Fan Fiction / Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Marines Journey - The SHODAN crisis ❯ Chapter 38: Cope with a siege and another shock for the fighters. ( Chapter 39 )
The Marine's Journey
Chap. 38 - Cope with a siege and another shock for the fighters.
By: Piccard
Oh what a time I've had the past few days, many fun things happening, and I finally got my hands on a GBA emulator! But I'm sure you don't want to hear about my life when you came to read my epic! Here's chapter 38.
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Disclaimer: I'm gonna have that word removed from my spell check, which is right every tiem.
Glory to the high elves? I always thought I was part elvish!
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After talking with Antoine for another half hour, he went back upstairs to try and bear a night with the sexually active rabbit. `He's a lucky guy to have her' Piccard thought to himself as he and Amy went upstairs and into their room. Amy took off her gown and climbed into Piccard's bed, and he took off both gown and boxers, and as he turned to her, he saw her smirking. "This is the first time in a while I've seen you where you haven't been horny." "Keep staring and it won't be that way for long." Piccard told her with a smirk as he turned out the light and climbed in, both wrapping their arms around each other as they drifted off to sleep.
At around 10:00 next morning, Piccard heard banging, and woke to see that Amy was still asleep. "How can you sleep during this racket?" He said as quietly as he could as he grabbed his dressing gown and boxers and walked out of the room. Upon entering the lounge, he noticed that Dark and Tikal were also up. "Any idea what the banging was?" "None," Dark started, "But it's been going on all night." Piccard only shook his head as he walked over to the replicator and started tapping buttons. "Anyone in the holodeck?" "Yea, but there are special fields there that disallow sound to travel out of it." "Too early in the morning Dark." Piccard told him as he took the cup of Earl Grey from the replicator and started to drink, noticing that he was being watched by Dark. "What is it with you?" "I don't know, just thought you'd try Darjeeling for a change." "Look," Piccard started, the makings of a glare evident, "I like them all, but this is my fave. Basically, if it's warm and wet, I'll drink it!" As he said this, he noticed Tikal go red and Dark start to snigger, and then Piccard realised what he just said and groaned as he sat on the couch.
As soon as he did, they heard another bang, "Wonder whose doing that?" Dark said as he grabbed a broom and started poking the ceiling rapidly. "STOP THAT UP THERE AND COME DOWN NOW!" He yelled as he continued poking, but then stopped as he noticed plaster falling from the roof. "Is that supposed to happen?" "You tell me." Piccard said as cracks started appearing. "Sonic's gonna flip!" Piccard moaned as there was a massive crash and something fell into the centre of the room, not hitting anyone, but narrowly missing where Piccard was sitting. "What the hell?" Dark shouted as he moved through the bits of fallen plaster and boards and went wide eyed at what he saw. Anaetheron was on the bed, with his arms and legs tied to the posts and Mina was on top of him, hardly tired while the knight was panting heavily. He then noticed where they were and turned his head to the others. "Please help me! She's been at it all night, and I need a rest." Piccard tapped his badge. "Piccard to the Doctor, come to the lounge now and bring your med-kit." Piccard said before terminating the link and moving forward to try and free Anaetheron from the mongoose.
When the Doctor walked in around five minutes later, he went wide eyed as he saw Dark trying to pull Mina away and Piccard above Anaetheron with a pair of cutters in his hand. "What the Fu." "Calm down Doc." Piccard interrupted, (Thank god!) "Just get the mongoose with an Anaesthetic!" The hologram reached into his kit and pulled out a hypo-spray, and crept up behind the mongoose, but at the last second, she turned and grabbed it from his hand. "More of it? Thanks!" She shouted as she injected it into herself and promptly fell unconscious onto the Hell Knight's lap. "Thanks," Anaetheron moaned as Piccard successfully cut the chains holding his arms, which swiftly moved down to break the ones at his legs. "God, I never knew they had so much stamina!" He moaned as he tried to stand, but failed miserably as he fell back onto the bed and roared when his sore crotch impacted with the bed. "I'll give you two time to heal." Piccard said as he started casting a spell, and before anyone knew what was happening, the bed shot back through the roof, which now seemed to repair itself. "No one will ever know." Piccard said as he admired his work.
SHODAN meanwhile was with the avatar and going over some final plans. "Now one last time, lets check the weapons." SHODAN said as she moved over to the pile. "Laser pistols?" "Check." The avatar said, "Fire launchers?" "Check." "Those long rods you ram up their a." "YES!" The avatar moaned while rolling eyeballs reigned. "I wondered what you're reaction would be." SHODAN said as she tried to smile but ended up with a smirk. "Now, what about the irritants." "The allies or the opponents?" The avatar said with a smirk, getting a slight chuckle from SHODAN, "Okay, the troops are the best that we were given at endurance, capable of lasting for long periods of time, but ever since D'sparil left, we lost our practitioner of magical defence." "Hmm, so we don't know how they'll fare against magic?" The avatar just shook her head as SHODAN sat down, "Well I'd better help them! Before he thought about defecting Bio fitted this thing with an anti-magic field." SHODAN said with an added sense of gladness, "Plus, I found Dark's old portable teleportation unit, so I can come and go as I please." After saying this, manical laughter filled the room, and the avatar only smirked as she listened to the voice of her leader. As this happened, there was a beep as the avatar looked over to a console, "Incoming transmission." "From the boss brain?" "Negative, and it's not from the mansion either!"
