Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Shattered Reality ❯ ruined date ( Chapter 3 )
"Hey Fiona, what's up? You look like you have had something on you mind lately," said Moonbay seeing Fiona sitting all alone drinking coffee a few days after they came back from the wind colony.
"Nothing. I just want to be alone for a little while," said Fiona quietly. She the grabbed her mug of salty coffee and took a small sip out of it. She looked up at Moonbay seeing Moonbay still staring at her without any intention on moving.
"Something wrong?" asked Moonbay seeing that Fiona seemed kind of distant. Ever since their return from their mission at the wind colony, Fiona seemed a bit distant and it made Moonbay worry about her friend
"No, why would anything be wrong?" asked Fiona a little too quickly and even she knew that. She just wanted to get her thoughts together before she decided to tell anyone about it but Fiona felt that Moonbay would somehow manage to get it out of her anyways.
Moonbay could tell though that she wasn't being completely honest. "Alright spill. What's wrong, and you had better not tell me that nothing is wrong because it is written all over you face that something is bugging you?" asked Moonbay much more seriously. She wanted to help but if Fiona wasn't going to talk to her than she was just going to have to force it out.
"I already told you nothing is wrong. Is there something about that that you don't understand?" asked Fiona a little annoyed but she put on a smile to try and hide her confused feelings.
"It is because I don't buy it. I know something is wrong so spill it," said Moonbay a little bit more forcibly. Fiona didn't respond but looked in the other direction. "It's about Van isn't it?" asked Moonbay with a small smirk crossing her face. This made Fiona look at her very slowly with a light pink shade on her face. "It is isn't it," said Moonbay knowing that she had ended up hitting the nail right on the nose. Fiona just nodded her head and took a drink of her coffee. "Could it be because you love him and don't know how he feels about you? I know that you value his friendship above the rest of ours and you don't want to ruin by saying something that you think that he might not agree with," said Moonbay as she read her friend as if she was an open book.
"What makes you say that? I just said it had to do with Van I didn't mean it like that," said Fiona but Moonbay could see that she was blushing. Fiona tried to control her heated face but it was doing no good.
It was becoming far too easy to get these answers out of Fiona. "Drop the act. Everyone knows how you feel about him Fiona. We have seen the way you look at him whenever he is around and it is with an expression of pure love," said Moonbay smiling at her friend as she walked over and placed a hand on Fiona's shoulder. Fiona only seemed to grow redder. "It is nothing to be ashamed of Fiona. No one can help how they feel. You just have to choose how you are going to handle you situation with Van. I suggest that you tell him because it seems that the only that doesn't know of your feeling is Van," said Moonbay quietly with a smile.
"I guess, but I am not sure how he would react to it. Sometimes it tends to scare me a bit to think about what his reaction would be," said Fiona with the fear very present within her voice.
"Then why don't you take a chance and just tell him? You never know, maybe it will all turn out for the better for the better. As far as I am concerned, I think that the two of you would make for a very beautiful couple," said Moonbay hoping that her words would help Fiona to come over her fears..
"I can't, I just can't," said Fiona as her eyes stared at the coffee cup as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. She knew that her answer would not satisfy Moonbay but she thought that she could at least try and hope for the best that Moonbay would just leave her alone after that.
"Sure you can. All you have to do is go up to him and tell him how you feel. Is that really all that hard when you think about it?" asked Moonbay getting annoyed with her friend's stubbornness.
"Yes it is and I just don't think that I can. Now please drop the subject because I really don't feel like talking about," Fiona nearly yelled before she got up from the table she was at and walked away.
Fiona just laid on her bed long after everyone was asleep. "If I do love Van then why can't I tell him? Am I really that that afraid to tell him my feelings?" Fiona asked herself as she stared at herself in a mirror.
`It is because if we were to tell him, bad things would only happen to him. I am sure that that is something that you don't want,' her brain told her as if it was the most simple thing to hear.
"Van is strong he won't get hurt so easily. That can't be the reason," Fiona said thinking that she was going crazy since she was starting to have a conversation with herself. That type of thing is never a good sign.
`Just keep telling yourself that. Maybe at some point you will actually start to believe yourself,' her brain taunted which was really starting to get on her nerves. `He will end up getting hurt should you continue on with this little affection you have for him,' her brain continued.
