Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Exile ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )
FFF: YAyyyyyyyy!!!
Hiei: Hn. Why are you so happy onna.
FFF: (triumph music) Because! This is my first REAL fic that is going to have chapters, not a one shot. (sad dramatic music) And might I add that no one but my other half Ri-Ri-chan reviewed on.
Kuwabara: (with tissue in hand) That's soo sad
FFF: (mumbling to self about stupid readers that won't review)
Yusuke: Ha! Couldn't of been that good of a fic then!
FFF: Yah, I guess so…maybe I should make it a full fic?...
FFF:…wait a minute….Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I AGREED WITH YUSUKE!!!! IT'S THE apocalypse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FFF: (running around in circles yelling IT'S THE APOCALYPSE!)
Hiei: (watching from spot eating sweet snow) Hn.
Kurama: (walks in) Hello. Sorry I'm late. I was helping my mother.
FFF: -ALY…PS…E…1.2.3!
FFF/Hiei/Yusuke/Kuwabara: NOT IT!!!!!
Kurama: What? Did I miss something?
FFF: Ha You came in last and where the last one to say…well not say in your case…Not It there-as you have to do the disclaimer Ha
Yusuke: FFF it's was not where.
FFF: point?
Yusuke: You get the popcorn.
FFF: Nuhah! You get the popcorn!...I hate popcorn.
Yusuke: Well its either the HOSTIST brings the popcorn, or I'll tell everyone about those magazines under your mattress.
FFF: Soo who wants popcorn? (runs to kitchen)
Kurama: Yusuke what magazines dose she have under her mattress?
FFF: (very pissed off walking back to the entrainment room) YUSUKEEEEEEEEE!!! YOU IDOIT!!!!!! THOSE ARE ANIME MANGA MAGIZINES!!!!! NOT PORNO!!!!!!!!! THAT'S GROSS!!!!!
FFF: OH AND HEARS YOUR POPCORN!!!! (throws 5 giant bags of burns popcorn at Yusuke's head)
Kurama: Right well….(steps away from FFF) the disclaimer
Disclaimer: Kurama: FFF does not own Yu Yu Hakusho (hears growling in background coming from FFF) Yoshihiro Togashi does….and all future fighting scenes are with the help of Sango-sama. Sango-sama is also the co-reader of this fic and will be given credit for such. Enjoy the fic!
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The Beginning
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Colors clashed for dominance with sickening bright lights in the infinite area we call space. The seas were rough causing mild whirlpools to appear. The wind heavy, as silent as a mouse, with a powerful whistle every after-while. The trees leaves whisked in the wind, as though quivering in fear. The animals of forest, woods, cities, zoos where peaceful, but on alert at all times.
Yes, they new something was coming, something bad was going to happen. Something that could destroy the world. Or bring the world a savoir that could protect the world for centuries, if tamed.
They could only hope for the after, as the winds picked up again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~
*Lab - Unknown Location*
"Is it just `bout ready, Sir?" a male's voice asked.
"Yes" a second gruffer male's voice replied.
"Commander, all signs are normal, and the time is ready with your word." A slightly gruff, but still feminine, female's voice broke in.
"Excellent!...This is going to be the most powerful weapon the Earth…NO!...Universe has ever seen!" the second male's voice boomed in.
"Yes and very seductive, too…if I say so myself." The first male voice said.
"Yes this is the Ultimate Warrior and-" the Commander started.
"Pet? I do hope that to." The first voice replied.
"Yes you perverted moron- And DON'T interrupt me Again!" the Commander yelled.
"Of-course, my apologies." The first voice replied with a bow.
"Now as I was saying-" The Commander started again.
"All functions normal…, area clear…, acceleration normal…, power normal…, test subject-" the female's voice checked off.
Beep…Beep..Beep..Beep.Beep.BeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBe epBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepB eepBeep- the beeping sped every second.
"Commander something's wrong 5-0-4-9-6-12CP is overheating and we're losing control!"
"I thought you said everything was under control!" The Commander yelled, furious.
