Fan Fiction ❯ +Crescendo+ ❯ Midnight Concert ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Standing in the forest of his homeland, he stood on arock overlooking water, his white tunic blew in thewind with his black hair, the blow in the wind andseemed to be in synch. His hair was in a high ponytailon top of his head, the collar around his neck wasblack, the boots he wore came up to his knees, and thesword at his side was 4 feet long, he was 6 feet tall.His orange eyes opened and pierced the serene imagebefore him holding what seemed to be a crystal worldhovering in between his hands; he looked down into it,like he was seeing the future. His slim figure looked like it could be blown away bythe very wind itself! And the only thing that kept himstanding was the weight of his silver sword, sheathedin an ebony case. Contemplating things far beyond theaverage human mind, he spoke. "One boy can change theworld, this one boy brings so much tragedy to it." He paused, the wind whipping like a war around him,fighting over space. That couldn't be, this forest hadroom for an entire civilization, and that is what itheld. "It seems our worlds will collide," His lipspierced together in a smile of evil. The globe beganto spin to fast for the eye to see, his glare hardenedand it went faster, he drew his hands away and thecrystal world shattered to the rock below it, "Destiny." He muttered and then said no more as thecrystal pieces bounced back up to his thighs, bloodspilled from them as they settled on the rock. <*><*><*><*> On their way to the concert, Nanya heard a sound thathe could not handle and the car swerved almost hittingsome innocent by standers, Soretsuki clutched whateverhe could, and the car straightened back out as soon asNanya gained control and he pulled over to the side ofthe road putting his for head on the steering wheelbreathing heavy. "And what was that!" Soretsuki asked as he too wasbreathing rather hard. "That noise." Nanya said, almost like he wastraumatized, he covered his human ears as the rest ofthem stared in concern. "Nanya." Soretsuki said as hesaw the blood trickle out of his ears, a pair of thedeepest blue eyes seemed to watch the car as it beganto drive again, "No, I'm fine." Nanya said after receiving questions."Bullshit your fine!" Sankanae said, "You don't swervelike that just because!" Nanya's focus was purely on the road ahead of him nowas the cars that saw the swerve, paid more attentionto his car. Hopping that he wouldn't swerve again. A low humming voice filled Nanya's head. Trying tomake him go mad? No. Just trickery, they arrived atthe concert hall only an hour before the concert wasto begin, it was unusual for bands to drivethemselves, they figured if they showed up in a limo,it would only raise havoc and they've got a new memberfor a surprise. All the windows were tinted on the Mustang; it was anew 2002 imported car, nothing he couldn't afford,look at his apartment for Christ sake! They pulled uparound back avoiding the crowd that lined up for whatseemed like blocks around the building and they gotout. Dressed in their gothic style, they pulled theirinstruments from the car; they were all portableinstruments. The violin, the Guitar, the key bored, there was apiano set up on the stage already, "And you thoughtwe'd never see our name in lights." Sankanae teased ashe nudged Laguna with his elbow that only smiled asthey saw their name to the backstage in little tinylight bulbs, more like an exit sign. Crew people awaited them and were happy to see thatthey made it this early and they had dressedthemselves, "Ahh" There manager said coming up toNanya with a smile. "You've finally found him!" Nanyasmiled at the poor pathetic moron who had absolutelyno idea who he was. "Yes, it took a long time but wefound him." Soretsuki blinked wondering whom the hellthey were talking about. "It's nice to meet you." The manager said with a grin,Soretsuki's eyes were attended to the man that wassmiling at him as he pointed to himself and said."Me?" in confusion everyone laughed a bit, everyoneexcept they're hard ass key bored player Cresh thatis. "Well I can't wait to see you play tonight, I hearyou're an expert!" // an expert? // Soretsuki thoughtto himself, // an Expert at what? I've never playedthe violin a day in my life! I cant even read thenotes! // He only smiled a stupid smile and cursedhimself inwardly. // Which reminds me. // He thought. // How the hell amI supposed to play this thing! // He gripped the handle of the case remembering hisfriend. His friend that was so brutally murdered,"Yeah." Sankanae said with a smile, "Were gonna play aremix of the devils trill to start off!" Soretsuki stared at his new friend wide eyed andscared, "That's the hardest piece to play!" themanager gave him a strange look as he said this likehe was scared to play, Nanya patted him on the back,"You'll be fine Soretsuki." This only made him panic, // You'll be fine, // He thought, // I'll be fine myass! // The crew took their instruments and set themup on stage, The make up crew fussed with their hair, but foundSoretsuki's make up flawless. He was absolutelygorgeous! 