Fan Fiction ❯ A Darker Shade of Grey ❯ Shattered Hearts ( One-Shot )
Until the first pressings of magic surged through his body, he had been clinging to the notion that miraculously, he might have been able to get away scot-free.
No such luck. The angel in front of him clenched her hands together tightly as his wings exploded forcefully out of his back. He fell forward onto his knees, trying not to cry out with the nigh-on unbearable pain. Blood and thicker fluids splattered onto his bare skin as the wings forced themselves slowly, excruciatingly out of his back, spreading and flapping once in a vain attempt to rid themselves of the crimson liquid staining them.
He curled up tighter, trying to do anything to mentally separate himself from the pain at hand, but found it impossible. The pain was simply too intense to ignore. Sharp nails dug into his skin as he clenched his legs tightly, trying to will the pain away.
As soon as the pain had settled down slightly, he heard a small murmur behind him. He turned around just in time to see Ayane seize the top of his right wing's feathers and pull.
Fire, burning, engulfing fire spread through his wings as her hands came away, stained with blood, clutching the ebony feathers from his own wings. Pain, pain, nothing but pain, nothing even compared to when he had been forced to partially transform. He fell back onto his hands and knees once more, knowing nothing except for the pain. There was nothing else.
He cried out as she seized and pulled again, and this time there was a solid crack as one of the bones in the structure of his wings snapped like kindling. The pain was unbearable. He was going to black out…
"Don't let him faint," a terse voice from above him instructed. Then he felt that horrible pressing of magic from before, before it disappeared, with it any chance of release from this horrible torture. A faint drop of blood landed on his outstretched hand, and he knew that it wasn't from his wings. It was a tear.
The scream cut through him completely, sending a shiver through his spine and horrified tears springing to his eyes. "Ryu! No, Ryu!"
Emerald eyes glanced up suddenly at him, filled with pain and anguish, before jerking away suddenly as Ayane pulled another handful of the ebony feathers out, scattering them carelessly on the floor, wiping the blood on her top.
Fear raced through him. Terrible, horrible, consuming fear. All he could do was watch as the angels tortured his best friend. His only friend.
"No," his voice was but a mere broken whisper as he tried to desperately forget the facts. Perhaps forgetting them will make them untrue…
My friend. Just because he's a different species to us, that gives us the right to hurt him.
Another pain-laced cry shattered the relative silence, and this time he screamed too. A scream of anguish, regret, sadness, helplessness, but mostly fear.
And my father agreed to let me watch this. This was my punishment. Watch my best friend tortured because of what our foolish laws disallow.
The tears were flowing faster now, pouring out of his eyes in a steady stream.
Ryu… I'm so sorry. Because of me, this is happening. All because of me. And yet, I only have to stand here and watch. I can still walk out, perfectly unharmed.
Another handful. The beautiful ebony feathers scatted carelessly on the ground. He noticed, even with the circumstances, that the group of congregated angels were flinching. If anything cruel, barbaric and excruciating could be done to either angel or demon, this was it.
Ruby red blood dripped silently, methodically from the wounds.
"You have beautiful wings, Ryu," Ayane's mocking words lingered in the silence, before it was truncated by a small moan as she accentuated her words with pulling another handful of feathers out, causing a pained gasp to escape from his friend's lips.
Finally, it was over. All that remained of the once lustrous midnight wings was the bones pathetically protruding from his friend's back, complete with a few remnant blood-stained feathers here and there. Almost as though it was his own pain, he sobbed as though his heart was broken. Because it was. Watching his friend go through this much pain was tearing him up from the inside.
Ryu was still on his knees, not able to summon the energy to push himself up completely. There was a small pool of blood staining the ground underneath Ryu's face. He didn't have to look at his friend to know that there would be blood smeared across that beautiful, pale skin. One sign of a demon, if nothing else.
As his father turned away and left the room, one of the angels spoke up from the back corner.
"Who was it to be?"
An angel of medium height and build with a dishevelled beard stepped forward.
