Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ The Quests Four ❯ Placement Warps and Moria Horrors ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
~Joey's POV~

Man, it's chilly up here. Ryou and I each have a cloak someone lent us. We're walking up Caradhras, or whatever Gandalf calls this big mountain. Ryou is walking beside me and, from his facial features, he's deep in thought. I don't blame him. He explained Placement Warps to me on the way to this mountain, so I understand them mostly now.

All of a sudden Frodo, who is behind us, trips and rolls down a bit. Aragorn stops him and helps him up. Frodo feels his neck, and Boromir lifts something from the snow. The Ring. Ryou shivers violently, and I put an arm around his shoulders and draw him close to me.

"It is odd that we suffer so much fear and doubt from such a small thing..." Boromir murmurs. "Such a tiny thing..."

"Boromir." Aragorn says, almost harshly. "Give the Ring to Frodo." Boromir slowly walks over and hands the Ring over. He then laughs slightly and shrugs.

"It doesn't matter. I care not." he ruffles Frodo's hair and walks away. I notice Aragorn had his hand on his sword. I blink, and the Fellowship, which we've become a part of, continues on.

All of a sudden this huge snowstorm has come up. It's probably a downright toasty 20 degrees below zero and snow is everywhere. Bakura's hair looks like icicles. He looks cute, if it wasn't freezing out. He nuzzles close to me, and it's slightly warmer that way.

What the.... Legolas is walking on top of the five feet deep snow! How's he doin' that? Must be 'cuz he's an Elf. Lucky him.

"There's a fell voice on the wind!" Legolas says.

"It's Saruman!" Gandalf yells over the wind. Boulders of snow fall from the top of the mountain.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain!!" Aragorn yells. "We must turn back!"

"No!" Gandalf yells back. Then he starts yelling something odd. I can't decipher it. All of a sudden lightning strikes the top of the mountain, and we're all covered in snow. I wiggle out, and Bakura pops up beside me. The rest of the Fellowship appear.

"We must make for the Gap of Rohan, and go to my city!" Boromir yells.

"No, that takes us to close to Isengard!" Aragorn protests.

"If we can't go over the mountain, let us go under it!" Gimli yells out. "Let us go through the mines of Moria!" Gandalf bites his lip.

"Let the Ring Bearer decide. Frodo?" he asks. Frodo looks up.

"Let us go through the mines." he says, barely heard over the wind.

"So be it." Gandalf says.

~Ryou's POV~

We're finally off that accursed mountain.

I feel something towards Joey, it started when we first realized we weren't in the same world anymore. Is it....... love? How can I love my friend, especially if he's a guy?? Oh well. I think Joey thinks the same, because he holds me close a lot. None of the Fellowship asks us about it or even looks odd. I guess same sex relations aren't looked down upon like in our world. I don't mind it though. I like having someone to hold on to.

We're walking beside a huge cliff. On the other side of the cliff is a large, gloomy lake.

"The walls of Moria..." Gimli gasps. Joey's hand is... holding mine? I leave it be, and squeeze his hand, and look at him. He looks over at me, eyes fearful of rejection. I smile warmly at him, and his eyes shine with understanding. He squeezes my hand back, and I smile happily. We didn't say anything, but our facial features explained it all....

Gandalf stops, and starts feeling the wall. He murmurs something, and I notice that it's dark out and the moon has risen. Suddenly a beautiful silvery door appears in the stone. Gandalf raises his staff to some writing at the top.

"It says "Welcome to Moria. Speak friend and enter."

"What do ya suppose dat means?" asks Merry.

"It's quite simple really. If you're a friend, you speak the password." Gandalf says, then places his staff on the door and says something. Nothing happens. He tries to open the door, nothing. Joey walks up to it.

"Let me try." he says. He stands right in front of the door and waves his hands mysteriously.

"Open sesame!!" he says. I break into a fit of giggles. Aragorn looks at me funny. Joey drops his arms and shrugs, walking away from the door. "I've done all I can do..." he says, though I can tell he's trying not to laugh as well. He walks over to me and playfully smacks my head.

"Who are you to make fun of my magic?" he demands. I can't answer, I'm giggling so hard. He rolls his eyes. I calm down, and he puts an arm around my shoulders. Gandalf tries again to open the door and fails. I close my eyes and draw in a deep breath. Joey smells good..... God, I'm an idiot.

It's about half an hour later now. Sam and Aragorn unharness the pony that's been with us, Bill, I think his name is. Merry starts throwing rocks into the lake. It's dark now. Aragorn stops Merry and Pippin from throwing more rocks into the lake, whispering to them about not disturbing the waters.

