Fan Fiction ❯ A Promise Lives Within You ❯ A Promise Made ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer ~ Never have, never will own Lord of the Rings.

Author's Note ~ If anyone wishes to help me kill writer's block, then they are very welcome to. I cannot believe how bad it has hit me and I feel bad for making people wait for more chapters to my fics. I am deeply sorry and I will do my very best to rid myself of writer's block. That aside, I'm writing this fic especially for and dedicated to three very good friends of mine, Kate, Kara and Ty. It has now been past a year since I've known their friendship and I have to say that I owe more to them than they can know. Kate, Kara, Ty, if you read this then I must tell you this; I am grateful and proud to be your friend and I cherish our friendship deeply and I also cherish all the time I spend with you guys. You will always be my best friends, probably the greatest and from my heart I thank you for everything you have done for me.

Dedicated to Kate, Kara and Ty

Summary ~ When Pippin is fatally wounded and dies from an orc attack, Merry flees from everyone and everything around him. Lost in his grief, Merry is captured by the same orcs that attacked Pippin. Legolas goes alone to save Merry from the same fate as Pippin, for he made a promise with the hobbit before he died, a promise he won't break.

The Lord Of The Rings

A Promise LivesWithin You

Chapter 1-A Promise Made

His mind raced as did his heart. He was still grasping at the urgent message he had received from Lord Elrond. Now he was racing against time, heading for Rivendell, hoping and praying.

When he arrived in Rivendell he immediately saw Elrond's eldest son, Elladan running up to meet him with urgency in his stride.

"Legolas! I am glad you have come with haste."

"I came as soon as I received the message." Legolas replied. "Where is Pippin? How does he fare?"

Elladan didn't reply to Legolas' questions, but merely gestured for the elven prince to follow him. By this reaction Legolas could tell the news was not good, grave in fact. His heart began to beat faster, dread washed over him at the fear that his hobbit friend's fate had already been settled. He tried to shake that fear off him, but it persisted and would not leave him.

Elladan led Legolas to a room from which many voices could be heard and Legolas recognised them all. He did not like the tone of their voices at all hesitated a little before going in. Once he stepped inside the first thing his eyes focused on was Pippin. The hobbit lay in a small bed; his skin was deathly pale, sweat beads dripping down his head and his breathing was rasping, coming in shallow and weak gulps. The very sight made Legolas gasp slight and many did turn, finally noticing his presence in the room. Aragorn stood up and walked next to the elven prince, taking him one side so the others could not hear what he had to say, since they already knew.

"Aragorn, how does he fair?" Legolas asked in a whisper.

Aragorn looked into Legolas' eyes with a gaze that confirmed the elf's growing fears as he replied in a whisper, "Not well at all I'm afraid my friend."

Aragorn needn't speak after that, for Legolas had already guessed himself what was to come and what this all meant, though his mind refused to believe it. Aragorn continued, "The wound is too deep and it cannot be healed, nor the poisoned countered."

Legolas gave Aragorn a gaze that was begging the ranger not to continue, for sure now he already knew what this meant. But despite this, Aragorn finished his words.

"We're going to lose him."

Those words sent Legolas' mind reeling. It couldn't possibly be true! They couldn't lose Pippin!

"Surely Aragorn, there must be something that can save him!"

The looks on Aragorn's face silenced the elf. He felt himself shake a little, a sudden and cold dread chill falling upon him. He couldn't believe they were really going to lose Pippin.

That very night, in the room where Pippin lay silently, Legolas only remained there now. Through much arguing and disagreement, Frodo and Sam had managed to convince Merry to leave and get some sleep. The others too had gone to sleep, all but Legolas. The elf had no desire for sleep and he had promised Merry to watch over him for him.

Legolas sat on the top edge of the bed with Pippin resting comfortably against him. The elven prince was staring out the window, watching the stars and watching the wind softly blow through the trees, grateful for the fresh breeze from the window.

Legolas removed the old bandage around Pippin's arm, examining the swollen, deadly wound from where the poison drenched orc blade had been thrust into him. He winced at the sight of it, taking a new bandage and wrapping it around the hobbit's arm. True Pippin was dying so the act of changing the bandage would be wasted, but Legolas did not care. Pippin was still breathing, his heart was still beating, he was still alive.

Legolas suddenly felt Pippin move in his grasp and moan slightly at the pain in his arm. The elf sat up, keeping a firm but gentle hold on Pippin's form. The hobbit relaxed slightly and half opened his eyes and stared up at his elven friend. Though Pippin's eyes were filled with sorrow and pain, Legolas was grateful that his friend was awake.

"Legolas?" Pippin whispered, his chest heaving rather sharply to catch his breath. Even that small act of speaking was very hard for him now.

"Yes, it is I my dear friend." Legolas replied quietly with a small smile. "I am glad to see you awake."

"I did not know you had come."

"I arrived today after I got word of what had happened."

There was a silence between the two, in which the sounds of the wind could be heard, songs floating on the breeze. It was Pippin who broke the silence.

"Legolas…you do know that I…that I am dying."

Legolas closed his eyes and merely nodded, not wishing to reply in speaking. The silence that followed spoke for him.

"Do you wish me to get Merry?" Legolas asked.

"Where is he?"

"He sleeps in the room next to us, as do Frodo and Sam."

"Please, do not wake them, do not wake anyone." Pippin spoke. "The end is near Legolas…I do not wish them to be here when…"

Pippin trailed off, letting his words hang. Legolas sighed quietly, but deeply. He too knew Pippin did not have much time left and he could understand why Pippin do not wish for the others to be present when he left, so he respected his friend's wish and stayed with him. Pippin smiled gratefully at Legolas, silently thankful to him. Pippin then looked down and spoke once more.

"Legolas…there is something…of great importance I must ask of you."

"Of course Pippin, do tell me what you wish to ask." Legolas replied.

"Please Legolas, you must promise me this." Pippin said weakly, coughing a little. "Merry hides his pain now, but inside himself he is being torn apart. Be there for him, comfort him, and watch him for me. Please promise me you will look after him for me."

Legolas looked out the window, towards the sparkling stars at Pippin rested his head upon the elf's chest. He sighed then smiled, looking down at his hobbit friend and nodded.

"I give you my word and my promise that I shall watch your cousin for you. I will let no harm come to him and I will not let his spirit and heart break. This I promise you Pippin, my friend."

Pippin smiled gratefully and mouthed a thank you, now having no more strength left to speak. Legolas watched Pippin rest his head once more on his chest and lay there. Legolas watched him, tears filling his eyes and dripping down on to the now still form of Pippin, knowing that his friend has passed on from the world. Grief began to fill within him, but Legolas pushed it back, finding strength in his promise and new task that lay ahead of him. Legolas leaned forward and whispered to Pippin's ear in elvish.

"Be at peace Pippin, be at peace."

Okay yes I know short chapter but it's just the beginning!