"Me. Seeing as I was born into this world as a demon, it seems only fitting that I am sent back into the demon's realm and die as a demon,"
He had no idea what was going on. That was, until the angel bent down, and whispered in Ryu's ear, loud enough for the words to travel.
"You are going to be mine, little demon. All mine,"
He strained against the chains binding him to the wall desperately. His wings spread involuntarily in the process, resulting in nothing except his wings being trapped between the wall and his back. A simple push and Ryu was on his back on the ground, with one smooth tug Ryu's pants were around his knees. The rest of the angels swiftly departed, leaving only the three of them in the room.
"Please… please stop!" he pleaded as the bearded man turned to him, raising a fine eyebrow before turning back to a now panicked, but still immobile Ryu.
"Never. You don't know me, little demon, but I know you. Anyway, I'm Raidou. Pleased to meet you, and even more pleased to do this,"
Raidou's timing was precise. With the word 'this', a hand clenched roughly at his friend's groin. "You're going to enjoy this, little demon,"
He couldn't watch. He simply couldn't watch. He squeezed his eyes shut tightly, praying desperately to any god that would listen that this was all a dream. He would wake up any moment now to see his room once more.
However, the strangled cry that broke through the silence was so much worse with his eyes shut. Unconsciously, his eyes flickered open, to see Ryu trying desperately to push Raidou off him, except failing abysmally. Raidou, on the other hand, was stroking Ryu's exposed groin with gentleness previously masked.
"Please, please. Get off me," Ryu's voice was so incredibly faint and hoarse. The usual velvety silk that smoothed over your skin like a gentle caress was replaced by a tone of undying fear.
He's raping him. Making sure that…
That he'll be tainted forever. Then nobody will accept him, from our realm or the demon's realm, either. No. Ryu! Anyone but Ryu… God, help me. Please. You have to…
"Why would I do that? Spoils all my fun!" Raidou had the indecency to look almost affronted, although even he, from his position could tell that the angel was getting more and more aroused. He bit back a cry as Raidou leant closer, kissing his friend with a ferocious savagery. As the older angel pulled back, he saw a thin trail of blood running from Ryu's lip.
"No, please, don't do this…"
The older angel simply smirked and thrust in an excruciating penetration into fragile skin.
Angry, distraught, blinding tears fell from his eyes as his friend cried out, struggling helplessly in Raidou's grasp, much like a butterfly caught in a spider's web. Trails of crimson flowed in thin lines down Ryu's cheeks. Tears.
Raidou was relentless. The angel simply kept on thrusting, digging himself in further and further each time, mercilessly, brutally. Blood flowed out of the wound, onto the floor.
Before he could comprehend his actions, what little he had eaten earlier came back up onto the floor, just missing his feet, his crystalline tears mingling with the mess on the floor.
His eyes were clenched tightly shut for just a moment too long. Another pain-filled cry filled the room, re-shattering his heart as he witnessed the one he loved tortured so brutally. Emerald green eyes were wild now; filled with emotion and distress and shock. A small line of blood flowed down his friend's thigh and onto the exposed concrete beneath as Raidou stood.
"Well, that's my job done. Enjoy yourself, little demon. See you in hell,"
The door creaked open, shut. Silence.
Ryu stayed motionless, lying on the concrete floor for so long.
My god. This is my fault, everything is my fault. If we had never become so close… but I had to save him. It was as though it was destined to happen. But was this destined to happen as well? God… why? How could you do this to him? I hate you. Never again will I submit to your demand. Not after you let this happen. Never again.
"Ryu," he tried finally. His friend stirred at long last, wiping the crimson blood off his leg with an almost angry flick, pulling up his pants and standing up unsteadily. To his horror, Ryu couldn't meet his eyes. "Please, Ryu. You have to look at me. Please,"
Soft footsteps padded over, and wordlessly, Ryu unlocked the chains binding him to the wall. However, there was no eye contact. So different from… even a day before.
"Please!" he reached out, and shook his friend lightly by the shoulders.
Bad move.
Ryu flinched, and he realised belatedly that his friend's shoulders would still be agonisingly sore. Before he could apologise, he felt a head suddenly bury itself into his chest, moist, somewhat sticky liquid seeping into his tattered shirt. Tears.
