Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Bit By Bit ❯ One-Shot
Bit By Bit
By: Brenna "Snakelady" Dawkins
Rated: R, for slash, J/B!
Disclaimer: Zoids and it's characters, Jamie, Bit, Leena, Brad, and Doctor Toros do not belong to me, unfortunately or else I'd be rich, so you better think twice about suing me!
Summary: Continuation of Mistaken Identities. Bit takes on Wild Eagle.
Leena stomped over to Bit's room. She was just going to tell him off once and for all. He'd stolen most of the personal points available during the last battle and she was steamed. She didn't even bother knocking on his door, just pressed the button and watched it slide open. She opened her mouth in order to start berating him and found that no sound could come out. Her eyes bulged at the sight, not certain she understood what she was seeing.
There, on Bit's bed, curled in Bit's embrace, was Jamie. Bit's left hand was tucked in between Jamie's legs. Both were naked and exhausted. She stood there for a long moment, just staring. How… long… had this… been going on? She wondered in a stupor. Then she jerkily went back to her room to digest this new concept.
"Hey, love." Bit murmured into Jamie's ear, "Better wake up before we're missed." He lightly shook his new lover.
Jamie grunted and grabbed Bit's arm and wrapped it around his chest and curled up tighter, not wanting to budge. Bit smiled. He couldn't blame Jamie. There was no other place he'd rather be than right there, but they had to get back to base sometime and Jamie was the pilot of the hover carrier. Bit licked his ear and Jamie sighed.
"Come on, Jamie."
Jamie groaned and looked over his shoulder at Bit's lovely face. He smiled at the wondrous site. At this time yesterday, if he'd been told he'd have taken Bit as his lover, he'd have called them insane. He reached up and palmed the side of his companion's face.
"Kicking me out of bed?" He asked sleepily with a hint of a smile on his face.
"You're always welcome in my bed, Jamie. But life does go on." Bit placed his hand on top of Jamie's. "You know it too."
"Tease." Jamie slid out of bed unwillingly and pulled on his clothes. He was about to leave when he was grabbed from behind and whirled around by Bit. The blonde planted an affectionate kiss on his lips. "That's more like it. See ya in a few. Gotta get this tank rolling." Jamie reluctantly withdrew from Bit's arms and opened the door and strolled out.
My it was turning out to be a wonderful day, Jamie thought as he whistled down the hall. He came into the drive room. Leena was sitting there, sipping on some hot tea. She glanced up as he came in.
"Hey, Leena." He said happier than she'd seen him in a long time.
Leena stared at him but Jamie didn't notice. He sat himself down in the drivers seat and proceeded to take them back to base. Leena was still in a state of shock. Bit was supposed to be after HER. Where did it go wrong? Had this been going on for months and they had just been really good at covering it up? But why cover it up? It wasn't like anyone'd condemn them or anything. They were team mates, after all and what they did and whom they did it with was up to their own discretion. There was no need to mislead the rest of the team. This bothered her the most, the sneaking around part. They could at least trust their own team members enough to tell them.
"Hey, Jamie. You're in a good mood." Leena finally ventured.
"Yeah. It's been a good day, so far." Jamie said absentmindedly. He was humming a made up tune happily.
"Yeah, winning that battle sure helps." Leena played along.
"Oh, the battle. Yeah." Jamie corrected himself. "Yes. It was good."
It was confirmed to Leena. Jamie was definitely in love.
"So," Leena continued. "You know the Zoid Commission Dance next month? Who're you going with?"
Jamie paused and didn't answer right away, "I never go to those."
"Oh, come on, Jamie. If you could go out with ANYONE to the dance, who'd it be?" Leena had to admit this was pretty pathetic of her. But she didn't know of any other way to get him to admit it.
Another pause. Come on, Jamie, she thought, don't be so stubborn!
"Come on, Leena. You know Jamie can't dance to save his life." Brad had come in.
