Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Mistaken Identities ❯ One-Shot

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mistaken Identities

A Zoids Fanfic

By: Brenna "Snakelady" Dawkins

Rated: R, for slash, J/B!

Disclaimer: Zoids and it's characters, Jamie, Bit, Leena, Brad, and Doctor Toros do not belong to me, unfortunately or else I'd be rich, so you better think twice about suing me!

Author's note: K, like, this is not only my first Zoids fanfic, but it's also my first slash in any fanfic!

Summary: It's a case of mistaken identities at first. But then, the two Blitz Team members begin to wonder. Starring my two fave Zoids characters, Jamie and Bit! (Who's frustrated `cause how come there're no girls on the show chasin' that cutie Jamie??)

Leena was getting irritated. Harry had stopped by for the fifth time that week professing his love and Bit hadn't done anything to stop him.

`Bit just isn't doing as good a job of professing his love to me as he could.' She thought testily. `He should be taking some lessons from Harry. If I have two men fighting over me, then by God, it'd better be tooth and nail from the both of them. I have my reputation to uphold. Can't have my fanclub shirking now!'

Her dad came up to her, he was holding a large vase of flowers. "Special delivery."

`Aww, Bit. It's about time! But you shoulda given them to me yourself!' Leena thought relieved.

"Guess you know who these are from." The Doc handed them to her.

Leena was grinning ear to ear. "Thanks Dad! I'll tell him apology is accepted!" She'd gotten into another argument with Bit over who had leftover dinner rights and he'd managed to win somehow.

The Doc blinked. "I didn't know you and Harry were fighting."

He turned, and didn't see the furious expression on his daughters face.

Bit was kicking it back in the lounge area back at the base, looking through a Zoids statistical magazine. Leena came in, wearing a sultry mask over her true feelings of anger towards Bit. She slunk over to where Bit was sitting in the sunken in sitting area and sat down next to him. He didn't even look up from his reading. She felt her eyes snapping with anger, then remembered that she must sound convincing.

"Bit." She purred in her huskiest voice.

"What, Leena." Bit sighed, eyes still glued to the latest Kong transformational parts.

Leena reached over and traced her forefinger across Bit's chest. Bit, startled, finally looked over at her.

"Aren't you tired of what we have to do in front of the guys? I mean, I'm sick of putting on such a violent act to throw the guys off the scent."

"Wha-what?" Bit asked amazed. Was he hearing things? Had all her temper tantrums been just that, a front to mask her feelings around the others? His mouth went dry and he swallowed. Oh God!

Leena pressed her hand upon his chest and felt his heart speed up. She grinned evilly. What a sap! She leaned over so her lips were just shy of his ear, "The spare bedroom. At eleven o' clock. Leave the lights off." She blew into his ear. She'd show him! Get him all worked up and then he'd find no one there!

Bit had a dazed look on his face when Jamie had walked in to pick up the dishes. He saw what Bit had been reading and shrugged. `The new Kong must have some really cool new stats', he thought to himself and left with the spare dishes.

Bit couldn't keep his eyes off the clock. He couldn't believe his luck. Leena practically had thrown herself at him! Ever since he'd joined the Blitz Team, he'd been too busy to seek companionship. Now with the promise of such an encounter with Leena in store, it only served to remind him how hard up he was and anxious to get rid of his sexual frustration. At last, and with none other than Leena!

It was nearing eleven pm when a worn out Jamie lumbered to his room. He yawned as he opened his door and froze when he saw Leena in her teddy lying on his bed. Leena on his bed! (Sweat drop. Jaw drop.)

"Hey, the water pipe behind my wall burst and my room's flooded." Leena said when she saw his statue-like form in the doorway. "You'll just have to find somewhere else to sleep tonight."

Jamie sighed in disappointment. Oh well, so much for that. "Can I get my night clothes at least?"

"Go ahead." Leena said.

Jamie picked up his things and took one last long look at the half naked Leena laying on his bed. He sighed again and left for the spare bedroom.

Bit eyed the clock. It was eleven! He cleared his throat nervously and entered into the spare bedroom. The lights were off and he automatically reached up to turn on the light when he stopped and remembered Leena's instructions. Nervously, he stepped up to the side of the bed, feeling the mattresses edge and finding a weight on it. He grinned and slid his hand down to the body laying there. His fingers brushed up against soft skin.

Jamie felt someone brush up against him. A thought flashed into his now wide-awake brain. Leena! Oh God! She knew he was here. But why didn't she just let him take her in his own room? Why make him come here? Women! He'd never really understood them. He felt a weight upon him. Sheesh, Leena felt a lot heavier than she looked. But better not tell her so, women were overly sensitive about their weight, so he had once discovered the hard way. Her lips pressed against his. Bliss!

Bit kissed Leena passionately, holding her tiny form close to him. He wasn't fully on the bed yet. He leaned over her, still kneeling and felt her wrap her arms around his neck. Such eagerness! He smothered her with kisses and ran his hands down her sides and tiny waist and over her hips. How he waited for this moment! He teased her though, running his hands past her groin and down her thighs and then up near the groin again. She squirmed under him and thrust her tongue into his mouth, practically begging with her whole body for him to take her. His hands moved achingly slow towards his ultimate triumph.

Jamie felt his whole body tremble with Leena's sensual touch. She was teasing him relentlessly, running her hands all over his body except for the place where he desperately wanted her to be. She stayed on the top. He should have figured that she would take the upper hand in all matters. Her hands toyed along his thighs and he gasped as she came achingly close to his extremely hard member. His arms were still wrapped around her neck and he tried to pull her fully on top of him, but she was stubborn and remained half off of his bed. Her hand slid closer to his penis and he held his breath in anticipation.

