Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Darkness ❯ Prologue
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Zoids…although I really, really wish I owned my very own Raven…*sigh*
A/N - This is my very first Zoids fic, I do write other fan fiction under a different account, but this will be my very first Zoids fic. This fic is going to be a Raven/Ryss fic, please don't flame about the couple…I don't mind if you think my fic is crappy and my writing sucks, but don't dump on me because of the pairing. I happen to think that Raven and Ryss go wonderfully together and it's pretty obvious in Zoids that they're getting it on…in my mind ^_^
Ryss watched the small blue bugs crawl around on her palm, then raised her eyes to her blue organoid as Specula crooned softly beside her and pointed it's snout in the direction of the back room of the house where Raven was lying.
She had come across Raven in the middle of the desert two days ago, unconscious and bleeding. He hadn't been able to tell her anything about what had happened to him. He hadn't even woken up yet.
All Ryss knew was that the Geno-breaker had been smashed almost beyond repair and both Shadow and Specula had been on edge since.
Something was out in that desert, something strong enough to take Raven to pieces and scare both of their organoids.
Specula crooned again and nudged Ryss.
"I know, he'll be awake soon and then he'll be able to tell us what's going on." A shivery feeling worked its way down Ryss's back and she watched as one of the blue bugs took off with a slight humming sound to fly out the window.
Specula let out yet another louder crooning noise and Ryss rose form the floor to gaze out the window after her bug. "I feel it too Specula, something very wrong has come to power."
From the back room Shadow hissed and Ryss turned her head as she heard Raven groan quietly. She walked across the room and stood at the doorway, staring in at Raven who had managed to sit up.
"Where am I?" He demanded, looking angrily around him as though horrified to find himself anywhere near her.
"My home." Ryss grinned, her eyes flashing in the dim light. "You were almost dead when I found you."
"I don't need your help; you should have just left me." Raven attempted to stand but crumpled to the floor with a small groan, glaring up at Ryss as he realised he was dressed in different clothes to what he'd been wearing before the fight and glaring even harder when he realised that Ryss must have undressed him and then redressed him.
He looked up at Ryss like an angry little kitten as she helped him back into bed, his cheeks flaming with embarrassment. "Just leave me alone."
Shadow hissed at Ryss and moved closer to Raven, half blocking him from her view. Behind her, Ryss felt Specula draw close and hiss back at Shadow.
"Call your organoid off, Raven, I only want to talk to you." Ryss raised an eyebrow. "Or are you afraid of me?"
"No!" Raven jerked the bed covers up to his chin and glared at Reese as she stared mockingly down at him. "I don't fear anyone."
"Not even the person who did this to you?" Ryss sat down on a corner of the bed. "Or should I say something?"
"I…I don't know. I don't remember." Raven stroked the nose of his organoid and ignored Ryss.
"Are you sure you don't remember anything?" Ryss moved closer to Raven again placed a hand on either side of his head. Raven drew in a breath at her close proximity and Shadow growled like a rabid dog. "Because if you really don't remember anything I may just have to go into your head and find out what you saw for myself."
Ravens eyes widened and he put a hand to her chest and attempted to push her away, but failing miserably in his weakened state. "I don't want you in my head, Ryss."
"Well if you won't tell me…" Ryss pouted and sat up. "Maybe Shadow will."
Raven looked dubiously at her. "Shadow won't tell you anything!"
Ryss held up her hand on which two of the blue bugs sat, their antennae twitching wildly. "I don't like threatening people, Raven, but if you won't tell me and Shadow won't tell me then I'll just have to use my little friends here." Ryss tilted her head at an angle and stared down at Raven with her empty green eyes. "I don't see why you won't tell me what you saw."
"I don't want you to know what beat me…it…it's so stupid. It shouldn't have defeated me." Raven was looking at Shadow as he talked. "I don't know what it was…but it was in a red Shield Liger, and it easily defeated me. Even with Shadow it still defeated me." Raven clenched his teeth and Shadow crooned soothingly and laid his head on the bed next to Raven's head.
Ryss nodded. "Then it is as I feared, the Death Stalker has risen once more."
"The Death Stalker?" Raven was staring at her again with his intense grey eyes. "What…?"
"It's an ancient Zoidian legend. The Death Stalker is the ghost of an ancient organoid which can be summoned only by an ancient Zoidian. Once the Death Stalker has been awakened it can inhabit any Zoid it choses, taking complete control. The only one who can control the Death Stalker is the ancient Zoidian who awoke it."