"It was until just now-something must have triggered it!" the female replied.
"That's impossible unless someone triggers it themselves-and who would be stupid enough to do that when-" The Commander started to say.
BeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBee pBeep
The beeping got faster.
"All hand on set! Get 5-0-4-9-6-12CP under control-NOW!" the first male voice yelled to the other scientist.
There was a rush of scientist shuffling to a machine to try and stop 5-0-4-9-6-12CP from going out of control. And getting 5-0-4-9-6-12CP back under control. Those already at a machine were mumbling different things to try, ordering others to try something, and pressing so many buttons, pulling levers, and twisting knobs, you would think the machines would brake.
All this while a single form, in a giant cylinder had glowing, burning red eyes.
Not blinking.
Not really focused on anything.
Just staring.
Staring a blank stare.
Staring from its spot in the cylinder not moving, just floating in the liquid within the cylinder, looking blankly out at the scientist, with its glowing red eyes.
From its angle in the cylinder, it could see all that was going on.
BeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBeepBee pBeep
The beeping getting faster and faster as the seconds pasted.
"Come on you pathetic morons!"
"Get 5-0-4-9-6-12CP under control NOW!"
Oh yes the Commander was furious now, as he yelled out at the scientists that worked for him.
The scientists seemed to get the message and started working even harder, faster now.
Not wanting to get on the end of their boss's wrath, or for 5-0-4-9-6-12CP to get loose with a rage, or for 5-0-4-9-6-12CP to destroy the word.
The last two ending the same way.
All would be dead.
Not a single soul would still be on the living plain except, the monstrosity that is 5-0-4-9-6-12CP.
It all seemed helpless.
Every time a scientist would look up their eyes would lock upon those blank glowing red eyes.
They would give a frightened gasp, look down immediately, and start working faster, harder than before.
"Come on! You call yourselves scientist?! Get subject 5-0-4-9-6-12CP under control!" the female yelled to the scientist working to get 5-0-4-9-6-12CP under control.
The Commander, in his frustration made his second most important mistake.
The first being creating 5-0-4-9-6-12CP.
A creature with enough power to destroy anything in its path, anything it wishes.
The second being looking up at subject 5-0-4-9-6-12CP.
The eyes.
Those blank staring eyes.
Deeper than any blood, red eyes.
Those eyes blank, staring, glowing their beautiful red hue.
Eyes of one who wishes to kill, to see the crimson blood fall from its prey.
With its own hands.
These eyes locked onto his.
Almost in curiosity those deeper than any blood, red eyes stared at him.
Then something clicked in his mind.
…They…none of them…were coming out alive…
…if so…they would…be….lucky?…
He slowly but surely went to the emergency pad, and pressed a big red button that read "EMERGENCY ONLY".
A female electronic kind of voice came on.
"Lab sector 5-3-0 self-destructing in 5 minutes."
As this was said a siren went off, to warn the occupants of the lab to escape.
The scientist stopped immediately, looking up to see what was going on.
The Commander lowered his hand to his side, and bowed his head.
Slowly, almost as if in shame.
The scientist took notice of him after the sirens went off.
They rushed off to the nearest escape routes to get out and away from the lab. Otherwise they would be blown up.
The only ones left to be in there were the subject 5-0-4-9-6-12CP and the Commander.
The creator of this machine-like creature.
But two more stayed behind at the emergency launch pad, waiting, watching for the Commander to come with them and to see what he was up to.
If you were to see the Commander's face, you would have thought him insane.
Which was truth.
You wouldn't have been disappointed in your assumption.
He walked up to the cylinder which held his prize, his goal, his life, and last accomplishment.
He held his hand out as if to caress the creature within the cylinder.
"Such a beautiful creature…
to be destroyed, before you even get to destroy"
He chuckled to himself.
"Yes, that's it."
He walked to the cylinder's control panel.
Those deeper than any blood, red eyes still staring at nothing, but at him all-the-while.
Glowing that, their majestic red hued glow.
The electronic female voice went off again.