Fiona then made a decision. "I am going to tell him," she said quietly to herself. She decided to go with what her heart wanted her to do rather than what her brain wanted to her to at that moment.
`Fine just ignore your brain which has helped you out through most of your life. I am going on vacation. Call me if you want me back,' said her brain told her before the sound disappeared.
Gathering what courage that she could, Fiona got out of her current seat and walked towards the door. She stopped right before she grabbed the handle but before she could have second thoughts, she grabbed the handle and walked out of the room as quickly as possible. It was a mere moment later that she ran into Van because he was walking past her room at the time. `Oh great. I didn't think that I would end up running into him this soon,' thought Fiona as she panicked for a second before calming down and putting on the best smile that she muster.
"Hey Fiona. How are you doing?" asked Van when Fiona walked up to him. He noticed her nervous posture despite the calm expression that she currently had on her face. It was definitely hard to tell what it was that she was feeling at that moment.
"Um Van I was wondering if I could talk to you about something?" asked Fiona finally showing all of the nervousness that she was trying her best to hold in but she was quickly losing that battle more and more with each passing second.
"Sure what do you want to talk about? I am all ears so please feel free to be able to tell me anything that is on your mind" said Van trying to find a way that he could calm her down a little but nothing was coming to his mind at that moment.
"I don't want to say it here," said Fiona with a light blush as she found the ground very interesting. "It is kind of important so can we talk someplace else?" asked Fiona as she looked up at Van with pleading eyes.
"Sure, Lets try to find someplace quiet where you can talk without being disturbed," said Van with a smile as he placed a hand on Fiona shoulder to reassure her since she looked very nervous at that moment. `I wonder why she is so nervous right now. She has never been like this when she has been around me before,' Van told himself as he looked at Fiona curiously.
"C-can I just tell you later tonight?" asked Fiona quietly. She didn't know why she was so nervous. She knew that Van would not intentional feeling by laughing at her, he was her friend so she knew that he wouldn't do that, at least she hoped that when she decided to tell her feeling he wouldn't laugh. So she didn't know what was making her so nervous.
"I guess if that is what you want. Wait I have an idea. I think it will be a good idea to calm you down a little bit so that you can talk clearly when you sya what you wanted to," said Van with a smirk on his face.
"What is it? What type of idea do you have?" asked Fiona as her mind started to go through all of the ideas that Van was thinking of at that moment. She was able to come up with a lot but what came up next was one of the things that she wasn't able to think of.
"How about instead I just take you into town to get something to eat," said Van with a bright smile, "You seemed troubled lately and I thought it would be a good way of getting your mind off it as well as calm you down like I said," said Van as he saw Fiona's shocked expression.
"O-ok. T-that would be great," stuttered Fiona as she walked away with a slight blush that Van couldn't see. `I looked like I total fool back there,' thought Fiona because of how flustered she was while she was talking to Van. `Not really the best of ways to start things out for today,' thought Fiona with a blush.
"What was that about?" asked Irvine who just so happened to be walking by. He saw Fiona walking away a little fast with a bright blush upon her face so he was curious as to what the two of them were talking about.
"Fiona just wanted to talk to me. She looked really nervous though," said Van looking at Fiona's retreating form. He had no idea what was going through her mind at that moment but he hoped to find out that night when the two of them went out.
"Really? Why is that? What did you say to her to make her look that red?" asked Irvine but the confused look on Van's face at his last comment made him realize how dense Van was if he hadn't seen Fiona since she was as red as a tomato.
"She looked trouble so I thought that I could maybe take her out for something to eat so that it would calm her down and maybe make it easier for her to say what she was so nervous to tell me a few minutes ago," said Van with a shrug of his shoulder. He looked up and saw a big grin on Irvine's face and knew that it couldn't really mean anything too good.
"Oh, so you mean you are taking her on a date," said Irvine grinning at Van's shocked expression. `Apparently Van hadn't really thought of it along those lines,' thought Irvine feeling that he could have a little fun with this. "Well I think it is about time that you made a move towards a relationship with Fiona," said Irvine trying to contain his laughter with how bright Van was becoming.