Damn! Leena thought and gave Brad an evil look that just made him shrug in confusion. Now she'd just have to badger the truth out of Bit. How dare he lead her on like that when he'd had a thing for Jamie all along! Bit was in for a world of hurt. She noticed Jamie started up his happy tune again then balked. Jamie might not take her beating his boyfriend up too kindly. That's it! She calculated this new line of thought. Jamie HADN'T voiced any objection to her beating the crap out of Bit… ever! This was a new deal! They had just gotten together! But… what set them off? She knew she had to muse over that for a while longer because she doubted those two would ever spill it.
Jamie was glad of Brad's interruption. He didn't know how he could tell them. He knew he should. They were team mates. Family. But he'd wait until Bit was there, and the Doc. Take care of it all at once. He wondered why Leena was giving him the third degree. She had an interest in Bit, not him. Was she wanting him to say he wanted to take her out? Maybe he should have said that just to get her to shut up about it.
Doc came in making 'whooshing' noises with his toy Raynos figures. "'Bout time we were under way. What was the hold up, Jamie?"
Leena waited for Jamie's answer in anticipation.
"Fell asleep." Was all he said.
Leena grit her teeth and wanted to shake him. She balled up her fists. Don't be afraid, Jamie! She thought to him. It's love! It's okay! Just get it out! We'll understand! I'll even try to beat up Bit less if you'll only admit it to us!
She didn't know why she had such strong feelings on the matter. She was pretty sure Jamie had never had a girl friend before. If that was so, then this was his first relationship ever. If it had been Wild Eagle, he'd have told them all right away and there'd be none of this hedging around crap. Jamie was too shy for his own good. But she still couldn't figure out why she was rooting for those two when it was supposed to be her and Bit.
They finally had the base in their sites when Bit strolled in. Leena took notice of his quiet entrance. Bit was staring at Jamie's back and a small smile played on his lips. Leena thought it was cute. Now that she knew Bit wasn't attracted to her, she could finally admit he was cute. What the Hell was wrong with her? She sighed. Well, she still had Harry, she snorted. What a consolation prize. Not.
"About time you showed up, Bit." Leena said.
"Yeah, well, I had a lot on my mind." Bit replied.
Leena looked into his eyes expecting him to say more.
"Bit." That from Jamie.
Leena whirled. Yes, tell us, Jamie!
"Jamie." Bit said in monotone.
Leena, Brad, and the Doc were all exchanging glances from one to the other.
"Is there something going on?" Brad asked.
Bit was the one who spoke, "Um-m-m, yes."
Leena was on the edge of her seat.
Bit ran his hand through his hair nervously and there was long pause. The hover carrier ground to a halt and no one made a move or spoke even though they were back home.
"Jamie…" He began and looked at Jamie helplessly asking in his eyes for assistance.
"Wild Eagle." Jamie's alter ego shifted into place. His voice deepened and he gathered himself up confidently as he stood. "Bit and Jamie and I are a couple."
Leena jumped for joy. They had come clean and told them! Brad and Doc were too dumbfounded at the sudden revelation to stare at the unusual antics of Leena.
Brad nodded slowly. "I… see. And how long has this been going on?"
"Last night." Wild Eagle continued unfazed as he put his arm around Bit's shoulders possessively.
Leena froze in mid-hop. Last… night? Last night? She frowned. That was weird. That was the same night that she had tricked Bit, made him think she'd be waiting for him and stood him up. Something tickled the back of her mind. What else had happened? She was missing some important clue… oh… my… God. She had tossed Jamie out of his room and unknowingly sent him to the only other available room, which had been the one she'd sent a feverish Bit too. It had been HER! Oh Jeeze! Her face had that same funny catatonic look that she had when she had been stalked by that killer Zoid masquerading around as an urban legend.
"Leena?" Doc went up to his comatose daughter. He waved his hand in front of her face. No change. "Strange. I guess she's taking it pretty hard. She had a thing for you, Bit."
Bit shrugged. "I know." It's her own damn fault, not that he was sorry he had Jamie, er, Wild Eagle now as a partner. Hmmm, he thought. Wild Eagle. Wonder how much of a difference he'd be to Jamie in bed? He hoped to find out soon!
