Fan Fiction / Zoids Fan Fiction ❯ Winter Romances ❯ Valendoomsday ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: The Characters are is the plot line. I don't own Smash Mouth.

Title: Winter Romance

Author: Lina the Outlawed Bomber

Rating: R swearing...and yaoi and yuri. ^_^'

Pairing(s): JackxRyo, HoshixElyse

Chapter Title: Valendoomsday

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"FUCK! IT'S VALENDOOMSDAY!" Elyse shouts as she looked at the calendar. "What's wrong with Valentines Day?" Ryo asked smiling at the comic relief out of the scene. "Hoshi isn't here to share it with." Elyse sighs as she lets her head thump against the wood table. "ow." Elyse whines. {Walking out the door I'm on my way Can you tell me just where I'm going Occupational skills would you give me a clue What to do cause my minds in motion} Ryo smirks "I'm going to talk a walk." Ryo walks out of the apartment and towards the park. Elyse picks up the phone and dials a number, after a few rings the phone is picked up, "Hello you have entered the TWILIGHT ZONE!" the voice said putting emphasis on 'Twilight Zone'.

"Alex ya freak give the phone to Lee." Elyse said. "Fine don't blow a head's Lee." {Just trying to relax I find myself on the couch with big plans But there's always tomorrow Is something wrong with me Or the way I'm thinking}

Alex said as he handed the phone to his roommate Lee who is also his sister. "Hey Elyse are ya ready to put the plan into action?" Lee asked. "Yep Ryo just went out for a walk...I'm pretty sure he's gone to the park. Is Jack there?" Elyse asks.

"Uh hun...after a little coaxing we got him there." Lee said. "This is gonna be perfect those two are perfect for each other!" Elyse says as both her and Lee got that anime girl look in their eyes. The look that plainly says, 'We're-planing-something-big' {Come on come on And tell me why you're staring

Come on come on It must be what I'm wearing Come on come on And tell me why's it taking so long for you to recognize And stop}

Meanwhile at the Ki Forest...there was a cinnamon-eyed teenager with brown spiky hair with light blue at the tips in a light blue tank top that matched his hair tips and low rider navy blue jeans. Sat on the bench rubbing his arms up and down trying to force some warmth back into them with no avail. 'It wasn't snowing when I left and it had to start snowing and I didn't bring my jacket and I'm in a tank top...but I don't want to go and get it what if I miss him. Jack Nanami your a big fucking fool how could he love me? I'm mean I know he's not why bother...cause I'm a lovesick fool. That's why.' {Another day in the sun I'm having fun Feel the heat sneaking up on meI take a look in the sky a plane goes by Is that the reason that I can't breath}

Ryo makes his way towards the back of the forest but stops when he sees Jack sitting alone on a bench looking remarkably downhearted and lost in thought. 'I can't believe that he doesn't have someone to share valentine's day.' Ryo thought and decided to go and talk to the object of his admiration and pain Jack Nanami the one with enigmatic smirks and rare cinnamon eyes that you could drown in. {I take a look and I wonder why Why these birds don't fly It's hard for me to see and I believe My oh my}

That's when Ryo noticed Jack didn't have a jacket. " really are a mysterious one Jack." Ryo said trying to be nonchalant. {Come on come on And tell me why you're staring Come on come on

It must be what I'm wearing Come on come on And tell me why's it taking so long for you to recognize And stop} Jack's eyes lit up a bit but quickly dimmed. "Why are you here Ryo?" Jack asked. "This is where I do all my thinking. Why are you here Jack?" Ryo asks. {I took a trip to the bar Does my money go far can you show me just how to spend it Moving around I like the sound I find myself looking pretty stupid }

"I really nothing at all." Jack replies looking downcast.

The ground seems really interesting to Jack at the moment as he continues to stare at it. "Jack something's wrong what is it? I can see it in your eyes." Ryo questions. Jack turns to face Ryo and instantly regrets it he bites gently on his lower lip his eyes frantically darting back and forth. {If had a gal she'd be in a dress I better slow my drinking down If I don't get it together tonight They're gonna run me out of town} Jack leans in a kisses Ryo on the lips it was a quick chaste kiss.

{Come on come on And tell me why you're staring Come on come on It must be what I'm wearing

Come on come on And tell me why's it taking so long for you to recognize And stop}

"Ryo I-I'm sorry...I-I didn't mean to...I" Jack was roughly cut-off by Ryo's lips pressed against his. "Don't say that Jack I'm glad you did...I love you too." Ryo said as he looked into Jack's shocked eyes. Jack gave him a rare cherished smile and said, "Mo aishiteru Ryo-kun." A breeze blew roughly by causing Jack to shiver. Jack caught Ryo's worried look. "Don't worry a little wind never hurt me. So how about you come and spend the night at my house?" Ryo blushes, "That would be great."

The two walked home together Ryo pulling the more petite boy close to his body in a way to get some body heat back into Jack's body. His small frame couldn't stand the freezing cold temperature and Ryo was worried about Jack getting really ill. He could tell that Jack was beginning to feel very sick. Jack leaned weakly into Ryo's slightly stronger and larger frame. "Jack? We're almost there...could you hand me the keys?" Ryo asks not all that impatiently. Jack fishes the keys out of his back pocket and hands them to Ryo.

Ryo opens the door and closes it with his foot not relinquishing his hold on Jack till he got to the couch. He gently sets Jack down on the couch which was out in the bed form. "Jack why were you out there with no coat on?" Ryo asked. "I was waiting for you." Jack answered. This surprised Ryo as he thought 'He was waiting for me?' He takes his hand and rests it on Jack's forehead he gasps, "Jack your burning up!" Ryo helps Jack get out of his sopping wet clothes and goes to Jack's room in search of some dry clothes. He grabs some pajamas making sure that they were a light fabric and hands them gently to Jack. "Here I trust you can get these on without my help." Ryo said in a soothing baritone voice.

Ryo left as he went in search of some blankets, a pillow, some medicine, and a small wash cloth. He went into the bathroom an got the washcloth wet and went to where Jack was sitting he set the pillow down before he lets Jack lay down he hands him two pills and a glass of water. Jack looks quizzically at Ryo. "Medicine." Ryo answers. Jack takes the medicine and rests his head against the cool and soft pillow. Ryo gently takes the blanket and covers Jack up with it. He plants a small kiss on Jack's forehead and folds the washcloth a few times before resting it on Jack's forehead. Ryo pulls a chair out and after awhile falls asleep watching Jack.


Yes!!! (Does Final Fantasy victory dance) Feedback appreciated. Isn't it cute?

Low Rider Jeans- I love them they're a steady income of money for me if my sis wants to borrow them she has to pay me. ^_~ I also love wearing them. ^_^

An yes the forest is named 'Tree Forest' yes I know it's pathetic ¬_¬'

Ki- (key) Tree

Oi- (oy) Hey.

Mo aishiteru- (mo eye she te ru) I love you too

-kun- (kun) ending used with boyfriends and girlfriends.

Come On Come On by Smash Mouth

If ya want a lemon tell me. ^_^ 'Cause I'll write it too! ^_~ Hmm..should I have a next chapter?

NOTE: Jack was originally supposed to be taller then Ryo but since Jack is modeled after me...if I were a guy that is so I made him 5'2" which is my height now and I'm 16! ^_~