Fan Fiction ❯ A Light Among Shadows ❯ Seeking the Truth ( Chapter 5 )
Chapter 5- Seeking The Truth
Argos and the gang leader walked over to Masakou who was watching over the still unconscious Nikko. Masakou stood up abruptly and pointed his sword at the leader. "Tell me what you know, or I will not hesitate to kill you now." Argos grabbed the handle and pointed it toward the ground. "That's not necessary Masakou." The wolf boy told him. He knelt down next to Nikko and put his hand on the side of her face. "Mmm…" She grunted and opened her eyes, seeing Argos next to her. "H-how are you?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his neck and blushed a bit. "Just fine." Nikko replied as she shakily stood up. "Listen." The leader said, "As soon as Akane heard that Masakou possessed the sword, he sent me to kill you and bring it to him. Akane plans to free his brother to destroy everyone on Rondo and start a New World." Masakou rolled his eyes, "Oh please! Give me one good reason why I should believe you." Nikko smacked him on the head with her staff. "Quiet!" She yelled. Masakou pet the sleeping wolf next to him and muttered, "Well I'm sure glad you're feeling better…" The leader glared at everyone and continued. "His base is a heavily guarded volcano filled with well trained soldiers who could kill you like that!" He snapped his fingers for emphasis. "Uh, is that volcano active?" Nikko asked to no one in particular. Argos gave a slightly bemused look, "Sure hope so." The man sighed impatiently. "It's past those mountains, about a day away." He looked around nervously, then ran swiftly into the forest, grinning to himself. They fell right into the trap, he thought. They're as good as dead. Back at camp, Kyo-Ken was still asleep, and the three looked towards the mountains where the sun was setting, casting an orange-red glow on everything. "I think I see it over there." Argos mused as he pointed to the tip of the volcano. Masakou yawned, "Whatever. Let's take care of this tomorrow." He laid his head on Kyo-Ken's shoulder and fell asleep. Argos took a deep breath and walked over to Nikko, who turned to face him. "Something on your mind Ar-Chan?" She asked. He looked at the ground trying to compose his thoughts. "I just wanted to tell you that…uh…I mean…you're a good friend." Argos's ears drooped in defeat; they both knew that wasn't what he really wanted to say. Nikko smiled at him and rested her hand on his shoulder. "You're a good friend too." She crawled into her sleeping bag next to the fire and went to sleep also. Argos growled out of frustration and walked into the woods. Once he was pretty deep into it, he sat on a large rock. "Way to go baka. You screwed it up again." He sighed and looked up at the full moon, "Why can't I tell her how I feel? Why can't I say I-" A familiar voice cut him off, "Tell her what?" Argos nearly jumped ten feet in the air, as he turned around, relieved it was only Masakou that heard him venting his frustrations. Masakou took a seat next to him, the moon cast the shadows from his face as he looked concerned at his comrade. "Nothing." The downcast Argos replied as he rested his face in his hands. "Trust me. I won't tell anyone." He said. Argos was suspicious, despite knowing Masakou for only a short time, he knew this behavior was unlike him. "I want Nikko to be my mate." He blurted out quickly as Masakou looked at him perplexed. "What are you…" He trailed off as realization hit him. Although he looks human, he's still part wolf. He sees Nikko as a female wolf and potential mate. "Just tell her how you feel." Masakou suggested, but Argos only shook his head. "But how do I tell her how I feel when I can't even tell myself?" He asked, "And what if she says no?" Argos's ears drooped even further. Masakou didn't know what to tell him, as he was not very good at giving romantic advice, or any advice for that matter. "Let's go back to camp now. You'll find a way to tell her." The two stood up and walked back to camp, Argos feeling much better.
"No problem."
Akane was hovering above them the whole time, and heard every word they had said. "So, the powerful Argos has a weakness after all." He said to himself as he watched Masakou and his newfound friend walk back to camp. "I'll kidnap the girl to draw Argos here, then when neither of them return, Masakou will find them and also be killed, leaving me with the sword."
~Whaddya think so far? Questions, comments, ratings, and flames accepted! Post them or e-mail me at