The day had gone by almost the same as usual with the exception of Bit being extremely happy and satisfied. Every time he saw Jamie, his face brightened and his heart filled with joy. He'd wave every time Jamie walked past and Jamie would have this silly grin on his face and wave back, and then go on about his business. Leena didn't even attack him once that day. At least Brad and Doc seemed to be taking it all in stride. And as well they should. Their lives weren't the ones changed by their new relationship. His and Jamie's were. For the better, he hoped.
That night, Jamie slipped him a note. Bit read it quickly. Jamie was requesting Bit to share his shower time with him. Bit grinned. Just like Jamie to be too shy to ask it right out.
Bit found Jamie reading a book on his bed and tousled the kid's hair, "Of course, you can take a shower with me." Jamie grinned up at him foolishly.
"Kind of a chicken way to ask about it, huh?" The kid asked embarrassed.
Bit hauled him to his feet and hugged him, "You have nothing to apologize for." He kissed Jamie. "Got your shower things ready?"
Jamie's eyes sparkled in anticipation and nodded. They took their things and strolled off to the shower.
"I like the water hot." Jamie said and turned the shower on.
Bit nodded, pleased that Jamie took the initiative. He didn't want to have to be the one who instigated everything all the time! Jamie stripped down right there and Bit marveled at his body. He ran his hand down Jamie's chest and down to his stomach and then… Jamie giggled and slapped Bit's hand away from his genitals. "You always are so impatient!"
"Can I help it if you excite me?" Bit started to take his clothes off but Jamie batted his hands away from that too. Bit raised an eyebrow. "You don't want me to strip?"
"Oh, I do." That wasn't Jamie, Bit realized excitedly but Wild Eagle. Wild Eagle ran his hands up and down Bit's chest. "But I'll do it."
Bit grinned. He had a hard on already and he could see that W.E. was just as excited and anxious. But this WAS W.E. and there'd be no rushing him in this state. W.E. took his own sweet time in taking the clothes off of the Zoid warrior. Bit squirmed wanting W.E. to get on with it. The shower was producing a lot of steam by now and it was beginning to feel like a sauna in there. His shirt was finally off and W.E. licked his chest. Bit grunted and closed his eyes. He felt W.E.'s hands at his zipper and finally his pants were slipped off. He reached down to pull off his underwear but W.E. stopped him.
"Me!" Wild Eagle demanded.
To punish him for his impatience, W.E. made Bit step into the shower with his underwear on.
"Oh, come on, Jamie!" Bit protested.
"I told you, I'm Wild Eagle!" W.E. grabbed Bit's butt and pulled him close and planted a kiss on the blonde.
Bit returned it and grabbed onto Wild Eagle's very nice butt as well. They continued on that way until W.E. remembered about Bit's underwear. He tugged the sopping things off and knelt. Bit gasped as W.E. took him into his mouth.
"Now… that's… what I'm talking… about!" Bit breathed in ecstasy.
Wild Eagle was very good and took complete charge of everything. This was completely different from Jamie earlier that day. Jamie the compliant, Jamie the giver, and now he was all take and Bit thought he rather liked it. He wanted to take Jamie so bad, but he was made to wait and it made him want the kid more.
Finally, he got his turn and relished every gasp and groan that escaped from W.E. They stayed in the shower for an hour, each taking intense joy at being with the other. When they stepped out to go to Bit's bedroom, Leena was there at the door with her bath things tapping her foot.
"You went over my shower time you know. There'd better still be some hot water left!"
"Cold showers can be good for you." Bit said and laughed as he recalled his last cold shower.
Leena scowled and grumbled about their hogging the shower and couldn't they wait and do that kind of stuff in their bedroom and she'd better not have to clean anything up.
"Well, it's nice to know she's back to normal." Bit said.
"Normal is overrated." Wild Eagle said and drug his mate to the bedroom, putting Leena far from his mind. They had a whole night to be together and he didn't want to waist any time. And they didn't.