled and set Sabre back on his feet. Her hand stopped glowing,she smiled and walked to the others. They were all staring at her. Sonic broke the silence. "Whoa,how did you do that?" Christina walked to Sabrina,they both clenched their fists. Sabrina's glowed black while Christina's fist glowed a rainbow color. "You mean this,it's nothing to us!" Everyone stood around the two girls. The two girls smiled and closed their eyes,they both started glowing with black and rainbow. Suddenly,a strange object appeared in front of them. The girls opened their eyes and smiled. Everyone else gasped. Christina walked up to them. "We have these elemental emeralds inside us,they give us special powers,like that trick we did. Nobody else has these,they are very special and important to us." Everyone was silent for a few seconds before Sonic broke it again. "Well alright! Two girls that have supersonic speed and special powers,very cool!" Everyone nodded in agreement. Sabrina and Christina smiled and walked around. "Wow,Knuckles! Your house is huge!" Knuckles walked ahead of them. "Let me show you two around,so you can know your way through the house." Both girls nodded and followed him through the house.
Everyone was talking in the living room. Sonic chuckled. "Wow,I can't believe this! We all thought knucklehead's sisters are going to be echidnas,but two hedgehogs and a fox,that's a real twist!" Tails nodded in agreement. "Yeah,I think they're pretty nice,especially Christina." Sonic laughed. "Oh really? What's the matter,is our wittle Tails got a wittle crushie wushie?" Tails jumped away. "Stop that,Sonic! You know I hate it when you talk like that!" Sonic started laughing. "Well,you're so little! I couldn't help myself!" Tails huffed. "It's not my fault that I'm so smart,and so I was brought up to 8th grade when I was five years old!" Sonic backed away. "Sheesh,calm down,little bro! It's not my fault that I was forced into the world Olympics with a bunch of girls because of my great acrobatic skills!" Everyone heard that,they all turned to Sonic,his face was beet red with embarassment. "Thanks alot,Tails! You made me shout out one of my secrets,again!" Everyone started laughing. Sonic turned around. Tails was on the floor,laughing hard. "Sonic,you are so easy to trick!" Sonic turned around back to Tails. "Knock it off,that was not funny or cool!" Tails was able to stand up,everyone stopped laughing and continued their talking. Sonic grinned. "Well,I dare you to try that on someone at school tomorrow!" Tails grinned back. "You're on!" Sonic smiled.
Rouge looked around with nothing to do,she saw Sabre. She smirked. "Hm,with a strong boy like that,I will be able to hit Knuckles with everything I got without getting caught! " She smiled and casually walked to Sabre,he was leaning against the wall,resting. Sabre opened his eyes. "What do you want,bat-girl?" Rouge smirked. "My name is Rouge,did you say something about bullying other people?" Sabre sat up. "What's it to you?" Rouge stepped closer to him. "Well,to let you know,I have a little score to settle with that red echidna,and I was hoping you could help me!" Sabre grinned. "What's in it for me?" Rouge walked around. "Well,we can do some pranking on the students of the school.And,maybe if you do well enough,maybe have a little date.What do you say?" Sabre grinned. "If it's a chance to get back at my annoying sister,then it's a deal." Rouge smiled. "Alright! I think we'll make a perfect team,I can finally get back at that knucklehead!" Sabre grinned. "Good.Then it's a perfect plan to get back at my sister." The two shook hands and walked to the others.
Knuckles,Christina,and Sabrina returned to the living room. Christina hugged her brother. "Thank you,Knuckles.I think we'll have a great time here!" Knuckles smiled. "I think so,too.Oh,if you're going to go to school with us,we need to know what grade you're going to be in,how old are you?" Christina smiled. "I'm fifteen,Sabrina is fourteen,and Sabre is fourteen." Knuckles thought for a minute. "Okay,so I suppose all three of you should be freshmen,ninth grade." Sabrina and Christina smiled. "How old are you,Knuckles?" Knuckles smiled. "I'm sixteen,and I'm a sophmore,tenth grade." The girls smiled. "Okay,what is school?" Knuckles froze. "You mean you never been to school before?" The girls shook their heads. "No,where we live,it's a village,so there aren't any schools. Sabrina lives with foster parents because they died over a year ago. My parents have told me alot about school,and now,they allowed us to come to school." Knuckles smiled. "Well,it's a place where you can learn about things,like math,science,social studies,reading,and more. All kids go to school,all the people here in this house go to school." Christina smiled. "It sounds like fun,when do we go there?" Knuckles smiled. "We all start school tomorrow,so you better be ready.We'll get you some supplies later on today." Christina and Sabrina smiled and nodded,then they both yawned. Sabrina stretched. "I'm very tired,can we sleep for a while?" Knuckles smiled and nodded. "Sure,it's still night time,sleep as long as you want." The girls smiled and walked to the living room. They both layed down on the couches and quickly fell asleep. Knuckles told everyone to be quiet,they all soon went to sleep on the floor and furniture.