After an hour, the mansion was awake fully and people were going about various duties. One of the most forward ones was Bio at the table sitting with Jon. "Now Jon, lets go over this again. This is called `adding'" The technician nodded his head in mock stupidity as Bio pointed to a small group of beans. "Now here I have two beans, and then I add two more beans. What do I have?" "Some beans." Bio rolled his eyes. "Jon, to you the renaissance was just something that happened to other people wasn't it?" Jon only raised an eyebrow as Bio tried again, "Now I have two beans, and then I add two more beans now what does that make?" "A very small casserole." Bio sighed, `this is gonna take a while' he thought to himself as he tried again. Suddenly, the door opened, and a very wobbly Antoine stumbled in before collapsing on the table, sending the beans into Jon's head. "You alright?" "Ah just had ze best night of mah life!" Antoine shouted as he fell into unconsciousness and Bio moved him over the table before turning back to Jon. "Four!" "What?" Bio asked in shock as Jon pointed, "Some beans and some beans if four beans." "No we've moved on from advanced mathematics, we're onto A level medicine, now what do we do for this poor chap?" He asked as he pointed to the coyote, but before they could do anything, Piccard ran in with his plasma rifle. "Hope you're ready for a match." Bio and Jon exchanged glances, "What do you mean?" "There's a gateway opening outside!" Piccard yelled as he ran out of the door.
As Bio and Jon ran to join him, they noticed that Dark and Cybos were with him as creatures started churning from the gate. "Just get behind a barricade!" Piccard shouted as he aimed his rifle and started firing through the gate, but before anything significant could happen, a group of large brown creatures with rocket launchers instead of arms were firing round after round of fireballs into the force fields. "Mancubus!" Dark yelled, "Bullets won't work, we'll need either energy or magic." Piccard shook his head. "I'll take energy, you guys take magic." "What about me?" "Cybos, rockets can damage them, just carry on." Bio shouted as he started chanting and a green bolt shot down from the sky, effectively crushing one. Dark smirked as he charged a dark sphere in his hands and threw it whilst yelling, "Chromatic orb!" and as it impacted, some kind of vortex opened, and all nearby enemies were sucked in, some of them launching a few rounds as a parting gift. "Doctor to Piccard" He tapped his badge. "Piccard here!" "Force fields are offline and phaser banks are still charging, I'm afraid we can't help you at the minute." "Perhaps you can." Piccard said slyly as he cast a quick spell and several areas at the front of the mansion began to glow around the phaser banks. "Do another scan doc!" "As if it was turning into Starfleet command before, all we need now is a bridge and we could be a star ship." "Come on Doc, they're just photon torpedo launchers." Piccard said as he cut the link and started firing plasma rounds like there was no tomorrow.
After several minutes, many of the Mancubus had been killed, and those remaining were collapsing on their own. The five were on a high, obsessed with their winning, but were silenced as they heard a female voice from the vortex. "You haven't won, irritants, prepare to feel my wrath!" and before they had a chance to react, a bright green bolt shot from the gate and hit Jon in the chest, sending him flying back through a window and into the mansion.
Piccard looked on in horror as two figures emerged from the vortex. He recognised one as the avatar, and he had a very sickening feeling that he knew who the other one was. "Prepare to die insect!" Piccard didn't speak, he grabbed his plasma rifle and let fly a volley of ionised particles, knocking the wind out of the avatar, but it didn't even faze SHODAN in the slightest. "Now feel my power insect!" she shouted as a wire shot from her hand and Piccard had to sidestep to avoid being impaled. "SHODAN?!?" "Glad you know who I am now, irritant!" She shouted as she bought up a gun and fired another round, this time sending Cybos back through the window. Dark growled as he watched another of his light sides shot's get countered, and he began to chant as a small dart appeared in his hand, carefully he took aim as he shouted, "E.M.P. dart!" throwing it as hard as he could, but it just seemed to ricochet off some kind of barrier. Piccard noticed this and back flipped to avoid being shot, but the shot itself rebounded and sent Dark flying into the wall of the mansion, effectively knocking him out, leaving just Piccard and Bio.
