Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ When You've Lost Everything ❯ I’ve lost you . . . ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: This is mine...the characters are mine and so is the plot line.

Title: When You Lose Everything . . .

Author: Lina the Outlawed Bomber

Rating: PG

Paring(s): JackxRyo

Chapter Title: I've lost you . . .

This is done in First P.O.V. My second yaoi fic involving this pair. JackxRyo. They were a couple in my Zoids fic Past. My first using First P.O.V.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ < p class="MsoNormal c1"> I look around me..... Why am I here again? The answer is lost to me as now I know what it feels like to lose everything you've ever had in a single moment. Everything here reminds me of him. How his hair looked silvery when the sun shone on it as he was perched on a branch smirking enigmatically at me. I scream out "WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE!?" I must have scared someone's child as I heard it bawling. "Gomen nasai." I say as I feign innocence, that is one of my qualities being able to look innocent enough that I "Wouldn't kick a dog." in the words of my cigarette smoking, overdose on Lysol spraying, mailman chasing roommate Alex; or "Couldn't kick a dog." as my other roommate Lee said.

I decide to take a look at the once bawling kid. I turn slowly around and gasp as I take in a sharp intake of air. His eyes were the exact same shade of deep dark brown, the kind of brown that you could drown his were.... I think sadly as I continue walking down passing the video arcade where he spent most of his his used to be.... I first met him what was it five, six years ago.... we were both 15 at the time..

//Flashback A young boy with brown spiky hair with light blue on the tips can barreling down the pathway that is until he ran into a slightly taller long brown haired boy. "Hey are you all right?" I ask the kid. "Yeah, I'm sorry about running into you." the boy said meekly. I way it off with a smile, "Don't worry about happens all the time. My name's Ryo Kawa what's yours?" "Me I'm Jack, Jack Nanami." Jack replies with a smile. I offer my hand to help him up. "So are you here with anyone?" Jack asks. "No." I simply reply. "Well that's great neither am how about we go together...I bet it would be tons of fun." He says. "Well okay." I said. End Flashback//

I pinch the bridge of my nose and shake my head to clear the thoughts. I look ruefully at the direction of the park. I can feel my eyes beginning to cloud up. I use my back of my hand to wipe away the tears that I can feel. Jack why can't you leave me alone? Is this my punishment? To live with this hanging over my head like a vicious storm? Are you watching me right now; laughing at my misfortune? I pick my head up...I thought I heard your voice...No it can't be....

I leave the carnival and begin to walk. I don't know where I'm going. But does it really matter? Do I matter? Does anything matter anymore when you lose everything? Did I matter to you? Suddenly I felt a presence...I know your here... Are you trying to comfort me? "I forgive you know I always would. Take care." Now I know I wasn't imagining it. I start to sprint. I can't stay here any longer too many memories.


So angsty. This is a story I turned in for Creative Writing. Ryo, Jack, Alex, and Lee all belong to me. I have another story done in First P.O.V. dealing with Jack 'n Ryo. So wait till I post that one. It'll be some fluff. I caused my friend to twitch. I just love doing that. ^_^ Ja ne?

Gomen Nasai- (Go men nah sigh) Sorry