"Lab sector 5-3-0 self-destructing in 3 minutes."
"Not a human, for sure…
Not a machine neither…"
He put his fingers on his chin thoughtfully.
"Abilities of super-natural creatures…
The power we herd of in stories of demons…"
The electronic voice continued.
"Lab sector 5-3-0 self-destructing in 2 minutes."
Meanwhile near one of the escape route exits two people were eavesdropping in on the Commander.
"What is he talking about?"
His long time partner asked the other beside himself.
"I hope he isn't going to do what I think he is…"
The other trailed off.
She was a long-time friend of the Commander's and his partner.
"What do you hope he doesn't do?"
The long-time partner asked.
"Bring that creature for its cylinder-"
She started to reply.
"What?! Why would he do that? He-"
He started to yell.
"Be Quiet!"
"You want to be caught?"
She yelled in a whispered voice.
"No, but he is our friend."
"Shouldn't we-"
He started to ask.
"He's gone insane."
"We can't help him now."
She said solemnly, in a silent whisper.
The partner sighed.
"You're right…again."
The electronic voice went off again.
"Lab sector 5-3-0 self-destructing in 1.5 minutes."
"We can't do anything from here, let's go."
The female said, not glancing back at her old friend.
The partner said, also not looking back at his old friend.
They got from their places and left for the ship waiting for them. Holding heavy hearts for not being able to do anything to help their friend. And praying that subject 5-0-4-9-6-12CP doesn't survive.
Glowing red eyes followed blankly.
"Yes! That's it!..."
The Commander yelled.
He lifted his eyes from the control panel.
He looked at the "beautiful" creature before him.
At least in his eyes.
The creature's eyes, seemingly boring into him, as if he was a lesser being, compared to that of itself.
"Yes, that is what you are..."
He mumbled to this creature.
He smiled insanely at his idea for this "beautiful" creature he created.
His insane smile if seen would make babies cry, children run to their mothers and fathers in fear, and lesser beings to want to kill themselves to rid of the picture implanted in their minds.
The electric female voice came on again.
"Lab sector 5-3-0 self-destructing in 30 seconds."
"You're a New Breed of Demon!"
Just as he yelled that he pulled a certain leaver and turned a knob.
The electric female voice came on; static heard clearly making the voice almost hard to hear.
"Lab…se-se-sector…5-3-0…self-destru-destructi ng…complete…"
Just as that was said there was a giant explosion.
When the explosion went of the Commander turned the last knob.
Subject 5-0-4-9-6-12CP eyes closed.
Debris from the unfinished explosion hit the Commander and he fell screaming in pain.
His body fell forward, onto the control panel.
With his last breath he murmured with his insane laugh,
"Live my creation, my Death Demon, kill, shed the blood of many, make them crawl on their knees before you, for your mercy-" he never finished what he was going to say.
His skull smashed by a fallen steel chunk from the ceiling.
If anyone would have cared to look.
They would see that his skull was spilt directly in half, as if someone did it accordingly.
Jurn his little "speech" 5-0-4-9-6-12CP eyes opened.
This time with an eerie glow to them.
Still flouting in that very same cylinder.
Not Moving.
Not Seeing.
Not Hearing.
Barely noticeable but a twitch, a movement non-the-less.
Subject 5-0-4-9-6-12CP had survived the explosion.
Was it right?
Will the end come of Earth?
The Universe?
Only time can tell.
But does Earth have that time to spar?
Does the Universe have that time?
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FFF: Ello!!! Readers! How was it so far? I want feed back.
Kuwabara: If it was good…
Yusuke: If it was bad…
Kurama: If you have suggestions…
Hiei: Hn. Review or else…
FFF: Remember reviews good bad suggestions and such help the mind in making better fics and better ideas. This fic is just taking off, but you can be sure that it will have Action
Martial Arts
Some Romance
A little Mystery
And maybe a little bit of Hentai
FFF: It all depends on the readers
Oh…and I won't update on Exile until I get 10 or more reviews on this fic.