Fan Fiction ❯ A Raven's Cry ❯ A Bad End to a Shopping Trip ( Chapter 26 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
A Raven's Cry
Chapter 26
"Jynx? You're..." Raven trailed off when she turned to see who had attacked them. Though it had been Jynx, she was no longer the same girl. Jynx stood there, her usual grin missing. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her body, as though she were trying to protect herself. Her pink hair hung down in blood stained mats, and Raven could see almost dead eyes staring out at her.
"I'm... I'm sorry, Ravie, I have... I have to follow my orders." She lifted one hand that was enveloped in her pink energy.
"Jynx, please, you don't have to do this." Raven lifted her hands, prepared to defend herself if necessary.
"If I don't, he'll- he'll..." She broke down into wretched sobs, "I'm sorry Rae, I told him, I told him why I wouldn't fight you. He told me... he told me to..." She lifted her hand higher, preparing to send out a hex bolt.
"Jynx, let me help you, I will protect you."
"No one can help me anymore."
Jynx let loose a hex bolt that Raven blocked with a dark shield. At the impact of the single bolt, Raven's shield shattered. Her vision blurred, and her knees felt as though they were about to give out. "Jynx, please." Raven managed.
"I'm sorry, Rae. He gave me orders, he told me to take everything away from you. He told me to start with your child, then take your love." She prepared another hex bolt as she began to sob again, "I'm sorry, Raven." Almost silently, she spoke again, "Please, stop me, please just kill me."
Raven marshaled the last of her power in an attempt to disable Jynx in one blow, it was all she could do. She was about to release a blast of her own power when a huge shape flew only a few inches over her head. A huge green wolf landed on Jynx, knocking her to the ground hard. It immediately closed it jaws around her throat, ready to kill. "Beastboy, let her go." Raven managed. When he did not respond to her, she spoke again, with more force, "Beastboy, do not hurt her, let her go now."
One of the wolf's eyes swiveled back and regarded her nervously before he shifted back to his human form. Beastboy ran over to her and grabbed her shoulders, studying her carefully, "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?"
"I'm fine."
Beastboy pulled her into a tight hug, "I'm sorry, I should have been looking watching better."
"No, it's okay, Beastboy, really." After he had released her, she spoke again, "We need to get her back to the tower."
"Excuse me? She just attacked us. I do not want someone as dangerous as Jynx in the tower."
"She's not a danger to anyone, look at her." Beastboy turned and saw that Jynx had curled into a ball on the ground, pulling her knees under her chin and wrapping her arms around her legs. "She's not a danger to anyone right now, Beastboy."
Beastboy pulled his communicator off his belt and flipped it open, "Starfire, you there?"
After a brief pause, she replied, "I am here, friend Beastboy, is something the matter?"
"Are you picking up our location?"
"We need a hand, could you come here?"
"I will arrive momentarily."
Beastboy turned to Raven, "What happened when Jynx attacked you?"
"I'm not sure. I think that the pregnancy is sapping my power."
"Sapping your power? How weak are you?"
"Pretty weak right now, I almost couldn't stop her first hex."
"Raven, I'm worried that something might happen to you."
"I'll be okay."
"No, Raven, you can't defend yourself well, and I can't always be there to protect you."
"You don't need to, Trigon needs me alive."
"Trigon's not the only threat out there. A lot of people hate us, and they may see this as the perfect opportunity to get revenge."
"I'll be careful." Raven ended the conversation by kneeling near Jynx and putting one hand on your back, "Hold on, we'll have you someplace safe soon."
Jynx's quiet sobbing ended abruptly. "Where on Earth is safe? He is an implacable hunger, he craves power and the life of mortals, he craves souls. He will leave this planet a smoking shell, he will snuff out humanity’s light, and then spread like cancer. He will bring Hell on Earth."
Raven stared at her, unable to respond to Jynx's dark prediction. She was saved when Starfire touched down nearby. "Friends, what is... What happened to Jynx?"
"My father." Raven replied, deadpan.
"Hey, Star. Could you carry our bags back to the tower?"
"Yes, of course." She quickly gathered the scattered bags. "You are returning soon?"
"Yeah, we'll be right behind you." Starfire nodded and took flight. Beastboy carefully lifted the surprisingly light Jynx. "Let's head home."
Beastboy deposited Jynx's limp form onto one of the couches. "Starfire, can you keep an eye on her?"
"Yes, friend, is something wrong?"
"I just need to talk to Raven." He turned to Raven, "Come on."
"What's wrong?" She asked him.
"We need to talk about something, alright?"
Raven sighed, but allowed herself to be led to another room.
When Robin and Cyborg walked in twenty minutes later, they both fell silent. Jynx sat at one end of the couch, staring intently at a bare spot on the floor. Next to her Starfire sat, also staring at the same spot. From another part of the tower, they could here shouting, most of it coming from Raven. "Um, Star, what's going on?" Robin asked.
"Jynx has found something interesting concerning this section of the floor, but refuses to inform me as to what it is. I am attempting to discover it myself."
"Right, I mean, why is Jynx sitting in our living room?"
"Friend Beastboy asked me one half hour ago to help them carry their purchases back to the tower. Beastboy carried Jynx. I am uncertain why."
"I see." He stepped over to Jynx and knelt in front of her, "Jynx?" When she made no response, he laid a hand on her shoulder, "Jynx, can you here me?" He waited for an answer, and when he didn't get one he stood and turned to Cyborg. "Take her down to the infirmary, give her a once over. I'm gonna go find out what's going on with the other two."
