Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ A Legend Coming True ❯ Unhappy Anneversary ( Chapter 19 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Thomas sat on his bed listening to a CD Falcona had given him. Vitamin C's song Unhappy Anneversary echoed in his ears. Falcona will have been dead for a year tommorow. He and Reisee had found their way to a base where Colonel Schubaltz was stationed. Reisee was still hidden from the world.
Thomas looked out the window, Van, Fiona, Moonbay, and Irvine were working out with their zoids. Zeke, Doomstar, and Beek were on the roof watching them, Specular was probably nearby. Reisee was camped out in the hills nearby. Suddenly Thomas was broken from his trance by someone knocking on his door.
"Come in."Thomas said taking off his headphones.
Colonel Schubaltz walked in.
"You still miss her."he said looking at his younger brother.
"She was one of the greatest warriors on Zi. A black angel. Nothing stood in her way."Thomas said looking back out the window.
"It's been nearly a year. She would want you to go back to your life, Thomas"
"I can't, that brat was my life. She was practically my sister. Nothing could separate us."
"I can tell. She was special. Everyone loved and hated her at the same time. If you didn't know any better you would have thought she was a female version of Raven."
"You don't know how close you are."Thomas said finally turning back to his loder brother.
"What do you mean?"
"Fal was more than just a likeness of Raven, she was his twin sister."
"They were twins, if you had seen them together you would have seen it in a heartbeat."
"How long did you know about this?"
"Since the three of us hacked into the base's computer to find out who Fal was."Thomas said putting his headphones back on for fear that his brother would snap,"Karl, we didn't tell you because we promised to keep him hidden."
"The only reason he followed Hilz was because the creep said he would kill me and Fal if Raven disobeyed him. Hilz knew where we were, he brought Raven to the ruins while we were there to prove it."
"You betrayed all of Zi."
"I followed my friend. Raven saved both of our lives more than once. Fal and I would have been killed by Hilz that night at the canyon if Raven hadn't stepped in."
"How could you do this?"
"Raven was always with us. All you had to do was look up most of the time and he would be sitting in the rafters on the launch bay or he would be standing in the shadows in my room. He was always there."
"You are insane. He could have killed us all."
"He had the chance, several time. He stood by his promise, that he would not try to hurt anyone at the base."
"He and Fal were the only friends I ever had. Now both of them are gone."Thomas got up and walked out of the room.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*
Thomas walked into the launch bay. Reisee jumped down from the rafters to greet him.
"Still thinking about them?"Reisee said looking at Thomas realizing something else was wrong.
"We're leaving."Thomas said without looking at the blue haired woman infront of him.
"What? What do you mean we're leaving?"
"As of today, I am no longer part of the Guylos military."
Reisee only looked at him, she knew why he was doing this. She walked out of the launch bay without another word.
Half an hour later they left. As of that day neither of them were in the military's records. Their files, along with Falcona's, Raven's, the organoids, and the zoids had been deleted. It became as if they weren't even born.
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Ouch, bad day. Now what? You'll see.