Fan Fiction ❯ ~Secrets of the Damned~ ❯ Chapter 3: Kidnapped or Not ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Lor-hmmm well i have to find some new friends. "oh where Oh where could my friends? Oh where, Oh where can they be?" *looking left to right and sees non other than her good friend Tony*


TOny-*shrugs*ok. Lor doesn't own Harry Potter, but she does own the storyline and her OC's. But if your gonna sue then she doesn't own a thing.

Lor- good job how did you know that?

Tony- there *points to a screen with his lines on it*

Lor- O_o oh

Tony- ^.^U- werido
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Chapter 3: Welcome back!

Well it was the same for Harry as it always was. He was locked up like a lab rat. Though they were probably treated better. It was about day before he needed to be at Hogwarts, and of course the last time he saw the outside world was about a week ago. Yea right now he'd give anything to hear another persons voice.

So Harry yet again stares at his ceiling counting those little black dots on the ceiling. "8,334, 8,335, 8,336" he counted out loud in a monotone voice. He lost count after he reached 10,785. Anyway it must have been late because the Tv wasn't on anymore.

He sighed and looked through the little dog door the Dursley's installed in his second year. He saw the digital clock, he squnited through the darkness. "2:45 a.m." Harry said out loud to himself. He went back to his bed, and closed his eyes. He opened them when he felt a something watching him. (a/n: Lor-I ALWAYS FEEL LIKE SOMEBODY'S WATCHING ME! TOny: AND I HAVE NO PRIVACY! *both gets slapped with frying pans* @_@U so violent) He shot up and looked out the window. A small figure, it was squating in a black hooded cloak, its bright sapphire blue eyes could be seen through the darkness. It stared at Harry forest green meeting cold sapphire. They looked at each other for about a minute before the figure disappeared in a puff of black smoke.

He rubbed his eyes to make sure he wasn't seeing things, he heard a loud thud. His door opened with a loud squeak. Harry looked wide eyed at the figure. He heard His Uncle door open.

"WHO ARE YOU! THIS IS BREAKING AND ENTERING!" He yelled holding out the rifle. (A/n:DId Hagrid Break it?) The figure slowly turned its bright eyes showed Mischeovus, and a cocky smirk placed on its face. The figure took one small step towards his uncle.

"S-STAY BACK OR I'LL SHOOT" UNcle Vernon yelled. DUdley was out and was looking in horror at the figure. His Aunt eyes were wide with horror. The figure took another small step. Uncle Vernon shot the rifle, and he shot the figure. They all looked in horror as the figure appeared in front of him.

"Tsk Tsk. For shame on you> Trying to kill a guest. I guess you'll need to learn some manners" the voice was soft yet loud. It was seductive and deep, a girls voice. The girl grabbed the rifle and broke it with easy. She lifted Uncle Vernon by the throat, and threw him against the wall. Making a large crater around his body. His Aunt and cousin screamed in horror. The girl walked to Harry.

"Get your things, or your friends will die" she said coldly. Harry gave her the coldest glare he could muster, but nonetheless over his friends safety packed all his things. She led him outside into the front of the yard. She stopped dead in the middle of the yard..

"Shadows of the mystic realm open the gate to the Neither World" she said. A swirlng vortex of black, purple, and red appeared. Harry slowly backed up his eyes wide in horror.

"get in or its you freinds" she said in a voice that you could tell she was smirking or smiling at his situation. He growled deeply and jumped in, the girl soon following him. After she jumped in the vortex closed leaving no trace of that event.


Harry eyes were tightly closed he flet him self falling. The wind blew back his jet black hair, and he felt his clothes slap against his body.

He opened his eyes and saw the most disgusting thing a person has ever saw. Dead bodies of women, children, men, gaints, you name it it was there. An tidal wave of blood hit the bodies, ot washed more up. The smell of death and newly rotting flash filled the air. His head swirled as he heard his parents screaming, his eyesight blurred. There must have been a dementor around. The screams got louder he gritted his teeth, a newly formed jolt of pain ran through his body. As the screams grew louder the pain intensified, and he soon blacked out.

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Lor-should I end it here and Now?

Tony- No cuz then you'll forget.

Lor- that's true but its 10:30 and my mom's flipping out on me going to bed since i have those cursed Standarized testing.

TOny- 0_o WHAT!*Tony runs home*

Lor- Great another friend anyway I'll keep on going!
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Harry awoke to bright blinding sun. He shielded his eyes and slowly made himself adjust to the light. He still had on the clothes he had on the night before, his hands were in bandages and had bloody spots on them. Then everything hit like a ton of bricks. He was kidnapped, all those dead people/animals/things. He felt his stomach drop to the lower parts of his body, and his face paled dramatically.

He looked around frantically, the door opened and Professor Dumbledore(Sp?) walked in. His eye twinkling behind his half moon specs, and his white beard was longer than usual.

"Hello Harry. I bet your wondering how you got here" Dumbledore said walking in. Harry nodded his still very pale.

"well Harry have you wondered if there other worlds?" Dumbledore asked. Harry shook his head, and wondered if Dumbledore was starting to fall off his rocker.

"ah well Harry there are. The world you went through is the Neitherworld. That is where the Dementors originate from, and where souls of the damned lay" Dumbledore said sadly.

"But there where children, and woman, men, bats, bears all sorts of things" Harry said with a large dry lump in his throat.

"ah well yes those are people who bitten by a vampire, did major sins in their life, or those who originate from shadows" Dumbledore said with smile. Just then Ron and Herimone came in. Ron grew over the summer. He was now taller than harry and his Hair was shaggier, his eyes darkened with maturity. Herimone got taller, and her was no longer bushy.

"Harry are you alright, heard what you went through mate" Ron said turning a shade or two pale from thinking about it.

"yea, we were really worried especially since you were cut up, there was blood every where on you" Herimone said with concern.

"I'm fine just a little tired" Harry said with a smile. They sat all sat and talked about what they did over the summer. Ron helped Fred and George with their jokeshop, Herimone told them all about her trip to Salem, Massachusetts.

"so Harry how bout you?" Ron asked, Harry looked down at hislap and blushed a bit. Ron and Herimone gave each other confused looks.

"I met a girl." Harry said barley above a whisper. Herimone choked on the air that she was breathing, and Ron patted Harry on the back.

"GoOd Job harry! IS she cute? Does she have an available(sp?) friend or sister" ROn asked he muttered the last part.

"Ron!" Herimone said her face red.

"what she look like" Herimone asked curious to see what made her friend blush.

"well she had long brown hair, glasses with peiricing blue eyes, pale tanned skin, and she had mutiple pericings on her ears" Harry said avoiding his friends eyes.

"she sounds cute! What's her name?" ROn asked thinking of some beach babe that Harry discribed.

"Lei" was all Harry said. Time flew by for trio, they had to go to Digon Alley that day and pack up for school to be ready for the train in the morning. Harry fell asleep wondering if he ever see Lei agian.

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Lor-*sigh* i have yet again lost another friend. Anyway PLEASE REVIEW!!