Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Keaton ❯ new love ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hiya everybody I'm the Little Kitsune with another chapter of the Keaton. Thanks for reviewing and just to let you know the other girls; Link's sisters, are just going to show up a few times they aren't really a main part of the story, mostly it revolves around the romance between Jamie and Link. Maybe a little Bit and Leena, but mostly Jamie and Link, anyways in today's chapter its time for the battle between Link and Leena, maybe a few surprise guest and a lot of action and not just the battle. ;) Anyways on with the story.

Disclaimer: Goddamn laws, stupid disclaimer I really don't want to do it today, ~ continues to whine till Hiei comes in ~

Hiei: damn onna, fine I'll do it Little Kitsune owns nothing but Link, her zoid, and her family that's all she owns so no sueing on with the damn story.


The Blitz team's hover cargo drove through the blowing sand to the location of the battle arranged by Kokkori. It was about ten-km away from their present location and they we're gaining on it. Leena's gun sniper was ready in the cargo hold and getting ready for battle. "Hehehehe yeah this is going to be sweet!" Leena exclaimed as she and Jamie ready her sniper for the battle against Link. Jamie sweatdroped. " Leena try not to destroy Link. We need her on our team." Jamie said to the overly happy Leena. "Yeah, yeah, I just hope she's a good fighter. And that her zoid is good at maneuvering because she going to get a whole lot of bullets blasted at her. Hehehehe." Leena giggled as she griped the joysticks on her gun sniper.

The hover cargo parked and the cockpit opened for the gun sniper to go. A cloud of dust came up and shielded the view of the Blitz team. As the dust cleared there stood Link and her zoid. She wore the same pants as before with the black ties and the chain, but her top was different. It was a goldish; yellow, a sleeve-less shirt with a collar, a black strip on the left side on the front a black button on the top, a pair of long yellow gloves covered her slim arms, her fingers poked through the ends, a black strip at the top. Her hair was done in the same manner, a catlike grin was plastered on her face, " 'Bout time you guys got here." Link yelled across the field to the Blitz team. The gun sniper jumped out of the cockpit. It metallic feet crunched against the hard ground. Leena's face appeared on a view screen in Links zoid. "Hiya Link how are ya? You ready to lose?" Leena asked." I don't plan on losing." Link said with a cat-like grin. She peered up into the sky and sat down and closed the cockpit. "It's time! are you ready Ghost fox?" Link asked her zoid; who howled in response.

The white judge came hurtling down at the earth with incredible speed. It crashed into it with momentum force and cracked under its weight from the crash. The white judge rose up to the crust of the earth, which was crumbling. "Battle ready? Battle mode 0984. Blitz team vs. Ghost fox" The white judge announced. "Ready fig-" "Wait!" the white judge was interrupted by a Dark horn and two others came racing toward the battle. (AN: do you know who this is? I bet you do) the cockpit of the Dark horn opened to reveal (AN: gasp who is it? Hiei: you don't know? Man you are stupid. ~ Smacks forehead ~ LK: oh I know but do the readers?) None other than Harry Champ. (AN: if you didn't see that coming you reading the wrong story or you haven't watched it in a while like me or you haven't got that far in the series either way, poor you.)

Link sweatdroped. "Who the hell is that freak show?" she asked. "Grr that's Harry Champ. My stalker." Leena answered with a mad vein. "Leena my love who are you fighting? No matter, I shall vanquish the villain." Harry said as he sat back down in his cockpit. Link shuddered and raised her guns. "Who the hell are you calling a villain?" she said in a scary mondan voice that would scary anybody. Jamie patched through to Harry. "Don't you dare call Link a villain Harry. You're the one messing up the battle!" "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Jamie calm down, just calm down dude." Bit said as he tried to calm down the relied up teen. Link patched through to the white judge. "Hey judge this guy is messing up our battle can me an' Leena take care of him?" "Hmm deliberating, deliberating, deliberating, I make in favor of the girls you may do as you wish." "Thanks judge." Link winked at him; "stick around it should be interesting." Link patched through to Leena. "You want the first shot or should I?" "You go for it, he did call you a villain after all." Leena smirked, Link smirked back. "Why Leena you are being quite generous, and you're right he did call me a villain." Link had her a cat-like grin on as she raised and aimed her gun at the Dark horn. " So why don't I act like one." She said as she shot her cannon, which made a direct hit on the dark horn. "Oh now I know why some people are evil. It's really fun some times. Hehehe." Link giggled. "I'll get you for this, you and your Fox zoid." Harry said as Benjamin and Sabation, carrying him and Dark horn away into the blowing sand. "Hahahahaha that's was great Link, you got a good shot there, ok now that's out of the way, hey judge can we fight now?" Leena asked the white judge. "Yes ready fight." the judge's arms clanged as they clashed with each other.