Much later,Christina woke up when she heard birds chirping and car horns. She opened her eyes and saw everyone sleeping on the floor,Sabrina was sleeping on the other couch. Christina sat up and yawned quietly. She stood up and tried to tiptoe through the sleeping crowd,she suddenly stepped on Knuckles's tail. "YOW!!" Everyone shot up and became angry. "Knuckles!" Knuckles calmed down and looked at his tail,it was flat. "Ow,you almost broke my tail!" Christina smiled. "Sorry!" Knuckles stood up and stretched. Everyone else did the same. Sabrina woke up and stood up,she yawned and walked around. "It's daytime already?" Christina walked to the window and looked outside. The sky was blue,cars were rolling down the streets,people were walking around. "Wow,it's beautiful out there!" Knuckles walked to her. "It's always like this in the morning.But we're used to it." Christina smiled,they both walked back to the others. Suddenly,everyone heard growling sounds,they all turned to Christina and Sabrina. "I guess we didn't eat for a while." Everyone sighed with relief and walked to the kitchen. When they got in there,Amy started cooking,Sonic helped. "Hey,I didn't know you could cook." Amy smiled. "A perfect result of watching the cooking channel,your food is always burnt!" Sonic backed away. "Hey,it is not! My food tastes great!" Amy started cooking the food,Sonic sat down at the table by the others. After several minutes,Amy finished cooking.She made pancakes,toast,bacon,and orange juice. She set several plates of the food in front of everyone on the table. Sabrina and Christina calmly ate their food. "Wow Amy,your food is great! Thank you!" Amy smilked as she sat down. "You're welcome,you seem to have such good manners!" Amy turned and saw Sabre poking at his food. "I don't trust you,it could be poisoned." Sabrina stood up. "Sabre,eat your food,it is not dangerous!" Sabre ate a piece. "Maybe it isn't so bad." Sabrina calmed and sat down,they all continued eating.
After a short while,everyone finished their breakfast.Knuckles walked by and picked up the dirty dishes,he washed them. Sabrina and Christina stood up and walked to the front door. Everyone followed them. Sonic walked up to them. "Want us to show you around the city?" Both girls nodded. Sonic opened the front door,everyone walked out,the two girls followed them. Sabrina and Christina started running ahead,at supersonic speed. Sonic grinned and caught up. "I guess you weren't kidding about your speed!" Everyone else caught up as Sonic and the girls slowed down. "Sorry,we didn't know the others weren't as fast as us." Sonic smiled. "Eh,it's okay! Looks like you stopped in front of the school!" Sabrina and Christina turned around and saw a very large building. Both girls gasped. Sonic and the others started walking to the doors of the school. "Were going to register you for the class." Sabrina and Christina smiled and followed them inside the school.When they got inside,they walked to a door where many people were standing in a line with their kids. Knuckles was in front of the girls. "I'll tell them that you three are my siblings,okay?" Sabrina,Christina,and Sabre nodded. They all waited,and waited,and waited,for over two hours.