Bit decided that even though it was fun to tease her this way, he himself could not hold back for long. He was hard as a rock and he wanted action soon. His fingers brushed the front of her… boxers?

Well, some women seemed to like to wear boxers, but he'd never guessed Leena to be one of those. He slid his hand down in between skin and elastic. Leena was quivering and he heard a gasp and he smiled. He reached down and felt…

"WHAT?" Bit shrieked and snatched his hand back. `My God, that was no vagina!' He thought in a panic.

Jamie felt the fingers against his penis and then heard a masculine shout. `That… didn't… sound… like… Leena.' He thought, his body feeling paralyzed now with the revelation. `In fact, it sounded like… Bit.'

"Oh my God!" Bit heard a familiar voice mutter from underneath him.

"You're not Leena!" Bit whispered. It was too dark to see how his face paled.

The horror in Jamie's voice was clear. "And you're definitely not Leena! Bit!"

Jamie released Bit's neck and felt Bit get off of him. He heard the Zoid warrior flee from the room. Oh God, Jamie thought.

The next day, Bit avoided Jamie like the plague and Jamie likewise. Jamie was making himself as busy in the plotting room as he could and Bit stayed in the hanger with his Lyger, brooding over his encounter with Jamie. And furious at Leena for it for she had to have set them up, he knew it! But there was no way he could confront her about it without her knowing what he and Jamie had done and no way was he going to subject himself or Jamie to that!

He couldn't face Jamie. He was the one who instigated everything. He rubbed his hand through his hair in frustration and refused to think of how excited he had been until he discovered it had been Jamie and not Leena. He had taken a very cold shower after that. Bit tried not to think of how wonderful a kisser… NO! He threw a wrench across the hanger.

Jamie was keeping busy coming up with new strategies for the next battle. `The Lyger would really excel with this kinda move…' what was he doing? He thought furiously. He shouldn't be just working on Lyger's possible moves. But it was impossible for him to get his mind off of Bit in any form. Bit had thought he was Leena and he had thought Bit was Leena. It was simply a case of mistaken identities. So why was it so hard to put behind him? Doc came in.

"Come on, got a meeting! Got another battle lined up!"

Great, which meant he and Bit would have to be in the same room. But at least the light was to be left on. Leena and Brad were sitting on either side of the Doc. Bit was on the other side of the circle couch and wouldn't look at him as he entered. Having no alternative, Jamie sat next to Bit without looking at him again.

Neither heard much of what the Doc said. Leena didn't notice how Bit glared at her. Jamie stared at the floor. Hmmm, he needed new shoelaces. He heard only one word of the whole meeting. Backdraft Group. `As if things weren't bad enough,' Jamie thought miserably. But at least that would get Bit out of the way for a while.

It had been a typical battle, even against such notorious cheaters as the Backdraft. Bit used Lyger to his full potential and had shredded those elephanders with ease. Oh yeah, Brad and Leena did good too. Jamie's mind had not been on the battle on the field but rather on the battle he knew he and Bit would face soon. They couldn't keep avoiding each other like this forever. He'd wait until after lunch, when everyone would be most likely to be taking a siesta after the battle. Then he could talk to Bit alone.

The hover carrier was quiet. Lunch had been eaten and as Jamie predicted, everyone went to lay down for a nap. He nervously went to Bit's room and knocked on the door. Bit was rubbing his eyes when he answered and then stiffened when he saw Jamie standing there. They both stood there in silence for a long while, neither sure of what to say.

"U-u-um, come in." Bit said with downcast eyes.

Jamie obeyed and Bit shut the door. More awkward silence.

"I swear, I thought you were Leena." Bit blurted out.

"Well, I thought YOU were Leena." Jamie muttered.

Jamie shuffled his feet. "So now what?"

Bit stared at Jamie. The kid looked so lost.

Jamie sighed, "That was my first kiss."

Bit stiffened again. Damn, Leena! He put a hand on Jamie's shoulder companionably. Jamie was blinking hard and it was a moment before Bit realized Jamie was crying silently. Oh great, Bit thought. Poor kid! Now he's confused! He cursed Leena again and felt compelled to hug Jamie who returned the hug.

"I had liked it." Jamie choked on a sob.

Bit chewed his lower lip. So had he.

"It's okay, Jamie. I think… I did… too."

Jamie buried his head in Bit's chest, still hugging the Zoid warrior tightly. Bit rubbed the kid's back comfortingly, unsure of what his next move should be. He felt Jamie raise his head to lie on his shoulder and froze when he felt warm breath and then lips against his neck. It felt good, Bit had to admit. Jamie continued kissing his neck and Bit shuddered, still hugging his partner.

God, that felt good! Jamie remembered how good Bit tasted and shyly looked up at him. Bit looked at him like he was wrestling with something inside himself. Then Jamie thought he saw Bit lean forward a fraction to receive a kiss Jamie desperately wanted to give. It was different with the lights on but that was okay. The two team mates hugged each other tighter as they pressed into the kiss. This was even better than when he had thought it was Leena, Jamie thought happily.

They kissed each other for a long time, each taking simple pleasure in the act. Jamie's heart jumped when Bit began to lead him to the bed. Finally, they could finish what they had started the night before. Jamie didn't mind being placed on the bottom this time now that it was Bit.

When they lay together afterwards, Jamie was sound asleep and Bit spooned the younger team mate. An affectionate grin lit Bit's eyes and he tousled the short hair on Jamie's head. He wondered how he and Jamie would explain this to the other members of the Blitz Team. He'd love to see the look on Leena's face when she discovered she was the one who brought them together. He laughed silently and hugged the kid closer. Bit silently thanked Leena for the gift of Jamie in his arms.