Leena started off by firing wildly. Link did her best to maneuver around the onslaught of shots but was hit a few times. "Wow somebody's trigger happy today eh?" Link smirked. "But they won't be around for long." She opened the shoulder compartments to reveal a load of missiles. And opened fire on Leena. "Ung, she had missiles hiding in the shoulders. This should be fun," Leena said with an evil smirk. She opened fire on Link and ran toward her. "Ahhhhhh, damn it." Link cursed as she maneuvered her zoid out of the line of fire and hide behind a rock. "Hmm now where did she go? Hmm? Awe this won't be any fun is she hides." Leena said as she moved her zoid between the rocks. Link and Ghost fox hide in-between a few rocks. "Huff, huff, wow she is seriously trigger happy. Hmm there seems to be only one way to stop her. The laser claw. Hehe, what do you think, should we do it? Ghost fox." the fox zoid howled and shook its body in response. "Hehe time to end this." Link said as she came out of her hiding spot to come face to face with Leena. "Hi there Link. Glad you decided to show up. I see your ready to lose." Leena said as she raised her guns and aimed at the Fox zoid. "Not quite Leena, for you see you're the one going to lose." With that said the Ghost fox ran toward Leena with its claws glowing. "Strike laser claw!" she screamed as she made contact with Leena's gun sniper. "Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh. What no way a system freeze? Sigh guess I lose. Hehe good match Link. Welcome to the Blitz team! " Leena said as she opened her cock pit. Link smiled as she opened hers, she gave a thumbs up to Leena, "Good match Leena." "Battle over, battle over winner Ghost fox." "Yeah she won she won woo hoo, yeah, hehehehe" the Blitz team celebrated. `Hehehe she won she really won.' Jamie thought `wait this is great now I get to know her better, hehehehe,' "hahahahaha. This is so great." Jamie laughed.

"Hey, take that box over there Zelda." Link yelled at her younger sister. The girl that was known as Zelda had the same color hair as Link. She wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a flowing top with long sleeves and the ends flowed open. She wore her hair in a low ponytail and had no bangs and she had bright blue eyes. "Yeah, yeah" Zelda said as she picks up the box Link said. A knock came at the door, "who is it?" "It's um Jamie. Can I come in?" "Yeah sure where almost done here," the door opened to reveal Jamie. "Hey, you ready Link?" Jamie asked as he looked around the room. It was a hand painted room that looked a meadow with a sunset, on one wall was a large tree; a cherry blossom tree. "Wow this is a pretty room, who painted it?" Jamie asked. " I did." Link answered, "You painted this? All by yourself?" Jamie asked a little astonished he didn't take Link as the artsy type at all. "Um yup I do a lot of paintings, just a hobby." Link said as she picked up a box. She bumped Jamie with her hip. "Come on you the others are waited." Link said with a wink. Jamie blushed, and with that she walked out. Zelda came up behind Jamie who was oblivious to her. "I think she likes you." "Aha huh? You think?" "Yup hehehe." Zelda giggled as she picked up another box and walked out. `Heh so Link might like me huh? Cool.' Jamie leaned against the doorway and pondered this thought. "Talon bring that back you stupid cat!" a girl with dark red hair yelled as she chased a rather large cat. "Gah whoa." Jamie said as he jumped out of the way of the large animal. "Gotcha!" she yelled as she pounces on the large cat, and wrestled the thing away from the large animal. "Hehe stupid lynx." Link came running up after her. "Did ya get'm Malon?" "Yeah I got`m. Now come on you we gotta wish Link good luck." Malon said as she picked up the large lynxes know as Talon. `She's got a really weird family,' Link turned around and winked at Jamie, "come on you we gotta go." she said as she tugged on Jamie's arm. And dragged him out of her room and down the stairs out of the house to their waiting team mates.