45 minutes passed and Nanya gave him thenotes to the devil's trill, "Oh yeah." He said, "This should help me right?" Nanyanodded, "Come on, time to go."How many times had he heard Nanya say that? One tomany times today that was for sure! He scoffed andfollowed the rest of them on stage, the curtains wereclosed and there was dry ice floating all around theirfeet and waist, Soretsuki went over to the curtain and peeked out fromthe corner of the stage and shoved the curtain closedpulling it a little bit to the left, fooling the crowdas they cheered hoping the concert would start soon,Laguna was standing near him as he raised and eye browat him, "There's." he stuttered, "Got to be at least100 people out there!" Laguna nodded in response; "Wesold out," "Sold out?" he repeated and felt him selfshrink to about half inch tall. "Yeah, come on we gotto start now." Finally, time for the concert toostart, Cresh hit a deep sound on the key bored andfans went wild as the curtains were pulled openreleasing the fog it was holding backstage, It spilled out into the crowd, they didn't care it waslike they didn't even notice as the strobe lights cameon and blinded them all, pink, blue, yellow, green,red. Flashing all around as Nanya was standing infront of the stage, his cloak hanging all the way tothe ground looking like a medieval vampire, he musthave gotten it back stage. "Lady's and gentlemen." The crowd went silent; Creshplayed a quiet tune on the key bored, his light hairseemed like a luminous white as the yellow strobelight hit him, he ignored it completely lookingangelic. "This first piece, is a famous piece, you might nothave heard it, but we have gained a new member to helpus play it, please, make him feel welcome as you havedone so to us." The crowd clapped civilly as thelights stopped and the key bored began its eerie tune, Looking at the notes on the page, one spotlight hitSoretsuki full on, it couldn't possibly get anyquieter he brought his bow to the strings and began toplay, the crowd stared on in awe as he closed his eyesand stayed still. He was still; the only thing thatmoved was his arm and his fingers! This was never seenin a violinist; usually they moved around rapidly tokeep up with the beat of there music. Two uncommon eyes stared at him with hate, // it'shim. // The thought passed through their minds as thesound beat into everyone's heart, leaving nobodyuntouched by the sound of a story told by demon afterdemon, telling there story of independence against theworld, telling there story of hate. And he seemed totell it the best. The fog gathered up around him,blackened his essence, darkened his luminous figure,standing in the rafters was the orange eyed evil wemet earlier, and the blue eyed stalker that had watchthe car swerve was down in the audience beneath him. As the song finished, his eyes opened half lidded andthe crowd cheered, he looked out in total shock atwhat he had just done, he glanced around at the crowd,whom were all clapping for him, he rememberedKagushimi again, and sighed a deep sorrowful sigh asthe rest of the band smiled and continued on withthere concert. Lights bounced off the walls and smoke rose and fellas the concert continued and got excellent review inthe paper, but before that they had to go home,Soretsuki was absolutely exhausted when he got intothe car, the band was quiet, all were tired. Reaching the apartment it was just Nanya and Soretsukias the other had gone there own way when Nanya droppedthem off, he searched around for his key when he foundit he put his hand on the door handle to find italready opened, and his eyes hardened as he slowlyopened the door, standing in front of there valuableviolin player to see an elf standing at the windowpeering out the window. And the blue eyed boy sitting in the chair. His hairwas long, extremely long. And it was black, an elbowrested on the arm of the chair, and his head rested onthe back of his hand, extremely small he curled up inthe chair awaiting there arrival. Soretsuki took hold of Nanya's arm lightly re-assuringhim not to be hasty with there unwanted company, theelf turned around, his orange eyes smiled but hismouth did not. "Seems we were a bit to late," he said and Nanyaglared, the room darkened leaving the four standing inopen space. Stars around them sparkled with a red light, "Breaking, breaking, breaking," the elf said with amonotone voice that sent chills down Soretsuki's back,"Your breaking the world." Nanya still stood in frontof Soretsuki protecting him. "Combining two will raise havoc." The boy that wassitting in the chair said, he moved the hair that washanging over his shoulder behind him, he was ever sopale, and so tiny you could squish him! "You aren't wanted here!" Nanya stated. "And you." The