Fan Fiction ❯ A Trip in Leggie's Shoes ❯ Glorfindel and a Rather Exciting Mirror ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

And so we set off, Glorfindel and I, down the long halls of Elrond's dwelling. The house seemed to be quite empty, but when we reached a part of the hall where two double doors were opened invitingly into a gigantic dining room I saw where everybody was.

A long wooden table was stretched through the span of the room, surrounded by chairs enough to seat Elrond's entire house residents and more. Everywhere elves, dwarves, and men were seated, drinking mead, toasting each other merrily, and inhaling whatever it was that was set before them on their plates. Something completely unrecognizable. Obviously they were so drunk that they had forgotten about the serious matter of the ring. Or perhaps they were celebrating that they weren't the ones who had to go…

Glorfindel beckoned me to follow him to the opposite end of the table. Elrond was seated at the end, talking to the surrounding fellowshippers. The hobbitures were babbling amongst themselves, quite excited about the elvish food. There was an empty seat next to Merry meant for me. Another unoccupied one was next to mine, Glorfindel sat down there. I took my seat and turned to the hobbits.

"Hey y'all," I said absent-mindedly.

"Ya all?" Merry said confusedly.

Pippin who was sitting next to him, stopped shoveling the food into his mouth and questioned him, "Merry, what's that supposed to mean?"

"Um, it's a word…from my…native…land…" I fumbled. I was wondering if I really cared about covering up stuff anymore. If I was to be here for months etcetera I better figure out how I was going to act.

Oh, and don't think I forgot about Legolas's hot bod, I was saving that fun for later…ahem…so anyway, I looked in front of me at the glop on my plate. "Glorfindel, what's this?"

"It's great!" Glorfindel cried, depositing a forkful into his mouth. "Um….there's meat and stuff mixed in there…it's marvelous…heeeeeeyyyyy! You eat this all the time at home! It's a Mirkwood delicacy!"

"Of course…it is…I was just checking. I mean, it looks so much more….appetizing in Mirkwood!" I said, trying to cover up. Glorfindel shrugged and kept eating. I grimaced at the mess in front of me. I poked at it, and it jiggled and slid to the far end of my plate. "Glorfindel, is…this…raw!?"

"Is it not supposed to be? That's the point of it, is it not?" he said suspiciously.

"Ba…" I wailed sadly. I picked up my fork and took the tiniest bit, closed my eyes, and let the awful stuff touch my tongue and slide down my throat. I slowly opened my eyes. I hadn't died yet.

"You alright there, Legolas? Perhaps you should go up to your room…" Glorfindel said, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I still had a pained look on his face. "No, I'm ok…are they any bread rolls I can have or something?" hoping I could at least eat something normal. The stuff had tasted really strange and slimy. "Cheese?"

"They're both in there," Glorfindel added off hand.

"Damn," I muttered. I grabbed my water glass and drank it all without taking a breath. My throat had been covered with the raw meat slime, and it needed to be cleansed. "Blug…" I said in disgust, looking down at the mess. It stared back at me, menacing there on my plate, it seemed to be laughing at my weakness. "Stop it!" I said angrily. "Just because…"

"Legolas, it's going to be okay…" Glorfindel said with a concerned look on his face.

"I'm just not hungry," I said, covering my eyes with one hand. Suddenly all thought drained from my head. I pulled my fingertips slowly away along the spanse that they covered. "Sexy, sexy eyebrows!" I shouted excitedly, breaking the mood. "Soooo…..what's for dessert? Y'all know about chocolate, right?"

"Yes, we have quite a lot of that. I'm sure it will be included in the next course."

"Well yay for that!" I said happily.

"Legolas, something is wrong with you…are you sick? You're not talking normally. I mean, your voice is fine but your vocabulary has altered much."

"Really? You think so?" I said pretending to be serious about it. "Perhaps I should go to bed right after this. Do you know where…my room is?"

"Yes, I showed you to it this morning, if you cannot remember back that far, Legolas…" said Glorfindel. He was annoyed.

Serving elves burst from another door in the side of the dining hall, replacing the empty (well, mostly empty) plates on the tables with dessert plates. I was happy to see that it was chocolate cake.

"The hobbits requested that they have one of their favorite foods before embarking tomorrow, you won't get this kind of stuff out there, of course," Glorfindel explained.

I dug in gleefully to find that it tasted wonderful. I ate every crumb, then sat back and smiled in a satisfied way. I looked across the table, and for the first time I noticed that Gimli was seated there. But he was laughing at me. I felt my pointed ears growing hot and my cheeks redden. What was so funny? I gave a glare to Glorfindel asking him to explain the madness.

He leaned over and whispered softly in my ear. "You've got icing….all…over…your face."

I gulped embarrassedly, then took my arm and wiped my cheeks. I looked at my newly soiled sleeve. "Eh…" I said carelessly. "Whatever…"

Glorfindel raised an eyebrow and handed me the napkin on the table that had been meant for me. "You know, for a prince you don't act very noble…"

"What're you gonna do?" I said with a decrescendo, for I was speaking to myself.