"I-It's not like that. I am taking her out so that she can relax for a little while and get her mind off of her troubles. I-It's not a date," stuttered Van mentally hitting himself for sounding like an idiot while saying this.
"There is nothing to be embarrasses about Van. I just think that it is nice that you are realizing your feelings for her. I have to tell Moonbay this," said Irvine as he ran off before Van could say anything but when he was close to out of sight, he heard Van growl and that only made his grin grow in size knowing that he had gotten to Van. `Today is such a good day,' thought Irvine with a laugh.
"Now Van I only have one question," said Moonbay appearing out of nowhere as Van was walking towards the hanger. She nearly laughed her head off when she saw how high and how far Van jumped when she had talked to him.
"Don't scare me like that or you'll give me a heart attack," said Van holding his chest. He took a few moments to calm down and to gain control of his heart before he spoke again. "What is it?" asked Van wondering what she had scared the living hell out of him in order to talk to him.
"This little thing you are doing with Fiona later today. Is it to cheer her up like you said, or is it possible there is another motive behind it," said Moonbay with a smile as all the different possibilities were going through Van's head and through all of them she saw him with Fiona and the two were most liking kissing.
"Come again," said Van hoping that she wasn't going to get on his case like Irvine had so he decided to act a little naïve when he was around any of them. It was never a good thing when the two of them set their sights on a person in order to tease them.
"Are you doing this for Fiona or for your own purposes?" asked Moonbay knowing that she was going to have as much fun torturing Van with this like Irvine had done not long before. He looked like he wanted to laugh when he had told her what Van had told him. Although she was teasing him, Moonbay felt that it was a very nice thing for him to do. She knew Fiona would never confess if she was nervous and this would be the best situation to calm her down enough to talk about it even a little.
"What sort of purposes are you talking about?" Van asked getting a little annoyed that she wasn't letting up but he still continued to try and get her off his case enough so that he could get away before he was noticed and then forced to answer more and more embarrassing questions from Irvine or Moonbay.
"I mean you wanting to be near her, hold her, possibly even kiss her," said Moonbay making fake gestures while saying each of these. All the while she was holding back the laugh at how bright a red Van's face was getting. She didn't even know that that shade of red even existed.
Van turned his back to her and said, "I am doing it for Fiona, nothing more," he said but what Moonbay couldn't see was that he was blushing. He then just walked away, but Moonbay could tell like Irvine that he wasn't telling the complete truth behind his reasons for why he had done what he did. This just made her grin. `Treat her well tonight Van because I am pretty sure that this is the first date that she has ever been on,' thought Moonbay with a smile as she turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the way that Van went.
Fiona was getting prepared for the time she was going to spend with Van. She got into the prettiest dress she had in hopes off looking good for Van when she told him how she felt about him. She ran a brush through her hair trying to get as many tangles out of it as she could. When she was completely ready there was a knock on her door. Fiona opened it to see Van waiting for her.
"You look nice Fiona," said Van examining Fiona. The dress she wore was pink like most of the other clothing that she had but he felt that she looked pretty good in that color. Fiona tried to hide the blush that came to her face from his stares. Fortunately Van didn't seem to notice. "You ready to go?" asked Van as he held out his hand to take hers waiting for her to take it in his.
Fiona just nodded her head as she carefully grabbed his hand and the two of them walked out of the room and down the hall very slowly. `When will be the right time to tell him?' Fiona asked herself as she took as quick look up at Van's face and the peaceful expression that he had on at that moment.
Van however was far from calm. All the things that Irvine and Moonbay had said to him earlier were really starting to get to him. He was sweating a little and using his free hand he pulled at the collar of his shirt.
As they were walking out of the base they heard the clanking of metal meaning that Zeke was following. "Sorry Zeke, not this time. This time it is going to be just Fiona and me. Sorry," said Van but he felt bad upon seeing the hurt look within Zeke's eyes. "I am sorry buddy but I promise to make it up to you sometime," said Van trying to cheer up Zeke. He heard Zeke give a small growl before he walked away with his head held low.
Fiona felt bad for Zeke but she knew that what she had to tell Van she wanted to tell him with nothing around, so she was a little thankful that Van had done that. The two walked over to the blade liger and after having gotten in, the two rode off quickly in the direction of the closest city.