"And this is your room Link right next to Jamie's." Doc Torso said as he opened the door to Links room. Jamie came in after them; a little flushed, "K cool. Now," she said as she set down her things, "I'm going to go out side and watch the sun go down. See ya." With that she walked out and out to the desert. "Yeah I think I'll go to." Jamie said as he inched out and walked out to the desert to find no Link at all. "Huh but I saw her come this way." Jamie said to him self as he scraced his head in confusion. "What you don't see, doesn't always mean it isn't there." Link yelled, "it just means your not looking in the right places. Try looking up." Jamie turned around and looked to the roof of the base to see Link swing her legs over the edge. "Hiya Eagle eye." She smirked. "How'd you get up there?" Jamie yelled. Link jumped down and landed next to Jamie. "Very easy my friend, I flew." She grinned. (AN: the way Link fly's is like the way the guys in Dragon Ball Z fly. Got it?) "Hehehehehe good joke Link now how-" but Jamie was cut off mid sentence because he was floating off the ground. He looked over to see Link's had his arm and was flying up ward toward the roof. `Wow this is so cool I wonder if she'll teach me?` they soon landed, and Jamie collapsed on to the roof. "That's how I got up here. Guess that's what you get for having a fairy as a partner." She grinned and sat down near the edge.

The sun was just setting and the sky had turned a golden orange with hints of pink and purple, the stars stared to come out and blink at the two teens on the roof. "It's beautiful." Link said as she watched the magnificent sight in front of her, " yeah it is." Jamie said turning his head toward Link, then down toward her hand that rested next to him. `Should I go for it?' he thought to him self as he unfolded his hands and shakily came close to hers. Then he steadily placed his hand over hers. Link looked toward him. Jamie blushed and looked down. "I'm sorry but your sister said-" she squeezed his hand to let him know it's was ok. She turned to him and smiled. He blushed and smiled back. They sat there hand in hand watching the sun go down.

"I love watching the stars at night." Link said as she fell onto her back, and pulled Jamie's hand to follow her. He looked toward the sky and smiled and fell backwards. He rested his body close to Links. `She smells like cherry blossoms and the forest.' Jamie thought. Link rested her head on Jamie's chest; he blushed madly. She looked toward him and giggled, she lifted her head and sat up, and continued to giggle. "What's so funny?" Jamie asked as he sat up. "You," she said as she pointed at him and giggled more. "What about me?" he said scooting closer to her. "You blush at almost everything, it's just so cute." Link said as she calmed down a bit. " Yeah well I'll show you who's cute." He said as he crawled over closer to Link until he was face to face with her. He looked into her eyes; like he was asking for permission for what he had in mind. She made no objection in her eyes just confusion. He cupped his hands around Links face and closed the gap between them. `Ah so his kissed are soft and sweet, a girl could get used to this.' Link thought as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the kiss, it was very soft, Jamie was being gently with her lips. They soon parted and looked into each other's eyes. Link smiled a loving smile. "Now who's cute?" Jamie asked still looking into Link, "hehe, still you" Link said and she moved in and kissed Jamie. They parted after a few minutes. "So what does this mean?" Link asked. "Well it was just a spur of the moment thing and I guess I was wondering if you'd like to be my, um girlfriend? " Jamie asked blushing and looked deep into Links eyes. Link closed her eyes and rubbed her chin. "Hmm I'll think about it and tell you tomorrow how bout that?" Link asked. Jamie chuckled, "I guess that will be alright. Now lets get down the other might worry where we are." Jamie said as he got up and turned toward Link and offered his hand; which she excepted. She placed an arm around Jamie and jumped off the roof and floated down and walked back to the base with Jaime's hand in hers.

That's it wow I love that last part `walking hand in hand away into the sunset.' ~ goes starry eyed and continues to ramble till Hiei yet again walks in ~ Hiei: Woman stop rambling and get me some sweet snow now! LK: quite youkai I'm imagining stuff. Anyways next chapter of KEATON. Will Link say yes? Or will she turn him flat out down, nope. And what happens when they tell the others. Will more secrets be raveled? Some of Links past might. Hiei: MMM Sweet snow. LK: -_-; yeah- so now that you've read please review. Thank now see ya. ~ Glomps Hiei, he in turn drops his bowl of sweet snow ~ Hiei: Gah my sweet snow damn you woman LK: you know you luv me.