His own tears started flowing without check then. Horrible, painful crystalline tears mingled with the crimson blood on his chest.
"Hayate, I'm so sorry," Ryu whispered into his chest. Even his friend's voice sounded so hurt, so wounded. And it was then he realised. This would last forever. His friend would indeed be hurt, wounded, for all of the wretched eternity that they were doomed to live.
He tried soothing his friend, although mentally he knew that nothing could stem the insatiable ache that had formed in his chest, now or ever again.
"Because of me, you got hurt. I'm so sorry," Ryu glanced up at him for a short instant. Green and gold locked for a moment before green turned away, downcast. His friend's pale cheeks were streaked with blood.
"No… it was… it doesn't matter who it was. Your wings. They're completely ruined,"
He reached out a tentative hand to touch what were once lustrous, magnificent wings.
Ryu nodded sadly, sighing heavily. "Could I ask you a favour?"
"Anything. Ask me to kill myself for you and it will be your command,"
He wasn't fooling around, either. Nothing can compare. Nothing is enough to make this up to him. He doesn't deserve this! Nobody deserves it!
God, how could you let this happen? HOW?
"Pull them out,"
He couldn't hide his shock. "What?"
"Pull them out. If you pull out the bone structure completely, then they will regrow. Could you? Please?"
No. I can't make him suffer more pain…!
"Do you really want me to hurt you even more?"
Silence for a moment.
"No. But I want you to do this for me. Please, Hayate. I can't do it myself. If I could, then I would. Please,"
He inhaled sharply as crimson tears welled in his friend's eyes. That shouldn't be a cause for tears. But he must be hurting so badly. This is going to hurt him even more. I don't want to be the cause of that! But I want him to be happy, and he wants this… god, what am I thinking. He can never be happy now, not after going through what he has.
Without giving any warning, he seized the delicate bone structure. Even without the body of the wings, he could feel his friend shivering. "Do it, Hayate,"
One. Two. Pull.
Summoning up all his energy, he wrenched relentlessly at the wing. Ryu cried out instantly as the wing structure came out from the skin, more blood pouring out with it.
"Did I get it?" he questioned, throwing the useless remnant of the wing onto the bloody floor.
"I…" Ryu looked as though he was going to faint. "I think I'm going to be sick,"
All he could do was support his friend. That's all I can do. But it isn't enough. Nothing I can do now is enough. Everyone that had a hand in this. Father. Raidou. Those other angels. I hate them all. They all deserve to die, every single one.
"That better now?" he asked gently, rubbing Ryu's shivering frame.
No. Never will it be better again. Never will anything be better again. This is a sad day, where gods can sit by and let this happen to one of their children. They all deserve to die.
Ryu struggled to sit up, nodding weakly. "Thankyou, Hayate. I owe you so much,"
"We should probably wait for a while before we do the next one. You're still faint,"
Almost defiantly, Ryu shook his head. "No. Now,"
He sighed. "This one is going to hurt,"
Grasping the other fragile wing structure with both hands, he pulled.
This time, there was no scream. Magic or no, he only just managed to catch Ryu before he fell onto the concrete ground. He hugged the motionless body to his chest tightly, sobbing as the blood seeped through his clothes, onto his skin.
"Ryu. Ryu. You never deserved this. Nobody could ever deserve this. I love you so much,"
Ryu dreamed. No, that was a lie. He remembered.
"You murdered her! You murdered your mother!"
"No! Daddy! Please, no, I didn't… Mummy!"
Suddenly, that pain hitting him so harshly, so painfully. And then he realised that all his father was doing was manifesting his true form. Midnight black wings tore through his skin like paper as he cried out, amidst his father's triumphant laughter.
Wandering aimlessly, crying. Somehow ending up in the angel's realm again…
…the place that had tried to drive him away.
Hayate. How they had rescued him. They didn't have to. They could have just left him there to die… or die as best as near-immortal creatures could.
But they did. Kasumi. Ayane. Hayate.