The city looked magnificent in the night with the buildings all lit up and gave the sky a light glow to it to make t look like it was day only a little cloudy. Couples were all around them as they took advantage of the peaceful night to be with the ones that they cared for the most.
"Wow! It looks absolutely beautiful tonight," said Fiona as she looked up at the star filled sky with a look of wonder. Sure, she had seen the night sky before but it was rare nowadays for her to be looking up at them with Van at her side.
"Yeah, they are," said Van as he stood next to her and looked up at the sky as well. "I haven't been able to do this sort of thing for a while. Being in the guardian force has taken up so much of my time that I rarely get enough time to have a little fun. Maybe I should talk to Crougar about giving me a little extra time so that I can just relax," said Van with a smile on his face. `The sky is beautiful, but I think that Fiona's beauty tonight is enough to rival it splendor and beat it by a long shot,' thought Van with a light blush because of his thought.
"So where are we going to go Van?" asked Fiona with a bright smile on her face. She could go anywhere with Van and be happy about it but she really wanted to know where it was that they were going.
There is a restaurant close to here that we will be going to. I went there once and it had some really good food," said Van answering Fiona question. "Is there anything that you would like to do after that?" asked Van as the two walked in the direction of the restaurant.
The restaurant was an elegant one that gave a comfortable feel to whoever at from it. It didn't look to be terribly expensive yet at the same time it was one that still served good food for a cheep price.
Van and Fiona walked into the restaurant and were immediately confronted by a waiter. "How can I help you to," said the man in a heavy French accent. He looked to be very kind.
"Two under the name of Flyheight," said Van shocking the man into looking at Van in wonder. Van had gotten that type of expression from many people because he looked too young to be some great war hero.
"Y-yes sir," said the man as he led them up some stairs and out a set of glass doors onto a porch. There was no roof so it gave a clear look at the sky while its occupants ate. There were already a few people out there as it was and they looked very happy. "I will go get your menus and be back immediately," said the waiter with a bow before he walked away.
"This place is very nice Van. How is it that you came across it?" asked Fiona out of mere curiosity. Fiona absolutely loved how beautiful the place looked and hoped that they would be able to come back there again.
"Crougar once had a military meeting that he had to go to and he brought me along. It just so happens that this is the place that we ended up going to," said Van with a smile as he got comfortable in his seat. He knew that Fiona would like this place which was the reason that he had brought her here rather than to any of the other restaurants that were in the area.
A light breeze blew by and blew Fiona's hair a little of to the side. With the moon glowing down upon her, Van saw the true beauty that was Fiona and he blushed yet again but turned away so that Fiona would see it.
"This feels good," said Fiona as she closed her eyes and lets the wind blow against her face. She had never had a night like this before this even if it had just started, and she hoped that it wouldn't be the last.
They were stopped from any more conversation when the waiter returned carrying the menus. Van and Fiona took them with a smile. They quickly ordered andsoon got back to their conversations.
Things were very peaceful for them as they walked through a park in the middle of the city. They had had dinner but they hadn't gone back to the base yet. All seemed very peaceful. It was like they didn't need words to convey how comfortable they felt around each other. The quietness could only last for so long before it is broken though.
"What is it that you wanted to tell me earlier?" asked Van which ended the silence that was going on between them. It was kind of a shame to break it for Van but his curiosity was getting the better of him at that moment.
"Well, I… I don't really know how to say this," said Fiona as the nervousness started to come back to her. `Damn my nerves,' Fiona mentally berated herself as she felt he knees start to feel a little weak.
"Then just say the first thing that comes to your mind about it. If it is something embarrassing I promise that I won't laugh," said Van with a bright smile that made Fiona smile a little but not really all that much. Her face still held the nervousness that her heart had been feeling for so long only much greater now that she was trying to confess her feeling to Van.
`What that I love you with all my heart and yet am too afraid to even try and tell you about it,' Fiona thought to herself with a sad sigh. `I would do anything to be able to get this off of my chest but it is so hard,' thought Fiona sadly.