"Look, you think about that and I'll take you to your room. You are not well." Glorfindel took my elbow and pulled me from my chair. Merry and Pippin stared at me in a scared tone.

"Thank you all…you've been a lovely audience…" I said to the hobbits, almost as if I was drunk. Not that I was, but it seemed like the thing to say at the time. I didn't feel like moving either, my laziness trait was kicking in now that I was more used to everything. I refused to walk, and Glorfindel was having trouble dragging me by my arms.

"Fine!" he said. He walked behind me and scooped me up, picking me up and supporting me with one arm in the bend of my knees and one arm against my back. He walked as quickly as he could with me in his arms to the doors.

"My hero!" I said joyously in the highest voice I could manage. I was hyper, and nothing stops me when I get in one of my moods. I bet you didn't know you could be hyper and lazy at the same time…

"Please, Legolas, not in the dining hall!" Glorfindel said nervously, afraid the other elves would think significant things about us being together.

Glorfindel walked me out of the dining hall and continued to carry me all the way up to my room. It surprised me that he had no trouble carrying me up the stairs , but of course, it must have because of my wonderful elven slenderness. When we reached the top of the stairs I began to squirm around his arms just to make things more complicated for him.

"LEGOLAS! Please! You need to calm down." Glorfindel said. He was getting rather frustrated. "I feel sorry for the other fellowship members! I hope you're not going to act like this the entire journey long!"

My face lit up with a wide, mischievous smile. What an idea…what an idea! I wore the evil smile pasted on all the way to my room. Every once in a while, Glorfindel gave me really weird looks.

"Legolas! You need bed rest!" he said frantically.

We reached my room finally, but I held my arms tight around his neck. I wouldn't let go, no matter how many times he tired to put me down. This made it very hard for him to open the door. When he finally got it opened he burst through and threw me on the bed. "I hope you are better in the morning!" he shouted angrily, but trying to keep from becoming furious.

I gave him a little smile and waved my fingers delicately as if I was flirting with him.

He snorted angrily and stormed out of the room. I fell back on the bed happily. Toying with innocent minds, fun stuff… Suddenly I got really excited as a thought crossed my mind. I sat up. Attached to the wall was a full-length mirror. "Life is good!" I shouted and ran over. There was Legolas, the sexiest being on earth…well…Middle Earth…standing majestically in front of me. I hadn't seen him since I was watching him appear for the first time during the movie.

"There you are, you sexy thing…" the Legolas in the mirror and I said together. I strutted over and threw myself against the chest in the reflection. I put my forehead up against the mirror so that I was looking in his eyes.

"I've been looking for you everywhere," we said together with only one voice. I suddenly flew away from the mirror and bounced happily around the room. I had longed to have Legolas say that to me. I cleared my throat and composed myself, then rocketed over to the mirror and pressed up against him again.

I traced my finger along his features; it did not bother me that his finger followed mine. "Ooo!" I squealed. "Shall we dim the lights!?" I ran around the room blowing out numerous candles until only three were still lit. It cast a romantic glow over the room.

"Now where were we?" I said silkily. I lowered my head and pressed my forehead against the reflection again, but my eyes were raised so I could see the seductive look in his eyes. "You are just too good to pass up," I said breathily.

Then suddenly my face swung to the side and my lips were pressed against the mirror. I opened one eye slightly so I could see my love lip locked against me. The candlelight danced on his face, illuminating his cheeks, and there was a dangerously sexy glint to the eye that he had also opened slightly. Then I closed my eye again and kept kissing the mirror passionately. I felt my body getting hot.

I pulled back and saw an excited look on my love's face. We raised one eyebrow together and suddenly we were both ripping off our blue elven chocolate stained shirts.

"Oh my god!" I said, turning my face away and looking at the floor. The holy sight I has just seen for a split second was just too sexy for my eyes to handle. But damn it looked good. I lifted up my head and stared at the wonderous beauty, taking in the whole picture. Then I let my eyes drift downward in the reflection.

"Oh wow…I think it's time we checked out this bad boy…" I turned away from the mirror and slowly pulled off the little elven pants without looking. Then counting to three, I whipped around.

"Wow…wow….wow…wow…wow…wow…WO W!" I yelled excitedly. Legolas was standing in the mirror in all his naked glory. Unable to contain myself, I wrenched the mirror off the wall and put it next to me as I jumped into the bed and pulled up the sheets around me.

I got on top of the mirror and stared down into his eyes. He stared back proudly, looking as if he was the luckiest elf in the world.

"I feel the same!" I said to the mirror. I kissed the mirror forcefully, then looked at him again. He needed a hug. I pulled a pillow over and put it under the mirror, then threw my arms around the pillow and mirror at the same time. Whala! Instant Sim Leggie! I nuzzled the mirror, and soon overcome with a wave of dreamy happiness, I fell asleep in the reflection's arms.