"But that doesn't make sense!" Raven exploded. "The only ancient Zoidian's still alive are you and Fiona, and since you obviously didn't wake it and since I can't see good-hearted Fiona awakening a monster, who woke it?"
"Perhaps there is another ancient Zoidian we don't yet know about." Ryss looked down into Raven's angry eyes and smiled coldly. "I can certainly feel a change in the air of late. Perhaps another of us has awoken, and perhaps he is not happy with the way planet Zi is being run." Ryss through back her head and laughed. "It would certainly explain why you were attacked."
"Shut up!" Raven grabbed Ryss by the shoulders in a sudden burst of energy and shook her. "Don't laugh at me."
Ryss stopped laughing and stared down at Raven, something slithered through her eyes and Raven abruptly let her go, blushing as his hand accidentally brushed against her breast in his haste to withdraw his hands.
"Don't grab me like that ever again." Ryss said quietly before standing up and slowly leaving the room. Specula aiming a parting hiss at the still blushing Raven.
"Feeling any better?" Ryss slunk back into the room and looked at Raven who was looking, if anything a little worse.
"Why are you doing this?" Raven tried to look angry again but his hears wasn't in it.
"You took care of me after Hiltz tried to kill us, now it's my turn to take care of you." Ryss looked down at the soup and then looked at him. "Now tell me truthfully, are you feeling better?"
"I'm fine…if you'd just help me get to my Geno-breaker I'll be on my way." Raven pushed back the sheet and managed to sit up before flopping back against the headboard, breathing heavily.
"You're in no state to go wandering about the desert, neither is your Geno-breaker." Ryss sat down on the bed again, this time Raven realised she was holding onto a mug.
"What's in that?" Raven sniffed suspiciously as he smelt some kind of strange herb.
"It's just some soup. I didn't have any bowls to put it in so it's in a mug." Ryss held it out to him. "Trust me; it'll make you feel better."
Raven carefully took it from her and looked at it suspiciously.
"Raven, it's not poisoned. If I wanted you dead I'd have killed you by now, the fact is you're useful to me alive." Ryss took the mug back from him and took a long sip before she handed it back. "See, I'm fine. It's just soup."
Raven carefully took a sip, then another and another as he realised how hungry he was.
"There's more in the kitchen if you're still hungry when you finish that." Ryss smiled at him almost kindly and Raven realised, not for the first time, how stunning she was.
It was odd that he hadn't realised she was an ancient Zoidian when he'd first met her. She had the same look to her as Fiona did…only Ryss was everything Fiona was not.
She was a ruthless and unscrupulous Zoid pilot. She didn't value human life and seemed to care only for Specula and those blue bugs she always had with her. Not to mention tat while Fiona was good looking in a blonde and naïve way, Ryss was attractive in the same way that a fierce jungle cat was attractive; gorgeous but with claws.
Raven felt his body tighten in response to his thoughts and he choked on his soup as he fought to bring his treacherous body under control again.
He was a hardened warrior! Not some teenage boy anymore! If Ryss ever found out what he was thinking about her she'd probably tear him apart in a second.
But as Raven looked up and met Ryss's eyes he had the feeling that somehow she knew his thoughts.
"I'll get you some more soup shall I? You've spilt half of yours all over yourself when you coughed." Ryss looked at his shirt in distaste and Raven hastily pulled it off then looked back at Ryss who was staring at his chest. She looked up and saw him looking at her and a small blush crept onto her cheeks as she hastily backed towards the door.
"This is weird." Raven muttered to himself.
Shadow nodded in agreement and Raven sighed. He'd been attracted to Ryss ever since their fight against Hiltz and Prosien…and he'd known that during that fight Ryss had come to like him a little more. For a short amount of time they'd been closer then Raven would have thought possible.
But that had happened years ago and Ryss and he had drifted apart. The past was only the past now.
Raven knew he didn't love her anything as idiotic as that, but the thought of dragging Ryss down onto the bed with him wasn't unpleasant at all. He could imagine them, lying together, their bodies hot and sweaty. Ryss's mouth pressed against his as he…
"Your soup." Ryss walked back in and handed him another mug.
Raven cleared his through, praying he wasn't blushing yet again before he began drinking it.
A/N - There's the first chapter. The next chapter should be up soon...but I'm writing 3 other DBZ fics at the moment.