"Well? Why are you so afraid to talk to me? If you have a problem then maybe I can help you with it. All you need to do is tell me what is on your mind," said Van trying not to force the subject but starting to worry a little because of how nervous Fiona looked. It began to make him wonder if maybe something was wrong with Fiona.
`My problem is that I can't pick up the nerves to tell you of my feelings,' Fiona thought to herself. "I…" said Fiona but she just couldn't seem to say it. Fiona looked at Van and noticed that he wasn't looking at her but past her. She turned around and saw that there appeared to be some sort of gang behind them.
"Well look what we have here boys. Looks like we have hit the jackpot here," said a man that was in front of all the rest, upon the way they were standing and how the guy was acting one could only assume that he was the leader of this gang. He walked up to Fiona and looked at her from head to toe. "Hey there good looking. Why don't you dump the shrimp and enjoy a time out with a real man," said the guy as he tried to feel Fiona up only to have her pull away from him as quickly as possible.
Fiona quickly stood behind Van to keep away from those men. "Pleas leave us alone. We don't want any trouble," said Fiona a little timidly. She clutched onto Van's shirt when the man stepped towards the two of them again.
"What do you want?" asked Van glaring at the man. He did not like how that man was treating Fiona so he pushed Fiona out of the way a little so he couldn't get to her. When the man didn't speak Van continued. "If you don't have anything to say then leave us alone. So what do you want?" asked Van but this time the man responded by walking forward towards Van.
"What do you think we want," said the man getting right in Van face. He then looked over towards Fiona and then towards van again and breathed right into his face with very disgusting breath.
"A breath mint maybe," said Van plugging his nose up. His breath smelt like rotten eggs and it made Van nose want to shrink away from the foul man. This angered the man and he punched Van in the stomach. Van was able to quickly recover and got up quickly. "Let's get out of here," said Van grabbing Fiona's hand and running the other direction. What met him though were more men. Van then did the only thing he could think of and jumped into the bushes hoping that it would stall the men for a little while.
The two of them ran for a few minutes but something was bugging Van. When he listened for the sounds of the gang running after the two of them, he heard nothing but the sounds of their own feet. It was like they weren't even following them. `What is going on? I thought for sure that they would have ended up following after us,' thought Van a little confused.
He was so lost in thought wondering about the reason why they weren't following that he almost didn't notice the attack that came at him from his side. He did notice at the last second and dodged it just in time without taking any damage. Van quickly looked around looking for the source of the attack. He pushed Fiona behind him in order to keep her safe from any harm.
It was then that a man came out of the bushes. "Those guys did their job right and led you right to me," said the man with a sneer on his face. He had so short of hair that he looked bald and with what they could see he had black hair. He pretty much towered over Van by at least a foot and stared at Van with icy blue eyes.
Van immediately recognized him ` It has to be that man that I saw for a short period when that soldier that we caught was shot. I could recognize him anywhere,' thought Van as he prepared himself for a fight that was most likely going to happen. All that Van thought about doing though was getting himself and Fiona out of there as fast as he could. "Who are you and what do you want," said an angry Van backing away slowly from the man trying to get a little distance so that the sword wouldn't be as effective.
"You haven't figured out what we want yet. I thought the great Van Flyheight would have found that little detail out a long time ago," said the man with a laugh as he looked at Van then to Fiona and then back to Van. "You are pathetic because of that. The name is Ryan, and what I want is for you to hand over the zoidian girl and then maybe I won't have to use force," said Ryan with a grin hoping that Van would refuse like he was more than likely going to do anyways.
Van immediately pushed Fiona behind him to protect her. He took up a defensive stance. Van wished now more than anything that he had either Zeke or his fathers dagger with him to give him a bit more protection than just using his bare fist against the long sword.
"Why are you protecting it?" asked Ryan as he took a few steps forward only to have them back up a little more. "Just hand it over now or you will lose your life," said Ryan planning on taking Van's life anyways so that he wouldn't be such a nuisance in their affairs like he had been for both Hiltz and Prozen. `I am not going to make the same mistake as those two. They pretty much helped him by making him even stronger. That was the mistake that ended up costing the two of them their lives,' thought Ryan with a growl as he looked at Van.
