Fan Fiction ❯ A World Unknown ❯ Excuses ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer:: I don't own harry Potter and his Potter-verse. I'm making no money off this story. Isn't that obvious?!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::

I don't think anyone is ever going to review my stories so i've sort of given up on the reviewers out there.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;

A World Unknown. Chapter 4: >insert suggestion here< --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------

"....fine after some rest, but i still don't see how this came about!"

Maggie lifted her head from the pillow and scanned the room. Everything was blurry. She heard the familiar voice of aunt Rose and vaugely wondered what she was doing in bed.

The morning's events came back to her in a rush. She sat up with a start and immediately regretted it when pain shot through her head. She rubbed her temples in a vain attempt to make it go away.

Aunt Rose rushed across the room and pushed her back into the bed.

"Oh Maggie! Can you hear me?! Are you ok!?"

Maggie brushed her off with many assurances that she would be fine, put on her glasses, and slid out of the bed. Her Uncle Randy was headed out the door and down the stairs.

"Is Harry OK?....." She started.

"What? You mean the boy? I suppose so...." She looked ready to cry, so for the sake of her sanity, Maggie rushed out of the room and down the stairs after Uncle Randy.

The mood in the living room was very tense. The man who had pushed her, and Harry's Aunt Petunia, were sitting side by side on the couch, wringing their hands. Across from them sat a very cross looking Uncle Randy. When she entered the room, they all stood up and began fussing over her.

She warded them off and finally managed to work out that the man was Harry's Uncle, Vernon Dursley. Regardless, she kept a wary eye on him. Its not so easy to forgive a stranger who pushed you off his roof. All she really wanted to know was what happened after she fell off the roof and she was about to ask when she was cut off by the rushed apologies of the beefy Mr. Dursley.

"So harm meant...strangers in the neighborhood lately....." He muttered.

"Where's Harry?!" She demanded.

Mr. Dusleys expression darkened considerably when she mentioned his name but he covered it up quickly and explained that Harry was in shock over the morning's events and needed to sleep. Maggie highly doubted this but decided to keep her mouth shut.

Auntie Rose rushed down the steps, much more composed than before, and offered to make some tea for them all. While she was in the kitchen, Uncle Randy insisted on hearing exactly how his niece came to be unconsious in the Dursley's backyard. As Mr. Dursley explained it, he awoke that morning to strange noises coming from his nephews room, and when he came in to investigate, he found a stranger climbing through the window. Naturally, as he put it, he tried to defend his home.

This may not have been quite how Maggie saw things, but she didn't want any questions raised about why she was on the roof in the first place and it seemed that so long as no suspicions were laid on Mr. Dursleys back, none would be laid on hers. She really didn't want to get Harry in any deeper trouble than he was surely already in.

When Auntie Rose returned with the tea, the conversation turned to lighter matters. Apparently, the Dursleys had been friends with her Aunt and Uncle for some time so no hard feelings were held.

Maggie let her mind wander to the moment before she had slipped off the roof. Harry had pulled a long, thin stick out of his pocket and actually seemed to think it would help the situation.' To each his own', she thought. She came back to reality just in time to hear Mrs. Dursley invite them all to Sunday dinner tomorrow night.

"Dudley will be so pleased to have someone to spend the afternoon with." She gushed. "He really is a charming boy!"

Yeah right.

At least dinner would give her a chance first hand to see how Harry was doing. She meant to ask him about that stick, and more about his cool owl.

After the Dursleys left, Both her Aunt and Uncle Fussed over her some more and then sent her back up for some more rest. But instead of resting, she thought of the strange, raven-haired boy next door. He seemed really shy and clumsy, but not in an i-like-you-as-more-than-a-friend-way. After all, no guy had ever really liked her that way. More like: Im-a-wary-guy-and-have-reason-to-be way. Mabye she was reading too deep into things; but there was something different about Harry Potter, and she had every intention to find out what it was.------------------------

TBC------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

A/N: I have a good general direction going and yes, Maggie is going to go to Hogwarts. But not in the usual: i-suddenly-develop-magic-powers-and-start-school-in-my-fifth-year sort of way. Nope, i have something wayyyy more interesting in mind.

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