The gentle, sweet touch of Hayate's lips against his own. The delicious taste of toasted cinnamon lingering in his mouth, the beautiful sensation of being loved.
Then, blood. Nothing but blood and pain and anguish.
Nobody could save him now.
Nobody would want to save him now.
But somewhere… somewhere, there was a hand reaching out for him. Willing to stay beside him, no matter what the gods sent their way.
"I don't deserve you," he murmured, slowly coming back to consciousness.
Warm, comforting arms wrapped around him. So lovingly. So caringly. "You're awake. I thought you would never wake up,"
"Where am I?"
A sharp, hoarse cough escaped his lips before he could stop it as he gazed around at the surroundings.
"But… the castle… I thought…"
Hayate's voice was bitter. "They don't care any longer. They've done what they wanted to do, and so now they're back to not caring. That is, until they see us break their rules again,"
"We can't continue doing this,"
The words hurt more mentally then physically. Even thinking about separating himself from Hayate, after all that Hayate had done…
…But he had to. "I'm so sorry, Hayate. I'm weak. If they catch us again, I…"
His friend seemed to understand what he was trying to say, but couldn't. "Yes. I understand. But I can't leave you like this, Ryu. Not until… not until you're healed, at least,"
He was still aching everywhere, but tried to block that out of his mind. "No, don't worry about me. Wounds can heal,"
"Ryu… I don't understand. We're angels. We're supposed to be the kind, loving ones that God looks to for delivering messages, the purest of the pure. So how could we do this to you?" Hayate shook his head angrily as pure, crystalline tears fell from golden brown orbs. "How could anybody do it to anybody?"
My tears were like that, once upon a time. "Hayate, don't cry. It doesn't matter-"
"How can you say that this doesn't matter? What the hell do you think you're saying?"
Rage was suddenly hanging like a thick scent in the room. "You matter, Ryu. Forget about the whole demon-angel thing. You matter to me and there is no way I can just stand around and watch you suffer,"
Suddenly, the rage disappeared, leaving nothing but insatiable sadness in its entirety.
"Believe me, if I could have done anything to make it happen to me instead, I would have,"
"No!" the word was out of his mouth before he could stop it. "I could never see you hurt!"
"You are now. You got hurt; therefore, I got hurt too,"
"I didn't mean to hurt you," his voice was so faint, his guilt absolute.
A soft touch on his hands. He glanced down. He was beginning to lose control, they were transforming rapidly. He took a deep breath, concentrated; let the claws shrink back into normal hands once more.
Hayate gave a bitter laugh. "Of all of the places for you to stumble into, you had to stumble into the most twisted, evil part of the lot of them,"
"But if I hadn't come here, I would never have met you,"
That thought scared him more then he could express, in words, at least.
His friend smiled sadly. "I was beginning to think that it might have been better if we never did meet. Then, you wouldn't have to have gone through all this. And for what? This stupid kingdom, their stupid religion and their stupid desires!"
Before he could do anything, Hayate had picked up a fruit knife off the dressing table and stabbed it into his wrist wordlessly. He felt his own eyes well with tears of blood as identical crimson splashed down his friend's wrist, onto the pure white of the sheets.
"It makes me sick to the core to belong to a kingdom such as this,"
"Oh, Hayate," he said helplessly, watching the blood trickle onto the bed he was lying on.
Hayate wiped the blood carelessly off his wrist, but still more flowed.
On an impulse, he took his friend's arm, licking the blood as gently as he could. The sweet taste alluring his senses, making him love Hayate even more.
"Ryu, what are you doing?" A slight trace of fear was in his friend's voice. He could hear it, almost taste it on his tongue.
Hayate… don't be scared of me. I don't like what I am, but there's nothing I can do now. Please don't be mad at me.
"How could I ever be?" Hayate was staring at him now, those pure golden brown orbs burning into his tainted soul. "You know that I could never be mad at you,"
He didn't recall speaking out loud. "I'm glad for that," he settled with finally, curling up, burying his head in his friend's, lover's chest.
"Will you be okay?" Hayate questioned softly.
He stared up into those pure, untainted golden orbs.
"I hope so. I really hope so,"