"She is not an it, and she is my friend so I would never hand her over to the likes of you," yelled Van getting very annoyed with how this huge man was making fun of Fiona by calling her an it instead of by her real name. `Now we know what it is that they have been after from us and from raven as well. They are after Fiona and Reese,' thought Van as he tensed up a little.
"I am sure that it is only a bother to you so I can take it off of you. I will use force if I need to so you might as well hand her over if you value your. It is not like us normal humans, it isn't like it will even make some sort of difference in this world," said Ryan as he reached out preparing to grab Fiona at the first chance that he could get.
"Fiona get out of here! Get away so that he can't get you," said Van as he pushed Fiona away and grabbed onto Ryan so that he wouldn't be able to get to Fiona but Van was easily thrown off by the mans great strength.
Fiona tried to run but Ryan was faster then her and stopped her by grabbing onto her wrist and pulling her towards him. "You are not going anywhere except for with me to my boss," said Ryan with a grin but Fiona bit his hand. He let go and she stumbled to the ground and was unable to move from there. "So be it," growled Ryan as he pulled out a sword that he had hidden in order to try to hurt Fiona enough so that she couldn't run or fight. `Zack didn't say that he needed her in one piece,' thought Ryan with a grin. As he swung the sword Van shoved Fiona out of the way and moved just enough so that the sword only sliced the front of his shirt.
"Van," said Fiona rushing to Van's side as he sat in a kneeling on the ground lightly touching the tear in his shirt. "Are you ok Van?" asked Fiona with the worry clearly present in her voice.
"I'm ok. It is only a scratch," said Van as he got to his feet but held onto his side. He wobbled a little being thrown a little off balance by trying to avoid the attack the best that he could. Van immediately got into another defensive stance and prepared to take another hit in order to get Fiona away from that place.
"Trying to protect it is pointless," said Ryan as he prepared for another attacks hoping to see the sword straight through Van. `The look of blood is so enticing,' thought Ryan with a smirk on his face. He made the mistake of looking away for a second and the next thing he saw though was when Van kicked him hard in the face and then ran he off with Fiona as fast as they could. By the time Ryan was able to pull himself together they were long gone. "Zack isn't going to be happy about this," he said to himself as he looked in the direction that the ran.
He immediately took off at a sprint in hope of catching up with them but by the time he did they were already in Van's blade liger and running at full speed back to the base. Ryan just stared with his cold unflinching eyes knowing that it wouldn't be the last time that they would see each other. `Next time I will make sure that I slice him in half. They are definitely going to be more defensive with the zoidian but it is nothing that I can't handle,' thought Ryan with a smirk.
"Van are you sure that you are ok," said Fiona from the back seat of the blade liger. She noticed that Van's breathing was a little ragged but he had told her that it was just from all of the running that they had just done. She couldn't help but worry for him at that moment.
"Yeah, I told you he only scratched me," said Van trying not to worry Fiona but the truth was that all the running had opened the originally small wound a little more. `I am not going to make Fiona worry about me. I will get some medical attention but only when I am sure that she is safe,' thought Van as he grimaced in a little pain. He looked at Fiona's worried face and gave her a smile to try and reassure her.
It was pretty late by the time that they got back to the base and hardly anyone was up. "Van I am sorry," said Fiona as she suddenly stopped in the middle of the hall and she looked at the ground.
"For what Fiona? You haven't done anything wrong at all tonight. He was the one that caused all of this to happen," asked Van very confused at how Fiona could just blame herself for a situation that was completely out of her control.
"They were after me all this time, and all that happened tonight was because they were after me. They ruined our time out because of me," said Fiona feeling the guilt start to overcome her.
"Don't worry about it so much Fiona. It was not your fault. So please don't blame yourself over something that you couldn't control," said Van a bit weakly as they walked through the halls towards their rooms.
Fiona could tell that something was wrong now when his voice seemed to drop a few levels. She was right too because a few feet from her door Van just collapsed. "Van!" yelled Fiona grabbing a hold of him to soften his fall. When she grabbed him though she felt her hand get wet. When she looked at it she saw red blood, Van's blood. "Van, no. Wake up, please wake up," said Fiona as she shook him to try and wake him up but he was not responding. Van didn't respond to any of this. "No this can't be happening," said Fiona as she rushed Van as fast as she could to get him some help.