Fan Fiction ❯ a wierd random thing ❯ RANDOMENESS ( Chapter 1 )
Note to all the viewers and readers of this fanfic. This will not always make sense, because this is all coming from the top of Jennifer's head and mine. Thank you.
It such a nice pretty autumn day out in Japan, and Sakura Nagasaki is just relaxing in the sun. Not!!!! Its at least 100 degrees F.
Fu** off!
Oh shut the hell up Kira!!!!!!!!
Read spoons
Why is it supposed to be kick ass funny???
Spoons took over mars
What the Fu** are you talking about?? I thought monkeys took over Mars??!!!
I didn't write the fic, some other random person did
OK. But just to let you know that Icarie(Rodica) keeps making fun of me and Karasu being Ex.
And I care, how?
Remember Kara-cookie?
How could I forget? I found it. Read spoons
OK!!! But still…it burns it burns!!!!!!!!!!! MY EYES!!!!
To be continued
I have no comment on Spoons it horrified me.
I think it was a work of pure, unadulterated genius.
Don't go sounding like Suichi on me.
Dude, all I said was it was funny. ^_^Y
Lets see trade jager… did that. Fire Cassidy…did that…kill the refs…no… kill Kira^-^
Huh? Oooooooookay then lets talk about something else, shall we?
Yes we must act as sophisticated women…AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH I'm sounding like Kurama or Suichi I don't care now. I think my brain broke.
His name starts with a "Sh" you know that right?
I have putted the damn DVD on captions before I now how to spell his name^-^
My way is the more popular way, though. And your brain couldn't have broke cause it weren't nevah' fixed in the first place.
I'm going to hurt you…DEATH TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not if I hurt you first
Oh bring it on sister girl bring it on.
Our stupid conversation could not handle in our budget to show us tearing each other limn from limn. So we had to cut that scene out. Sorry. Thank you and drive home Safe. ok I'm done.
Alrighty then. On with the fic…… wait… this isn't a fic…it's a random conversation…okay then…on with the random conversation!
Ok. But can you stop using the dot dot dot. Your driving me nuts. And you know the scene of us killing each other would've been cool. You suck narra…wait I am the narrator.
Weirdo. And it's called an ellipse. And it signifies an awkward pause and I'm scaring myself with all this random logic. I sound like Washu…or Kurama…wait…I'm doing the thing with the dot dot dot…ellipse…thing…whatever I give up your turn to say something randomly stupid now.
Finally I thought you would never shut up you were giving me a headache. Also your making us lose more money in the random conversation. Actually I'm glad you stopped yourself or else you would have been talking for 30 min. and…GREAT now I'm doing it's your turn.
Huh? Wha…? Oh my turn already? Okey dokey artichokey. I just quoted Wheezy from the little kids show "Dragon Tales" Mommy make the scary lady go away! Wait…I am the scary lady…No mommy don't hurt the scary lady, don't hurt the scary lady! Your turn S.
I am sooooooo glad that I'm not related to you. Why oh no reason. oh I just had a flashback of me and Kurama's first kiss. Just like in the story…Eye contact, staring staring…OH MY GOD ITS FIRST BASE!!!!!!!!!^-^
I didn't realize it was possible to have such vivid dreams of kissing a drawing on a piece of paper. Oh yeah I forgot I do it to so I guess I did realize that it's possible. Botan go home. Go to your hooome, are you too good for your hooome? Go to your hoooome. Goodbye now ya'll! Hi. Bye. What's the difference? Who cares? I'm losing my mind. You have a bomb don't you **now in fetal position rocking back and forth** find a happy place find a happy place. Okay I'm better now **on sugar high bouncing on toes** Your turn Sakura.
Yeeeeeaaaahhhh. Ok think happy thought happy bloody thoughts!! You dirty ho oh did I just say that out loud. Oh sorry not. HEHEHEHE. ok you can kill me now.
Ok. **stab stab** you dead now. **stab stab** i…dead…no**coughs up blood and keels over dead
Hello anime people. I give you greetings from hell!!!! You know you suck at killing would not have looked good on your pemanent record. And I was right, hell is a lot cooler.
Good for you. And that ends this session for now. Yay. Go us.
YYYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Its morning, now I can try and annoy Kira today. Well I'd have to say that I did a good job earlier this morning. Hell, I was kicking her ass. I think I scared her though…yyyyyyyyaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! She read what I wrote. HI KIRA!!!
Hiiiiii…yeah. PANCAKES! WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME????!!!!! Oh yeah. I ate you…^_^ Oh well. I want more pancakes!!!!!!! Hiya `kari-chan!
HI GUYS!!!!! ^__^……. Ummm why is Kira talking a bout pancakes? …….. oh by the way Excel is coming l8ter ^__^.
YYYYYEEEEEAAAAHHHH. That's what I want to know. Why is Kira talking about pancakes? Is she trying to make me hungry and yet confused at the same time.? 0o0!!!please explain Kira…NOW!!!!!!
Ok. I like pancakes. Pancakes I like. Like I pancakes. I'm hungry. And I have this strange craving for…PANCAKES!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…hack…hack…cou gh…Oh, sorry- hairball. **ten second pause** Waaait I'm not a cat. I don't have hairballs. Then what was that? I'm scared now. Mommy!!!!
I'm Excel (Lindsay), And I'm in love with a guy named Jordan Lutterl. And I am the non-insane one. ( Sometimes). I think THAT Monkeys RULE THE WORLD. ( I like to go to the movies or go to a amusement park^_^).Oh hi every body. What's up?
I must ask that if Excel has had mental help. I think icarie is the only sane one. right am I right. kira.
Are you kidding me? Icari? Sane? As if. We're alllll mad here.
Huh? Say what? What about me? Sorry I was eating sugar cookies. Oh hi Excel.
Hi, Icari. So where is your Boyfriend Hiei? Of course Rei (Jordan Lutterl) is the only guy for me. Oh be quiet while you're LISTENING TO YOUR MUSIC! Your Singing is giving me a SEIZURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*comedy place*
And what is with airline food.*Crickets chirping in the background* Hello I Seinfeild Idiots! Oh, we're not playing charades. And Kira I'll kill you! Off your butt off my bunny! I think you kill it!
HIEI IS NOT MY BOYFIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He's just a friend, oh by the way Kyou is my boyfriend ^__^. * starts to skip around* LA la la la la la la la la la la la la …………. I'M SUGAR HIGH!!!!!! WWWWHHHHEEEEEEEEE MONKEYS WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD AND MAKE ME AND EXCEL THEIR RULERS!!!!!!!!!! Wh- oh sorry I lost it there hehehe.
I would like to take this opportunity of saying that icarie and excel are the complete idiots in this whole conversation. Thank you.
I love what I write in this thing it's my originality. YYYAAAAYYY! I love me. Sorry I scared myself there. And I would like to take this opportunity to say that. I wish I was a jack-ass… why because then I can kick everybody's ass. And also in places that you shouldn't know about. Sorry. Oooooohhhhh I get ceral yyyaaaayyy!!! I LOVE CERAL. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!! I'M CRAZY at the moment. HAHAHAHAHAHa stick in my side> ok my turn is over with. Kira?? Am I all alone. No she's back. Ok your turn.
I don't know why I'm eating Fruit Loops, but at least it'sfoodI'mcurrentlyannoyedwithFruitLoops,butthat'sok,'causeI'mtoohungrytoc arerightnowyay…Hi! (AN I said, ",but at least it's food. I'm currently annoyed with Fruit Loops, but that's ok, `cause I'm too hungry to care right now. Yay.) Well now that that's out of our way…Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala I like to sing. Sing I like to. Like I to sing. Seeeeeeeeee? ! ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz Wha…? Oh…? HI! This is fun . Go home. I like ice cream. Ice cream I like. Like I ice cream. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! @#^%@^#$&@#%#% Sh** Fu** Mo****Fu****Bi***! Yay. What? Oh well. Your turn whoever happens to be next in line for the keyboard…Oog like fire. Yay.
*whispers to Excel* and they say we're idiots …… OH I didn't say anything , nope nothing in my noggin, *looks over at the insane kira and the pathetic sakura* wow ……. It's …
just letting you both know that me and Excel and Kira are going on the tramp. Thanks. ^-^
O.o WAIT!!! I'M COMING TOOOO!!!!!!!! *runs after them*
o.k. we're back from the tramp. It was fun ummm eheheheheheh hi Sakura…..