Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Come Back ❯ Let's Battle ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer-I do not own Zoids

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"Is that the Liger?"Asked Jamie in an excited voice.

Bit opened up a com-link to the Blitz Team members.

"Hey guys!"Bit said excitedly.

"B-B-Bit, is that really you?"Asked Leena.

"Sure is, how's it going?"Bit asked.

"We're fine, how about you?"Questioned Doc.

"Great, now let's get started with the battle."Bit said.

"Are going to fight us alone?"Asked Brad.

"My partner is here."Bit said in an annoying voice.

The judge crashed down into the ground, creating a big crater.

"The area within an 15 mile radius is a designated Zoid Battlefield. This zone is now restricted. Only competitors and personnel have authorized entry. Danger! All others must leave the area at once. Area scanned. Battlefield set up. The Ultimate Team versus the Blitz Team. Battle Mode 0982. Ready…Fight!"Said the judge.

"FIRE!"Yelled Vega firing his tri-charged particle cannon. A particle beam came out of nowhere. The charged particle cannon hit the Shadowfox's front legs and it also hit the Laser Vulcan Gun knocking the gun off it's back. Vega had used a stealth device. Brad's Shadowfox had burn marks all over the body.

"Now take care of Leena."Bit said to himself.

Leena had been hiding, afraid that a particle beam was going to hit her, but there was something else going after her.

"STRIKE LASER CLAW!"Bit yelled, as he hit Leena's zoid in the back, knocking off the Weasel Unit. The Gunsniper had scratch marks on the back.

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Fluegel Team Base

"The Blitz Team is defeated!"Yelled Leon. Jumping from his chair. The Fluegel Team had been watching the battle.

"Calm down."Naomi told Leon.

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"So, Bit where's your partner?"Asked Leena.

"Right here."Said a voice.

The Blitz Team members looked to their left and saw Vega standing next to the Berserk Fury. Vega looked taller, and his clothes were different. His pants were black with aqua stripes going down the middle. The shirt was very strange, it was aqua colored, the strangest thing was, that it showed the list of all the zoids that ever existed. The list went from A to Z of zoid names.

"Nice shirt, Vega."Brad said.

"Thanks, Brad."Vega replied.

"I never seen a shirt with zoid names on it."Leena said.

"It's new, it came out yesterday."Vega replied.

"Well let's go inside."Doc said coming out of the hover cargo.

"Hey Bit, Vega stay for dinner."Jamie said also coming out of the hover cargo.

Both teams headed inside the hover cargo to eat. Whatever Jamie had made smelled really good. When Bit approached the table he started drooling.

"Bit, you're drooling on my coffee."Brad said.

"Bit, that's nasty."Vega said. He started laughing.

The food that was on the table was good. There was pizza, hamburgers, cheese, hot dogs, carrots, and lots of other things.

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1 hour later

"That was good."Bit said

"I agree, it was great."Leena replied.

"OH LEENA."Said a really annoying voice. Harry walked into the hover cargo holding a box of roses.

"Bit, hide me."Leena said in a worried voice.

Harry started approaching Bit.

"What are you doing here?"Asked Harry angrily.

"To do this."Said Bit. As soon as he finished his sentence, he punched Harry in the stomach. Harry was unconsioucious and lying on the floor. The Blitz Team and Vega looked at Bit with their mouths open.

"Wow! Thanks Bit."Said Leena.

"Hey, Doc where can I sleep?"Asked Vega.

"You can sleep in the extra room."Doc replied.

"Okay."Answered Vega.

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Morning in the Toros Base

Bit, Leena, and Brad entered the kitchen. Whatever Jamie was making sure smelled good. On the table there was eggs, bacon, cereal, pancakes, waffles, and muffins. Bit grabbed bacon and poured milk on it.

"Bit that's disgusting."Vega said.

"No, It's not."Bit replied. Bit started eating the bacon that was soaked in milk. Everyone looked at him like they saw an alien.

4 hours later

"BIT GIVE ME BACK MY COOKIE!"Screamed Leena, as she chased Bit through the base.

"Mine, I saw it first."Said Bit.

"What's wrong with them?"Asked Vega.

"Before Bit left the team, Leena used to chase him through the base, and one time she chased him into the desert at five o'clock in the morning."Jamie finished saying.

"Hey Bit we should go, Sarah might start worrying."Said Vega.

"All right I'm coming.'Bit replied.

To be continued

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REVIEW MY STORY Please. People who want to email me can at

See ya hippies just kidding. Does anyone notice I put in the color aqua lots of times, I put it there because it's my favorite color. I also put in cheese in the dinner part, because I like cheese. I'm pretty weird. I'll be updating my biography soon you MediaMiner members can know about me how I'm weird. Not I am not weird.