Fan Fiction ❯ ~Yume~Dream~ ❯ Myth Becomes Reality ( Prologue )
By Destina Fujimiya
Prologue-Myth Becomes Reality
"Hana! Hana Reito!! It is your turn to share your story about your ideal world! If you have a problem with sharing your homework, than you can have a talk with Principal Shinwa about it." The teacher's voice completely broke the girl more commonly known as Hana's pseudo reality, and she came back into what many knew as normality; or as she preferred to call it-an uninteresting plane of nothingness that meant nothing at all to her. She nodded quickly however to the teacher, standing up. "Gomen nasai Utada-sensei." Blushing furiously as the entire class watched her, the ebony-haired girl made her way to the front of the classroom, carrying her barely written on piece of paper in her hand.
She gave a small bow to the somewhere around fifteen students in her class; as well as her teacher. When she had readied herself to read and present however, the blank piece of paper aside from her name and grade greeted her. Never before had she lost track of concentration like this. Shuddering nervously, she decided to go out on a limb and present whatever ideas were to pop in her head. More often than not, massive story ideas tended to form in her subconscious and take her away from this existence; and toss her into one that was completely different. This tendency to 'zone out' as her teacher and parents called it, was the reason for her recent plague of bad marks in school. She disagreed, saying that bad grades were nothing new. If she admitted otherwise, not only would household privileges be taken away, but her favorite pastime of going to the corner bookstore would be as well.
With a sigh and a nod to reassure herself and her nerves, she began reporting the story that now seemed to flood into her mind like a tsunami.
* * *
"There are many things that come to mind when one imagines or dreams. When one does this, they break the mortal plane… pass immediately into a world where nothing matters at all. They themselves might not know it, but for the few moments… or years that they allow themselves to get away into the world that I am speaking of; they are immortal. Nothing at all but them can destroy this mere fact. They might not even know they were drifting within the realm of Yume until they awoke, never to witness it again. This is how it should be. However…"
She paused, a small frown now adorning her features. "However, I have not been able to fully escape the realm since I first laid eyes on it months ago. Over and over I am drawn into its infinite depths. And every time I am gone for a longer period of time. It is only a matter of time before I completely succumb to the Yume..."
At this statement, both students and teacher gained a look of shock upon their faces. Mumbles and whispers could be heard all around; yet Hana seemed oblivious. She seemed completely engrossed within her tale, and didn't show any sign of consciousness outside of her bodily form standing right before them. Could this all be made up by her? It certainly couldn't be true. Dreams were nothing more than mere pictures within the mind. There was no such thing as a dream world. Though they saw the ideas of hers strange, they had to admit that there was definite creativity behind such a report. The teacher seemed very impressed.
Despite the obvious admiration for what she had already said; and despite the fact that she could possibly stop here and get a perfect score, Hana continued.
"I have been traveling to a world known as Tsumetai. It is a beautiful world… covered in ice and snow. Many different people live there… and many are in danger. In fact, the whole land has fallen into complete and utter chaos. Cities are becoming wastelands, towns nonexistent. Many have to live within the freezing streets… and many, though they live in the cold climate and should be used to it by now, tend to freeze to death immediately. Especially the younger residents. Tsumetai is the perfect example of deadly beauty."
She paused once more, yet this one was much longer termed than previously. This time, the teacher stepped up to her and blinked softly before tapping her gently on the shoulder. "Hana… you can go ahead and sit down now. We are all quite impressed with your report. And to think that you thought of it all on the spot… amazing."
Hana blinked softly, as if not registering what had just been said. Even as she was led to her desk, and aided in sitting down, she still did not seem to awaken from the daze that she had been in for the past half-hour now. She remained staring blankly ahead, emerald eyes focused on nothing at all. Each student observed this with an air of fright somewhat, but tried to ignore it.
* * *
Only when the school bell rang to signify the end of the day for the students did Hana awaken from the daze that she had fallen under. Some of her friends were describing it as a coma; the only difference being that her eyes had been wide open and her body was sitting up of its own accord. Otherwise, one might have seen her as unconscious and possibly even go as far as pronouncing her dead. She hadn't been breathing normally either; so said Azara Shion, one of Hana's most beloved and trusted friends. Despite this, she had awakened and was immediately on her way home. As if nothing at all had happened.
Hana was home before the appointed dinner time at her home, which was at about 5:30. She took her shoes off at the door and proceeded into the kitchen to greet her mother and father whom were sitting at the table. "Konban wa okāsan, otōsan. I'm home."
At the greeting, both parents looked up at their daughter, who was now sitting down in her place at the table. They didn't know much about her tendency to wander off into an unknown world that only she knew. They probably wouldn't of even believed it had someone told them; even if it was the teacher herself. They only thought their only daughter was perfect in every way. She could do no wrong in their eyes, no matter what she might do. Even reports of bad grades seemed to go in one ear and out the other. Perhaps it was this lack of actual care that made Hana wish to find refuge within a world where she could be seen as herself. Respected for who she herself was rather than for the simple reason that she was an only child; needing constant unnecessary protection from anything that might hurt her.
Despite everything, Hana had the outward appearance of being a happy teenager. She had just about anything a teenage girl could want; manga, posters of her favorite idols all over the walls, a computer with an internet line right in her bedroom… any normal teenager might kill for these things. Yet, Hana was far from impressed. In fact, she was the complete opposite. Utterly depressed, with no other escape aside from that of her dreams. And so, she returned night after night to the world known as Yume-the realm of dreams. Every visit made her more and more aware of the danger the realm was in; Tsumetai's fate being the worst of all. Cities disappeared by the day, even forests were beginning to diminish. She was forced to watch the residents suffer…struggle for their very lives. She had seen mothers sell their children just out of desperation for food, she had seen those very children go as far as to willingly become slaves for one's pleasure… just for a place to stay; and perhaps a piece of bread if they were of the lucky ones. She was forced to observe this all-in a third-person perspective. She thought of it as a horrible movie, a nightmare. But deep down, she knew it was all truth. This was indeed happening. She had to do something about it.
That night, Hana lied in bed for hours trying to think up some kind of plan. She had to save the realm of Tsumetai somehow… even if it meant that she was to give up her life here. She'd probably only be put into a hospital. Said to have gone into a coma or something of the sort. It was a very small price to pay when compared to why exactly it was being done. She would do this because she felt it right to do so, not because she believed that it was a duty. If she hated anything, it was to see people suffer; she would help these poor people, even if she would have to be gone from this world forever…
Hana nodded, as if approving her newfound mission and plan. "I'll do it. I will save the land of Tsumetai from this horrible plague that has enveloped it. I will rescue those people from a world of poverty and neglect. I will do this all, no matter how hard it is or how long it takes. I will do it because I know how it is to suffer… and none but truly evil entities deserve it."
Silence seemed to completely overcome the room after this proclamation; not another word being said. Nothing could be heard aside from the soft, deep breaths of sleep… which soon diminished somewhat as she passed the bridge from reality into that of her dreams…
~*~To be continued! I am restarting this from scratch, a year and two months since I had supposedly abandoned the whole idea. Forgive me. =) It will be better this time around!!!!! Please Review so that I know how I'm going? Ktnx ^^~*~