Gandalf gives up on the door, and Frodo stands up and walks over to it.

"It's a riddle." he says. "What's the Elvish word for friend?" he asks, looking at Gandalf.

"Mellon." Gandalf says. The door opens.

"Hai!" Joey says. I can't help but agree with him. There's something evil out here, I can feel it. Ever since I got stabbed I'm more in tune with things that are to happen soon. How I know that, I don't know. We go into the mines, me staying close to Joey.

~Joey's POV~

Gimli says something, but I'm not listening. The place smells of rot and dust. They're bodies everywhere.

"This is no mine." Boromir says in horror. "It's a tomb." Gimli notices the bodies for the first time, and Ryou stays close to me. Legolas kneels and picks an arrow from a body.

"Goblins." He spits, and he draws his bow. Aragorn and Boromir draw their swords as well. On their move, Bakura and I do the same. Suddenly Frodo is snatched from behind.

"Strider!" Sam calls. We whirl around and race to help the Hobbits. Tentacles of.... something.... are trying to take Frodo. Ryou and I hack at them, along with the Hobbits and they're gone. For a moment. Then a huge squid thing comes out of the water and grabs Frodo.

"Frodo!!" I yell, jumping into the water and slicing at the arms of the creature. Aragorn and Boromir are beside me. Something grabs my feet and drags me under. I can't breathe, and I struggle. Reaching down, I cut at it, and it let's me go. I regain my footing, and continue trying to destroy the creature and get Frodo back.

Finally Boromir catches Frodo, and we run to the entrance of the mines with the kraken (A/N: A kraken is a giant squid.) at our heels.

"Legolas!" Aragorn yells. Legolas lets loose another arrow and the monster falls back. We get into the mines, and it's still coming. Then the walls collapse. We nearly escape the falling boulders. Atleast the monster is blocked from us, and probably dead. It's pitch black, and I don't know where Ryou went. Suddenly a light turns on. It's a crystal in Gandalf's staff. Ryou is a few feet in front of me.

"Now we have but one choice." Gandalf says. "We must face the long dark of Moria. Be on your guard, there are older and fouler things than Orc's in the deep places of the world." and we start walking. Ryou turns around and falls into pace beside me. Aragorn and Boromir are in front of us, no one is behind us.

"You ok?" I whisper. He nods.

"You?" he whispers back. I nod. We keep our swords drawn.

It's about an hour or two later. We're going up these steep, slick steps. When we get to the top, there is three doors.

"I have no memory of this place." Gandalf says. We end up waiting while he tries to remember. I'm tired, but I don't say anything. Ryou leans against me, and I put my arms around his waist. He just..... I don't know. He calms me down. Frodo goes up and talks to Gandalf. I can't hear what they're saying. Then all of a sudden;

"Hah! It's that way." Gandalf says.

"He's remembered!" Merry says, getting up.

"No, but the air doesn't smell so foul down here." Gandalf replies. We follow him down the staircase. At the bottom....

"Wow...." Bakura gasps. It's a HUGE room with giant pillars holding up a couple hundred feet high ceiling.

"That's an eye opener, and no doubt." Sam says. I nod in agreement. After gaping at the huge room, we start walking to the other side, which I can't even see. We come onto a room where there's.... sunlight! A beam of sunlight.

"Ha!" Gimli runs towards the room.

"Gimli!" Gandalf calls. We follow Gandalf into the room.

~Ryou's POV~

In the room there's what looks like a stone coffin. Gandalf says something, but I'm not listening. There's evil here. We can't stay here. Gandalf picks up a book a dead skeleton was holding and he opens it.

"We have barred the gates. We cannot get out. The ground shakes. Drums, drums of the deep." he turns the page. "We cannot get out, we cannot get out..... they are coming." he says.

All of a sudden Pippin disturbs a body that was sitting on a well. It falls into the hole with an extremely loud sound. Everyone freezes as the sound echoes around us loudly. Nothing happens.

"Fool of a Took." Gandalf says, slamming his book shut and taking his hat and staff from Pippin. Then we hear it....


Drums and wild yelling.

"Frodo!" Sam says. Frodo draws his sword, it is glowing blue.

"Orcs!" Legolas says. Boromir runs towards the door which we came in through, and looks out. He barely misses the arrows aimed at his head. Aragorn joins him, and they shut the doors.

"They have a cave troll." Boromir says breathlessly. Legolas and I run up and toss them various weapons to bar the door with, then we back up and draw our swords. Joey stands beside me.

"Good luck." I say to him.


Mmm.... thanks for reading, and remember to review! Reviews make the world go round..... ^_~