elf said, "Don't belong here," "Zanketsui!" Soretsuki observed the silence coming from the otherthat was standing with his arms folded, "Don't get soover protective," Zanketsui said with a smile. Nanya glared a bitter smile, " Honestly, I can't sayI've ever seen you care about some one so much."Nanya's face became flustered and he became angry,"Get out of my apartment!" he yelled at him furiously,"We aren't in your apartment any more." He smiled at him, happy that he was angering him somuch just teasing him about the fair skinned boy. "A fight to the death, is a fight to the end of theworld, I know you hate when innocence gets involved,"he sighed apathetically, " but he is no longerinnocent is he?" Nanya's eyes did not move from Zanketsui's he reachedacross himself to his right waist, and pulled a sword.Soretsuki stepped back in surprise as Nanya's clothingchanged and his Elvin ears stuck out on the sides ofhis head. "You won't touch him." He stated, and pointed his longsword at Zanketsui. "I wont?" he questioned taking outhis own sword, which was much longer than Nanya's, //I have a feeling it's going to get bloody again. //Soretsuki thought, he was no longer tired or groggy. "I take it your challenging me?" Nanya simply noddedto Zanketsui and without a second warning, they bothleapt into the air, like a bullet from a gun you heardthe slashing of the silver swords, the two were sogood at there skill, they landed without scratches. Nanya twisted his hand around and finally got a pieceof Zanketsui's shoulder, The fabric of his tunic now red instead of theperilous white it had been, the blood from Zanketsui'sshoulder bounced back from him and hit Nanya in theface, he closed his left eye and the blood slid downit. He stuck his sword in as fast as it could go, the boywho seemed to be there only to watch, took action, heheld out his hand and it started to gather energy! Itsoaked up the stars it seemed, his hair started toblow around him at his feet it got tangled and it blewtogether in one giant mass, he muttered some things ina different language, probably one of his own, andshot the blast at him. "Nanya!" Soretsuki yelled hopping to get hisattention, when he did it was to late for Nanya to doanything, Zanketsui backed up freeing himself from hiscaptures weapon, and he watched Soretsuki fall to theground at Nanya's feet, Naoe, the boy who had firedthe blast, went to Zanketsui and grabbed his arm,"Please, let's just go now Zan." And with that thetwo were gone and the space like atmosphere returnedback to the white apartment. "Soretsuki!" Nanya said with shock as he bent down tohim, he was lying on his stomach. // It's too big of a gash for me to heal. // Nanyathought in panic, Soretsuki's eyes opened only halfway, he looked up at him pleadingly and Nanya could doabsolutely nothing, "You'll be ok." He tried to re-assure this fact, hetried to comfort him, he tried to comfort himself, heput his hand on Soretsuki's back, and it stung, itstung to the point where Soretsuki tried to move awayfrom Nanya's touch. "No, no." Nanya said hopping hisvoice was good enough to calm him down. "Don't move,""It hurts." Soretsuki said. "I know." Nanya replied,trying desperately to think of something, anythingthat he could do. Soretsuki's hands were folded, and his head was restedon them, he wasn't looking at Nanya any more but atthe blood stained carpet, "Nanya," he said with awhispering voice, "What?" Nanya's hand was on his backstill, using some of the energy he had, hopping thatit would hurry along the process of it healing, "Did I do good tonight?" Soretsuki's eyes seemed to behazy, and fogging over, "Yes, very good." Nanya saidwith a smile remembering the crowd's reaction. "Will Iget to play again?" "Of course." After a moment, nothing was said, nowords were exchanged, "Soretsuki?" Nanya said, and hegot no reply, "Soretsuki?" he looked down at his face,his eyes were closed. "Soretsuki!" he said a littlelouder hopping to get some kind of something from him.He shook him a bit; the wound was completely healedover now. "Soretsuki, come on say something!" nothing, Nanyastarted to panic and didn't know what to do after thispoint, // He can't be dead. // He thought to himself,// There's no way he can be dead! // A single tearshed from Nanya's eye, "SORETSUKI!" Standing in the dark metropolis Naoe stood facing him,"You hear him calling you." Naoe said stepping upcloser to Soretsuki who sat, hovering in the emptyspace, "Yes." Naoe looked irritated, "Why don't you goback to him!" Soretsuki hugged himself, scared, alone."I…" He said, and looked at the ground in shame, "Youwhat? Your scared is that it?" Naoe was totally up in his face, even though he wasstill looking up at him. Soretsuki nodded, "Look,Everyone can be scared, but everyone has to put upwith what they have to do, you know your dying so whydon't you let him help you!" Soretsuki's eyes began to water. "I'd rather die nowthan be the end of the world!"