Piccard growled as his hand glowed red and he launched a Pyro siege charge, but was horrified, as it seemed to just fizzle on her chest as she laughed. "You can thank Bio for the magic blocker, none of your magic will work on me!" She shouted triumphantly, but then stopped as she heard a voice from the mansion shouting. "Computer, photon torpedoes, full volley!" and what happened next shocked her and everyone watching completely. Instead of beams, orange bolts shot from the mansion and exploded upon contact with the two, sending the avatar back through the gate whilst falling into unconsciousness, and SHODAN had to brace herself to avoid the same fate. "Now I know why you always won, you all fight as a unit." She muttered as she continued. "I cannot be stopped!" "That's not entirely true!" This stopped her, and she looked at Bio with some confusion. "What do you mean?" "You see," Bio started with a snigger, "When I was building that thing, D'sparil came to me and warned me that you might pull something off, so I rigged it with a failsafe device," He was practically laughing as he finished, "so that if it's exposed to too much photon radiation, a timer starts and when it expires the body will offline automatically!" SHODAN's face seemed to whiten slightly as she ran towards the gateway and Piccard hammered his badge. "Piccard to the Doctor, fire as many torpedoes as you can through that vortex!" and almost immediately, the front of the mansion seemed to explode as phaser and torpedo fire erupted and shot towards the vortex, but seemed to rebound off something, and Piccard had to use almost all of his remaining power to protect the mansion.
After doing this, Piccard started to fall, but just before he hit the ground he felt a hand grab his arm, and heard Bios voice saying, "Can't let you fall yet, have to deal with your fans!" as he was pulled him to his feet. Piccard was quite clearly a sweaty panting wreck as he stood and couldn't even speak as Bio had to hold him up and help him back into the mansion, but before they could get there they were swamped. Several minutes later Bio crawled into the mansion, dragging Piccard behind him, and as they entered they were both immediately grabbed by Tom and Xerxes, who helped them both into the front room, where the Doctor was tending to Dark, Cybos and Jon.
Both Piccard's lay down as Cybos and Jon got up and went back to their usual business, and the Doctor looked over them. "First time I've been above all three Piccard's" "Ha bloody ha." They all said in unison as he injected something into both their necks. "These will help you recover faster." He said as he finished with Dark and moved over to Piccard. "You know," Bio started, causing Piccard to turn his head, "I never knew you had so many fans." This got a chuckle. "I'll be honest, even I didn't know I had as many as that, but I never let fame go to my head. I may have my fans, but as long as I don't let it get to me." Bio chuckled as the Doctor finished on Piccard and moved over to Bio. "I'm surprised no-one came up to you, I think you did very well." "I know," Bio started as he lay back, "I would have expected at least one, but that's the way it is." He closed his eyes as he started to think, "I suppose that it's because I impaled you several times that makes them despise me."
There was a brief click as the Doctor finished his work and informed them to go easy on the combat and the magic. They both thanked him as they stood up and the Doctor walked off to the holodeck and the two marines walked to where everyone else was, and as soon as he entered, Piccard was instantly grabbed by Amy and quite a lot of the attention was on him. Only D'sparil and Metal seemed to talk to Bio, but a fair bit of attention was divided between the two. After all this was over, Piccard started to talk. "So we can now establish that SHODAN has a battle body similar to Xerxes's but with weapons systems and was built by Bio, but luckily he incorporated a failsafe device." All eyes turned to Bio, "That's the reason why he ordered you to fire the torpedoes, because the failsafe is activated by excessive photon energy, and if she's exposed to enough, the android shell will actually shut down, and if she's still inside, then that'll make things easier."
SHODAN was not happy at discovering this failsafe, and was looking over the design-spec to try and find a way to bypass it. "Flippin Bio, why didn't I sense it?" She kept moaning as she heard a door open and the avatar walked in while tending to a bump on her head. "Couldn't you have built me with inertia dampeners?" "I case you didn't know," SHODAN started, "I was just an A.I. when you were created, now was there a reason why you called?" She held up a pad, "You're being hailed from the outpost again." "Twice in one day?" "Of course, they just like annoying people."
Back at the mansion after another hour, Piccard was on the couch as he looked up to the clock, 12:30. "Doesn't time go slow when we fight?" He asked no-one in particular as he stood up and walked into the kitchen, going past the two hedgehogs in the middle of another `faker' argument and a certain bat trying to get Tom to bed again. As Piccard walked into the kitchen, he saw a white form closing the door with a bottle in his hand. "Afternoon Anaetheron." The hell knight looked up, and Piccard could tell that he was now a lot better than he was when Piccard helped him earlier. "Here, catch." Piccard turned, and a coke bottle found it's way into his hands. "How'd you know what I wanted?" "It was either that or Earl Grey, and sonic hasn't got any instant Earl Grey!" the Hell Knight said as he walked out. Piccard only sighed as he took off the cap and started to drink. "Who says that I only like Earl Grey tea? This stuff's great!" He said as he walked out of the kitchen and allowed himself to fall to the couch.
Phew, I'm getting there slowly, but surely. I know that I don't get straight to the point, but I like to try and expand on as many points as possible to make it more fun, even though humour's not my thing. Anyway, how was it? Good, Bad, enjoyable as 999? (Or as I like to call it: You've been framed with medical advice) Please review!
Piccard, Logging out! /\/**