"Right, good luck with that."
Chapter 26
"Jynx? You're..." Raven trailed off when she turned to see who had attacked them. Though it had been Jynx, she was no longer the same girl. Jynx stood there, her usual grin missing. Her arms were wrapped tightly around her body, as though she were trying to protect herself. Her pink hair hung down in blood stained mats, and Raven could see almost dead eyes staring out at her.
"I'm... I'm sorry, Ravie, I have... I have to follow my orders." She lifted one hand that was enveloped in her pink energy.
"Jynx, please, you don't have to do this." Raven lifted her hands, prepared to defend herself if necessary.
"If I don't, he'll- he'll..." She broke down into wretched sobs, "I'm sorry Rae, I told him, I told him why I wouldn't fight you. He told me... he told me to..." She lifted her hand higher, preparing to send out a hex bolt.
"Jynx, let me help you, I will protect you."
"No one can help me anymore."
Jynx let loose a hex bolt that Raven blocked with a dark shield. At the impact of the single bolt, Raven's shield shattered. Her vision blurred, and her knees felt as though they were about to give out. "Jynx, please." Raven managed.
"I'm sorry, Rae. He gave me orders, he told me to take everything away from you. He told me to start with your child, then take your love." She prepared another hex bolt as she began to sob again, "I'm sorry, Raven." Almost silently, she spoke again, "Please, stop me, please just kill me."
Raven marshaled the last of her power in an attempt to disable Jynx in one blow, it was all she could do. She was about to release a blast of her own power when a huge shape flew only a few inches over her head. A huge green wolf landed on Jynx, knocking her to the ground hard. It immediately closed it jaws around her throat, ready to kill. "Beastboy, let her go." Raven managed. When he did not respond to her, she spoke again, with more force, "Beastboy, do not hurt her, let her go now."
One of the wolf's eyes swiveled back and regarded her nervously before he shifted back to his human form. Beastboy ran over to her and grabbed her shoulders, studying her carefully, "Are you okay? Did she hurt you?"
"I'm fine."
Beastboy pulled her into a tight hug, "I'm sorry, I should have been looking watching better."
"No, it's okay, Beastboy, really." After he had released her, she spoke again, "We need to get her back to the tower."
"Excuse me? She just attacked us. I do not want someone as dangerous as Jynx in the tower."
"She's not a danger to anyone, look at her." Beastboy turned and saw that Jynx had curled into a ball on the ground, pulling her knees under her chin and wrapping her arms around her legs. "She's not a danger to anyone right now, Beastboy."
Beastboy pulled his communicator off his belt and flipped it open, "Starfire, you there?"
After a brief pause, she replied, "I am here, friend Beastboy, is something the matter?"
"Are you picking up our location?"
"We need a hand, could you come here?"
"I will arrive momentarily."
Beastboy turned to Raven, "What happened when Jynx attacked you?"
"I'm not sure. I think that the pregnancy is sapping my power."
"Sapping your power? How weak are you?"
"Pretty weak right now, I almost couldn't stop her first hex."
"Raven, I'm worried that something might happen to you."
"I'll be okay."
"No, Raven, you can't defend yourself well, and I can't always be there to protect you."
"You don't need to, Trigon needs me alive."
"Trigon's not the only threat out there. A lot of people hate us, and they may see this as the perfect opportunity to get revenge."
"I'll be careful." Raven ended the conversation by kneeling near Jynx and putting one hand on your back, "Hold on, we'll have you someplace safe soon."
Jynx's quiet sobbing ended abruptly. "Where on Earth is safe? He is an implacable hunger, he craves power and the life of mortals, he craves souls. He will leave this planet a smoking shell, he will snuff out humanity’s light, and then spread like cancer. He will bring Hell on Earth."
Raven stared at her, unable to respond to Jynx's dark prediction. She was saved when Starfire touched down nearby. "Friends, what is... What happened to Jynx?"
"My father." Raven replied, deadpan.
"Hey, Star. Could you carry our bags back to the tower?"
"Yes, of course." She quickly gathered the scattered bags. "You are returning soon?"
"Yeah, we'll be right behind you." Starfire nodded and took flight. Beastboy carefully lifted the surprisingly light Jynx. "Let's head home."
Beastboy deposited Jynx's limp form onto one of the couches. "Starfire, can you keep an eye on her?"
"Yes, friend, is something wrong?"
"I just need to talk to Raven." He turned to Raven, "Come on."
"What's wrong?" She asked him.
"We need to talk about something, alright?"
Raven sighed, but allowed herself to be led to another room.
When Robin and Cyborg walked in twenty minutes later, they both fell silent. Jynx sat at one end of the couch, staring intently at a bare spot on the floor. Next to her Starfire sat, also staring at the same spot. From another part of the tower, they could here shouting, most of it coming from Raven. "Um, Star, what's going on?" Robin asked.
"Jynx has found something interesting concerning this section of the floor, but refuses to inform me as to what it is. I am attempting to discover it myself."
"Right, I mean, why is Jynx sitting in our living room?"
"Friend Beastboy asked me one half hour ago to help them carry their purchases back to the tower. Beastboy carried Jynx. I am uncertain why."
"I see." He stepped over to Jynx and knelt in front of her, "Jynx?" When she made no response, he laid a hand on her shoulder, "Jynx, can you here me?" He waited for an answer, and when he didn't get one he stood and turned to Cyborg. "Take her down to the infirmary, give her a once over. I'm gonna go find out what's going on with the other two."
"Right, good luck with that."