Finally,after two hours of waiting,the principle called them in. They all walked into the office. A man was sitting in a chair at a desk,he smiled. "Hm,Knuckles,good to see you.Please sit." Everyone sat down in some chairs. Knuckles smiled. "I'm here to register my two sisters and brother." The man saw the three unfamiliar kids,he smiled. "Okay,what are their names?" Knuckles stood up. "The yellow hedgehog girl is Sabrina. The yellow and black one is Sabre.And the yellow fox is Christina." The three teens smiled. The man stood up. "What grade?" Knuckles smiled. "They're all going to be freshmen." The man smiled and wrote on some papers. "Okay,we'll soon get the schedules in your mail and we'll talk soon,okay?" Everyone nodded. They all stood up and walked out of the office. They all walked out of the school and walked through the city. They first went to the store to get some scissors,glue,paper,folders,protractors,compasses,rulers,and notebooks. Then they went to the park for some fun,then they went throught the streets to get familiar with the busy roads. After a while,they all returned back to Knuckles's house. Knuckles checked his mailbox and got a letter,he opened it. "Hey,it's our schedules! They came faster than I thought!" Everyone surrounded him,looking at the papers.Knuckles gave everyone their schedules. Knuckles walked to Christina and Sabrina. He pointed to their papers. "Okay,there are about eight classes for you to do. Math,science,history,english,ag,P.E.,music and band,and study hall,okay?" Sabrina and Christina nodded. "I think I understand the schedule." Knuckles smiled. "Great! Tomorrow,me and the others will help you if you're having any trouble,okay?" The girls nodded. Sabre grinned. "Don't be bothering me,I already know what to do." Knuckles backed away. "Okay,if you say so.Let me see your schedule." Sabre gave the paper to Knuckles,he looked at it. Rouge creeped up from behind and looked over his shoulder. She smiled. "Oh,goodie! Me and Sabre are in the exact same classes!" Knuckles jumped away and growled. "If you do that to me one more time,bat girl,you are dead meat!" Rouge smirked. "Yeah,yeah,quit your blabbering!" Knuckles became enraged. "Why you little!" Knuckles was about to punch her,Rouge smiled and held her hand up. "Do you want your sisters to see you like this? I don't think so." Knuckles stopped and growled. "You're lucky this time,bat girl,but when I get my chance,you won't get away!" Christina turned around and saw him,she growled and walked to him. "Leave her alone,Knuckles!" She grabbed his arm and tossed him to the floor. Knuckles growled and stood back up. "How did you do that to me?" Christina's hand was glowing,Knuckles calmed down. "Oh brother,this is going to be a looooong year." Christina and Rouge giggled. Knuckles gave the schedule back to Sabre. Knuckles sat down and sighed.
Sabrina walked to Sonic and smiled. "Hey,do you think,sometime,we can have a race? You were pretty fast!" Sonic grinned. "Oh yeah? I'm the fastest in my school! I'd like to see you try to beat me!" Shadow,who was looking out the window,heard the brag,he walked to them. "No,I'm the fastest in the school!" Sonic grinned. "I don't think so,Shadow! I'm the fastest,coolest,and the most popular guy around!" Shadow growled. "No,I am!" Sonic growled. "I am!" Shadow shoved Sonic to the floor. Sonic jumped up and pushed Shadow. Shadow became angry and pushed Sonic hard. Sonic growled. "You trying to pick a fight?" Shadow grinned and held hist fists up. He tried to punch him,but Sonic ducked and tripped Shadow. Everyone stopped talking and surrounded the fight. Sabrina was able to get in and in between the two hedgehogs. "Guys,stop fighting!" They didn't hear her,they continued punching and kicking each other. Sabrina became angry,her eyes started glowing black,a dark arora covered her body. She started attacking the two fighting hedgehogs. She was chopping and scratching and kicking them. after a few seconds,she tossed them to the floor. She suddenly returned to normal,she giggled. "Did I hit you too hard?" Everyone except Christina stared at her,wide eyed. Sabrina looked at Sonic and Shadow,she kneeled down next to them and used her powers to heal them.They both instantly shot up,frightened. "Please don't hurt us!" Sabrina smiled. "I won't,as long as you two just quit fighting! Boys,they are so stupid!" Christina,Amy,and Rouge nodded in agreement. Sonic and Shadow calmed down. "Let me guess,those were from that emerald,right?" Sabrina nodded. Christina walked up to them. "Don't get her angry,or she'll do it again!" Sonic and Shadow gulped and nodded. Sabrina smiled. "Good,now how about that race!" Everyone nodded and walked outside.
After a while,they all arrived at the beach. Sonic grinned. "I always come here to run,there's so much space to move!" Sabrina smiled. "Not to mention beautiful!" Everyone got in their places. "Ok,ready....GO!" Everyone started running very fast across the beach. Sonic was in the lead,then Shadow got ahead. Sabrina and Christina caught up very quickly. The two girls were now ahead of the two hedgehogs. Suddenly,Tails caught up,he was using his two tails to propel himself. He was neck to neck with Christina,she looked at his tails,she smiled. She suddenly started spinning her three tails,she burst ahead of everyone.Sabrina caught up with her. Soon,Tails became tired and fell back. Sonic and Shadow caught up to the two girls. They were all neck to neck as they blew across the sandy beach. They were near the end of the beach,Sonic sped up to his fastest,but Shadow got ahead,then Sabrina and Christina blew past both of them to the end where they skidded to a halt. They both jumped in the air. "Yeah,we won!" They both started dancing. Sonic and Shadow stopped a few seconds later. Sonic smiled. "Whoa,you both are faster than us! That is so sweet!" Shadow grinned. "I guess we were both wrong about being the fastest,now they are the fastest in the school!" Sonic smiled. "Hey,those two would be perfect for the track team!" Shadow nodded. Everyone else caught up,Tails ran up to Christina. "You stole my technique!" Christina giggled. Tails's face turned red under his fur. "N-Never mind!" Tails walked away. Sonic smiled. "Hey,you two could be the stars of our track team!" The girls smiled. "What's track?" Sonic smiled. "It's a running sport,the fastest wins!" Both girls smiled. "We'd love to be in it!" Sonic smiled. "Great! We'll sign you up for it when we get to school!" The girls smiled. "Yeah!" Sonic grinned. "Cool! Let's go back to Knuckles's place for the night!" Everyone nodded and started racing back to Knuckles's house.
