Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimate Zoid Warrior ❯ Van's Whereabouts ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

When the Blitz Team and company reached the city they split up for an hour and asked around about the whereabouts of Van. Once the hour expired they all returned to the Hover Cargo (outside) but for some reason Leyon didn't show. They waited for about 10 minutes and went inside where they found Leyon in the cockpit of the Hover Cargo, leaned up against the wall with a smile on his face.

"What's up Leyon?" Bit asked.

"Heh. I found'em!" Leyon said triumphantly

"Really?! That's great news seeing as the rest of us got absolutely nothing!" Bit exclaimed with that carefree smile on his face.

"If we go in that direction (pointing his finger) we will run into another town. If we go directly north from that town we will find a hanger. In that hanger we should find Van."

In a matter of minutes they were off. It wasn't long until they reached a town, just like Leyon predicted. They continued north for a whole hour and they still had no luck. Leena began to grow angry with Leyon, thinking that he was leading them on a wild goose chase, but Bit had faith and believed in Leyon, unlike the rest of the crew. Leena paced impatiently, Brad sat calmly, and Bit stood with his face pressed up against the window, taking in all that he could as the Hover Cargo continued on its path to a base that nobody was sure existed. Leena was about to strangle Dr. Leyon when Bit yelled


"What?!" Everyone else except Bit yelled.

"I see it! A base! Over there!" Bit yelled, barely controlling his excitement.

"HA! And you were doubting me!" Dr. Leyon said with that confident smile of his.

The Hover Cargo stopped suddenly as they had reached the base. Nobody but Bit noticed because of their lack of paying attention. The inhabitants of the Hover Cargo leaped out of the Cargo and walked into the base where they found a load of military soldiers with rifles pointed towards their heads.

"Hey! We come in peace!" Bit said as he laughed.

"They aren't aliens, dummy!" Leena said.

"Well what do you want me to say?!" Bit said in an angry tone.

"This isn't the time you guys" Brad said as he tried to break up the two before they got him and the rest shot.

"Who are you and what are you doing here" A soldier shouted.