When they got back,the sun was starting to set. Everyone went inside the house and sat down. Christina sat down by Tails. "Hey,what grade are you going to be in?" Tails became very nervous. "N-Ninth grade." Christina started laughing. "You're funny when you talk like that!" Tails smiled. "Really?" Christina smiled. "Yeah,it's cute!" Tails started blushing. "W-Wow,thanks!" Christina smiled and stood up and walked away. Tails sighed dreamily. "She thinks I'm cute! And funny!" Sabrina walked by him and sat down next to Shadow. "Hey,that was a nice race!" Shadow became frightened and backed away. Sabrina smiled. "Relax! I won't hurt you!" Shadow calmed down. "Yeah,it was great." Sabrina smiled. "So,what grade are you going to be in?" Shadow smiled. "I'm going to be a senior,12th grade." Sabrina smiled. "Okay,so,why are you and Sonic always fighting?" Shadow chuckled. "We are alike in almost everything,speed,skills,popularity." Sabrina smiled. "Yeah,I can see that. What are your classes?" Shadow pulled out his schedule and handed it to her. "Hm,we're both in the same english class and P.E. class." Sabrina suddenly dropped both of the schedules. She quickly picked them back up and gave one of them back to Shadow. "Sorry about that,I'll see you later,okay?" Shadow smiled. "Okay." Sabrina stood up and walked to Sonic. "Hey,Sonic.How's it going?" Sonic turned around and smiled. "Cool." Sabrina smiled. "So,what grade are you?" Sonic smiled. "I'm a sophmore,tenth grade." Sabrina smiled. "Great! Thanks for the race,I guess you and Shadow were both wrong! None of you are faster than us!" Sonic smiled. "Yeah,you're right!" Sabrina giggled. She smiled. "Can I see your schedule?" Sonic smiled and pulled out his schedule,he handed it to Sabrina. "Hm,looks like we both have the same science class and P.E. class!" Sabrina gave the schedule back to Sonic. "Cool,I'll see ya there!" Sabrina smiled. "You too!" Sabrina smiled and walked to Christina. "That Sonic is such a nice guy,I like him alot." Christina walked to her and smiled. "Sabrina,I think I'm in love!" Sabrina smiled. "With who?" Christina pointed to Tails. Sabrina gasped. "Tails? But he's only nine years old!" Christina giggled. "I know,but he's just too cute! What about you?" Sabrina thought and pointed to Sonic. Christina gasped. "Sonic? Why do you like him?" Sabrina smiled. "He's such a sweet person,so kind and caring." Christina smiled. "Wow,I guess he's the type for you.Did you tell him?" Sabrina shook her head. "No,I think I should wait for a better time,a perfect moment." Christina sighed. "Me too." Both girls sighed,then they yawned. "I'm getting tired." Christina smiled. "Me too,I need to get to sleep." Both girls walked to the couches and layed down where they soon fell asleep.
At the other side of the room,Sabre and Rouge were talking. "So,you know what to do tomorrow?" Sabre nodded. Rouge pulled out some pictures of her and Knuckles sleeping. "This is my biggest plan,with these pictures,I will post it into the school yearbook.Everyone will love it,except that knucklehead." Sabre grinned. "Excellent idea,Rouge. In the meantime,we'll think of a secondary plan." Rouge smirked. "Great! I like your style!" Sabre grinned. Rouge started walking to the others. "See you around,cutie." Sabre smiled and walked to the others.Everyone went to sleep early that night,getting ready for their first day of high school.
Whew! What a loooong chappie! I have a new assignment for you: Review 'Shadow Gets a Little Sister' so Christinatails can continue,okay? in the next chapter, 'Getting to Know the Teachers', Sonic and the others start their school year! Please review,or else! And remember,Both me and Christinatails are working on this fic,so thank BOTH of us!